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Knock offs, unlicensed, and Z-grade /m/

I’ll start off with two of the all time greats.
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The Titanic Transformer is a holy grail I’ll never buy because it’s been over a hundred dollars for over 20 years.
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I have a copy of this one(I forget the name of the original bot but it's from Fighbird from my recollection), though mine is missing a couple parts since I found mine at a thrift store, though otherwise he's pretty good for a bootleg, at least in as much as he hasn't disintegrated like some of the ones I've owned before
Honestly not bad
yeash fun for what it is, picture doesn't show it but each of the 3 components also has a robot mode of it's own as well
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Thats Caligulus to you, fuckboy
These threads used to get a hundred pics by now, is /m/ really that dead?
I had one as a kid, youre not missing out on anything, the propeller barely moves the thing in water
It's summer, a lot of anons from /m/ are outside partying and having crazy sex.
Intelligence agencies had some success in making the boards uninteresting, their stated goal.
lol this

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