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File: Cybran ACU.jpg (1.85 MB, 5026x4032)
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Who would win: 100 Amuros or 1 Spiky Boy with easy mass access
It's all about timing. A Turn A Gundam could easily one-shot an ACU at arrival. By 24 hours though would be a different story.
>Completely fucking fine strolling along the ocean floor
>Can convert mass into weapons/facilities
Why the fuck would you ever bring one of these out of the sea in lore? Does the beam not work underwater? Even so the setting has big force field dome things, you could easily set one up down there to give your magic deconstruction gun space to work.
You can install torpedo tubes on them bad boys as well, but no mass points under water
And you're still vulnerable to submarines and ground fire nukes so what's the point of being a fish

Let's say Spiky Boy gets a 20 minute head start and surrounds himself with tech 3 SAMs
Can't some ACUs just generate mass passively with the resource allocation upgrade?
>Let's say Spiky Boy gets a 20 minute head start and surrounds himself with tech 3 SAMs
If you're pumping out tech 3 then it's nearly impossible for any individual unit except the real bullshit reality bending ones. Either fight fire with fire or call up Ideon.
He's just really paranoid about being sniped from the air mkay

Not just ACU, support commanders as well. Say goodbye to your mass extractors being destroyed, you now have mobile mass generators with guns and build power.
100 amuros because it only takes 1 for the early game commander snipe

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