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/m/'s thoughts on Atom The Beginning?
why did wheelchair guy crossdress?
The creator is banking on a Netflix adaptation.
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the mechanical design is pretty good, i wish more of the artist's stuff was translated
atom got dropped two years ago, edison science fantasy dropped right as it was getting good, rideback got dropped, full metal panic 0 doesn't even have anything...
i bet there's tons of one-shots of his that don't get documented too
i've been reading tandem lover repeatedly for the last 5 years of my life man
>Atom got dropped two years ago
Because it was officially licensed. That's how it has always works in the manga fan translation world.
oh neat, i didn't hear about that.
my birthday's coming up next month so i'll try to get my hands on the official translation then
who's publishing it?
Titan. They're up to Vol. 8 as of a couple of weeks ago.
Isn't Titan using AI to translate their manga, or is that just for their localization of Kamen Rider Kuuga?
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I wanted to give it a try after watching Pluto, thinking that Pluto's biggest problem was that it was based on an existing Astro Boy storyline while The Beginning only has to deal with the fact that it's a prequel. Unfortunately the anime adapted the first 5 or so chapters of the first volume over the course of 12 episodes with lots of filler.

The manga might be good, but the anime was painfully slow.
yeah, i heard the anime botched the pacing hard.
gay as fuck, what was with that nose grabbing faggotry
soulless anime adaptation
does anyone have the anime's OP in flac? All the nyaa links are a big goose egg

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