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>In actuality, he was a genetically altered near identical Cyber Newtype copy of Char. His memories were implanted from the Psycho-Frame that absorbed the "Will" of Char that drifted through space. He possesses the remnant thoughts of Char (part of his soul) which were distorted in despair because humanity did not change after witnessing the miracle that occurred during "Axis Shock".

WHO exactly did this to Full Frontal? It sounds like whoever did had no idea Char didn't give an actual shit about Zeon's cause and just wanted to hash it out with Amuro again because of Lalah.
>WHO exactly did this to Full Frontal?
Me, I did it.
Why did you do it?
One of the Newtype labs funded by Zeon head honchos
>Zeon head honchos

and who the fuck are they post-CCA?
I'd imagine it would be some rich and powerful hedgefunds in Side 3 with that guy Minerva was having a video conference with in Narrative as their figurehead.
>WHO exactly did this to Full Frontal?
Space Neo-Cons who needed another Space Saddam to space Bush Administration against.
The funny thing is that Frontal, despite being totally phony, was 100% right about the direction of the world, as shown by the Regild Century, the last hurdle to be overcome before the Correct Century could give everyone a lasting peace.
>whoever did had no idea Char didn't give an actual shit about Zeon's cause and just wanted to hash it out with Amuro again because of Lalah
I mean, that describes like 99% he ever met and 100% that only heard of him. Dichotomy between being a perfect ideal leader in perception and a complete fuck up in reality is the core of his character especially in Zeta and CCA.
Anyway, the project is strongly implied to have been led and funded by Monaghan Bakharov - Zeon's minister of foreign affairs (iirc) and leader of a right wing political party. In reality he's a populist exploiting the myth of a just One Year War to garner support from people that were children or not even born when it happened.
The goal is preventing the reabsorption of Zeon into the Federation, especially by funding radical terrorists - the Sleeves.
Monaghan himself did serve during the war, but at a cushy job deep inside A Baoa Qu and never saw combat. Most likely thanks to being the son of Darcia Bakharov who would become Zeon's prime minister after the war ended and played a big part in peacefully resolving it after the Zabis died.
And yes, this is a very unsubtle parallel to real life right wing populists trying to garner power by radicalising the populace based on myths, half-truths and outright lies about the past.
Incidentally, Full Frontal's "own" idea of a Side Co-Prosperity Sphere is taken straight from Imperial Japan's excuse for all the conquests and atrocities they committed. Odds are Side 3 under Monaghan would have tried to do the same thing if they could.
And people say Fukui is a nationalist. Granted, the anime really doesn't focus on this enough.
>WHO exactly did this to Full Frontal
Haman wanted to clone Char, gave the project to Glemy, and he cloned Purus instead with the tech
>Granted, the anime really doesn't focus on this enough.

Unicorn's writing was so far up its ass it became almost incomprehensible at times.
Based Glemy, made the right choice.
That says more about you than about anything else
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I want to believe part of Riddhe's mental breakdown was more than just his incel attitude towards Minerva

but I don't care enough about it to rewatching Unicorn to confirm.
>Char didn't give an actual shit about Zeon's cause
What do you mean? A man can't lose hope in humanity if he didn't care at some point.
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>And yes, this is a very unsubtle parallel to real life right wing populists trying to garner power by radicalising [sic] the populace based on myths, half-truths and outright lies about the past.
You are pulling this out of your ass. Japan doesn't have any right wing populist parties. It's been under one party rule by the very anti-populist LDP. The Unicorn novels were also published in 2007, almost a decade before the modern day populist movement sprung up in 2015.
>Imperial Japan's excuse for all the conquests and atrocities they committed.
Just admit it already, are you a butthurt chink or a gook?
>trying to garner power by radicalising the populace based on myths, half-truths and outright lies about the past.
As opposed to the left which does the same exact thing you describe?
Okay nevermind, you people don't even have basic reading comprehension, I shouldn't have bothered. Have fun seething into the void together anons
Can confirm, i saw this anon do it
Connecting the Universes together was a such a needlessly stupid idea. That kinda defeats the whole point of AUs in the first place
You have too many functional braincells to be posting here.
>A man can't lose hope in humanity if he didn't care at some point.
Char cared about 2 things
>Revenge on Zabis
>Indian loli wife
He achieved the first and the second got killed by his nemesis so he has nothing left but to be a butthurt faggot and take it out on the world.
Speaking of Haman, there's a "Proto Full Frontral" of sorts in the Gundam Walpurgis manga. After ZZ, Serrena Karn started impersonating her sister to keep what was left of Neo Zeon from collapsing.
Samefagging is frowned upon, the thread already saw the headcanon parts you added in
This was the only true answer on post oyw Char
>"im mad because people called out my stupid post"
Seriously anon theres some parts in that that would never be mentioned in any material whatsoever. The most Gundam goes into is politics is mostly corruption described at a very comically clear level. There was no need for the US right/left crap because its not something Gundam goes into
It happened because Tomino wasn’t aware that AU were originally set in different timelines
lol. Monaghan is a lampooning of Japanese communists. The Federation is a thinly veiled allegory for the US, that's why it's portrayed as an evil and illegitimate State whose founding (or in this case the writing of the Japan constitution) was based on lies, mass violence, and subterfuge. Monaghan is part self-serving and part well meaning, because the novel more clearly describes the fact that the Republic of Zeon is essentially a puppet of the Federation, which has been increasingly encroaching on their "autonomy" leading up to the dissolution of the Republic of Zeon government, after which the Federation will take direct control of Side 3. He's both trying to hold onto his position, and keep Zeon independent from the lone global superpower. The pan-colony unity and Co-Prosperity sphere are just the Japanese left's idea of pan-asian unity and an asian economic bloc take directly out of real life rhetoric. It's pretty blatant in the OVAs, but the novels beat you over the head with the fact that the Federation is literally just America. Mahdi's entire backstory is that his wife was gunned down by white men of the federation because she tried to stop them from literally raping muslims, and Mahdi lived in the white man's world but eventually went mad because of what the white man federation did to his family, his people, and his culture, and basically use their own money against them, since he comes from oil money, a very on the nose reference to the US's close economic relationship with the UAE, Saudis, etc. The entire slant of the story is that the Federation, aka the US, is responsible for pushing minorities and spacenoids into desperation, giving birth to madness and cruelty.
That entire scene in the church isn't just some shit about how people are looking for hope. It's likening Zeon to religion, saying that the federation basically caused spacenoids to adopt a deep, pathological fanaticism to cope with the cruel situation the federation (again, the US) put them in. The Sleeves and remnants, even though they're portrayed as being too radical and gone over the edge, are portrayed as victims of tragic monsters created by the Federation basically being the devil.
>chunk of century old rock makes economically and politically influential dynasties shit themselves in fear
heh,,,nothin' personel...kid...
I prefer the theory that Full Frontal is Amuro. He was always struggling with trying to be himself while others demanded more. Being as deeply depressed as he was following Axis Shock, it makes sense Amuro would say "These guys want Char, then I will be Char."
>once the cyber-newtype char clone is mass produced...
It's hilarious how hard Unicorn tries to make Frontal this cool, nuanced villain and yet I still think Carozzo was better than him at everything they tried doing.
Wouldn't the dye eventually wear off?
Your first mistake was trying to think about Unicorn's story.
Japan haven't done any ""atrocities""
Well Carozzo was his right hand man, he learned from FF's mistakes.
There's no confirmation that Angelo is Carozzo
There's nothing that says he isn't, either
Fuck off back to the Victory threads
if you're paying attention to the show it builds Riddhe's mental breakdown up pretty gradually. Basically everything he tries to do to help blows up in his face before ultimately losing the Mineva bowl in Episode 5 and getting his ass beat by the Banshee.
the only thing i still remember about riddhe is how horny he was for minerva
>if you're paying attention to the show

That's kind of the problem. Unicorn can be a slog to get through.
This sounds retarded
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How the fuck is Monaghan a communist? His entire thing is wanting to restore the Principality, and he’s enough of an aristocratic/Zabi simp that he treats Mineva like a princess despite being fundamentally opposed to her. He literally eld-describes as a conservative.

You’re correct that Fukui portrays the Federation as being the US, but that should make the analogy even clearer: the Republic of Zeon is postwar Japan, and its leaders are the LDP. Monaghan is Abe.
The Japanese right is the pro-America, pro-globalism and neoliberalism side. The left is the anti-America, pro-pan-asian unity side. Monaghan doesn't want to restore the principality, he wants the Republic of Zeon to become independent of the Federation and he believes a unified space through the Co-Prosperity Sphere will guarantee their freedom while putting the Republic in a strong position. His conversation with Ronan and Martha makes it clear that he only thinks of the Sleeves, Char, zeonism, etc. as tools for him to manipulate to make his own goals a reality. Honoring the principality is a formality he follows because he's manipulating old Zeon nationalists for his goal of an independent space through what is essentially a "workers of the world unite against the exploitative elites" call.

>He literally eld-describes as a conservative
Lolno. Unless you're some ignorant america who thinks nationalism is the only condition for being a conservative. Also the entire story is written paralleling late 20th century geopolitics, well after a post war Japan. That's why the story works so hard to reframe Zeon as a response or counterculture to the Federation's evil suppression of the pitiable people of Side 3. Even Full Frontal tries to divorce the Sleeves from the Zabis to some degree, painting Gihren as a racist. In general the ideals of Zeon are divorced from the Zabis, or more specifically Gihren, by the story by reframing Zeon as a legitimate response to the Federation that was led wayward by one bad guy. Zeon is reframed to parallel communist independence movements that were stomped out by the US rather than a parallel to Imperial Japan. Rather than a movement of fanatics who went berserk and killed half of humanity, it's a movement by suppressed people who were seeking independence from a superpower, who went too far when they gained the power to rise up and fight against the federation properly because their leader was racist.
Monaghan is basically a modern Japanese leftist, who gets criticized for being cowardly and unwilling to actually fight or expose himself to the dangers of opposing the Federation, at least until the very end where he is forced to expose himself in an attempt to offer phantoms for the Federation to chase after in order to justify their military power. He also doesn't have any strong convictions or beliefs towards the Zeon nation or its roots, but he does want the Republic and the other Sides to become independent through an exclusionary economic alliance, that's meant to be built up in secret, rather than explosively.

>and its leaders are the LDP.
Except the rest of the Republic of Zeon's government is never shown to be in on Monaghan's plans. He's portrayed as a secret puppeteer who's somewhat good at leading people on, although some people start to catch onto his ties to the Sleeves. But he still secretly funded the Sleeves, with Full Frontal basically acting as his agent, at least for the purposes of enacting the Co-prosperity sphere plan, and he's secretly controls some old zeon loyalists in the Republic's fleet.

>Monaghan is Abe
Lmao I can't tell if you're serious and retarded or just joking. You think Monaghan is Shinzo Abe, the guy who spent most of his career being accused of being an American puppet and led one of the most pro-america governments on the planet during his tenure, and who was seen as a hawk who strengthened Japan's military coordination with the US? Monaghan is literally the exact opposite. You might as well tell me Mao was China's Abe.

>he’s enough of an aristocratic/Zabi simp that he treats Mineva like a princess despite being fundamentally opposed to her
It's a just formality because she's still a somewhat important figurehead who's protected.
SHITcorn plot is so retarded there is absolutely zero reason to pay attention to the story, just turn off your brain and enjoy the pews pew explosion
But whoever did this to him literally had to have understood Char's actual ideal sand the scope of his ambitions if they were trying to brainwash a guy with a fucking ghost or whatever the fuck. You can't really fall back on the angle of it being someone who didn't understand Char, like the public.
I'll give you that, but it's no worse than what actually happens. It serves to explain why Lalah and Char's newtype ghosts came to get him when he died, and Amuro's voice being heard asking them if it's really okay to leave things to Banagher.
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Wasn't the ghost shit made up for the OVA?
I remember hearing they ended it at him just being a lab grown replacement char in the novel, and he even seems fully aware that he's the part of Char that Zeon needs, not the actual Char.
But then they just reveal he was literally possessed by the guy who was willing to sacrifice Zeon for petty revenge so... uh. I mean i guess that's par for course when it comes to Unicorn's shortsighted writing.
>WHO exactly did this to Full Frontal?
Papua Labs or Confeito Island, probably. Considering He's Jerid Messa.
There is actually an essay arguing how Zeon were Nazbol by a semi famous neo nazi.
You can probably read any underdog story as having bolshevik or communist theory influence, mix it with cool military uniforms and an emphasis on militarism and people think it's nazbol. But Tomino definitely portrayed Zeon as right-wing. You can tell because it was the faction of strong men. Zeon was strong and had conviction that they would be victorious. NuZeon is all "waaaah we were oppressed!" You can easily imagine Gihren using racial slurs, but Full Frontal? He probably wouldn't even say fag
>the myth of a just One Year War

What myth? You talk like it happened 200 years ago.

The OYW was only 10 to 15 years ago in-universe. Everyone remembers it. They lived it.

It's like someone in the 1950s remembering WW2. It not that long ago for them
They made Zeon WOKE!
Yeah but anyone can make a class war out of anything; after all, "no war but the class war."
This but unironically. Why is Full Frontal's second in command a full on raging homo who used to be
a male prostitute?
Do you people even Gundam? Flanagan Institute is responsible for everything related to cyber new types. Flanagan is behind Zeon. Flanagan is behind Anaheim. Flanagan is behind Titans. Flanagan is behind Neo Zeon, Neo Zeon, Sleeves, Neo Zeon, etc. Cyber Newtypes = different implementations of FLANAGAN's mkultra brainwashing technology. They can literally write anything and just say it was cyber newtype human experimentation done by Flanagan remnants. That's been the side stories MO for the past 30 years
No one wants to admit Space Mengele is to blame when they can just Melaniepost.
Technically Augusta created cyber newtypes. It spread to neo zeon from titan detectors and to Char's Neo Zeon through Nanai who worked with Peche and Rosamia at Augusta
It would still be rather demented to get surgery to permanently alter his appearance to resemble Char
For sure. I'm just saying, Full Frontal often spoke about Axis Shock like he had a front row seat to the event. Char was locked in his escape pod with the cameras shut off. He could only guess what was happening. FF also called himself a vessel for humanity's will, a fitting description for what Amuro had become at the time.
>Full Frontal often spoke about Axis Shock like he had a front row seat to the event.
did you forget that he has a portion of char's soul and memory that were stored into char's psycho frame
that can easily be explained with this
Such a complete utter hack job way of somehow interjecting Char into post CCA UC.
I guess Fukui simply couldn't accept that Tominos send off to Char was that of a pathetic broken shallow husk of a man.
>I guess Fukui simply couldn't accept that Tominos send off to Char was that of a pathetic broken shallow husk of a man
I don't think "literal shallow husk of the man who also thinks all life is meaningless" would be the response if that was how he felt.
When Char actually possesses Full Frontal in the novel he and the sinanju turn into a monster of darkness in Banagher's eyes and Banagher gets visions or hallucinations that he'll swallow up all the light in the universe because of how overwhelming Char's presence is.
>It sounds like whoever did had no idea Char didn't give an actual shit about Zeon's cause and just wanted to hash it out with Amuro again because of Lalah.
They didn't, and that's the point. Frontal says it himself a million times: the only thing that matters is that he looks like Char, because that's what the people need.
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he was basically the gundam equivalent of pic related
God Gundam is so fucking gay
>Implying Zeon wasn't always run by a bunch of raging homos
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Bold words for someone in God Finger range.
I stand corrected, Gundam is gay except for the one Imagawa worked on.
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Woah. Haman is straight and made for raw dogging.
what i wanna know is why he's called Full Frontal
He was supposed to be given a name that meant 'empty, hollow', which I assume he got Full Frontal because it meant 'bare'. It just wasn't the kind of bare intended. Just a little lost in translation hiccup.
I thought everyone was aware, FF and everything he was doing was monaghan baharovs plan to create the side co prosperity sphere, he was just a dude with chars face in the novels and a litle bit of psycho frame mumbo jumbo because it added mistery at first, the ovas went full retard with the ghost shit because Suichi Ikeda only read the novels after he recorded a couple of the ovas and he didnt like that FF is ultimately just an evil guy with chars face so he fought Fukui and the director at the time to make him a redeemable character and a way to put char at peace. So suddenly char has posessed FF in the last episode.
But that wasnt char, they make a point if saying he is not the same kind of person char is precisely because his spirit is so evil.
what? No he is literally the ultimate Populist, no will of his own but what others imposed upon him.
He's larping as the man who went by the alias Four Vaginas, he had to come up with an equally absurd name to be believable. If anything he held back because his name didn't feature genitalia directly.
>thinking unicorn isn't fanfiction
Ok buddy
So... still Venom Snake.
no Venom was brainwashed into trying his big boss, full frontal has the ghost of char controlling him.
Venom Snake with Newtype magic
The federation isn't the USA you idiots. It's postwar pro USA Japan but not the USA itself. Thats why it has a prime minister and a parliament rather than a president and a two house congress. Fucking stupid morons. Especially >>22734446
You guys think too much about this stuff. Jesus.
Adding to this what the federation represents is the status quo. Both good and bad.
Look, Gundam refuses to even explain what a Cyber NT/Enhanced Human even IS, you're not gonna get an answer for this one.
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Why is Full Frontal so fat?
Any excuse to repost this
>refuses to even explain what a Cyber NT/Enhanced Human even IS
literally just a person who got surgery to become a supersoldier and have special brainwaves, the fuck else are you missing?
Haman died a virgin.
We never actually see any implications of surgery in Tomino's works, just hypnotic suggestion, which aligns with the original thesis that Newtypes and their extra-sensory abilities are a response to moving freely in 3d space.
>His memories were implanted from the Psycho-Frame that absorbed the "Will" of Char that drifted through space
He didn't turn his midlife crisis into an extinction event or even trying to make a brown loli his mother, shit copy, like everything else about Unicorn lololol
This is never actually explained.We're just told that some people out there have the ability to turn people into a crappy discount version of a newtype that leaves them mentally unstable, but for all the background info we get from these shows I don't think they ever tell us how it's done. Is it just drugs like in SEED? Did they cut out part of their brain and replace it with machinery, rewiring the CNS? What exactly is super science doing to be able to approximately replicate psychic powers?

We don't know, and they won't tell us.
That.....writing has to be edited?
>You are pulling this out of your ass. Japan doesn't have any right wing populist parties. It's been under one party rule by the very anti-populist LDP. The Unicorn novels were also published in 2007, almost a decade before the modern day populist movement sprung up in 2015.
Could have been inspired by other countries, or something in history
> The most Gundam goes into is politics is mostly corruption described at a very comically clear level.
I watched it a couple years ago but wasn't the origin at least like 60% political intrigue
Carozzo being a massive seething loser while also being a ridiculous strong newtype who tanks sniper shots and can breathe in space was actual genius. He’s far more memorable and enjoyable to watch than fat NotChar
Man I fucking hate Unicorn
This guy is right, a lot of people get Japanese left/right wrong because they just go “hurrr right wing is racist” but the right is the one that loves the US and the left is the one that protests bases in Okinawa.

People need to stop trying to apply american political labels to non-American political entities.

Also it’s noteworthy that Fukui himself is a far left pseudo-commie hence all the zeonwank tying in to his left zeon.
Since when did Japan invoke the literal fucking patriot act and oppress muslims like the federation does in the Unicorn nov ls?
>the "Will" of Char that drifted through space

This is wrong, he was transplanted with the residual memories from the sazabi’s recovered cockpit’s psychoframe

Both the sazabi and nu’s cockpits were recovered and they were empty because amuro and char became true newtypes like rita and lost their physical bodies

Banagher nearly became one at the end and that’s why mineva calls him back, true newtypes are magic space ghosts
They do know what his name means, even official stuff had made fun of it like the NT recap video with Zoltan and his japanese fan nickname is “naked man”
>Also it’s noteworthy that Fukui himself is a far left pseudo-commie hence all the zeonwank tying in to his left zeon.
It's crazy how people frequently call Fukui a militaristic right-wing nationalist based on 1) Misinterpretations of what Zeon represents in Unicorn 2) Third-hand knowledge that he wrote a book about a WW2 Japanese submarine

>Lorelei is about how imperial japan and the nazis are evil because of kamikaze and also because they turn a young girl into a newtype weapon powering a super submarine (I said he’s not an imperialist not that his writing is good) and the hero who realises how evil they are saves her and she selflessly saves tokyo from a third nuke because self-sacrifice is good unlike IJ/nazis who only thing of themselves

>hurrrr it has nazis and imperial japan FUKUI IS A RIGHT WING NETOUYO HAWK RACIST IMPERIALIST!!!!!!!
Americans need to stop applying American political labels to American political entities.
>Unless you're some ignorant america who thinks nationalism is the only condition for being a conservative.
Hell nationalism isn't even necessarily a right-wing thing. Here in Canada it's the left that's nationalist because they're obsessed with the idea that if you don't push Canada's unique....Canadianness, then we'll be culturally absorbed by America and that's why there's so much anti-American, pro-Canadian sentiment from them. The Canadian right by contrast loves America and wishes we were more like them.
Yes and North Korea is a democracy
You are mistaking patriotism for nationalism. Canada is not nationalist in any sense.
It is, we just have 2 nations instead of 1, and both fucking hate each other.
Nta but it's definitely nationalism, it's just that nationalism is Canada is defined by "doing the opposite of whatever America does" and this goes all the way back to its independence (self-governing, basically the same thing) in 1867. It's a core part of Canadian national identity, and I'm not being facetious in saying that.
In the Stalinist democratic centralist sense yes, its a party dictatorship as opposed to monarchy like Amerimutts like to claim it is.
kojimbo despite being a big westaboo, surprisingly doesn't learn English, and I can see him signing something for a fan and not understanding the deeper meaning. He just sees English words and goes "fuck yeah, I love the West!"
Iron Mask having so many personal failings in life and funneling that resentment into his political life is one of the most realistic and down to earth representations of a politician in Gundam if not fiction in general.
Isn't that just blue submarine no 6?
Jovians did it.
Everything prior to Crossbone is Jupiter's fault.
patriotism is when nationalism but good

that's really it

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