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>“It was an honour to be asked to contribute to the Power Rangers mythos, but Sam’s story made it a delight,” said artist team Brandt&Stein.

Lol who reads this shit? Who is buying this and keeping these fuckers in business? I’m deadly serious, what is the market for this? There is no way people are buying comic books, especially this one.

Literally nobody on earth asked for this or wanted this.

It’s one of those things that exists just to antagonize.

PR was adapted by Haim Saban so PR has always been trying to give your feeble western mind AIDS but this is taking it to new levels.

Well, I had to look at it now so do you.
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>dude…power rangers is BACK
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>Brandt&Stein are a gestalt comics-making entity from the UK. Their biggest claim to fame is the multi-award nominated Crowded from Image, but they also brought Connor Hawke out of the closet as asexual at DC, co-created Escapade, the first trans mutant, at Marvel; they’ve drawn for most major publishers, contributed art to Fantasy Flight card games, and somehow still find the time to walk the dog.

You’ll see the Pink Ranger has a man face, so Hasbro has finally done what Saban didn’t have time to…
They signed off on a Tranny Ranger.
More like black.
It's a comedy one-shot, not an ongoing
They're using fucking Poisandra as the villain of this
It's not supposed to be taken too seriously nor is it indicative of the future of the line (granted we still have no idea what's happening with it)
I don't think it's funny or amusing nor am I looking forward to it but worse has been made (especially if we're talking Power Rangers) so I don't see the point of seething hard about it
>I'm joking if you're joking
Again, it's a one-shot
A one and done situation
Being mad over this is like being mad over Meower Rangers
Besides you're slow to the news of this even existing, we've known about this almost two months ago
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Anon, you can't reason with people like this. The guy who used to run Botcon was legit mad that the tongue in cheek Go-Bots comic that reimagined the series into a Planet of the Apes machine uprising story dared to end with the implication that all the multiverse of Transformers was begat from Go-Bots.
Power Ranger fags are a special kind of autistic and there's no reason for the franchise to still exist.
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Did Meower Rangers glorify chopping your penis off?
>They signed off on a Tranny Ranger.
Sentai did it first
Yeah... I'm thinkin' its black.
>all the multiverse of Transformers was begat from Go-Bots.

What?! WHAT?! Fucking ruined ga....argh......
Oh my god. Japan needs to completely decouple from the west.

I am now aware of the most cursed page on the ranger wiki because of this information.


A majority of the faggot/anti-human/depopulation shit is from the Joom! comics though.
Holy shit lmao

What is with niche manchild shit that seems to attract only trannies or far-righters with nothing in-between
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You already know this.

Also Sentai is about teamwork, primary colors and giant robots. It’s the perfect storm of autistic shit.
/co/ here

We’re actually excited about this, Boom Power Rangers comics get a lot of replies in our board and we usually buy the physical comics to keep them afloat.

Cry more and touch grass
Unit 8200 here

We’re all going to commit suicide because we’re huge stinky faggots
>/co/ here
Stop making troonformers threads.
>It's a heckin' one-off!
>Bad one-offs dun't exist because it os only one of thems!
>Boom Power Rangers comics get a lot of replies in our board and we usually buy the physical comics to keep them afloat
They haven't had threads since Shattered Grid you lying dipshit
He's not saying it's good
He's saying it's stupid to treat it more than it really is
If it was an actual ongoing, it'd be a different story
They hope hatereading it will make it successful enough to warrant a sequel
I think the worst part of these is that there's zero design cohesion. They're only Power Rangers in the absolute most basic aspect of wearing brightly colored outfits and helmets. They don't even look like part of the same team and come off more like a parody.
>They don't even look like part of the same team
That's the point
They're supposed to be from the absolute lamest teams in the multiverse
The premise is Poisandra having access to the Multiverse and finding the worst fucking Rangers imaginable and that the team on the cover is a mishmash of various members from said team
Is that how they picked the people who work in comics now too
>the multiverse
Americans have absolutely no creativity.
This is the guy who wrote it.
Allyson Gronowitz is the editor.
It’s illustrated by “Brandt&Stein”

There are no Americans here.
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Forgot to post the pic.
This is the writer.
Allyson Gronowitz is the editor.
“Brandt&Stein” are the illustrators.
They are american.
No they aren’t. They are jews.
Brandt&Stein are based in the UK.
They aren’t British, they are jews.
Did you guys look at the new Gatchaman comic that is recently out they are trying to shoe horn in a multicultural team on the side in that story. I was so sick I just deleted it. You can find it on GetComic.
buy an ad, shill
>They are jews
That's what I'm saying! Americans!
Fuck off.
Their time is at an end though. Soon we will be able to breath and love again.
Are SEAmonkeys seething about Power Rangers again?
i hate how once spiderverse came out so many companies are like "you know why it was successful? the multiverse!"

>inb4 spiderverse didn't create the multiverse
before that film we didn't have every series doing this
It's quite overused and often to poor effect, but you're saying this like films weren't chasing [aspect of recent popular film] en masse before.
Both extremes are made up of the same kind of people: generally losers and outcasts who hate themselves and their own failed potential. Which side they end up attaching to is a matter of luck and they can switch just as easily.

It's always been like that.
I mean quiping wasn't so bad because depending on the movie it was okay, multiverse doesn't work in romcoms but by god they are trying
Shut up fence sitter faggot. You got some nerve calling other people “extreme losers” on the mecha board LOL
Captcha: GAYDR4
Standard crop for cults of every stripe as well.
Yeah, multiple realities - like time travel - is definitely one of those things that requires good writing or it comes off half-assed or gratuitous. Quips are easier to fit in because they're so transitory that even bad ones don't really stick in anyone's head for long.
since the power ranger general died? (is it really over I thought the general would last at least.)
I guess it would be okay to ask here what would be a interesting theme for a power ranger team that hasn't been done before that you would like to see
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Atlantis/Aquatic theme with a lot of fighting happening on islands (should be easy to film in Japan.)
Atlantis long ago had a civil war and the Rangers are the descendants of the rebels who lost the war.
Titanic and Nautical themed Zords and a mermaid Scorpina enforcer.

Endless possibilities with this theme.
would they have individual theming or all just atlantis ranger red. green etc
>AI slop poster
every time
>the ai retard is back
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Outside of their suits they are sailor themed and red ranger wears a captain’s cap.
Their helmets could be molded after various famous ship bows (Titanic, Yamato, etc).
Their spandex suits have scaley texture and are shiny.
An old merman wizard is their mentor and their base is a giant carrier submarine zord that the giant robot can sometimes ride like a surfboard.
>putting "force" at the end of every team name
I chuckled
I could honestly see this working as a legit toku team
This team looks better than any other Boom comic OC
>still going to /co/
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Man that was a fun comic. They should instead declare it the true and honest canon.
I'm starting to think that JDF was murdered. He was very Christian and white and would stand against this.
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>No uniformity at all in terms of general design
>No obvious core theme
>The bear's mask and fur seem fused
>Yellow has a really terrible looking, asymmetrical visor
>Green is the only one with lips and hair sticking out (and a skirt)
>Pink is almost OK, which makes her stick out like a sore thumb
>Black's mask is inverse when it comes to color scheme and is the only one with that style of mouth guard
>Blue is easily the worst, literally just looks like a helmet on top of civilian clothing, can't even cover up the neck and hands.

Yup, seems exactly what I'd imagine an entirely American production would look like, especially in the 2020's.
>>No uniformity at all in terms of general design
That's literally the point
They're a clusterfuck from different failed teams
They are also besides the black one maybe knock offs of the MMPR suits, of course.
>Irish warriors
Thank you Israeli Billionaire Haim Saban, very subtle.

This show sucked and totally missed the point of what made PR successful.
Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills Was better than this shit.
Funnily, I'm less bothered by "we let the foreign guy get a suit too cuz he's after the same guys" than "the princess only gets half a suit because girl fashion"
>Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills
Wait, this actually existed?
>>Irish warriors
He was explicitly a foreigner
Phil Lynott says hello
No one tell him about Kijibrother
So do Gazans. Let them vote.

Imagine all the rock bands Israel would have if only they let Palestinians vote and influence their policies.
No Sinclair, the Go-Bots comic is a standalone story. The only reason it’s even referencing Transformers is because Go-Bots came first and both properties are owned by Hasbro.

I swear the ignorance of people these days…
I fucking hate when adults who can't let go, try to pervert a children's franchise to their tastes
>Lol who reads this shit? Who is buying this and keeping these fuckers in business?
Power Rangers fans

>but this is completely detached from PR
yeah, that's why they like it.
Those are all either headcanon or fanservice. Only the HSH dude counts.

>I think the worst part of these is that there's zero design cohesion.
Most Marvel/DC super hero groups are like that and that's what the writers of the PR comics actually want to write.
Power Rangers? Being silly? They would NEVER do that!

This is too far! My favourite show as a child that was produced to be viewed by children, that was further modified for American audiences to be even more digestible by children using common child entertainment tropes and hamfisted lessons of the week was always DARK and SERIOUS! It was 100% MATURE entertainment! I am a sophisticated person for basing my personality around this fact!
Why ameriboorger comics looks so plain, ugly and without personality nowadays?
that's rich, coming form you.
There's silly and then there's stupid. This is stupid.
These are the same guys that will endlessly salivate about how great Sentai is.
>pr fags
you have taken the wrong take from what i said.
What did you say?
I'm not going to say with post was mine because I think you need to develop some skills. Examine each post you replied to and try to interpret them each in a way that is not automatically antagonistic.
Post 1. Try not to talk down to me next time.
You have failed the assignment
These are the death throes of the franchise, nothing more. Don't you see that Hasbro pulled the plug on just about everything PR related. BOOM must still have some license obligations they are covering with cheap to produce one-offs and the mobile gacha game can probably fund itself for a while longer, but that's it, if Hasbro doesn't open the money tap again even these will be gone fairly quickly.
Shut the fuck up.
I literally made many of the first /prg/s anon.
But if you're actually in the PR fanbase in a while you'll notice they don't actually like PR.
and to add to>>22739599, sentai is in the same state for its western fanbase too, but the thread topic was PR and there's no western sentai comic(other than the brazilian thing this post will be replied with).
This literally looks like a unlicensed parody.
It also implies whoever drew this wasn't aware we just had a knight themed ranger series pretty recently.
Ivan wasn't Irish, he's clearly meant to be some kind of Moor. Also show was based and your taste is dogshit.
Okay, that's fair.
>Power Rangers is b-ACK
>don't see the point of seething hard about it
It looks like shit so it's entirely reasonable for people to be negative about it.
why are you whining like girls retards? black characters were always a feature in anime.
so the fag shit character was deleted? nice
Who's gonna tell him?
>he does not know the /co/mblr Power Ranger schizo
Lmao he replies to himself to keep Power Rangers threads alive
He was banned and the Power Rangers general died with him, I guess he is back
anime, live action or whatever the reason you're whining
not the guy you're refering. you spend too much time here
This feels like Voltage Vengerz
Josh Perry came out as trans recently, the old guard are slowly moving in that direction
>Western c*mics are shit
Am I supposed to be taken aback by this information? I assumed everyone knew this already.
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It keeps getting overer and overer
>all of them have tits and bulge
Damn, what is it going to take to get JDF to come back to PR?
Maybe what PR needs is not for JDF to come back, but for PR to join JDF.

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