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File: garma43.png (516 KB, 877x827)
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If he lived and Char wasn't a duplicitous, petty bitch and they went into business together as Neo Zeon early, breaking away from the rest of the family, could they have made it work?
>another whatifism thread
>Char wasn't a duplicitous, petty bitch

Pretty massive change
You just want char and garma to have homosexual relations
To be clear, I was thinking just in regards to his relationship to Garma, he'd still be a petty bitch with everyone else.

That's just an added bonus, I already have FFxAngelo for my Char dicks down a fruity purple haired twink fantasies.
>look mom I said it again!
Years after their success, Archduke Garma Zabi is the media-darling figurehead and Prime Minister Char Aznable is the brains behind the throne.
>look mom I made the thread again!
Your inner noob is showing: The domestic Japanese Gundam fandom since Gundam first aired, within weeks of Garma appearing on screen. How do you not know this incredibly basic stuff? Are you just wilfully ignorant about any part of Gundam's history which doesn't make you feel good?
>bro what if we changed the story completely
Do people really think they know better than Tomino? Go make your own anime then.
>what if scenarios bad!!!
they made multiple grand strategy games about this sort of shit, fuck off
File: Best timeline.png (2.88 MB, 1920x1080)
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Truly the ending Tomino would have wanted.

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