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File: Noriko Ohara.jpg (36 KB, 224x350)
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Dead at 88 years of age. You might know from the following mecha anime:

1. Super Electromagnetic Machine Voltes V (Hiyoshi Go and Katherine Rii)

2. Super Dimension Fortress Macross (Narrator and Claudia LaSalle)

3. Armored Genesis/Genesis Climber MOSPEADA (Refless)
And the last of the Doronjo gang finally goes.
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Meant to say "You might know her from the following mecha anime"
I only knew her from Time Bokan.
Rest In Peace.
She's making pineapples in the sky now.
Heave ho...
Man I didn't realize she voiced characters in Voltes V
You forgot to mention Doronjo, the most important character on that list.
Claudia went before Roy irl... RIP
Very sad day. RIP.
Everyone in Japan is. Even Kou and Gato have done ads for it.
May she rest in peace.
At 88 it doesn't matter. The reaper is sharpening the scythe regardless.

Still, it's sad to hear. I hope her family is doing well.
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The most beautiful woman in Macross
>You might know her from the following mecha anime
Not really, I know her as Oyuki in Urusei Yatsura but regardless RIP
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At least she's reunited with the other two.
>/a/ thread died quickly
fuck, glad she is strongly /m/-tied
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Rest In Peace
I sort of knew her more for her role as Oyuki in Urusei Yatsura.
I was tempted to make a /co/ thread because she was the dubbed voice of Penelope Pitstop (Wacky Races), Valerie (Josie and the Pussycats), and Miss Bianca (Rescuers). She even sang the theme song for Josie and the Pussycats in Japan
Yeah? Then how do you explain >>>/a/269106619?
Claudia is truly one of the finest women ever created in anime history.

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