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Why are you not watching this again?
I'm pretty lazy. Saw the first episode, though, and it was alright. Always nice when Doublas M2 shows up.
Because I just started watching Mazinger-Z for the first time.

Finding good subs was a real bitch.
to purposely spite you
I'll watch it twice to make up for your pettiness, don't worry.
So I initially tuned out because the the Eng subs JP translated to Arabic and then that Arabic translated to Eng so there too many parts where I had to rewatch the scene again becauses the subs were borderline crabsticks.

Is it still the same?
I keep seeing "crabsticks" and "crabsubs" and I don't know what they mean.
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I had a ep3 japanese dub based sub need some qc before release now
Yeah the Almighty subs encode is fine
How new?
I am watching. The subs are fucking terrible though. Why did this show get the garbage ass sub group?
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Honk Kong subtitles.
>Grendizer is not made the Fleedians

Huh? Okay, that explains why this Grendizer is kinda OP. I hope this isn't a Getter type kinda thing.

Also, waiting for Maria to make her debut
Lurk 50 years
I am, I'm just not caught up. Good subs for episode 3 aren't out yet so I'm waiting until then to watch it.
fixed english sub here. there should be no error,but if there are any tell me
need Gandhi Sans font for proper sub display
>lower budget on character animation
>spent budget on the mechs
>Duke tends to angsty as fuck
>Kouji really fucking likes Duke
>budding bromolust
Feels like a late 00's anime.Dammit Fukuda, make this Cross Ange trainwreck already.
Because I do not give two shits about Grendizer nor Fukuda
>le trainwreck
Watch the 70s Grendizer instead
U is a disgrace
>Grendizer is directly made by god, Great Vega is now a shadowy mythical demon and Earth and Fleed have an ancient connection
They're going somewhere with this i hope
I don't mean to be rude, but these are worse than the official subs. I had to stop watching just a couple minutes in because there were already too many typos, grammar errors and awkward lines just in the first couple minutes.
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learn English first before trying to translate into it
Mazinger Z will be upgraded to Great Mazinger.

That's my guess, imagine Great and Grendizer doing a Thunder Break and Space Thunder together.
thanks for the valuable opinion. i will keep those in mind.
Yamaga needs the budget for your favorite anime Uru in Blue. Prease understand
no they're terrible. It's English subs that were translated from JP to Arabic first.

Because no one actually subs anymore they just rip from Crunchyroll or whatever streaming service.
If only there was another Mazinger ready to be used
That makes no sense.
Great mazinger and Tetsuya do not matter
I don't see why they'd reuse the Great Mazinger name/design, it probably will be a Grendizer U original upgrade, based on whatever tech they're able to get to build the new Spazers, even if it takes cues from existing Mazingers.
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acuallty had people who know japanese checked and edited this sub
it had been updated
upload it to nyaa
Maybe call it Big Mazinger or God Mazinger like the earlier Great pitches
Please put your subs on nyaa if for no other reason than to have them all in one place.
>Big Mazinger
Dai Mazinger? More like Gren-Dai Mazinger rebuilt with Space Alloy Gren!
enjoy.fixed the subtitle again as well
translation's still pretty ass
The symbolism is so artful...
So romantic...
just kiss already!
Because I'm not into Grendizer.
Cassado kind of reminds me of Accelerator sometimes.
It's definitely gotten better since the first release, but there are still a number of awkward lines all over the script. Just a few examples.
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Describe this mecha.
Gurendaiza Blanco
>acuallty had people who know japanese
I'm sure they know JP but is English like a 3rd language to these peeps? because the english IS really bad.

Again it feels like JP---->some other language---->use that other language to English.
White Golgek
I misread that as CopeDizer for a second
Is his episode watchable yet
Why don't you help fix it then?
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I'm >>22743403, whats the easiest way to proofread this
I'm not good with computers, but I can probably skim the text and make grammatical corrections, upload it here, and then make corrections after I watch the episode in case the subs refer to incorrect people or things that don't exist. I don't want to fix the timing for things, I only want to proofread...
I'm just really really tired of not having good subs.
They can't because the Saudi investors but the sexual tension is there
Open the subs with notepad.
To be fair, Duke's angst is justified.
Hopefully he dies in a painful and brutal way.
... I'm going over the first few lines, and it seems like the Toonsubs subs are more coherent, although I don't know what's legitimately closer to the actual (Japanese) language. Like, the ordering of some phrases or some details are completely absent
>Grendizer's loss would immediately\Ncause the temporary peace to crumble.
>The treaty prohibited the destruction of Grendizer and prohibited other parties from seizing this formidable weapon
>Suzerain Star Vega
>although I don't know what's legitimately closer to the actual (Japanese) language
pretty sure neither sub is close
I know at least that Shahid is mtl jp -> arabic -> english
>pretty sure neither sub is close
>whatever I try to do will also be an inaccurate job
Any Japanese subs for all the geriatric fans of the original Grendizer? Can't find Korean subs I can compare/work with. I'll try the Almighty subs-
>it's the same as Shahid
I don't understand why non-Arabs haven't picked this show up, or why the subs are completely different. Do I just take cues from both and make something readable and less awkward? I think people more familiar with Japanese will catch more instances of "sub didn't use a common word that I can hear them saying" than I can, though.
Turns out whatever JP that Yaoi801 subs (it's on nyaa, I didn't literally go to a yaoi site) pulled is somewhat close to Lazyfix.
Here's the Japanese, dropping it in DeepL lets me click on things like "patron god" and get better suggestions like "guardian", although
I'd also have to make choices like whether to translate it as Vegan Empire, even if federation might be more accurate, because I think it's usually been translated as Vegan Empire(?)
It was retconned by Mazinger Infinity, why would I waste my time with it?
Anon, Mazinger Infinity's multiverse stuff literally allows for the probable existence of Grendizer and Grendizer U
Also Grendizer U is its own show and continuity, and retcons Toeidizer by your logic, what are you talking about
>I didn't literally go to a yaoi site
Sure you don't.
It was on nyaa, please I'm begging you
The Robot Spirits Grendizer U.
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Aquadizer is better
Girly bot
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Of course it's a girly bot, cause it's used by woman.
It was the most Grendizer-like one. I'm surprised it turned out to be such a throw away opponent that couldn't compare to the real deal at all.
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>Being ashamed of yaoi in a Grendizer thread
I'm assuming every other dizer is a imperfect copy of Grendizer, since they said nothing about a god creating the others
Look buddy we're all anonymous you don't have to pretend anything
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I think Duke and Koji are super pretty, but this was purely a selfless and wholesome find on nyaa
I swear I didn't go on yaoi801.neocities.org/subs/yaoi/even-gayer-yaoi/grendizer-u
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I wish pretty Koji was here to comfort me during these yaoi accusations
Don't we all?
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>those feminine eyelashes, and shiny eyes partly opened
>that pretty smile and jawline
I watched the opening multiple times but h-holy fuck you've made it guaranteed that I won't ever drop this show. I'll watch his show with Arabic subs if it meant I got to be with him every week
And you wonder why nobody's watching your gay little show
>he doesn't like hot-blooded super robots
This is literally gayer than men fucking
why can't zoomers talk about anything not related to homosexuality when discussing anime and video games?
I'll talk about it when I can watch it enjoyably in the English language
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Waffle Translation for EP3 is here
im checking if it is better than lazyfix

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Absolutely saintly, thank you!
the answer is yes,use waffle over lazyfix
So is waffle the subs worth waiting for? And is there a place to grab all the subs?
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>can really feel the emotions in the voice acting, from angry Daisuke to ashamed Koji
>Gandal's actually pretty fun, especially alongside sycophant Blacki, their interactions are cute and we got to hear DIO's VA do a familiar countdown
>platonic ring of eternal friendship
>interesting mythos about gods and devils thought long dead
>Koji is still super pretty
>instead of Danpei, we have Professor Umon be cutely excited and welcoming to an alien, hopefully becoming an adoptive father role as well
The show is starting to get interesting, things are looking up now that we have better subs.
check the x account
>sign in to X
hmmmmm no
I blame modern Tranime and Fukoda for pandering to faggots
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Just wait until Maria shows up, we'll be heteroposting to the max
Watched episode 3 and holy shit, you guys weren't exaggerating about Zeoladizer going down so embarrassingly.
If the way hotter Sayaka isn't stopping that then this brat has no hope
Sayaka sisters......I'm worried for us....
She was mega annoying in the 70s version.
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I heard a rumor that Maria was supposed to be Sayaka in the original series, but somehow that didn't happen, and made Maria.
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How was Grendizer U's fourth episode?
Because Grendizer's lame.
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>Duke Fleed LIVE
>Maria next week

Fujos have had a good run. But it's over. Koji will learn that Allah wanted him to have two brides.
It looks like it's a fellow anon, here's hoping we can get ep4 soon. Also Waffle if you're reading this, I hope your weekend ended up alright
I have a hard time taking it seriously when they turn Riyadh into Gaza circa 2024

From the river to the sea...
So why did his name get translated as "Fleed," anyways?
It's clearly supposed to be "Fried," as in Siegfried
Do you thnk Maria will call Sayaka "obaa-san"? That's a common Japanese joke
a bak

Best episode so far. Last one was a letdown but this one make me more hopeful for the future if they keep this pace. It's essentially a remake of episode 25 of the original, and it focuses entirely on it, meaning it's not nearly as rushed as the first three.
They also introduced saucer beasts, about damn time! It's weird that the first one we see didn't get to fight Grendizer, but the next ones should. Now don't let me down again and give us real cool fights. They're even reusing the original's saucer beasts apparently, that's cool, too bad they won't be able to include all of them.
Daridari is definitely the cuck of saucer beasts. 2 appearances, instantly dies without getting to fight both times. Rip
>Hopefully he dies in a painful and brutal way.
Nah, he's gonna be Bejita. Look at his reaction when Naida said she was gonna kill Duke
Why can't nu-Duke have manly long hair?
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These subtitles can't be right. Did they just intentionally add that 'friend' bit because of some weirdo cultural thing?
I thought it was a nice idea to have Daridari be a giant bomb. And kind of funny too.
It's a bit late to be realizing the official subs suck ass.
I'd say it's mtl, but shit like "Duke Flood" isn't possible with machines
Why is it only 13 episodes? I'd have understood split cour even but this is short.
what year do you think it is?
>duke appears
>pussy juice starts flooding the room
it's not that hard to understand
I thought it was 26 episodes.

Not too familiar with this franchise, but does Duke always get screwed over?

I like Duke's friendship with Koji and other aspects of the show, but him being the chew toy of fate is getting tiresome.
I can't imagine Kasado in a Vegeta like role, he has recurring psycho or crazy underling who winds up becoming final villain vibes
>Not too familiar with this franchise, but does Duke always get screwed over?
Don't worry, the worse is yet to come. The original show could get pretty melodramatic.
>but does Duke always get screwed over

Last I heard some anon mentioned an interview that this show will have a more hopeful ending
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Once she shows up, Koji will transfer ownership of me to her and it'll be great
Maria will try to kill Koji just like before
It seems to have originated from Italian fan-forums, but there's nothing in Japanese sources found to indicate any intent of Sayaka.
The most I've seen is talk that Banta was to pilot the Drill Spazer, but Toei nixed him because it'd be too much like Getter Robo and Maria was created to add another girl.
Oh boy, Ota's manga is pretty worse
The Vegans are really turning Gaza into Zaza
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those damn Vegans
Maybe they wanted to friendzoned Naida post-mortem as a final fuck you
that'd be funny, but no, it doesn't match what he's saying
SRW better put Grendizer U in one game with Gundam AGE.

>Sayaka couldn't cheer up Koji when Mazinger Z got destroyed
>Duke manages to do in seconds while Sayaka watched from the sidelines
>Sayaka is now forced to watch Maria banter with Koji

Sayaka is getting mogged hard by the Fleed bloodline
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>Emperor sized bed
>3 Pillows
>Sayaka nowhere in sight (Maybe it's the snoring?)
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>The memory that breaks Naida's mind control is specifically the one of her being a cuckqueen
That was rather sad
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>Says cryptic shit
>Doesn't leave, just sort of stands around
Making her an autistic cutie is probably the best thing they could do with her.
maybe he just wants a big bed, I know I'd want one
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I'm still waiting for all the mecha from 2018 onwards to be put in SRW, not just gridman and shinkalion
I'm still waiting for all the mecha from 2009 onwards to be put in SRW, not skip over the last generation to have mecha with two cours
They never even added all the series from the 70's (and probably never will at this point), so I wouldn't hold my breath.
Shit from the early 2000s is still way too irregular
Groizer X bros... our chances are rough
>blows up without doing anything in both OG and U
I really feel bad for this mech.
it has a humanoid form that never appeared in both versions
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Soon we will rise again.
damn, episode 4 had the most potential so far. i wish they had built up to the kamikaze over more than just 1 episode though. kinda hard to get emotional when it's paced like this.

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