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Are you ready anons?
Nah, but maybe in ten years.
Whats police brutality in Japan like? I hope they arent as much of a group of shitty bastards like the stories you hear about pigs in america.
It kind of ruins the romance of Patlabor.
How are you here and never interacted with any japanese media that features the MPD.
Well for Japan the culture is conducive to kissing boot in general, so unless you're considered an antisocial nonconformist +/- an out of place foreigner you should be fine.
It's after you're arrested where the true fuckery begins, though. The criminal justice system of Japan is almost Cardassian in its nature, they twist your arm until you go with their strongly worded suggestion that you accept that you were in the wrong for whatever reason and take your punishment accordingly, because fuck you if you think it's the law that could possibly be wrong.
Given their crime rates they must be doing something right. Maybe it just turns out "let 100 guilty men go free rather than jail 1 innocent man" is actually just really bad maths.
I mean, it works if you're OK with being forced to confess to crimes you didn't commit so that the prosecutors can maintain their immaculate conviction rate, in a judicial system that for the longest time didn't even have a jury system.
If you thought you had rights you could exercise in the American judicial system, prepare to get fucked by the Japanese judicial system and its blatant disregard for what rights you think you're owed.
Crime rates are a suggestion, don't assume a case that is closed always means perpetrator captured and brought to justice
>let me tell you all about this country I keep seething about
Me and the girls clutching our pearls when we hear stories about how terrible the city we don't live in and will never be affected by is.
I'd let Noa arrest me <3
I'm just saying, all the bellyaching over the conviction rate in a system that's relevant to one of the most peaceful countries in the world dulls the impact. I'm sure there's a country with a really high conviction rate that also has a lot of rampact violent crime you could use as a better target.
its way better than muttland thats for sure
I want to cuddle Noa
And Alphonse.
We all want to hug the robot, anon.
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This is a lot of butthurt for one post, you okie dokie?
/m/otherfucker Patlabor takes place in 2002
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two too few
Back to >>/pol/ you freaking weirdo
never seen a more accurate post
You essentially do not understand Face and that it is impossible to know their true crime statistics because of it. You just assume it is an exaggeration instead of being made up wholesale.
>it is impossible to know their true crime statistics
Yeah, I always hear people saying that japan has open shootouts on the streets but they have a lot of people with mops and hole-filler run in and clean it up before the tourists see anything.
That was back in the 90s, nowadays they have human sized robots do all the cleanup.
i want now to cuddle me while in alphonse
Noa** my love for her has made me retarded
Is Patlabor EZY actually happening this year? There's been no news for fucking ages now and the robotics company they contracted to build a life size labor for promotion was asking for donations to build it last time I checked.
You will never be a cop, cletus. They hate your kind all the same.
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>Given their crime rates they must be doing something right.
People who look up Japan's conviction rate never bother to look up the rest of the world, it's over 90% conviction in pretty much every country with a western-based legal system. Because surprise surprise, in every country with that kind of system, prosecutors don't like taking cases to court unless it's a slam dunk that pads their record so they push plea deals on people that aren't easy wins.
The system has serious problems and I've read articles by legal professors in Japan to talk about it but no one wants to really do anything to change it. A lot of it is because after WW2 the US handed off to the japanese government the western legal system and said "ok use this" when Japan never had the history that the west did that made us adopt that legal system in the first place and were more used to a brutal top-down military dictatorship so they didn't really know what to do with it. So Japan even today is a quasi-police state whose law enforcement acts like it's still the Imperial Era in terms of conduct. It's safe but at the same time I would feel more comfortable around
>gets shot
American cops than the Japanese police. No one ever questions the authority of them or the state. They can stop people and demand to see papers at any time even if the person has done nothing to arouse suspicion. There's almost no accountability if they fuck up because they'd rather sweep things under the rug and put an innocent man in prison than lose face. And if they admit to fucking up and lose face, YOU'RE the one expected to apologize for having wasted the legal system's time, even if you had to spend 20 years in prison. So on paper they have the western legal system, but in practice not really. Pretty much what >>22732401 said.

Still, beats the French police by a country mile.

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