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/m/ lore that's not widely known
>The Mazinger Z first issues implied that ancient greeks knew the secret of mecha giants as well
>Evangelion implied that the pilots don't have to shit as the cabins chairs elimate waste
>Gurren Lagan Is more an armor than a mecha as the robots are piloting other robots
>Gundam is set in an one world government dystopia where the EU took control of Europe and Asia
>Mega Man is technically a mecha product
>Mech Cadets is an actual subversions of mecha while Evangelion failed
>Astroboy is a cyborg and it's robot enemies are giant robots but not mecha
>Mecha is applied both to mobile suits and remote controlled robots
Useless factoids thread.
Go read a wiki or something retard.
Always has been.
Not really, in the early decade of the board wiki info was accepted.
In the early days of civilization retards were thrown into cliffs, but here you are.
Wikis don't really contain interesting factoids anymore. If at all. The exceptions being essentially community maintained wikis that do not care about being a fact booklet like 1d4chan(RIP) and wikis like that are old and live and die with the community that spawned it.
Fuck off.
No u
NTA but you’re a faggot
Did ancient japs have their own Talos?
Like giant metal golems or things, like a talos made out of kami energy
1d4chan is back as 1d6chan but it's as good as dead like most of /tg/
>Mecha is applied both to mobile suits and remote controlled robots
Huh, didn't know
Why did you make this thread on /a/ too, even down to asking the same questions in it?
Retards from here still parrot made up bullshit from the Gundam wiki, a lot of which isn't even up on there anymore. Wikiposters are a plague upon this board.
Could be the anon saw this as well and asked his same question

>Astroboy is a cyborg and it's robot enemies are giant robots but not mecha


Astroboy isn't a cyborg at all. He was created to replace Tenma's son, but he isn't actually made from his body or anything like that, just in his image. He's still a full robot with no human parts.
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>>Gundam is set in an one world government dystopia where the EU took control of Europe and Asia
>EF uses an updated Brazilian Flag
Cyborg also means any robot looking like a human, organic part of org means fake organic like
interesting thread
Kill yourself OP, stop bumping this made up trash.
Sorry, I will stop
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>And this board has gotten very anti-wiki for no reason
Gee I wonder why that's the case?
show name?
I mean it’s not much of a surprise given the myth of talos, and that said technology got lost afterwards until its rediscovery on bardos island
>Cyborg also means any robot looking like a human
Wrong, that's literally what an android is.
What does it mean then?

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