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So yesterday I finished unicorn (and so I am almost finished with UC) and I cannot stop thinking about how absurdly confusing its final episode is. Now I am here, begging for insight from those powerful in the way of gundam autism.

-Why does a blue swan come out of the cockpit? Yellow is lalah's color, and she also gets the swan imagery is this some japanese shit I dont understand?
-Presumably the green light is amuro, because you hear his voice, but in the cockpit it is Char and lalah, not amuro and lalah
-why do the sub and dub have such radically different endings for FF? dub makes it sound like lalah tells FF and Char that Char's vision has finally come true, but the sub makes it sound like she is belittling Char and FF for...something
-why the hell is FF's idea for the box bad, even after all the insane shit the feddies had done?
-did I miss something about the zeon-fed truce, or did some random feds just decide to try and off the zeon in the middle of them being hunted down, and the feds just fucking went with it, almost getting everyone fucking killed?
-in the credits, who is represented by the buggy parked outside of the cottage? was it supposed to be sayla?
-In CCA, Char has a weird line that sounds like he either wanted to make children with lalah, or for her to bring him some motherly comfort, it was incredibly strange as we all know, but a SS of an interview with tomino makes it sound like the intention was that char was "a little boy" who wanted his mommy, is this interview real, is it poorly translated? wtf is this crying baby shit?
-In Zeta, what the hell did amuro mean by making Char a sacrifice?

I like this series, but it gets harder to understand it the more I watch, and it almost seems like the shows are constantly missing context that is perhaps found in the VNs.
>Why does a blue swan come out of the cockpit? Yellow is lalah's color, and she also gets the swan imagery is this some japanese shit I dont understand?

It didn't look like a swan to me just a generic spirit manifestation representation of Char's ghost leaving FF
>Presumably the green light is amuro, because you hear his voice, but in the cockpit it is Char and lalah, not amuro and lalah
Psychoframe having fragments of the souls that occupied it from the memories absorbed. Same reason why Lalah shouldn't be there either since she died ages ago.
>why the hell is FF's idea for the box bad, even after all the insane shit the feddies had done?
it's bad because it doesn't resolve anything, just flips the roles of earth and space colonies so that the other side is exploiting the other
>why do the sub and dub have such radically different endings for FF? dub makes it sound like lalah tells FF and Char that Char's vision has finally come true, but the sub makes it sound like she is belittling Char and FF for...something
I didn't get that impression. But it's probably more due me being used to Asian people implying shit when they're talking. (Kyoto restaurants asking you if you want more water, but it's actually that they're passivly aggresively telling you to leave the restaurant).
>-did I miss something about the zeon-fed truce, or did some random feds just decide to try and off the zeon in the middle of them being hunted down, and the feds just fucking went with it, almost getting everyone fucking killed?
Are you talking about the Republic of Zeon or the crew of the Garanciere teaming up with the Neo Argama ?
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Char's mother line is pretty intentionally vague. Even Amuro has no clue what he's talking about. The important part is that Char's motivation in CCA has little to do with Zeon's revival and more to do with him getting back at who he views as responsible for taking away one of the few, if only, person he legitimately cared for.
In Zeta, Char really really doesn't want to take a leadership role or even the role of a figurehead. Amuro is more or less saying that Char is going to have to sacrifice his autonomy and do things he finds personally distasteful if he wants to enact actual change in the earth sphere. The "human sacrifices run in your family" is a reference to his dad the ex leader of Zeon who was assassinated. Amuro is trying to compare Char to his dad in what he thinks Char will find as a favorable comparison.

Unicorn's story is horseshit and not worth thinking about.
Op, you are watching the equivalent of a Newtype spit roast in visual format. This is all they do "beyond the time"
Tomino pretty much said that Char line was about him wanting inconditional love from someone. Not dude to his role, his past or his name.

Tomino also said it was difficult for women to understand this.
Are you a women ?
Read the interviews.
>Kyoto restaurants asking you if you want more water, but it's actually that they're passivly aggresively telling you to leave the restaurant
>you talking about the Republic of Zeon or the crew of the Garanciere teaming up with the Neo Argama
when FF saved that one ship's ass as they left earth, the garanciere and FF got on board, but the highschool kids stole some guns, brought it to a couple of fed guys, and they tried to take zeon hostages or force them off or something, which seemed like an intependent operation until you see the special forces guys were already in the damn walls ready to rescue the trouble makers from the zeon who arrested them for trying to threaten them...or something.
It was very odd.

>It didn't look like a swan to me just a generic spirit manifestation representation of Char's ghost leaving FF
It had a bird shape with a long neck, So I assumed swan
>Psychoframe having fragments of the souls that occupied it from the memories absorbed. Same reason why Lalah shouldn't be there either since she died ages ago.
Hmm, I took it as char and lalah came back for the bit of FF that was part of Char, and that the green light was actually char while blue was FF, thus making the amuro bit very strange.

>flips the roles of earth and space colonies so that the other side is exploiting the other
I can see that, but I thought it came off more like a deterrent, not a weapon, where opening the "box" would reveal a truth there was no way to enforce.

Well I assumed he was referencing deikun, but consider that deikun died so someone could totally pervert his intention. I can get that he may be telling him he's going to have to do things he doesnt want, but that also just makes CCA more confusing
>amuro, I'm about to do something very wicked
>amuro, I gave you this psychoframe enhancer
its easy to look at him leveling the playing field as pride, but with everything else it seems like he wants to do the "lelouch" bit
>Melanie Hue Carbine side note
That is so based, further looking seems to also have tomino comparing his efforts to them controlling "hollywood"
Is tomino a fellow chantard?

> Fukui thought that Tomino was just being coy, but after pressing it for some time he gets the feeling that Tomino has actually forgotten.
Or is tomino eren yaeger lol

thanks for the link.

I can see that, my trouble understanding it comes from the fact that he made out with lalah shortly before he left, he taught her about the world as she taught him about newtypes, but out of nowhere is this wild bit about moms that almost seems mentally disturbed after all the more traditionally romantic things that were happening. If he had used basically any other word I think it would make more sense "She could have been a woman to me" sounds more like what you are talking about than "mother" in the context of the original series.
>but out of nowhere is this wild bit about moms that almost seems mentally disturbed after all the more traditionally romantic things that were happening. If he had used basically any other word I think it would make more sense "She could have been a woman to me" sounds more like what you are talking about than "mother" in the context of the original series.
recall amuro and char's conversation just before the mother line.
>-In CCA, Char has a weird line that sounds like he either wanted to make children with lalah, or for her to bring him some motherly comfort, it was incredibly strange as we all know, but a SS of an interview with tomino makes it sound like the intention was that char was "a little boy" who wanted his mommy, is this interview real, is it poorly translated? wtf is this crying baby shit?
Char is bug fucking crazy in CCA and his Lalah obsession is essentially his regrets overshadowing anything else at that point as he gives zero fucks. The reason he is talking to Amuro as if he should understand is because he vaguely recalls the relationship between the three of them. So he genuinely thinks Amuro, of all people, would "get" him and Amuro does not at all understand or care.
the mother thing is covered in the pastebin retard

full frontal is char's ghost
>-Frontal was tired, but didn't realise it, and needed someone to tell him that. That was Lalah, as a mother figure. This made him realise that he was no longer a child, but in the position of a parent, and by becoming a father figure he could tell Banagher to go ahead and try to overcome despair
Char in CCA, not FF in Unicorn, retard.

Well that makes it seem like char and amuro were shit newtypes who couldnt understand each other.

the quess bit? It seems like char's point was that amuro cant get mad about quess being used in war when he killed lalah in a battle, but It seems weird to say that "quess was looking for a father figure and you fucked it up" is countered by "i was looking for a mother figure and you fucked it up", because it places char below lalah, while the quess situation places either amuro or char above quess.
Unless your suggestion is that amuro was telling char he could have played a fatherly role and char was saying he couldnt because lalah was dead.
From everything I've seen on "word of god" it seems like the use of the word "mother" is some quirk of japanese that does not translate well in english (I know he literally uses the word "mother/haha", but I dont know if there is some other way to read the line, like how "desu" has multiple uses on context), because the conversation instantly makes sense when you change it to something like "guide" or "guardian" or "teacher" etc.
Tomino was right.
about what?
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Found the full interview, the clip posted here is bullshit out of context, presumably cropped by fed-lovers desperate to make Char look pathetic. The full text explains perfectly:
>TOMINO (resumes): No matter how a man might dominate a woman, he may attain the upper hand, but even so there’s a moment where he wants to be loved by the person he’s won over, to be cared for, even treated like a child by the person he’s “defeated” or “won over.”
>It’s not an exact match, but I have an example of something that pertains to that situation. Something that came to light recently was the question of whether Adolf Hitler died from a bomb or committed suicide. There are facts coming out that he actually married his lover Eva [Braun] the previous day. Another story is about Josef Stalin–the most treasured possession he had until the day he died was a picture of children playing that he cut out of a newspaper.
>Looked at from the standpoint of being a male, this is part of the emotional makeup that’s very fragile, that we all have. I didn’t know those two examples when I wrote those lines for Char, but deep down, any dictator would want a moment of weakness or a moment of peace. Those are the kind of things I had racing through my mind when I wrote that line. Although I can’t explain your question that well, those are the things I had going through my head when I wrote that line. And in no way does Char favor the attentions of little girls! [LAUGHS]
>Well that makes it seem like char and amuro were shit newtypes who couldnt understand each other.
Char is a shit Newtype. Could never square up to anyone in Z and Newtypes can basically ignore making bonds of understanding if they really wanted to.
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How can one anon be so fucking salty? All I did was ask a question, you provide a shit answer, and I give a better one.
You just cant fucking handle that can you, faggot?

Is amuro that great though? I dont recall it ever being established that both parties have to want to be understood, and amuro is constantly doing insane shit for someone supposedly exceptionally capable of undertstanding. It seems to me Amuro is the best example of a newtype developed for war, and It really seems like kamille and bandaider are alot more empathic.
not that guy but you're a retard
>but ta
Fascinating tale
>I dont recall it ever being established that both parties have to want to be understood,
Yazan did. Newtypes are a catch all term for mutants anyways.

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