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How come Hizack doesn't get any love like any other grunts? Is it because it's a literal Zaku clone?
>Is it because it's a literal Zaku clone?
Yes. It's just an uglier Zaku. If you want a mono eyed Zeta grunt that's Zaku flavored but not just literally a Zaku most people will point to the Marasai, which is better than the Hizack in every way
It's the zaku but slightly more complicated in worse ways. The opposite of the MKII.
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Hizack custom looks mildly better as it gets rid of a bunch of seemingly pointless fins and flaps on the backpack and legs, but the lower legs with the gigantic thruster pieces are still ugly.
>hizack hater (subhuman) thinks he can convince people he's not the only sorry sod like that here
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tell us more
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i fucking LOVE Hizack! it's my favorite MS
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hizack (red)
>the opposite of the MKII
Brothers who took different paths and ended up at war with each other.
but the fins and flaps are the best part
That little piece in front of the monoeye makes it look happy
It's actually Tomino's personal favorite MS.(That's why it cameo'd in Char's Counter Attack)

He's expressed his love for it several times.
Anywhere I can read about this? Sounds interesting. It also makes a lot of sense when you think about it, the Hizack is sort of a peculiar and very direct culmination of UC technology and politics.
Don't worry, Hizack. I will always like you.
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I could find one pic so far.

pretty sure this isn't the only time he mentioned hizack though.
Still quite neat, thank you. I can get a bit more of it now, it seems like he enjoys the word joke of the MS family name being continued.
How come the Hizack can't use two beam weapons at the same time when OYW suits like the Gelgoog could?
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Im not a huge fan of AOZ, but I do like how it turned the Hizack into a fucking beast
I like the EWAC Zack. Anyone else find it funny it's called the Hizack instead of the Hizaku?
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Forgot image.
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Hizack is cool but how about Bizack
The town's would have won if they built the HiZock
Generator was pushed to its limits so while it's functional enough it's on its last legs. It's like an old video game engine maxed out decades after it was released.
It looks like G1 Megatron's inbred cousin.
The tradeoff doesn't sound very effective considering the Hizack's lackluster performance. I'd rather use a Galbaldy.
>How come the Hizack can't use two beam weapons at the same time when OYW suits like the Gelgoog could?

Because the Hizack uses higher output beam weapons than the GM or Gelgoog.
I thought in the lore it was some kind of design flaw in the initial rollout of suits for the Titans that got fixed by the time it was adopted for general use by the EFF
>A Side 6 Christmas: 9AM Sunday
fuckup in the final stages of the development (depending on the source either by Anaheim or Federation), the reactor can in theory power beam weapons just fine but it's not designed with Hizack's unique hybrid field motor / fluid pulse drive system which means real power supply is below spec. Allegedly it was fixed near the end of UC 0087 (better late than never) and based on what info we have it's implied to be a relatively small-scale fix rather than complete refit of the reactor. Maybe some specific parts are changed or it's largely software-based.
It's about cost effective measures more than anything. "Hey we have these things that are in high numbers, let's max out their performance before we settle on a total upgrade." Said total upgrade being eventually the Jegan.
Hizack used to be uncool but now he is cool.
Back in vogue, simple as
Is the Hizack part of the Jegan family tree? I thought the Hizack was basically a dead end
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What was the point of making the Hizack when the Galbaldy β exists?
No, what he's saying is that the Hizack is old technology being pushed to its limits for money's sake until eventually being completely replaced by totally new-breed machines like the Jegan.
I looked up the Galbaldy β and Hizack on Gundam wiki, the Galbaldy actually edges out the Hizack performance-wise, so it's quite the mystery.
There’s no way
In at least part I'd put it down to Gundam's English naming conventions for UC, and with it a lot of finalised terminology, not being 100% locked down until about the turn of the century. The Zaku was at one point romanized as 'Zak'.
Most of these inconsistencies can be explained with "both the EFF and Anaheim are unbelievably corrupt"
could be that, it's also plausable the Hizack was a first attempt that didn't work out as well as hoped. The Marasai was a remarkable improvement while still being cost-effective as a mass-produced mobile suit.
Marasai so cool
Is it though?
What’s uncool about my favourite suit?
It's just so... bland.

It also feels real mistakeable for a Geara Doga from a distance.
Aneheim. Need I say more?
It's the Geara Doga's predecessor, isn't it?
You can literally look up the specs. The Hizack basic beam rifle is much higher output than the GM and Gelgoog beam guns.
Geara doga is developed from the late type zaku iii
Both are technically correct
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I'm not quite sure if databooks substantiate all of the following, but my understanding was that from 0083-0086 the EFSF had to rebuild after the 0083 boondoggle AND the Titans were being built up at the same time, it was not possible to just build only GMs to satisfy the rearming needs of everyone in time, plus the existing GM Kai performed like shit during the 0083 conflict, so the Feds had to diversify and look into alternatives like captured Zeon factory lines and design data. As a stopgap, the Feds end up producing the Act Zaku and Galbaldy Beta, these represent the best of the older OYW-era stuff. Meanwhile the Feds are also still churning out GM IIs but also developing the Hizack as a sorta next-generation model that looks promising as a workhorse that won't break the bank but is reasonably advanced with panoramic cockpit and new beam rifle. All of these MS kinda perform similarly because the Feds are more concerned about ease of production than high performance, and a bunch of technology is currently in development just over the horizon but won't be ready for a few years, like gundarium gamma, movable frame, binders, etc. Rick Dias and Marasai would be some of the first MP units to incorporate those new technologies and they were a much bigger performance leap over existing units including the Hizack, than the Hizack was compared to the GM II.
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Hizack Backpack might haven been inspiration for the MK II backpack which would develop into the Jegan backpack.

The Galbaldy beta was harder to pilot than the Hizack which is why it became the mainstay ms for both EF and Titans. The hizack is also a little faster and has better armor than the Galbaldy beta.

The Geara Doga seems to be Anaheim's update to the Marasai. They probably swiped any tech they could implement cheaply off the Zaku III. Since it looks nothing like the Zaku III.
Geara Doga is a mix of late Axis projects that were probably never built (Doga), Zaku III data and Marasai data thrown in when Anahaim took over development
The angling makes it look like the Hizack has really happy eyes, ready to see the world
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Hizack in cosplay
The MG really is benching real bad on this.

>The Geara Doga seems to be Anaheim's update to the Marasai. They probably swiped any tech they could implement cheaply off the Zaku III. Since it looks nothing like the Zaku III.

The Zaku III was bleeding edge technology in UC 0088. One of the best suits that Axis could make during the timr.

The Geara Doga was NOT the best suit Anaheim Electronics could make. It was basically AE saying: "What's a budget Zeon style suit we could make with modern technology for Char's rebellion ?"

And don't even get me started on Geara Zulu. That was AE saying:
"What's a ABSOLUTE CHEAPEST Zeon style suit we could make that uses modern technology?"

AE wanted to supply Neo Zeon remnants with suits that had modern tech. But not make remnants too powerful.
Except the Geara doga and zaku iii are the same height and the Marasai is 3 metres shorter than both
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It's amazing how much better the Zaku III looks without all the pointy bits
the Zaku III was bleeding edge for the grunt style suits of the time...but it wasn't the bleeding edge of grunts made at the time, that would go to the Doven Wolf which is an insane MS to be mass produced, but they did it. The Zaku III in comparison is far more conservative and definitely styled much more different than the overgunned Doven Wolf
When I saw the hobby hizack I always imagined they used them for some kind of mobile suit wrestling or raced them, maybe something like roller derby. I have an idea for a diorama of a few hizacks painted like nascars with sponsor stickers racing across a finish line with a crowd in the bleachers behind them
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The zaku III is also about 11 tons heaviler than the marasai and about 20 more tons than the Geara Doga. Desipte the zaku III being made out of Gundarium. The Geara Doga also uses a shield that resembles the marasai one except it's a more practical design.

Zaku III and Geara Doga pretty much have the complete opposite in design philosophy. Geara Doga is bang for your buck while Zaku III is how much power can i buy.

I'm surprised they have never gone in depth about this sport the hobby hizack plays in.
I actually do wonder how efficient the Zaku successors are when stacked against each other. The Hizack is at the bottom and the Zaku IV is on top, but between that you have the Marasai, Zaku III, Geara Doga, and Geara Zulu. I hear the Zulu is actually worse than the Doga in some respects, which would make sense since the Sleeves are in bad shape

The zaku iii’s shield is also two pieces on a hinge & I don’t think the handheld shield should count anyway because the Doga also has a shoulder mounted shield which doesn’t resemble either.
The geara doga hand shield looks like someone saw the marasai's shield and went that shield would be better used on the forearm. The Zaku III shoulder shield looks like a modernized version of the zaku II style shoulder shield. Which the Geara Zulu for some reason disregards in favor of devolving back to the zaku II shield. I doubt the shoulder shields on either the doga or zaku III were expensive. Would probably cost more to make a new production line to make a limited run of classic shields than to just slap on existing ones.
Good fucking God, what is this fatsuit? Does AoZ do this with everything?
That Marasai is very sexy
>The Galbaldy beta was harder to pilot than the Hizack which is why it became the mainstay ms for both EF and Titans. The hizack is also a little faster and has better armor than the Galbaldy beta.
When does armor even matter? Beams cut through whether or not its a simple steel alloy or Gundarium whatever. Unless you're in a mobile suit that costs like half a damn space fleet like The O or the ZZ, it doesn't do shit, and you're far better off with just using a shield with ABC.
not everything has beams, especially when you're a suit designed to fight against Zeon remnants that often don't have the ability to field many beam weapons. Just look at the Delaz Fleet, it's all Rick Doms and Zakus while Cima Fleet has a whopping one unit with a beam gun.
Also armor still helps against glancing hits that would otherwise be lethal or heavily damaging.
Hizack comes from a time when the enemies of the Feds are still primarily using OYW leftovers and beams are still relatively uncommon weapons. It isn't until the Gryps conflict and Haman's invasion that the majority of enemies have beam weapons by default.
Yeah people overestimate beams being instant kill rays. Even in Zeta you see Nemos getting winged by beams and surviving.
arms and legs are pointless too
Idk why but I always found the pilot of the purple geara doga in cca to be the hottest character. something about her purple lipstick contrasting with her plain hairstyle and hair color.
I could have saved Rezin Schynder.....
Bullshit, how else are we supposed to land in space colonies and squash infantry?
AMBAC, bitch
I wonder how the OYW suits stack up against Gryps or even Neo Zeon suits. The GMII is essentially a vanilla GM, and the Hizack isn't all that impressive compared to later OYW grunts but they're both the biggest parts of the Gryps armies (the GMII even pulls double duty)
Skirt gun vs sub arm for zaki iii,
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Probably similar to hobbyist WW2 fighter planes
Ah yes, a design decision that revolutionised mobile suits forever more
That's because getting winged means they're getting hit in a non-vital area and the damage is not critical, but still results in the loss of the damaged part, but a shot to the torso means they're either dead or about to be, which is pretty much the case 99% of the time, which is why I think armor never helped much at any point aside from the start of 0079, where Zeon mobile suits were effectively shooting spitballs with their machine guns at the Gundam.
you're forgetting that ballistic weapons were still quite common till like mid Zeta. And indeed, at no point is any Rick Dias or Nemo damaged by a machine gun.
better armor in gundam is usually much lighter than lower quality armor which allows you to increase the amount of armor or be more nimble with similar protection to older armor.

Rezin has an interesting design sadly she has no relevance and is their just to get swatted by psychoframe AA gun. She made an appearance in Zeta define but i have no hope for anything good from that. Since the writing is bad and comes off as AEUG propaganda.

UC engage has a hizack blow off a nemo's shoulder with a machine gun.
It's either hated for not looking zaku enough or not being EF enough. So it gets bullied by both sides.
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Older menus used to call Galbaldy Beta and Interceptor MS and not just a "mass produced" MS. It was probably meant to be a specialized MS that became obsolete when TMS becomes the norm.
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In-universe it was said that Reccoa going out in that refurbished Gelgoog was considered suicide, but the Jaburo defense force weren't slouches and they weren't even operating the most high end OYW models. Machine guns are obsolete, but a bazooka will still fuck up whatever it his as long as it's not a shield.

That said, while those Gouf flight types can pull off some useful hit-and-run style attacks to make the most of what they have, they still have disadvantages. Hiding behind a building might work against machine guns and bazookas, but a beam rifle would just punch through that cover like it wasn't there. Hovering was a really effective way of moving for just a few MS in the OYW, but technically most Zeta grunts can do that too.
>Machine guns are obsolete
The later the war goes on I can't imagine this remaining true. As suits begin to adapt more and more to beam weapons (namely by becoming more maneuverable) ballistic machine gun viability tapers out but remains relevant
Eh, depends. As a mobile suit killing weapon, it has limitations. During Gryps war and 1st Neo Zeon war, it was common for the grunts of that era to have gundarium alpha or gamma armor, which should be resistant if not mostly immune to machine guns, but I guess you can still hit soft spots like cameras, joints, backpack nozzles, etc. Once you reach post UC0100 with the miniaturization concept that reduces armor to almost nothing then machine guns are definitely lethal again, but beam weapons still enjoy some qualify of life advantages over machine guns that need to be reloaded and have limitations under gravity.

CCA having Geara Dogas getting eaten alive by even smaller calibre head vulcans and defensive AA turrets is a bit silly, they have titanium alloy which should make them better armored than some OYW MS, but I guess the armor must be really thin since the original GM also has titanium alloy armor but weighs twice as much if we go by the specs.
The fuck are you on about? That's just a normal Hizack with a feddie visor
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Why the hell did they bother with the Hi-Zack at all when the Act Zaku already exists?
Hizack is developed from Act Zaku (among other things)
Tooling and production lines that were already paid for and built by Zeon are free at this point thanks to the EFF capturing them. Anaheim also paperclipped most of the Zeon staff and were able to adapt them to federation tech cheaply. I’m assuming the Hi-Zack and Galbaldy Beta are basically stop-gap measures to replenish losses and free up GMs to other more crucial areas. It’s similar to how the German Air Force used a lot of former East German MIG-29’s for bit until they were sold off.
From all accounts, the Hi-Zack seems like a cheaper and less capable version of the Act Zaku but I’m guessing that was part of the point.
I mean, Act Zaku hinges on making magnetic coating viable for mass production and that's not only expensive but just excessive especially as tech advances. Zeta era machines only really use it for fast transformations, for example.
Besides that it's built to Federation standards, keeps production lines and personnel active and is made for beating up inferior machines.
I’m guessing the Marasai was the first true clean sheet design that wasn’t just using OYW tech and tooling. It makes sense for the Titans to fund its development for something that was more economical and modern than keeping the GM Quel fleet running.

I feel like the Geara Doga was definitely based on the Marasai but stripped of its armor and heavier weapons in favor of making them cheap but modular for Char’s forces. I don’t imagine the production numbers are high here. If anything, a lot of the Geara Dogas and Geara Zulus are essentially hand built and assembled in clandestine locations similar to the Kampfer. Because the amount of pilots are few, they’re built around a highly skilled and dedicated user base rather sheer numbers.
>less capable
Subjective. Act Zaku was more of a high-performance machine, whereas the Hi-Zack prioritized versatility, cost-effectiveness, and ease of operation. Despite problems with its hybrid generator hindering use of beam weapons, the Hi-Zack could be refitted to fit a variety of combat roles and had more parts compatibility with other mobile suits of that era.
I really wish we got actual production numbers for Mobile Suits in the lore sometimes.

I like to imagine that every transformable MS is a maintenance nightmare that requires a lot of complex and sometimes exotic components just to keep running with some models needing specially trained crews.

In the case of the Sleeves, keeping any of Haman’s old fleet running must’ve been an absolute pain in the ass. It probably took years of smuggling parts from Anaheim, fabricating whatever they could, and plain old theft of EFF warehouses just to have a couple battleworthy Bawoos and Doven Wolves.
Which is funny because i assumed the Act Zaku was intended to utilize existing Zaku II production lines and upgrade them with as many Gelgoog parts as possible to keep costs down. Hell, the Galbaldy was just taking existing Gyan units and adapting to Gelgoog parts as well in order to keep the Zeon fleet more or less on par with each other in performance.

By your logic, the Hi-Zack is an economy version of an economy version.
Problem is that numbers in fiction, especially sci fi, are goddamn hard to do in a way that's reasonable.
But for what it's worth there are some numbers at least, though it's questionable how accurate they are. For example Zaku IIs are said to be produced in the thousands with GMs not far behind, while Gelgoog ranges from around 200 to 800. Later GM II is said to reach 10000 and be the most produced unit (at least at the time). Gaza-Cs are IIRC around 300.
All the random shit Sleeves had is as I understand from other remnant groups joining up into a united faction. So the Bawoos and Doven Wolves and such either never made it into the battle during Haman's war or survived it and escaped the Federation at the end. By UC 0096 they're probably running on fumes barring the odd lucky scavenging or bone thrown by Anaheim which has the data for them.
I don't believe that was Act Zaku's idea, it is it's own separate model just inheriting Zaku's design. Different model number and everything. Besides, FZ was already there at the same time to modernize existing Zaku units.
Galbaldy isn't using existing Gyan units (these were almost certainly in single digits), it's using Gyan production lines together with Gelgoog data and some parts for a fusion of them as a potential successor machine.
The late model Zeon machines were all basically rationalizing the production lines into roughly equitable performance numbers under the UMP but I’m guessing the mobile armor programs got the bulk of immediate funding and resources thanks to political meddling. The Zaku II Kai felt like a stop gap measure to keep existing Zakus relevant while the Act Zaku got off the ground and while the Gelgoog could start producing greater numbers. I’m sure the Principality was probably more strained in regards to pilots and training as well as having their support crews basically scrambling to adapt to three or four different platforms at once and somehow keep logistics from imploding.

I would assume actual production numbers may not reflect OPERATIONAL units but ones that are essentially assembled but untested or in the process of complete assembly but may have been delayed due to factory defects, errors, or may be awaiting parts. I assume all Mobile Suit maintenance teams are prone to cannabalizing. Something like the Zudah was trotted out just to absorb stocks of defective or obsolete Zaku I or even Dom parts in order to keep up appearances of numerical and technological superiority

The Galbaldy was probably intended as a companion piece similar to how the Gyan was intended to work alongside the Rick Dom. When the Gelgoog proved more versatile, Zimmad probably was forced to integrate components in order to put the Gyan lines to use in order to justify the development costs.
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Seems like they're doing pretty good to me
They should compromise and make an Act Hizack.
I'm pretty sure Mark mentioned once on mechatalk that magnet coating just became an industry standard after a certain point, which is why it's never referenced again after Zeta.
They did. It's in UC Engage >>22745830
Is this the only time we see a visor suit killing another visor suit?
>it was common for the grunts of that era to have gundarium alpha or gamma armor,
That doesnt matter when you make your armor paper thin to save weight. After the OYW, they made armor thin as way to make the suit more agile to avoid getting hit by beams. Consequently, machine guns and physical weapons became somewhat viable again. Not to mention machine guns and ballistics also saw improvements after the OYW to help counter new armor materials.
because the marasai exists
The HiZack is at its best aesthetically when it's either fresh off the production line bumping shoulders with relatively obscure high-end OYW suits or decrepit in EFF colors defending some backwater
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actually, it's at its best working together with its estranged papa

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