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>Diorama mode is JACKED
>Chaos, Abyss, Gaia, Dong Zhuo Providence (I HAVE NO MORE USE FOR LUO YANG), GM II Semi-Striker announced
>2nd ONT the first week of August
>5 missions, 28 kits, full diorama mode

Oh yeah. I’m thinking Kino. Your hopes for GB4?

Recap of todays steam:
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>Your hopes for GB4?
Zaku I, pls bandai
MS list: https://pastebin.com/AcdQjErF
Possible MS list: https://pastebin.com/nRnFrk6c

>5 suits announced:
Gaia Gundam
Abyss Gundam
Chaos Gundam
Dong Zhuo Providence Gundam
GM II Semi-Striker
What if they give us the Zaku 1 GS from Zeonic Front? That was in GBM
At least we confirm gameplay variety now. Commercial has a HLV defense mission
I will take anything Zaku 1 related.
Same, it's a tragedy I can't commit to Gadem's dream and Combine a zaku I with the god gundam to make a close combat machine designed to shoulder tackle the gundam to death.
you could at least try to make your YT shilling less blatant
I apologize anon, who am I shilling for it’s not even mine? I reposted this from the last thread because it’s about to fall off and it’s revenant, important info that’s literally hours old. Should I have just posted the full stream instead?
>Should I have just posted the full stream instead?
official information always preferable than random user created content
>but I don't know japanese
not my problem
Baka Gaijin
Why not both? I don’t see a need to gatekeep when we’re all just cranky old men
no one gatekeeps anything, read less internets
it's just poor taste.
Don’t speak for me. I am actively trying to gatekeep the shitters out
Could we fucking not? For once? Least of all over this dumb shit that doesn’t actually matter? Talk about GB4 you fucks.
let it be a lesson for you how to make threads in future.

Anyway, looking at HLV mission type - it's probably completely similar to wave defense.
Aka something you do on one stationary stage.
Kinda lame.

Still I ain't gonna complain about all marketing behind the game, shame gb1-3 never got that treatment

Not having high hopes for whatever events they mentioned for second ONT
Fuck off I didn’t make the thread. I’m just not looking for reasons to bitch like you are.
Talk about how cool having a test Void is
You are one who returned to bitching aggressively tho over advice you too may use.
Test void is nice, too bad battle feels like shit.
>Muh Gb3
So what the point of participating in thread and discussing anything when you people just parrot same shit.
Yes, GB3 was good.
GB4 isn't as good at very least.
Difference is quite clear for those who played GB3 extensively.
> Yes, GB3 was good.
GB4 isn't as good at very least.
Difference is quite clear for those who played GB3 extensively.
create circlejerk in vg and fuck off then
NTA but I’ve been wondering about that. Why do you guys keep comparing 800 hours of Breaker 3 to essentially a demo of 4? I’m not a vet
General feel of battle game doesn't really makes amount of hours matter that much, just you get accustomed to good stuff and that's the reason you played that much in the end.

There is feedback of attacks hitting you to account. As well as your attacks.
AI behavior is seriously poor in GB4 so far. All enemies outside PG acted the same. And generally a lot of time stand there doing nothing.
GB1-3 never had particular smart AI, but it was behaving better with more variety overall.

GB4 certainly isn't bad at what it does. Just doesn't good either. Battles are basically made passable and focused on other game aspects, which is also fair. You can get used to that approach as well.
But battles certainly feel like afterthought.
>Just doesn't good either
can't type for shit
Other moment is overall floatiness of everything, lock-on is quite poor and melee "homing" option is terrible.
Quite a lot of skills easy to miss since enemy tracking sucks.
Options being on separate 4 hotkeys is nice, but still you need to track now 2 different weapon melee button attacks, 2 different ranged attacks. 4 ex, 4 op, - that's a lot of buttons for relatively simple brawler with very boring enemies.
Easy to Hardcore difficulty changes don't amount to much, you never feel in danger from any attack. Nothing what hits you "feels" dangerous or powerful even if you lose all HP.
I just standing against PG attack pattern most of the time cause there was no point dodging.
Movement is kinda off too. You never feel like in complete control.

This type of fundamental shit isn't fixed by playing hundreds of hours.
I hope the next ONT has more weapon types available. I want to try more than just sabers and axes.

I'd also like if we could use Awakening and Burst Actions but I definitely don't expect them to let us try those. Have they even talked about either of those mechanics in any streams or anything? Feels like they've been pretty extensive with Option and EX systems but haven't said anything about Awakening or Burst.
We had a whip in the ONT. It was pretty stellar
What dropped it? All I ever got were sabers, katanas, axes, and Gyan's rapier
Sorry I’m retarded. Meant to write CNT but the autocorrect got me
Okay. What dropped it in the CNT?
Or just like, don’t answer that’s cool too
Tried scrubbing through the new trailer and the stream but I take it there were no other unannounced mobile suits hidden in the parts lists?
No or else some faggy shill would have made a video about it and nobody here but me would challenge them
What’s the OP image from? That looks really cool
>She's ugly
Well, at least she's accurate I guess
It was probably the Epyon. The CNT had way more stuff
We have full lists for the CNT there’s no Epyon. The fuck are you talking about
Is Gundam EX gonna be in?
No doubt they will be in at some point, its even going into fucking fortnite now.
Probably in an update or DLC, same with the Freedom suits and more of WFM.
I'd like to see some really weird choices like Hildolfr or the ZuOOT but of some realistic choices I want some Core Gundam variants.
Is Zaku Solaris gonna be in it?
Just paint a Zaku II the ugliest colors you can think of and slap a billion builders parts on it.
>Your hopes for GB4?
Psycho Doga, Silver Bullet or the Gundam Mk V.
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Savior Gundam
Fair amount of unexpected inclusions between this and the GM II semi striker. Wish someone could data mine the switch version to see if there's any other new suits
What do you mean unexpected? Saviour was a shoe in. It was one of the most popular GBM events ever. Semi Striker is the real freak
Because it's a minor and often overlooked seed destiny suit that gets it's shit wrecked unceremoniously, not to mention the gunpla of it gets reprinted very rarely.
Wait it was popular in GBM? How'd that happen?
This seems to be the problem plaguing this game, a bunch of shitheels that never watch anything from the actual series. If you did you'd know that saviour was an absolute jobber that no one cares about but 'muh events' means it's a real shoe in. Who cares. People want recognisable, unique gunpla not some shitter meta event builds.
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I just want the R-Gyagya to mix it with a Tallgeese.
So firstly it was a free event, so it was a whole ass Gunpla with a cool look that you could get for free and max for relatively little effort. It was also introduced at a time where Weekly Events had juuuuust started to become near par with older Standard units, especially with newer conversion gear that let you feed defenses into offenses, so it was not only easy to acquire but useful as basic stat sticks with really nice Word Tags. It also contained a handful of really useful traits in before that hard to get or uncommon slot, for example CDR on Torso just for having HP above 60% (universal cooldown reduction was an immense rarity) or high damage reduction on the saber just for defeating two enemies. Being an event meant maxing out these traits were trivial and even if standard versions may cap slightly higher they were infinitely easier to get. Combine that with a unique visual look and Athrun representation and plenty of people became Saviour fans.
P much what that guy said. Here’s a review we wrote at the time that breaks down its worth
Build fighters reignited that childhood excitement I had and seeing how this game has a hangar launch scene with your gunpla, I'm fucking hyped, absolutely perfect for an autist gunpla enjoyer like myself.
That's pretty cool. I'm not a fan of mobileshit games but it's nice that the circumstances around one can give some populatiry and recognition to an otherwise unremarkable mobile suit.
Literally couldn’t matter less. Don’t reply to Gacha slop or you’ll be just as big of a faggot

Samefag plz leave
Yeah, sure. Uh huh.
Reborns Gundam still not confirmed, yet gay barbie pink Tieren made it into the game?
>look ma I turned off the wifi!
Every time someone talks about the failed canceled Mobile the thread goes to shit

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