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Gravion thread.
Nobody cares, talk about the cool Obari show or leave.
Whenever I hear Luna's voice, I keep expecting her to scream "Psycho Ball!"
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JAM Project sure made some epic tunes with this one. Garden of Thanatos is one of the best openings in anime history.
Eiji/Toga is canon
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You guys DO do it whenever she tells you to, right? Each episode is personalized to (You) the viewer, and she'll be really sad if you don't
>The heroes win because one of them still has faith in love even if it's in a madman.
Yeah, that's the good shit.
I'll jack off to someone else.
God damn she was hot.
She needs more rule 34, anyone know any good hentai artists?
I know one but she's been using AI as a crutch for colors as of this year so... Eh. Just beg on /a/'s drawthread.
How does someone use AI for coloring but still do sketch/line art by hand?
That's what /aco/ believes, she was definitely caught tracing. When I commissioned her and gave pose refs she had a habit of straight up copying them. Recently she'd stick animated character faces on realistic bodies and clothes and it just looks so jarring it became hard to fap to.
Don't coomers like (You) pay for trace jobs?
Not tracing if it's in a style accurate to character art style and consistent looking. Plus trace jobs are fine for cheap commissions, but not for what this one is charging.
Right, so, favorite Zeravire? Mine is the Duel from the last episode of season 1.
Skeb is your best friend.
No he pays for marvel references.
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Why would you have to run away

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