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Was it a failure?
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Was that before or after Haruto died?
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At the very least, the manga showed Saki as never letting go of her love for Haruto, even after his death.

Also, Shouko became the new pilot of Unit 01 to honor him, though given that he specifically DIDN'T want her to become that, I don't know if that really works.
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I hope so, what a train wreck.
Given how little Bandai has tried to merchandise it, it follows that they would very much like everyone to forget that it existed.
During the funeral
Even Okouchi wanted to forget about it and focus more on Code Geass, G-Witch, and Princess Principal.
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Technically, it was. It was popular in some rankings, meme'd or not, but it didn't sell well in terms of BD sales and what limited merch it had.

Which is a bit of a shame; I would have loved some MG-level 1/100 kits of the Valvraves. Esp. with the then new clear-pla molding process Banrise was debuting around that time.
I guess that really shows that you can have all the noise in the world it doesn't matter if people aren't buying.
Of all the Valvraves, only VVV-II was not made, not even as a P-Bandai kit despite it being released during its advent as a fan channel. The other five models were made, fortunately.
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Saki deserved a better show
You know what? Considering how the Prince is somehow looking like a young Haruto, I always think Shouko would somehow breed with Saki. Call me out all you want, but the Valvraves can do so much more when it concerns sex, because of a combination of Pino being fucked up in the head and the Valvrave pilots' memories imprinting on those machines that Shouko has basically inherited Haruto's memories since.
How soon until Moderoid announces new kits?
I've yet to see Valrave in the top 10 for any of their surveys so far
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Indeed she did. Honestly, I think she’s one of Sunrise’s best heroines from the 2010s

Heck, I honestly wouldn’t mind some sort of Code Geas Resurrection-esque story for this series, if only to give her and the others a more satisfying ending.
How the hell did Buddy Complex get ahead of this then?
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>heroine who canonically raped the protag
>best heroine from the 2010s
Not sure if based or just sad.
It was a failure in the sense that any show that doesn't convert to Gundam numbers is a failure.

You stupid fuck.
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I'm the cream
To your coffee
Raped bitch
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Here's a proper failure
>kills any hope of Sunrise making original IPs again
I didn't even know this show existed before I learned the guy who wrote this is writing Roze of the Recapture.
What are they thinking
Technically, it was Pino who did the deed. And it was both Saki and Haruto who suffered being raped
Or not her, than it was whatever caused the curse to overtake Haruto.

The fact that the writers threw out that subplot in favor of the whole memory loss crap is quite frustrating.
Man I forgot just how much of a fucking ride this show was.
True true, my bad. All I remember is that it sucked to be het in this show.
I cry everytym, unironically
Buddy Complex is more desirable personally because there was no kits while Valrave at least got a series of HGs.
BC's success was pinned on a shitty mobile gacha game and when that did poorly (who is going to whale for a new game made for a seasonal anime?), its kits were cut after showing off prototypes and its second season was slashed down.
first season was great due to all the stupid shit happening every single episode
2nd one kinda toned it down for the sake of drama and went into the gutter
>What are they thinking
To try their hand at a new mecha IP and hope it takes, because they wanted to expand upon options beyond Gundam and Code Geass and for Bandai's plamo division, continue expanding their kit lines beyond Gundam (like they've done for Star Wars and some other IP).

Problem was that basically almost no original or semi-original mecha series took until Bravern recently.
But why would you put a failure of a writer on a zombie franchise like Code Geass? Geass is no Gundam, as a franchise it never worked as well. It needs good writers.
What do you think of her?
something about the girl on the right is pissing me off and I can't place it. I have to assume there was some shitposter that avatarfagged as her back in the day and I'm just getting lingering memories of that
*Sexual assault
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Best girl
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It doesn't help somewhat sabotaging your own series with a lack of merch. Even more kits of the Waffes and Ideals plus MG-level VVVs would have helped go a long way. But it was almost entirely reliant on BD sales and sales of the CD Singles featuring TM's and Nami's duet.

It especially sucks for me since I'm a sucker for "hardlight" or clear-part mecha styling, similar to Zegapain, and the VVV designs + VVV-II Normal and Enhanced would have been an easy buy for me.

One day. The VVVs + Kagerous all share the same body base, and they'd mostly be having to come up with all the different equipment for each one. And then the VVV-II Enhanced Variant would need an entirely new mold due to having 4 drone parts for the arms and legs.

Even Kannazuki no Miko at least got a kit for the male protag's mech.
How does failing worse than Valvrave make it more desirable?
The difference is Valvrave got model kits that sold poorly while Buddy Complex should have gotten model kits but didn't because it was set up to fail by producers who were clueless about gacha games.
probably nepotism, you don't get into the entertainment industry without conections or a casting couch
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Seconding this.
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Not this /pol/ shit again.
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Shows like this and Buddy Complex look like such bland flops from the promo art alone that you wonder why they were ever greenlit
What kind of show do you think she could be from instead of ‘Valvrave’?
Are you really going to argue about semantics?
No one cares baby eater.
>Buddy Complex look like such bland flops from the promo art alone that you wonder why they were ever greenlit
At the time buddy complex was talked about as a show to get new animators experience. I don't know how true that was. The idea seemed ridiculous to me. Shows are too expensive to be making shows just to be training wheels.
That said, I enjoyed buddy complex.
I think both suffer from being aesthetically too Gundam au like. That said buddy complex was actually enjoyable to watch.
It's not unheard of. I know Seikaisuru Kado existed solely to build up a functional 3D animation team over at Toei. It's probably easier to train people on original anime with low stakes during low activity quarters than to make them work for naught or take a risk with big contracts with demanding specifications.
It's precisely because they look bland that they were greenlit. Execs are averse to risk and original anime in itself a big one. So they mitigate that risk by pulling the cursor toward "shit they've seen a thousand times before in successful shows" as hard as they can.
>almost no original or semi-original mecha series took until Bravern
It sold better than the one with the AI mascots and Japanese were hyped about it.
Stop imitating Pitzfag.
Sales doesn't mean good, Amaim was far better than VVV.
Sequel to a 1993 toku classic.
Said no one
Gridman 1993 clearly exists though?
>Lies, lies, and deflecting again
Trolling is only allowed on /b/.
Was Aldnoah Zero a failure?
Mecha so often has bad season 2s, but this one was amongst the worst of all time.
I gave it a perfect score so no. I think it did decent in terms of sales, someone correct me.
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all at once
I will never not laugh about how much of a spectacular trainwreck Valvrave was. Against the other two mecha series that aired that season (Gargantia and Majestic Prince), it was by far the worst but easily the most entertaining just for how ridiculously yet obliviously awful it was every step of the way.
Honestly, I was so ticked off by how much the last few episodes dropped the ball that I went ahead and started writing my own fanfic showing how I’d have it go, out of both spite and disappointment.
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It's a good example of why garbage is better than fine but boring.
>Buddy Complex
Good lord, I don't think I've ever seen a show so boring. You'd think a show about time traveling cuckoldry would at least get some attention but it's just so rote.
>loli harem with an infantile environmental message
>better than anything
Don't argue with morons, they'll drag you down to their level.
After what they did with what was the end of the first season, yes.
>Don't argue with morons
I thought it said "mormons," and still agreed with you.
Nah, it was great.
That's kind of the problem with Valvrave, really. Saki needed a cool guy to bounce off, and L-Elf needed someone who was his physical or intellectual equal.
This is why Code Geass worked. Lelouch was a smart, rather charming dude, balanced by how he could be a dork and wasn't very physically active. That's why his interactions with the potential love interests were fun to watch, you could see why they were attracted to him.
Haruto is very, very bland. His main asset is that he can pilot the Valvrave. You can see L-Elf's relief when he starts working with the Dorssian boys again, he's like "Thank fuck, I don't have to do everything myself now."
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I noted that Haruto never really took charge, always relying on L-Elf to come up with the plans, to the point that when the latter was emotionally compromised following Lieselotte’s death, he just waited for him to get better so he could know what the next move was.

Honestly, even though the duo is popular amongst the Yaoi fans, Haruto’s over reliance on L-Elf really prevented him from actually developing as a main character. Heck, the fact that he only chose to feed on him for Runes, not even accepting Saki’s offer, also backfired, as he couldn’t do so once L-Elf was, again, emotionally compromised, leading to his memory loss.

Seriously, Saki never once blamed Haruto for anything and was even willing to be a shoulder for him to lean on. Yet the latter still refuses because he can’t accept his new inhuman self, and only trusts L-Elf. Why? Because his cold-heartedness means he can feel guiltless for feeding on him, as he thinks that only he can be the one to shoulder it? Honestly, that comes across as extremely childish, all so he can continue to think of himself as the same person who can be with Shouko.

Man, this guy was a frustrating protagonist, obsessed with being a martyr figure at the cost of actually developing. I truly think that if he actually realized Saki’s feelings for him and accepted her offer, alongside not proposing out of a sense of guilt but instead, because he actually reciprocates, it would’ve made for actual growth for his character. The whole thing with him and L-Elf and Shouko only prevented him from said growth, purely so he could continue to feel like a martyr figure.

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