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File: robot jox athena.jpg (1.71 MB, 1920x2560)
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So who here has enough disposable income to purchase a piece of western mecha history?
Robot Jox's hero is up for auction.
Alexander's robot is up for auction too, but meh.

Ron Cobb was great at color and iconography and an amazing mechanical designer, if maybe not so great at compelling pure mecha design. The stick legs are still odd.
Also, wasn't aware till now that Joe Haldeman (The Forever War) co-wrote the script.
>western mecha history
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Nice, watched Robot Jox a bunch of times on Tubi, its still on there. Here are some bts pics from the filming of Robot Jox, this pic shows the prop in the auction.
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Auction over? Site wont load for me.
If I had that kind of money I'd be spending it on much better things then that.
just thinking about the movie's ending puts a smile on my face. what a soulful film, even if it you can tell there was a clash between what direction they wanted to go with. Joe Haldeman's original vision probably wouldn't have the badass fistbump but that would have been a movie to behold too
>Estimate 10,000$ to 20,000$
Way too rich for my blood but would be cool to own. I'd totally be down for a 100$ plamo.
>We can live.
>We can both live.
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I'd buy normal ass toy for 60~120 bucks.
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Still one of my favourite films. First fight's Matsumoto-13 never gets any love with that gorgeous red. Give me a kit of that, someone I beg
Looks like they are both in okay shape, but missing pieces. Alexander's is definitely worse off.
There's several mostly complete props floating around but these two are from the first fight. You can see how they're wired up to move around and fire rockets and set off damage sparks.
Good Smile Company needs to make a Moderoid kit of this.
I wish I had the money to bid on this.
"Your bid means nothing because my bid IS nothing."

Western mecha history is accurate. Silly trials of possession on Solaris VII (with a side order of pathetic Trueborn wanna-bes) premise aside, the bot fights looked pretty good right up until Achilles was out of the cockpit and outrunning the slowest Gatling guns in cinema.

"The Forever War" had more pointed social commentary than "Robot Jox;" meat nights with one hot dog versus reduction of humanity to pre-dead gay clones, but whatever the intensity his writing was not without a certain humor.

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