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I'm sick of seeing cylinders in virtually every universe.
To be fair, in the Universal Century timeline we have a justification in that the first ever colony was a Torus-style colony that got blown the fuck up during the first calendar year of the Universal Century, so there was probably an element of superstition tied to the design in-universe, and they never built any Torus-style colonies ever again as a result.
UC is justified, but every show from Gundam X onward feels like pandering to familiarity.
Future century Style colonies or bust
Which space colony design would cause maximum damage if dropped to Earth?
Asking for a friend.
Torus. Cylinders always seem to come down straight-on like a missile. A colony like the ones in Wing, coming down at any angle, would cover a wider area
they're kinda boring, cylinders look more futuristic
That may not be the deciding factor. Anything that gets directly impacted is fucked. Anything near a direct impact is fucked at a substantial radius. It's probably important to consider aerodynamics, both in terms of kinetic energy lost to aerobraking (which might itself end up destructive to the planet) and and how much contact you end up making with the ground so you can maximize ejecta and get a larger dust cloud going. A cylinder should be better for both of those ends.

I'm choosing to ignore the Dublin drop and blame any weirdness there on leprechauns.
As opposed to the cylinder, two orders of magnitude larger that dropped on the planet three times?
A torus has a less effective use of space, a higher use of material (and thus mass and cost) and has a less interesting space to fight in, since you can't cross from one side to the other since its walled off by the middle.

You're fatigued because its both effective and good. The toruses in Wing are claustrophobic, which suits the story, but also means in-colony fights don't really work very well and hence don't tend to happen very much.
>less interesting space to fight in
Nice of Sunrise to eventually dispell that
By the time the colonies were getting dropped every time some spacenoid got mad about taxes or the fact the irish existed, there were clusters of colonies housing billions in space. At that point even with the occasional hijacking it would be a pretty set in stone method.
>Why does Gundam keep showing that space thing it's famous for?
truly a mystery
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>Which space colony design would cause maximum damage if dropped to Earth?
Instead of making a space colony you figure out how to create a spacecraft propulsion system capable of faster-than-light travel. Then you fly that fucker into the Earth.
The goal is not to completely obliterate Earth, just make it uninhabitable for a while so humans have no choice but to migrate to space while the Earth heals over billions of years or so.
Then just make a small relativistic kill vessel.
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I always liked the design of the PLANTS for how distinct they are.
Orbital ring system? 00 didn't have many living colonies, but it had a relatively massive structure with three orbital elevators and several rings, as well as an unspecified number of structures that count as space stations for industrial, engineering, and whatever purposes.
When you have things spinning in space it can get pretty weird: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1n-HMSCDYtM
I wish 00 had more episodes set in the colonies, the show didn't give enough for me to understand them. I feel the same way about SEED/Destiny.
It's really a shame 2 of the AUs with the most inventive colony designs don't do much with them.
OP iz dum
>take out your smart phone
>maybe under a kilogram
>wing that fucker at 99% of c at Earth
>crater 15 miles deep, 1000 wide.
Fun times.
...we're never ever going to get here, are we?
In this risk-averse capitalist/corporate landscape? Never.
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>creates a massive nuclear fireball long before it hits the ground
Because that's what it is. They went with the cylinders in 0079 so now we always see cylinders because it feels more "Gundam" than other styles.
They're the most imaginative and unique to the extent they have no point of reference in previous sci-fi media or artist's rendition of scientific theories, but the latter is due to the fact that of all of them these are the least possible or feasible.
Better them then the truly impossible FTL question.
I don't know about that. FTL requires new physics or fringe physics to be correct. Something like the PLANT hourglasses being reasonable requires existing well-established physics to be wrong, which is a harder sell. We have a pretty good understanding of how volume and rotation and so on work. It'd be like saying you have a knife that un-cuts things on the back side - you can make an argument, but it's going to take a lot of effort before it seems anything but ridiculous. "Alternate dimension where the speed limit's higher" is plenty wacky, but it doesn't require you to discount stuff we know is true. Extending physics into wacky extreme cases happens a lot.
Texas Colony Shotgun Shell. An O'Neill cylinder packed with gunpowder and Zudahs. A colony sized shotgun shell, but the steel shot replaced with exploding overheated mobile suits.
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This might be a weird question, but how long do you think a story could or should put-off telling the audience that it's set in a space colony without it being too weird? If it's not going to be relevant to the plot for a while it could be worth putting-off to avoid an unnecessary infodump, but unless you give someone a good reason to think otherwise people tend to assume a story is set on Earth, in the present day, and is about humans.
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Sadly, limits abound. Spinning creeps me out anyway. So, lets turn Titan into this.
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Neither Rome or the Pyramids were built in a day, and the original architects never saw the completion of their work. No. We're not. But that doesn't mean we can't lay down the first stone.
Phantasy Star 3 did a damn good job of it.
>FTL requires new physics or fringe physics to be correct
When a particle moves faster than light, it moves faster than other matter can react to it. This is why FTL would be unnoticable if it exists. Also, note that I said particle and not atom.
I watched through a bit of a Phantasy Star 3 playthrough, and the player bought a sword from a store, was told about caves and an island from NPCs, there's monster attacks, and mountains in the overworld which has a lot of large empty grasslands. It looks pretty much indistinguishable from a normal medieval fantasy setting up until the NPCs started mentioning cyborgs. I'm not watching any further, but I'm guessing they either add the more sci-fi elements gradually, or the space colony part is a plot twist, unless it was something you would have known if you played PS 1 & 2.

Am I close?
Yes and no. You are on a ship that looks a bit like the bases from Bosconian or the old Star seed show from the 70s. There were 400 of these launched before Palm bit the big one. All were "infected" by the Dark Phalus creature, the manifest of negative energy that is the general antagonist of PS. There is one other ship, Neo Palm. Eventually, you reach Earth.
That didn't answer what I was asking about at all. How does the player learn this?
In the end, all things are.
What if the stone is broken?

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