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Who the hell was this guy supposed to be?
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Whoever he was he was pretty dashing
Monsha in an alternate dimension
The narrator
Freddie Mercury
Dying of AIDS after a lifetime of sodomy and faggotry is based?
no one will remember you
Sad but true.
Freddie ploughed more chicks in one tour than you will in your entire lifetime.
Monsha isekai: "My new life narrating giant robot fight club Olympics in another century!"
He wasn't obnoxious or pedophilic compared to the modern faggo as far as i know.
The narrator, announcer, spectator, and stalker all rolled into one.
But we call him Stalker just to make it easier for Chris Hansen and also because he stalks the main cast. But he doesn't go into the Zone looking for anomalies.
He also died of AIDS.
IHOP has special pancake mix and calls it batter up.

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