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Why do people want Kamille in CCA so badly? What would he even do? Just let the poor kid rest.
>Why do people want Kamille in CCA so badly?
Do people really? Or just a small section of the internet?
Its large enough of small section to confuse me greatly.
People would have liked to see Kamille in CCA because it's a missed opportunity to confront Char with even more of his failures, and CCA's exploration of Char being a failure of a man is what makes it so endlessly discussed even over thirty years later.
>endlessly discussed even over thirty years later
Not really.
You get in SRW at least. In 30 when Char is back to being Quattro, Kamille after you recruit him, beats the ever living shit outta him the moment Kamille boards the ship while everyone watches.
some retards spread misinfo that Gyunei was supposed to be Kamille. many speedwatchers lapped that shit up without any question cause they missed the simple fact that colony drops are against his principles, he would never join char and neo zeon.
Goddamned misinformation spreaders.
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No, I love the 'good guy joins the villain' trope.
>Why do people want Kamille in CCA
Because they followed some gay reddit chart that told them to skip ZZ.
Like when Amuro joined the Federation?
Didn't Gihren's Greed have an alternate timeline where Amuro joins the Titans or was that a different game?
Titans Amuro is a thing, but I don't believe it has custom story animation like the alt Zeons do. Basically Amuro+Bright and Scirocco forge an uneasy alliance after Jamitov and Bask get purged. It's a nod to Rome being split in two and it's as subtle as a Big Zam.
We have threads about CCA almost every day
I feel like he should've been mentioned at least, along with Char's time as Quattro
They're retards who fell for misinfo. I just want Kamille to appear in literally anything at all past the end of ZZ timeline wise so we can see how he's doing. Considering the Gundam Pulitzer manga is all about character who met/knew Amuro it would be the perfect chance for Kamille to show back up.
I think Gundam vs Zeta Gundam has a 'Amuro joins the Titans' alt timeline.
It would have been a good end to his story
His story ends in ZZ, what else do you want from the guy?
Kamillefags won't be satisfied until they get something like
>Dr. Kamille Bidan coming home from work, Fa cooking dinner, six kids running around, Kamille has a massive estate, he goes into his Tom Cruise Top Gun Maverick style aircraft hangar mancave full of toys (motorbike, cars, petit mobile suit, Hobby Hizack, etc), a pair of cracked Quattro glasses are in a glass case on a wall next to pictures of him with everyone he cared about, then Kamille looks over at a tarped up thing off to the side in the hangar, it's the salvaged Zeta Gundam he's fixing up 'just in case', he smiles then he goes to have dinner with his family
Ghiren's greed also have those super cool pre battle speech when two character fights.
you can have Lalah,Kamille, even Johnny ridden shit talking Char before fighting him.
Srw and Ghiren's greed are such gems for that.
Okay, let's say Kamille was in CCA.

There's no way he'd side with Char, he'd be on Amuro's side with Londo Bell. Few questions pop up if Kamille gets an upgraded Zeta, but that's beside the point that the drama would be Char and Kamille duking it out, and Kamille trying to plead with Char to stop it.

That side Gyunei fucking dies in the beginning. Amuro and Kamille vs Gyunei? That kid is dead.
But what if JERIDO survives zeta?
Quess vs Kamille
He gets to pilot the Nu Baund Doc with a psychoframe installed.
"Whatifism" is the worst.
Why not just accept the intended ending of the creator?
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Kamille being fine after ZZ makes Char's motivations in Char's counterattack make even less sense. Char is supposed to want to make everyone go to space to create more new types and increase UNDERSTANDING and he becomes bitter and jaded after his protege and super newtype Kamille gets brain damaged. But then Kamille gets better anyway lmao. Overall Char's counter attack makes the most sense if you skip both zeta and double zeta but it makes no sense at all if you watch both and only kind of makes sense if you skip zz.
>he becomes bitter and jaded after his protege and super newtype Kamille gets brain damaged
>he becomes bitter and jaded after his protege and super newtype Kamille gets brain damaged

He's mostly taking about Z Gundam's (Video Game) ending with Char. But within context, it's more likely Char got mind broke with Dakar, the AEUG, and everything in Zeta that led him to do CCA. Kamille was just the final push.
their souls are weighed down by gravity
I don't think Kamille fucked him up as much as Haman did. He let a monster he helped create take over his father's movement. I think after Axis he realized it was time to man up, because if you want something done right you have to do it yourself. Just like how I have to photoshop Judau into this pic.
>Kamille gets better anyway lmao
we don't know the extent of his recovery.
it's not completely about Kamille anyway, it's what he represents.
It's pretty weird that no one has ever done anything with Kamille. Amuro was referenced in Unicorn, Judau reappers in Crossbone, Hathaway, a side character from CCA got his own novel/movie. The Argama's irrelevant doctor is in Unicorn. But with Kamille there's just been complete radio silence on his life after the events of ZZ. I'm not expecting him to pop up with a Gundam from an underground hangar, like some people, but you'd think someone would have shed some light on him, but no.

I'd like to think that Bright goes to visit him at least a few times after their time working together. Surely Char at some point must have thought of calling Kamille to come work with him in Neo Zeon, or considered the thought that Kamille might pop up as an enemy in the future.
Jerid gets put in the brig of the Argama after the final battle of Zeta, Yazan breaks him out but they have a falling out and Jerid swears allegiance to the Federation. He then has a frenemy/big brother relationship with Judau and follows Bright without issue for the remainder of the Neo Zeon War, probably piloting the MK2 (ending up where he started).
Gundam JJ: The adventures of Judau and Jerid
That's beautifull...
I could see Jerid becoming, or trying to become, something like Char in CCA but for the Federation

Just want to clear up a few misconceptions about the Gihrens Greed series content.

>Titans Amuro
That has only been limited to a scenario from Gundam versus Zeta Gundam. None of the Gihrens Greed games have had the option for Amuro to fight alongside the Titans. The anon who plays Menace of Axis V on this board used a bunch of model modifications and cheats to get Amuro as a part of the Titans.

>Special dialogues from Kamille Lalah and Johnny against Char
-Kamille: I don't think there was anything for Menace of Axis but Shin Gihren had a single line with Char apologizing to him before fighting.
-Lalah: Will *never* under any circumstance ever shoot at 0079 Char/Casval/Quattro and will defect to his side the moment they chat. Interestingly CCA Char has no dialogue with her and she will not defect if they meet each other at this point.
-Johnny: Will shit talk Char/Casval and will get an amused reaction from Char/Casval. Quattro just calls him a copycat. If they are allies, Johnny starts revving up to start shit talking Char but he backs down after Char immediately recognizes him and congratulates his accomplishments.

I believe he was mentioned in Beltorchika's Children when Amuro encountered Char prior to the Sweetwater declaration. Amuro tries to mention how many people including Kamille Char is failing by betraying all of his values and Char just tells him "speak for yourself and not others".
I always thought it was weird that not a single character from the White Base joined the Titans after everything that Zeon put them through until I remembered that they were all spacenoids from Side 7, except for Bright and Mirai
They may have been purposely excluded since they were Revil's pet project.
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I mean, pic related would be pretty kino if you asked me.
>But what if JERIDO survives zeta?
From what i remember that was in the original plans before cca was conceived and he was going to work under amuro.
Based and checked lorefag
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I remember that game on /m/.
Fuck off tourist.
Because seeing how someone who knew Char as Quattro as well as he did would create for an interesting dynamic. That said I do agree I'd rather let him stay home and pound Fa all day.
Cool fanfic, but we know if he survives he's just gonna continue being a jobber
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Find out the answers to this in more
Someone's story never ends so long as they're alive.
This pic has been used on /m/ for years though.
That was my fuck up, my bad. I knew there was something with Amuro joining the Titans and I was misremembering that old campaign.
>People would have liked to see Kamille in CCA because it's a missed opportunity to confront Char with even more of his failures

This is dumb. Kamille becoming a vegetable is one of the main reasons Char started his own Neo Zeon. He saw a kid he personally mentored get tossed aside by the AEUG, AE, and the Federation. Kamille risked his life so many times, became a vegetable, and no one cared. Bright literally dumped Kamille on the nearest Colony and never visited him again. Never checked in on him. Kamille didn't even get any medical or pay from Anaheim Electronics for designing the Zeta Gundam or defeating the Titans. No one cared.

This broke Char. If the Elites on Earth and the Moon don't care about a boy who gave everything he had for the cause, then Char was going avenge Kamille and make them care. By dropping an Asteroid on their face.
Speedwatcher take
And where, exactly, is this even so much as hinted at in the film?
I don’t want him to actually show up just for someone to mention him and get some perspective from char
Nice headcanon, which youtuber did you take it from?
Because then the movie would have to reconcile the difference between Char's character in Zeta Gundam and who he is in CCA. Kamille would provide an emotional bridge between Quattro and the man trying to drop Axis on Earth. It'd be a proper sequel to Zeta Gundam. There's plenty for a powerful newtype like Kamille to do in a war conflict. Part of reason Char's Counterattack a failure of a story is its lack of Sayla and Kamille, both representing two other parts of Char that ought to resolved before his ultimate demise. Any explanation of Char's motivations in the film are headcanon, there is nothing in the story that explains his shift. No amount of twisting Zeta Gundam scenes or video game endings can fix CCA. People have sensed this for years and noticed the solution is Kamille. But understandly, he is not in the story. That would get in the way of the EPIC AMURO CHAR FINAL BATTLE that CCA sells itself on and force Tomino to confront the utter mess that Zeta Gundam's story is. Best to shove that aside, let fans headcanon the irreconcilable issues with Quattro and CCA Char, and collect your money.
How do we know this is the intended ending? There was consistent executive interference with the story of Gundam and Gundam is not merely the work of one creative either.
Next time just use one post anon. Don't waste thread space repeating yourself. And no I didn't make that post.
I feel like Lalah would hate Scirocco. She loves Amuro and Char because they're "pure". Scirocco is anything but that
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People wish he was fighting alongside Char instead of Gyunei.
Scirocco is pure. Pure rapist.
If you have to ask this question, then you clearly don't know Tomino's directing style at all. Lmao.
>words words words, period, lmao
why are zoomers so passive aggressive
It's one sentence.
>And where, exactly, is this even so much as hinted at in the film?
Tomino says in interviews there's underlying homo-erotic tension between Amuro and Char. And that Kamille stood in the way and took away Char's attention from Amuro.

But I doubt you'll find that written in Gundam wikia. You people don't understand relationships.
>underlying homo
You're just a lying homo.
Low effort. Try harder.
Didn't they drop off Kamille somewhere in Dakar? Or was it Dublin?
>-Johnny: Will shit talk Char
i need to see this
Okay, but what if Quattro stayed with the Argama after Zeta?
They dumped Fa and Kamille at a colony in I think Side 2, later the Argama bumps into Fa and Kamille on Earth around Dublin. Fa explained that she went down to Earth with Kamille to look for better treatment for him.
>Didn't they drop off Kamille somewhere in Dakar? Or was it Dublin?
They dumped Kamille and Fa on some random ass Colony. Bright didn't even have the decency to take Kamille to the best treatment facilities on the Moon where AE is located. Nope Bright just dumped him on the old and busted Colony and left.

Then we find out later the treatment facilities on that random Colony sucked, and Fa and Kamille traveled around the Earth Sphere looking for better Doctors, and even went down to Earth.

Did AEUG care? Nope.
ZZ largely doesn't make sense. At the end of Zeta, the AEUG fleet still has some ships and is seen leaving the final battle all together.

At the start of ZZ, the Argama is supposedly the only ship left and is in worse shape than it was at the end of Zeta.
there is nothing to reconcile. sayla stuff was resolved in 0079, period.
kamille-quattro dynamic and quattro as a character in general is sensationalized in fan's minds. you are retarded for taking him at face value and then be surprised that he 'turned' heel in cca.
All of this is head canon.
Tomino said he wanted to have some scenes of Sayla in the CCA movie, and he had several in mind with her talking about Char and her relationship with him. But the scenes didn't make it for the final cut of the CCA film. No idea why. Seeing Sayla again would have helped CCA.

The novel has Char showing some regret about dropping the Asteroid on Earth with Sayla still living on the surface.
>Tomino said he wanted to have some scenes of Sayla in the CCA movie, and he had several in mind with her talking about Char and her relationship with him. But the scenes didn't make it for the final cut of the CCA film.
source? Sayla has near zero presence in the original script turned novel.
>The novel has Char showing some regret about dropping the Asteroid on Earth with Sayla still living on the surface.
literally next line it's stated that he is unaware of her whereabouts.
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>there is nothing to reconcile. sayla stuff was resolved in 0079, period.
Except Sayla was brought back in ZZ specifically because not everything was resolved.
Why did they have this scene if she wasn't going to be in the movie?
she is reiterating the same point from 0079 here too, not wanting to see her dear brother be wrapped up in war and conflict.
Tomino was right.
Bright was never a person who would self-sacrifice for people other than his immediate family or have an understanding of what 'debt of gratitude' means. He still recruited kids for his soldiering campaign in ZZ despite witnessing the shitshow that was Zeta child soldiers (Katz getting himself killed, Kamille becoming disabled). A very callous individual. No wonder his son wrecks his own life in Hathaway' Flash.
People really wanted to see Amuro effortlessly murder Kamille with funnels? I mean it'd be funny but
You would think Bright would at least send Kamille to the best hospital. Not dump him off at some random backwater Colony with no support. That's why ZZ anime makes no sense. It's just everyone acting goofy and out of character until the final episodes.
Bright has shit to do and a wife to cheat on.
You mean they should have just kept a mentally disabled person on a warship that's constantly being shot at by Zeon goons and hoped they didn't sink before they got him somewhere safe? When they were offloading them, none of Judau's gang had come aboard yet and they were down to precisely one pilot, who was also getting off.

Even a shitty hospital on a shitty colony should be better equipped than the average ship sickbay, or at least be able to refer you to a better one, and with way less chance of being blown up. This whole 'hurr durr Bright is a stupid selfish asshole' meme reeks of speedwatchers.
The AEUG fleet was still intact at the end of Zeta Gundam. The Argama was protected. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Kamille was the greatest Ace pilot the AEUG had. Bright should have taken him to Earth or the Moon where the best hospitals are. Fans would be rioting if Bright would have dumped an injured unconscious Quattro onto some backwater colony and abandoned him with no support.
One of (You) dumbfucks just said
>At the start of ZZ, the Argama is supposedly the only ship left and is in worse shape than it was at the end of Zeta.
So was it the only ship or a whole fleet or what? Make up your mind.
Amuro would have more trouble with Kamille than Char
There's nothing to dispute.

ZZ isn't even canon to its own story.

Tomino retconned it out of existed
>out of existed
hello sirs please do the needful
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Because Kamille is the best Gundam boy
It's an AEUG fleet at the end of Zeta. That's how Tomino wanted to end it. If you read the interviews with Tomino, the staff didn't even know they were making a sequel to Zeta. Bandai informed them at the last minute that they wanted a sequel to Zeta. Which meant rushing into production with ZZ with no break in order to meet Bandai's schedule with TV. So it's probably something the staff overlooked and forgot about when making ZZ.
They want Kamille to be a brainwashed lackey for Char.
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Amuro would have the most trouble with Haman
If Kamille hadn't gone potato following the end of zeta, would Char have still disappeared and done neo neo fuck you amuro zeon
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Why? So Kamille can suck his dick instead of Nanai? Hahahaha so gross hahahahaha
That's the absolute worst way for char and kamille to reunite desu. They should be fighting to the death.
This. It would be absolutely kino.
Depends how jaded Kamille himself becomes with seeing how the Earth Federation refused to fight Haman and Axis. Char probably saw how the Earth Forces did nothing to stop the Dublin Colony drop which probably killed a few billion people. And it probably made Char quite disillusioned with the Earth Government. The same could happen with Kamille. Remember that Kamille tried to kill Haman, but failed at the last moment.

The Dublin Colony drop's damage was only limited to the immediate city area and some shockwaves across the English channel and Ireland territories. Haman's primary goal was to have a mostly non-planet damaging colony drop that would invoke terror into the Federation government (along with authorizing Rakan's forces to murder anyone trying to escape the city to further push their fear movement). That colony drop at most only killed hundreds of thousands instead of millions or even billions from its after effects. Hell, the city ends up being abandoned due to the damage and refugee's just turn the dropped colony into a new city that remains in function all the way until G-Savior (where its used by CONSENT remnants).

Back to Kamille though. I just can't see in the TV or movie version of Kamille ever being onboard with mass murder, regardless of who was calling for it. If it was the sociopathical and neurotic Kamille from the start of Zeta, I could see it. Not how he was by the middle and especially the end of Zeta though.
Kamille may not have been down with dropping Asteroids on Earth, but he might have been willing to join Char in a Rebellion to overthrow the Earth Federation.

Kamille would have seen the Colony drop as horrifying and the EF leaders doing nothing to stop it would be push Kamille. Plus seeing the Federations leaders saying "Good. Less mouths to feed" would make Kamille crazy angry.

It's honestly crazy how Amuro and Bright didn't even give a real reaction to the Colony drop or the Federation allowing it to happen. They just glossed over it. That should have been the point where Bright said the Federation was a lost cause.
In what universe would Kamille be so pissed off at the Feds for not stopping a colony drop that he'd sign up with the Zeeks who dropped the fucking colony in the first place?

>That should have been the point where Bright said the Federation was a lost cause.
The only other option at that point is the fucking Zeeks, who are in every way worse. Feds are still the lesser of two evils even including Dublin.
>he'd sign up with the Zeeks who dropped the fucking colony in the first place?
He wouldn't sign up with the Zeeks. Kamille would sign up with Char and his faction. He trusts Char. Not Zeon.

Not to mention in ZZ that Glemy was originally supposed to be Char. He was supposed to start a Rebellion against Haman with his own faction. Then CCA got approved and Tomino didn't want to waste Char's story on a TV show budget.
>The only other option at that point is the fucking Zeeks, who are in every way worse. Feds are still the lesser of two evils even including Dublin.
Only at the moment. Why is he still a Fed in CCA? He should have said 'fuck it' ages before. Thanks, Tomino, for never stopping shitting on adults.
Anons bring up a good point. Why was Bright still with the Federation when they laughed people dying at the Dublin Colony Drop? They literally had a scene of the saying it was good thing because they now had less mouths to feed or something.
A good soldier follows orders.
What else is he supposed to do? I think he fully well knows the higher ups are all greedy sociopaths but the alternative is letting whatever psychos pop up that week blow a crater in Earth.
Bright from the beginning was your rank and file career military man. Sure he disagrees with the top brass, but he always figured he'd do more good by being a low ranking officer and helping who he could. Notice how in Zeta when he joined the Aueg he still wears his Federation uniform. His problem was with the Titans not the Federation itself.
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Would Kamille hate Quess?
>he'd do more good by being a low ranking officer and helping who he could
He also valued his career over his family. An extreme version of Adenaur Paraya.
This has nothing to do with anything, but Nanai and Haman having the same VA will always be funny to me.
That's part of the beauty of Bright's character. His entire life he had to put the good and care of other's before himself and his family. Even getting thrust into a commanding position as a 19 year old Lieutenant and having to care for the safety of a bunch of strangers and civilians. It all culminated with the Feddies asking him to put down his own son for the sake of stability.
There is nothing 'beautiful' about it and Tomino is right to rub dogshit into Bright's face the same way he did with Paraya and his daughter. Bright wanted to have cake and eat it too (have a family and a military career) - unfortunately, he was never far-sighted enough to realise that everybody is replaceable, including himself, so there is absolutely no need for him to 'play the hero' like a deluded manchild who wants to 'save the world' if it comes at the cost of his family. If you had wanted to devout your life to the military, trusting that you'd be 'saving lives' in the process (while risking your own), at least have the decency to never marry and have kids in the first place.
There is beauty in tragedy.
No, he'd likely be very sympathetic given his history with Sarah, Katz, and Rosamy. If anything he may try harder to help Hathaway save Quess just because he couldn't save the others before. It would just drive home further that Char is pissing on the graves of everyone who died in the Gryps War for his selfish retardation.
Also Judau looks really good in the CCA pilot jacket.
That /m/ plays run was wild. I'm just glad Amuro in the end could sort of retire with Lalah and his children. Some of those runs went off the rails. I think i bowed out during the Bright's titans thing before the /m/sv shit went down.
>Kamille may not have been down with dropping Asteroids on Earth, but he might have been willing to join Char in a Rebellion to overthrow the Earth Federation.

Shin Gihren's Greed for the PSP might have allowed for this to happen had the 0083/Zeta/ZZ content not been removed from the base game as a planned DLC campaigns that never got made. In the base game CCA section it was possible to get Amuro to become Char's right hand in Neo Zeon had certain things been done.

1: Neo Zeon has to have near perfect international and public relations by the time the Axis drop fails to cause a nuclear winter.
2: Amuro has to have been defeated by char at Sweetwater then Fifth Luna and finally during the battle of Axis.
3: Char must not participate in the Londenion peace talks which means Quess does not defect then and there to Chars side.
4: Psychoframe must be given to Anaheim and then Gyunei's Jagd must be allowed to be captured. This will lead to Amuro being at his max potential with the Hi-Nu Gundam when you fight him again.
5: If Gyunei steals the Nu/Hi-Nu at the battle of Axis then it has to be given back.
6: One of Axis's three nuclear pulse engines must be destroyed completely. This will cause Axis to explode on Earth but will not cause a nuclear winter.

If all of this is done then Char will be given the option to hail Amuro to reach an understanding. Amuro will chastise Char for how far he is willing to go and Char switches the conversation into being about how he will not stop until his goals are achieved. The same one he and Amuro saw eye to eye on years back. Amuro begrudgingly agrees to fight with Char on the conditions he limits his war to the Federation government and that the measures to move humanity are regulated and justified. If international relations drop below 80 percent Amuro will bail back to the Federation. Winning the game will have Char enacting his plans while being wholly satisfied at having Amuro working alongside him.
>He wouldn't sign up with the Zeeks. Kamille would sign up with Char and his faction. He trusts Char. Not Zeon.
Char, the new leader of Neo-ZEON? That Char? The one who decided to drop large space rocks on the Earth? Twice?

Even if Kamille was turbo pissed at the Feds for not stopping Dublin (and not the people who actually did it), and was able to pretend the Neo Zeon Char took over wasn't the same organization, and was able to stomach working with ANY flavor of Zeon because uwu Quattro-sempai was in charge, that would have gone to shit the moment he nuked Tibet.

For all of Kamille's many, MANY faults, he wasn't a drone. "I'm basically colony dropping yet again, but it's for the right reasons trust me bro" ain't gonna fly. Amuro's part in CCA would have been reduced to sponging Char's brains off the walls.
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He just looks so good in the uniform.
>What else is he supposed to do? I think he fully well knows the higher ups are all greedy sociopaths but the alternative is letting whatever psychos pop up that week blow a crater in Earth.

1. Have Bright, Amuro, and Kamille Team up with Char to form their own faction.

2. Char is the public face

3. Promise true change for everyone and recruit people.

4. Use new faction to overthrow the insane Earth Government and Neo Zeon for not stopping Colony drops.

5. Form new United space government which gives Representation in Senate to BOTH Earth and Spacenoids


Bright and Amuro are literal war heroes for the Earthnoids. Char is a hero for spacenoids. Kamille is a hero to everyone in AEUG.
Kamille would sooner suck Scirocco’s cock and balls than willingly join CCA char
earth fed glowies would probably pull a blex on him if he tried anything
Would Scirocco defend the Earth from CCA Char?
Probably but considering his Jovian roots he’d probably try and take over Londo Bell in the middle of it all
Scirocco's problem isn't that he's a supervillain destroy the world evil, it's that he'll keep the system going and replace the existing corruption with his more permanent "enlightened" corruption.
>Char, the new leader of Neo-ZEON? That Char?
Anon, use your imagination. They don't have to call themselves Neo Zeon or Neo Neo Zeon. They can themselves whatever new faction name they want to inspire people to join and support them.

>The one who decided to drop large space rocks on the Earth? Twice?

Assuming this scenario, then it would happen before CCA in the main timeline. Or not follow the same timeline of Char dropping Asteroids since Kamille is still alive.
I don't want it badly, but it does seem like it would be interesting.
where do I watch this?
Fuck off tourist.
>Londo Bell and Sciricco
>ReO fighting alongside ReGZ
Sign me up.
this should be made immediately. Zeta Gundam: Kamille's Last Flight would sell millions.
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Does Jerid get a new girlfriend?

No one cares about Judau. This is a thread about Kamille.
>They don't have to call themselves Neo Zeon or Neo Neo Zeon
Then they lose the support of zeekfags, including a lot of the people financing this fuckshittery. I imagine it's the whole reason Char's using it in the first place, since he didn't seem to be terribly thrilled with what the Zabis and their successors did with his father's name.

>Assuming this scenario, then it would happen before CCA in the main timeline.
I would assume so, because I don't see Char having a snowball's chance in hell of convincing Kamille to join if he had.

>Or not follow the same timeline of Char dropping Asteroids since Kamille is still alive.
Then why the fuck is Char even here? He hates this leadership shit, the only reason he's putting up with it is to get what he wants (to force people off Earth and to commit suicide by Amuro).
It's obvious he doesn't have the patience to pull a Frontal (Mineva realized FF wasn't Char precisely because he thought up a long-term and boring plan to strangle the Earth instead of something violent and revolutionary).
>Does Jerid get a new girlfriend?
Me. I will be his manwife
Will Kamille have an upgraded Zeta in this CCA?
Kamille returning from retirement to jam his foot up Char’s ass one last time. Normally, he’s saving lives. This time, he’s taking them
>Then they lose the support of zeekfags, including a lot of the people financing this fuckshittery. I imagine it's the whole reason Char's using it in the first place, since he didn't seem to be terribly thrilled with what the Zabis and their successors did with his father's name.

Aneheim Electronics and several other corporate companies secretly funded the AEUG during Zeta.

Anaheim Electronics secretly funded Char during the Events of CCA. AE wanted to keep the conflict going.

They can find corporate backers to fund them. Char doesn't need Zeon to fund him or another faction. AE would be ecstatic to have a 3rd faction enter the war. That means more battles, more business, and more sales for AE.

>Aneheim Electronics and several other corporate companies secretly funded the AEUG during Zeta.
>Anaheim Electronics secretly funded Char during the Events of CCA. AE wanted to keep the conflict going.
Anaheim's gone from partially funding a small part of a Fed civil war to solely funding an enemy uprising powerful enough to threaten a massive response AND bribe the cash-strapped world government (a phrase that should never exist but Tomino's lack of economic knowledge is a story for another thread) to buy their doomsday rock?

Sure. And I got a bridge in Side 2 I can sell you.

>They can find corporate backers to fund them. Char doesn't need Zeon to fund him or another faction. AE would be ecstatic to have a 3rd faction enter the war. That means more battles, more business, and more sales for AE.
A lot of the corpos that funded the AEUG to counter the Titans' butchery are probably not funding the next return of the biggest butchers in UC history. Unless they happen to be big fans of Zeon already, in which case yeah, you do kinda need the Zeon 'brand' to get them on board.

Anaheim is way less powerful or rich than you seem to think they are. Otherwise they would just own the Feds at this point. Like wtf am I reading here?
>Anaheim's gone from partially funding a small part of a Fed civil war
Anaheim Electronics was one of AEUG's main backers, and probably their biggest source of funding.

>AEUG to counter the Titans' butchery are probably not funding the next return of the biggest butchers in UC history.

1. This is an alternate history scenario in which Char forms his own faction earlier and Kamille doesn't become a vegetable and joins Char.

2. In the original Timeline, Anaheim Electronics funded Char's Neo Zeon. AE did NOT CARE that Char was dropping Asteroids on Earth. So you can drop the moral arguments. Anaheim Electronics laughs at all of what you said.
Not even close to what happens in SRW 30.
Kamille hopes Char can be redeemed and mentions that while their intentions for humanity aligns, he disagrees with the methods (asteroid / colony drops).

Kamille is so suportive that he commissions Astionage to upgrade Char's Hyaku Shiki Kai FA

The image you posted is SRW T
Thanks for editing out the part that said more than one corp was involved in funding to the AEUG and those would be the ones giving Neo Zeon the stinkeye. Anaheim's a bunch of amoral fuckshits, but they are not the only (or even biggest) source of money in UC.

There is more to life than fucking Anaheim. I'm sure you think they're the Je-- sorry, 'globalist' bankers that somehow own all the money and literally run the world while everyone hates them, but even Gundam doesn't present them that way.

>This is an alternate history scenario in which Char forms his own faction earlier and Kamille doesn't become a vegetable and joins Char.
So he's broke as shit and shorthanded since all the people that flocked to him because of him using the Zeon name aren't there. What does this AU entail, cataloging the adventures of Amuro as he sits on the couch while Char does nothing of value? Cool story.

Hell, why is Char even doing anything? The reason /m/ insists that he broke his own 'the younger generation should decide the future and we old (by anime standards) folks should stay out of it' spiel in Zeta was Kamille getting brainfried. Or are we just assuming Char will be as inconsistent as always?
>Thanks for editing out the part that said more than one corp was involved in funding to the AEUG

Your welcome. The foundation of your statement was built on a false assumption. Therefore everything said afterwards is illogical. You are free to start over and try again.

>So he's broke as shit and shorthanded since all the people that flocked to him because of him using the Zeon name aren't there.

No. People flocked to him because he's Char. The last known son of Deikun family. He's a legend and even during Zeta, people were begging for him to take a leadership role for spacenoids. Please do your research.
>There is more to life than fucking Anaheim.
Anaheim is involved in almost EVERY major conflict since the One Year War.

1. Funded Cima's Zeon Fleet
2. Gave them Gebera Tetra and other supplies behind the scenes.
3. Leaked classified information, schedules, and data regarding the Albion and the Gundams which allowed them to steal the Gp02

1. Funded the AEUG
2. Directly produced the Zeta, Hyaku Shiki, mass produced the Nemo, and several other items for AEUG

1. Funded the AEUG again
2. Repeat of Zeta with supplies, ms and ships

1. Funded Char's Neo Zeon
2. Built a bunch of weapons and Mobile suits for Char
3. Supplied Londo Bell with support, new units, and latest Jegans

Gundam Unicorn:
1. Funded the Sleeves with Geara Zulus and other supplies to keep the war going
2. Involved in the Unicorn project and making those crazy Unicorn Gundams.
3. Leaked info and data to Sleeves. Let them steal Sinanju as an ace unit suit.

Gundam NT:
1. Built the Narrative Gundam and supplied them
2. Built more Jestas

Hathaway's Flash:
1. Supplied anti-Federations rebels
2. Built more gundams
3. Gave Hathaway a new Gundam

And not even counting all the side material and manga stories. Anaheim Electronics is definitely behind almost all the events.
are they the 'joos' of UC?

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