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Alright /m/ hear me out, we already know what newtype and ctarl ctarl sex is like, but what about solenoids? An all female race that’s never seen a man before?
wtf was gall force even about. I vaguely remember watching it as a kid and everyone would be dead by the end of each ova.
>never seen a man before
There's a few men in the Galverse.
Sex makes babies
sounds like anti stork propaganda to me
Not the first three
Something something history repeats itself timeloop nonsense. Personally I don’t view new era as canon and let earth chapter be the last
Yeah, they fuck you with their futa cocks. Duh, you should know this already.
>the Writer's Barely Diguised Snuff Fetish
>anon's barely disguised mental retardation
>An all female race that’s never seen a man before?
If they're an all female race then how do they reproduce? Can they even have sex with a cock?
Nah usually in the later ova’s they have the main cast live, it was really only the first one that they were going “ten little Indian’s” which title was even parodied later
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>Zero sexual experience
>But extremely fit, courtesy of being a soldier race
Sounds like a good time.
All I know about any Gall Force is there's usually a bi/tri-coloured blonde Kei clone and I want that.
>Alright /m/ hear me out, we already know what newtype and ctarl ctarl sex is like
Do we know what Ctarl Ctarl sex is like since I don't remember it ever being brought up, asking for a friend btw.
It was brought up alright, someone post THAT screencap
What the lava scene? If so then it's implied that they have normal sex and not the shit like Newtypes can have, you just have to be borderline superhuman to withstand them when they climax.
>He doesn’t know
There was a legendary greentext a few years ago explaining what it was like, that’s the screen cap I was referring too
Wow, guess I must've missed it. Anyway, back to Gall Force, don't the girls clone themselves which is they the solenoids are all female?
Yeah that’s what they do and yet the idea of a baby completely baffles them
That's not that weird. Clones popping out of the tube fully formed (or near enough) is a pretty common sci-fi thing.
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Eternal Recurrence. This is now a Sonoda image drop thread.
Clones. All variants of the original seven from their world. Journey is just the last of the original seven.
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Lufy, She is main protag in the first three, shares it with Rabby/her instances in Earth Chapters and then New Era.
She will put you into a mating press leg lock with her on the bottom and will not let you go until you ball are completely drained as she uses he vaginal muscles to undulate your cock. She will then piss on you to mark as territory.

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