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File: 171631167054266.jpg (94 KB, 1416x1064)
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Mmmmmm mmmmm
it's five in the fucking morning what are you people still doing here
don't they teach about timezones in your schools?
Least obvious Droul post.
>70% of the show is just renton's idol being an turning out to be an asshole
>Even after all the other gekko state members finish their drawn out hazing arc Holland's still beating the shit out of him
>He finally found people that treated him well
>Gekkostate kills them
At the end when the old man, the only crew member who was consistently polite to him turned out to be a coralian and poofed out of his dimension i laughed
File: images.jpg (5 KB, 259x194)
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Nonono, it was more of
>hmmmm mmmm mmmm hmmmm
Fun show
Glad they didn't ruin it with awful sequels and alternate stories

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