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Kneeling Edition
>New Player Guide
>Artbooks, music and emulation resources
>the link for the ACV xenia tutorial
>ACVD-friendly xenia link
>pre setup emulator and dlc pack for ACVD rpcs3

>models for all the gen 1 parts
>Steam Page
>Emblem editor decals
>AC6 Part Spreadsheet

Other News:
>3D Modeling in AC6
>AC6 Model Kits and Shit

●Set matching to global for lobbies and use keyword acg to play with each other!

Previous Thread: >>22717159
That's the Guncannon pose.
Thrusters swiveling, spitting hot jets of flame.
Of all the parts I'm baffled are missing, it's utility back parts. Parts that do more than simply deal damage. Not only that, a lot of previous gen extensions and even optional parts could have been consolidated into back units.

>Ammo Booster
>Anti-Missile Defense
>Automatic HP Regen (Slow and finite)
>Laser Weapon Cooling Unit
>Hover Booster Back Unit for non-quads

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It really ticks me off how bad battle damage looks on a white mech. Pic related is what I'm currently running with and it looks so fucked up after taking some damage. I never paid much attention to that stuff before.
I agree, I think the cosmetic damage is too uniformly applied. Would be neat if the next game had more localized damage decals that conformed to where the enemy actually hit you. Maybe even have panels fall off, or crumpled.
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The texture settings on the legs looks really good. Which one is it?
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I've been playing with this mod recently
I think it's pretty good so far, a bit slapdash especially when you see a bunch of MT's lined up in a way that seems obvious the creator just multiplied them but the changes to the bosses have been great fun so far, also it was a fun surprise when I went into the defend the spaceport mission and there was a huge battle between arquebus and the PCA going on. by far the best 'hard mode' mode I've played so far

btw I think weevils are a really cool design and I want to play as one
I believe its around 05 or 06, with the lightest "black" wear markings.
Refuse to use Circulating Current or Coral Generators because thrust = orange. It's the law, anything else is cringe.
Turn speeds are never ever coming back and you need to rip that cope bandaid off right now.
>Never ever had issues with CTDs in AC6
>Suddenly during Chapter 2 on like NG+6 the game is just locking up every time I change a part or complete a mission
Turn speed is a central mechanic of vehicle combat in general and removing it is probably the most retarded design choice I've ever seen for an established series like armored core, and is probably the worst thing that could possibly have happened to AC6. And it happened purely to keep dark souls casuals happy.
Sometimes you just gotta go full unga bunga.
It happened because turn speed is not conductive to fun gameplay. 4 and FA effectively did away with turn speed by giving every single AC the ability to quick turn. The removal of turn speed altogether is just a step further.
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>Weapons not using a similar yet just slightly different camo shade to make it cohesive yet still stand out
I can see how you would think this if you were a total philistine plebeian inch worm, but if you actually played 4 or 4A you would realise what a huge irreconcilable gap there is in movement. Quick turn was a great addition that is directly attributable to your AC's turning ability, not to mention 3 (three) directional booster slots. You have to actually orient yourself in relation to your enemy, making close combat viable in light weight ACs. In AC6 every AC might as well handle exactly the same beyond variation in speed, which barely even matters seeing as hard lock rotates you at the exact same speed of light no matter what your AC is
It didn't matter. Turn speed was irrelevant in PvE in 4/FA, and anybody into the PvP dumped their tuning stats into the same five or six categories.

The most 6 should "maybe" do is make the rotational speed a smidge slower the heavier your AC is, but it would then need to buff them even more in other categories because then they'd get bodied by lights even harder than they do now in PvP.
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KNEEL /acg/
Yeah, this is really what kills build variety. I think I'd actually prefer most of these as back options, because now you're sacrificing something for utility. Extensions and OP Parts were just win more stuff before.
tuning is cool but ac4/fa give you too many variables and too many points
>The Xylem is doomed? Good.
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i found the main mecha designer's pixiv account
you can see how the stuff here would've evolved into what we got in-game
I think it's meant to simulate your AC being covered in dust and shit from the battle, which makes a lot of sense actually. After being shot at by tank sized shells and having giant missiles hit you and stuff, it makes a lot of sense that your AC would be covered in dust and dirt. Even just moving around for a mission should at the very minimum cover your AC's legs with dust and shit given the mode of travel is skating across dirt
>dominating in pvp
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Balam RJ much?
I need this to be in the game.
Turn speed should come back along with 4th gen quick turning.
The camera should work like in tank games where you can turn it as fast as you want but your turret(or AC in this case) lags behind and takes time to line up with where you're aiming.

Make the aiming mechanic change depending on what category of FCS is equipped, with types that allow for old gen and 5th gen lock box aiming(more accurate fire, longer lock range), 4th gen/6 whole screen soft lock aiming(less accurate, middle lock range), and hard lock(least accurate, shortest range)

It should be possible to set your AC up to use 4th gen style back weapon switching instead of being able to fire four weapons at once, and there should be an expanded recoil mechanic where firing your weapons builds up your own stagger bar to a degree that's negligible when firing two weapons in older AC fashion, but becomes a significant problem when trying to fire three or four at once. This would make using all weapon slots constantly for maximum DPS less of a mandatory play style, increasing build variety.
The above change would, for example, allow the devs to bring back stronger back-gatlings similar to the ones in old and 4th gen without them being insanely overpowered, as they'd have such high recoil that trying to fire them AND handheld gatlings at once would bring a risk of staggering yourself without the enemy even touching you.

Ready stance should return as an optional way to fire the weapons that stop you in place in 6, but instead of having to press a button once to enter it and again to fire as in older games, it should be entered by just holding the button down, causing you to stop in place like you do in 6 and stay stopped until you release the button to fire, then you can move again. The cost for not using it would be a bit of self-stagger build up that's negligible with bazookas but significant with grenade cannons and sniper cannons(they should come back)

Stagger should not increase damage taken.
I would rather have an exact copy of 5th gen's style of weapon loadout (two main weapons + utility shoulder slot), instead of this whole "self stagger" shit.
I bet this faggot loves overheating in third gen.
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Guess he had these ideas in mind for a while.
Out of 10!
I will

I still don't understand why no one has drawn O'Keefe as a narcoleptic Irish doomcore waifu in a tight bodysuit. I guess it's too obscure character because he is behind the true ending but he is my favorite character for sure.
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Close enough right?
oh my god yes that's perfect Thank anon based and blessed.
Nice paint job
Imagine the literal battle-lust
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I need to bully those bobbas.
Ashmead correction needed
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>go competitive
>get absolute destroyed
Nobody said would be easy but jesus christ. I'm checking builds in the meantime.
I want to rail her doggy style as revenge for all the times she called me a mutt
Fromsoft isn't going to go back to not allowing both arm weapons and back weapons to be fired at once out of fear of backlash from all the Soulsbabs and "MUH QUAD GATLINGS SO HECKIN BADASS AND EPICERINO!!!" retards that don't see how it negatively impacts the game, introducing another recoil mechanic that adds a real drawback to using four weapons at once is a more realistic option for preventing the next AC from being a mindless spamfest like 6.
Heat was fine outside of Nexus but doesn't need to come back.
I will commission Elcano to make a gynoid body for Ayre to pilot after BTFOing Arquebus so that we can hold hands
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i like this version from his twitter account, which has a more detailed gun and a radar-looking back part
maybe they were considering radars back then?
there are a few utility parts already
>left back energy shields
>shield launcher
>jamming bomb (which is bizarrely, an arm unit)
and including unused stuff that got left in
>arm physical shield
and considering what these are they still kinda have to do with damage, but they mitigate it rather than deal it
the devs probably thought that with the stagger system, units that didn't have anything to do damage would probably get chucked by most players. and they're kinda right, you get some really weird looks if you're running a build with an empty back slot since you're not damagemaxxing
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Why is it %AP lead instead of total AP when deciding who wins on a time-out?

This change alone would destroy rats and force them to engage in combat. you would need to rework heavies a bit (lower ap but higher def to compensate)

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