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Sayla Mass & the RX-78-2
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Also, the Sayla's Agony thread I guess
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hey remember when she got the Gundam trashed because muh Casval
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Sayla Mass as the RX-78-2
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>Sayla Mass & the RX-78-2
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Who was the best whitebase pilot besides Amuro ? No Ryu or Sleggar, they died
Why is he sad?
>the one time Sayla takes the Gundam out she wrecks it way harder than Amuro ever did across the entire show
>her lie to Bright afterwards is basically her throwing all other women under the bus by going "tee hee I just wanted to prove women were strong"
What did Tomino mean by this
Dude 1978!!
She was trying to cover up her actual motives with something stupid but also sort of believable. Like you said yourself. It was a lie.
kai I guess, the guncannon is such a piece of shit
It's 1979, you fucking retard
How would Fraw have done as a mobile suit or gumdam pilot? She got close to getting in it herself, after all.
I wonder if they ever cleaned up the vomit in the cockpit from the time Sayla tried to fight Ramba while Amuro was out sulking?
They freeze dried it.
She would have died. Immediately. Fraw is worthless.
Bruh she's 17 in 0079 just check the wiki my dude
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He has to go into battle with jizz in his suit now.
File deleted.
Didn't know Amuro was from the New York subway. At least he eats fresh.
Sayla Mass (the M is silent)
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Remember when Sayla was being a bitch when Mirai was left in charge of the White Base? Vintage Tomino.
Eh, fuck Mirai.
Chill, Sleggar.

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