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Toho is having a special for Godzilla 70th anniversary on July 28.
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>84 is finally getting some recognition after 40 years
And Mothra Leo is there too, yeah he had technically already crossed over in the Godzilla island microshort television show but this is a lot more authentic which is neat
Dreamworks face
Can we please just get some insight on what the next japanese projects might be, tv, anime, animated film, anything?, i know minus one was like the 70th aniversary film despite coming out lasy year but it feels weird that they haven't revealed any new projects for the actual 70th yet.
No. Grow up, manchild.
Go Doctor Serizawa yourself Kaijurager.
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>complaining about "manchildren" on /m/ of all places.
You really just lurk on the board to wait for kaiju related threads to pop up so you can tardpost in them and don't bother with any other topic don't you.
>having a victim complex over godzilla of all things
This is why you get called a manchild.
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Kill yourself Kaijurager
you can't even name five mecha amimu because you only come to this board to shit up kaiju threads with your special brand of retardation like the faggoty shitposter you are.
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They need to make a Criterion Collection for the Heisei movies already goddammit
Some of them are already on their expensive as fuck streaming service but I'm enough of a retarded consoomer to spend the dollarydoos on a proper collection
2024 is the 40th anniversary of the Heisei era anyways so there's no way they aren't doing it
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i think i heard there was plans for one somewhere iirc,
i just want SP2 already but i know it's never going to happen at this point.
oh great the avatarfag is here
this thread will turn out great I bet
We need this back
>the faggot who seethes at images being posted on an image board is back.
Mecha Gamera When?
Mecha Guiron also when?
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>AI slop
Kaiju threads truly are cursed.
>Tohokingdom published an article defending All Monsters Attack
Oh how the mighty have fallen
of course you appear.
Kaiju threads really are cursed on this board.
Wtf are you on about?
84 Goji is my favorite Goji
Cybot or suit?
Imagine hating AI.
Go back.
thread ruined
>They need to make a Criterion Collection for the Heisei movies already goddammit
supposedly making the Showa set was such an arduous ordeal for Criterion in terms of having to deal with Toho's demands that they currently have no plans to do physical releases for anything Toho related ever again
Why is MegaMan working on some sort of MechaGodzilla?
classic Toho, always their own worst enemy and somehow surviving thanks to the hard work and talent of others.
Classic mutt, always criticizing out of their ass because people don't follow his flawed, internal logic.
not american but keep on projecting bro
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Thats a Mysterian and the mechs called Robogodzilla newfren
Go back to /toy/ chungusfurry
Was mean't for
seething eurocuck for no reason lmao
Fuck that, give me more Rebirth
Alright, so I know you're an actual fan of Godzilla and not some consoomer, name one very genuine gripe you have with this series.
Personally, it's how Toho basically bought into the fanboys interpretation of him
>Toho basically bought into the fanboys interpretation of him
No that's legendary.
Fair enough.
That and the IDW comics
Heard that the Destroy All Monsters Melee trilogy is getting a remaster. Is this true?
That Toho greenlit this piece of shit and is getting a second season as opposed to the SP which a fair bit of people actually wanted to see a second season of despite the mixed reception.
even less likely than SP2
God dammit
Interesting that the Super X of all things is included on this.
It almost looks more like a Mechagyaos, honestly.
The funny thing is that there is an official mecha-version of all of Gamera's enemies.
Some defunct mobile beat em up/RPG called Gamera Battle has 'em as assist units.
I still find it funny how 90% of the genuinely interesting Gamera stuff is in non-movie materials
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Shit, forgot my image.
I think it's some kinda beat 'em up but I could be wrong. Also yes, this is further confirmation Gamera is jacked as fuck
>I still find it funny how 90% of the genuinely interesting Gamera stuff is in non-movie materials
kaiju autism should be studied by a group of experts
I can't tell if that's a compliment
Autistic people have been found to be especially drawn to dinosaurs (and trains).
It's shaped almost exactly like Heisei Gamera when it's flying.
There's only like 3
What does that have to do with Godzilla?
It appears that you're not a true Godzilla fan consider you had the whole Showa era.

Toho had nothing to do with Monarch, how the fuck do they greenlit a show that they have nothing to do with?
Don’t you dare compare the Showa Era to fanboy headcanons
>What does Toho have to do with the show that uses their intelectual property they gave permission to use and is credited them as production company.
Absolute Lobodomite.
Shut up, Gamerafag, the series flopped. 2nd lowest watched show on Japanese Netflix. It died. With a pathetic whimper.
Fuck off Gamerager.
>Everyone who likes Gamera must be the samefag and you are only allowed to like successful things because reasons.
Monarch was a "success" and it was dogshit, get the fuck off this board already Rebirthschizo, Nobody cares about your Diosoth-esque self induced schizorage over a subpar inoffensive show that you will still be seething about a decade later.
It's not the fucking show I'm 'raging' at, it's the retard that brings it up in EVERY kaiju related topic, even the fucking Ultraman thread for fuck sakes.
Godzilla threads always typically usually just double as kaiju generals and frankly you are tenfold more obnoxious then someone casually mentioning Gamera.
Now get out.
>Captcha D00R
And that have nothing to do with it be greenlit retard. They didn't work on the show, they didn't give advice, they did nothing with the show. They didn't greenlit it. It's not their work. They sold the rights to Legendary to make any film they want with Godzilla, that's it.
Source on that?
>They didn't work on the show.
>listed as a production company in the credits of the show.
Stop posting you only are making yourself look dumber.
Monarch has a higher IMDb score than shin godzilla
>imdb score
Nobody cares.
And this makes you happy?
NTA but yes, very
Why exactly?
PR bombed?
It didn’t, it barley broke even thanks to Asian markets.
I’m tired of the gamera shilling the fandom does 24/7
Like Godzilla's fans are much better
It's Gamerager, just don't reply and hide.
It's gamerautist, he likes replying to himself.
Im pretty positive Gamerautist was Pro-Gamera though, unless he just legit schizo with a split Gamera hating personality?
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I'm convinced you are just a pissed off MCU/Star Wars fag trying to shit up every Godzilla thread weaponizing Rebirth as a shitpost weapon against these threads because Goji is doing better than your garbage now.

Mental illness aside, Hoshi 35 got uploaded to archive, no subs though.
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Forgot to actually link it
NTA but I like Star Wars.
I'm not even a turbofan but I'm depressed with the direction it's taken and I'm not even sure as to what that is
Equal parts pandering and spite. An odd choice to be sure.
It's funny how almost every single show they have given us has a good core concept that can easily be worked into something really cool, but then they just binge Game of Thrones and the MCU at the last minute
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Any Predictions for Godzilla Day 2024?
See, this is Gamerautist, he is upset that Godzilla fans are more vocal then Gamera fans, and retardedly, thinks Ultraman ripped off Gamera somehow.
Godzilla may show up.
All of you should piss off already and go shit up another thread for once.
You mean like how gamerautist rampaged in the Ultraman thread when Rising came out?
Fuck off no ones on your side, you are just as much if not more of a cancer way with your schizo reactions whenever someome even mentions the testudine gamera automatically calling him your boogeyman
I am convinced you and him are the same person argueing with yourself for the sake of shitting up and derailing the thread because your an anti-kaiju subhuman.
Now fuck right on back to your shitty ultraman thread where you can continue to LARP with fighting yourself.
Showa Godzilla and Monsterverse Godzilla are essentially the same character, MV just combines every era of Godzilla into one
stop being a cuck and letting internet fandom shit destroy your perception of the character, of course Legendary is going to want Godzilla to be THE badass monster of the world because that's what the movies have always done
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>stop being a cuck and letting internet fandom shit destroy your perception of the character
sadly this is a long standing tradition of the internet, retards will let any trivial thing affect their perception of anything in the most irrational ways
it's why people that say "I can't get into [piece of media] because the fanbase is bad" are the biggest faggots in the world and should never be taken seriously
I still like Gajaller but the fanbase is pretty cancerously pozzed now
Yeah, no.
Showa Godzilla
>Actually developed as a character over a long period of time
>Struggled in his fights and it made it way more badass when he won
>Only develops a little bit as a character and it's mostly limited to "Don't kill Kong"
>Isn't allowed to look bad at all and when he does the creators go all "Nah he'd win"
Oh they touched a nerve, huh?
I would't put it past it being
a lgbt considering how much of a massive faggot it is.
>stop being anti-kaiju
>'shitty' ultraman threads
Ultraman's about kaiju, you know. You'd have to be fucking retarded not to know that.
I miss the 90s when They was just used to describe a person, not this whole gender shit.
Wingard doesn't care about Godzilla so it doesn't matter because he's gone and Godzilla can be allowed to shine again.
I think what Toho is doing now with Godzilla can kill the series. If not permanently then at least can end the Reiwa series. They're finding new ways to suck.
Stop samefagging for bumps.
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Of course i know it has kaiju doesn't make them less of a shitposter trying to shit up the thread of a "rival" franchise.
>Shitting up the thread and calling everyone your boogeyman and spaming about rebirth flopping for the gorrilianth time is liking a kaiju franchise.
>shitting threads up accusing someone of being a boogeyman when gamera get's casually mentioned is expressing liking a kaiju franchise
how about you actually read >>22741960 or get out knuckledragger
>godzilla's revenge is bad because... it just is!
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Sir this is supposed to be a kaiju thread.
I love the body horror with this thing that isn't noticeable until you compare it to the other Gyaos
Anon, he got all the shine in these movies
Not in Wingard's movies. I must say it's rare to see someone denying that Wingard pushed Godzilla into background in both of his films. I mean that's why he promised he's going to do better in his third movie even before Godzilla x Kong came out or on the same day. This isn't normal this could only happen if he knew what people are saying.
every show gets a second season I am pretty sure its in the contracts now
>netflix stats being legitimate
KEK imagine being this naive
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>every show hets a second season
>Except the one that was more interesting than legacy of personal issues.
godzilla sp got what it deserved, I hate 3d in my anime!!! HATE!
>got what it deserved
Obvious troll post but it did modestly well from what irc but can't confirm that myself.
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>Suit accurate articulated miregoji
bugmen...i kneel
Do you ever shut the fuck up? I swear you make things a bigger issue than what they truly are. I'm huge S.P.fag but you're making us look bad. Shut up or get out. The thread is already shit, let's not make it worse.
>Complains about only a few innocuous mentions of SP and not the constant Rebirthschizoposting that's plagued kaiju threads for months.
Weird Flex Anon.
Motherfucker, did you not read what I just said about the thread already being shit? Do you want more nonsense here? Pacific Rim, Ultraman, might as well bring the anti-fags from the Kaiju No.8 thread here as well.
The what
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Just ignore and hide the schizoposters.
Guys. It's simple.
Here's the schizo cheat book.
If someone just randomly brings up Gamera, Rebirth or other non canon Gamera media, while shit talking Godzilla or his fandom, it's the gamera autist.
If someone brings up just Gamera Rebirth, it's the Gamerafag
If someone starts raging and calling everything an anti and chimps out, it's Gamerager.
If it's someone typing in all caps and usually with a kermit picture, it's the Kermitschizo who was originally the OG gamerager.
When Kaiju No.8 was just starting to air, every thread had these group of posters talking about how boring it is and kept saying it flop, almost every opportunity they had. You said anything positive, they call you a shill. It's no different that the Gamerafags here who keep appearing every Godzilla thread, attacking it and the fans.
Kermitschizo was never the OG gamerager, stop giving him credit for something he wasn't involved in.
Well he raged at the gamerautist, gamerautistrager then?
He rages at everyone so not really.
>If someone starts spaming about rebirths numbers and calling everyone who mentions gamera his namefag and chimps out, it's Gamerager.
Two of those are the same thing
Anon the kermitschizo rages at almost fucking EVERYTHING. I swear to god
I never denied he didn't but his style of post is different from the actual Gamerager.
Are you new? All of those are the same gamerautist.
Different typing styles though.
Your the worst of them all duelragerschizo, go perish
Was mean't for
I assume your suggesting he's got multiple personalities anon?
>spammerfag actually defends the gameraschizos
We have hit a new low.
How the fuck does a thread about Godzilla and his anniversary turn into about schizos and Gamera? Why can't we have a normal thread for once?
Kaiju threads have been targeted by pro and anti gameraschizo's for months which is why they barely appear anymore, we need to force the old jannie out and get someone who will range ban all of the trash.
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you can't have threads on /m/ about anything without this no life retard showing up
Then why are /tv/ kaiju threads decent? The differences are clear as day and night.
The jannitor from back during the pandemic had all the spammers figured out, those times were good.
Actual moderation and schizo purging probably.
>No mention of duel until duelragerschizo (you) showed up
>Calling others no life retards when the only thing he does is spam images and post about "duelrager"
You need to actually be hunted down...
>Actual moderation
Probably the schizo in me but we sure the new jannies aint like some controlled far left opposition trying to destroy the boards from the inside by making them unusable? /toy/ has a somewhat similar problem but nowhere near as bad.
oh great he's having another meltdown
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Someone just nuke already.
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What did Godzilla ever do to you to make you meltdown this hard?
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Tru but i don't think i have ever seen him go this hard, seems the lizard triggers him extremely.
It's melted down and spammed this much before?
I only lurked a few threads til now
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I'm willing to compromise and come to terms with both gamerautist and gamerarager if it means Duel stops being a sperg.
>i don't think i have ever seen him go this hard
Lurk moar.
Fuck you, I've seen Bigfoot! Here's video proof!
>this much
bitch this is baby mode
all of this while ban evading, mind you
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Oh shit. Bigfoot's real and he's groovin.
I think all those years of being banned from Toho Kingdom and every other Conceivable website have pushed him to the point of modern CWC level of batshit.
If only that push him off a bridge.
Is there any other specific things that trigger him this hard or is it just random?
I think it's just random, usually happens at night
he likes to project a lot and often calls other people "drug addicts" so it wouldn't surprise me if he is actually high on something right now
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How has no Psychoanon just snapped and hasn't just doxxed him yet...im not advocating it or would do it myself but im suprised he hasn't pissed off the wrong person and it not elevating to physical violence yet.
Im just suprised he's never gotten a thread on Kiwifarms, how has he avoided being permabanned here?
Pass user.
Can the pass be revoked?
Your replying to duel
This one?
Yeah that and this one https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/877516/ where he spends the whole thing spamming the thread is really depressing. Kinda like what he's doing here.
>all those replies
Can somebody just schoot this guy in roblox already.
>kaiju combat forum
What was your name? I was known as theinfinityking there.
No, I know what he is doing. He's pulling an Eric. On /v/, there is an infamous shitposter known as Eric who samefag so hard of him replying to himself until the thread is dead. He's trying to kill the thread.
The thread was already kill before he reared his obese head.
Yeah, but he still accelerated it. This thread was going at a snails pace for the last week, then he went and did his whole "Oh this guy sucks, but he's nowhere near as bad as that Duelrager guy am I right fellas? The Duelrager guy I keep constantly bringing up despite the fact that I also keep saying that Duel doesn't exist too" shtick, after that it's just been his spergout for the last 3 hours.
This threads corpse should serve as proof he exist whenever he pulls that stunt again elsewhere.
What the FUCK happened here
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>They actually pruned all his posts
It's been a while since I said it but mods = gods
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>Jannies can be good sometimes
Now if only it was perma then we would be rockin but anyway not like it's gonna effect anything but Tamashii is doing a SHMA Survey.
I think its reception has changed quite a bit once more people realized this wasn’t meant to be a serious movie and was targeted more towards kids, it doesn’t even take place in the Showa series where the Godzilla movies are fictional. Is it still the weakest of the classic movies, most certainly but I think kids would get a kick out of it. Also reminder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9U9TVJdkUPs
>this wasn’t meant to be a serious movie and was targeted more towards kids
Like all fucking godzilla movies.
Good point, besides 54, 84, Shin and minus one
They only gave him a 3 day ban, what the fuck?
He's the jannies slut and gives him sexual favors to get let off easy.
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Why is the new season of the Godzilla cartoon so political all of a sudden?
but who shot him?
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Toho is terrified to experiment with new opponents for Godzilla to fight. It's always the same opposite kaiju over and over and over again, Mothra, Ghidorah, MechaGodzilla, Gigan, Megalon (though that's more in videogames than in movies, last year's short notwithstanding)... I know familiar monsters are more profitable for them, but it's also tiresome seeing the same faces over and over again. For as much flak as it gets elsewhere, one thing I really like about the Monsterverse is that it gives us original kaiju, even if they're just side-dishes to the main monsters duking it out. It feels fresh and original and I'd love to see more original foes like we used to get in the Showa era.

I don't like the shadow Shin Godzilla cast on the Japanese side of the franchise. It feels like every one of Toho's Godzilla projects post-2016 has been coloured by Shin in some way, some more obviously than others. Minus 1, despite being an incredible movie, had me audibly groaning in the threatre the first time I saw Godzilla use his atomic breath during the Ginza attack, because the way his spines shot out of his back as he was charging was a kind of body horror that proclaimed its Shin Godzilla influence loudly and proudly. Singular Point is even worse about this, outright stealing the whole concept of Godzilla evolving into a land-based creature the more it adapts. And the anime trilogy Godzilla-forms the entire planet earth, in much the same way that Shin Godzilla would have multiplied and overrun the earth if he hadn't been stopped. I get that Shin was a huge success, but I hope now with Minus 1 blowing Shin out of the water that Godzilla projects going forward are given free reign to break away from the hold Shin Godzilla's shadow has on the franchise.
Toho's response to the newfound popularity of the series was making it a committee-driven series. Which it never was before, you always had executive producers who were working really close to the series, they developed the stories together with writers and directors. What they're doing now may harm the series in the long run. They'll end up sabotaging their own series, ironically because you'd think the Americans would be a bigger problem.
Probably because "fans" are not very receptive of anything that strives away from the norm? You make a perfect example, Shin made something different and influenced the following instances but you see it as something bad.
>What they're doing now may harm the series in the long run. They'll end up sabotaging their own series, ironically because you'd think the Americans would be a bigger problem.
No, I don't think the Americans "would be a bigger problem". Toho being Japanese doesn't automatically mean they make better content than the Americans. Even if they're not critical successes, I think the Monsterverse films are a hell of a lot more entertaining than the Netflix trilogy. I also can't say for sure if I agree that Toho will end up sabotaging Godzilla. If Minus 1 is any indication they might start to take a step or two back and let their directors tell more of the stories they want going forward. I hope.

>Shin made something different and influenced the following instances but you see it as something bad.
That's not what I said. I want to see more originality from the Godzilla franchise, but if all of Japan's entries going forward try to ape parts of Shin Godzilla then it stops being original. Minus 1 was a great film in its own right, a fresh and original take on what makes a human cast compelling, but its design for Godzilla didn't need to borrow body horror from Shin to stand on its own legs. Singular Point definitely had its own thing going, and as much as the science talk went over my head I could tell it was trying its best to be both faithful to and original in how it reinvented its cast of kaiju, and aping what Shin did only made their take on Godzilla feel less fresh than it actually should have been because we'd already seen a Godzilla that evolves. The anime trilogy... has a lot more problems than just "the planet being Godzilla-formed is a Shin Godzilla reference".

I liked Shin Godzilla, but that doesn't mean I think what made Shin Godzilla work necessarily works in other entries that aren't Shin Godzilla, and when other entries try to ape parts of Shin then their own originally gets diluted because we've already seen that part before.
>I think the Monsterverse films are a hell of a lot more entertaining than the Netflix trilogy
damn you sure picked one of the best entries to compare it to
Honestly I'm okay with this. It's already a pretty versatile roster that's covered all of the bases

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