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File: GUNDAM (33).jpg (560 KB, 2000x1481)
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Why did the concept of the O'Neill 3 take off with Japan so much and not really any other culture in aspects to science fiction? Right place at the right time with Gundams origins around '79?
To depict an O'Neil Cylinder in live action you would need a high budget which could at the very least afford matte paintings. Star Trek and the George Lucas funded young Indiana Jones show were the only pre-21st century TV shows that could afford such special effects shots with any regularity. That leaves animation, except Americans were disinterested in producing mature animation (outside of one off films like Wizards which had no beauty). So you are just left with the Japanese who have both the money and the artistic desire to create serious, imaginative high production value fantasy art such as a war story featuring lots of O'neil cylinders.
>Why did the concept of the O'Neill 3 take off with Japan so much and not really any other culture
Japan has culture. The rest of the world doesn't.
Babylon 5 is one.
You only see the wide open O'neil cylinder from the inside in two episodes (I think the Gathering, and then the episode where Kosh reveals himself to save Sheridan from falling). Otherwise it is all corridor interior sets.
You do see it used as a background fairly often in establishing shots or through windows.
because the west keeps doing this retarded thing were if one tv show or movies uses it then no one can
It looks cozy.
There's a couple that are clearly meant to be 'outside', like that little zen garden that Delenn hangs out in semi-often.
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They are not pretty when they fall.
Stop ban evading.
He's not ban evading, as that expired you are spamming a low quality catchphrase which is against the rules.
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they're in a lot of books from the period. all the good american science fiction is in books

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