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Are there any settings where cooling is a serious consideration? I know it's a serious matter in Battletech/MechWarrior but the only times it's come up anywhere else it's either been:
>Excuse to give a unit cool hair (Genesic GGG, the XO originals, Laevatain, possibly the Apotheosized Shura machine gods but it's been a while)
>Excuse for a machine to have a timeout on their super mode
Both of which are fine and very cool, but I'm just intrigued to see more settings where cooling/temperature of the battlefield is a tactical consideration.
No, but some autist will probably dig up some obscure thing that answers your question. I think it's boring enough that people dont give it too much consideration if it's not going to be part of a super mode. Cooling is a background process in the grand scheme of things, either weaponry gotta stop for a few minutes as they got too hot or mechs might just occasionally spew exhaust/hot air from their vents to look cool
I think that it certainly can be a source of interesting stuff, for example in Mechwarrior ice worlds allow people to run loadouts that would be impossible elsewhere, whereas desert battles have to be fought with incredible restraint. Sometimes those mundane little background processes lead to the most interesting scenarios. Also
>some autist
That's gonna be anyone posting here buddy
The Aquatic mobile suits in Gundam like the Z'gok or Gogg, I forgot, has to rely heavily on the ocean to cool down it's weaponry cause Zeon are shitters or somethin
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Cooling was a thing in AC2-Silent Line, but it wasn't until Nexus that it became a major part of the gameplay. A change that was almost universally disliked by the player base.
It's not really dwelt on much but Dancouga Nova originally had a problem were it could only stay combined for a few minutes without frying the pilots alive.
They had way bigger (multiple?) reactors than other MS at the time to run their heavy beam armament.
Valvrave of all things has it be an issue for a decent chunk. It tends to show up in literature that tries to be a bit harder SF (Langston Fields in The Mote In God's Eye, for instance, are basically heat sinks but much more powerful and generalized).
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Not a "serious consideration", but I like how in Crossbone Gundam the mouth heat radiator is a indicator of higher output.
Random thing but there's that one part in Gundam Wing where the Zero System and Epyon system generates too much outcomes and then shoots out hot air from the head exhausts.
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It's a big consideration with F91's design, due to their tech miniaturization resulting in more heat generation
>radiator fins on the shoulders for regular cooling
>opening faceplate for additional cooling
>MEPE for XTREME cooling

Crossbone touches upon it too. It's explained in the manga that because Crossbone is meant for guerilla ops, they opted to reduce its heat signature, intermittently dissipating it all at once through the mouth vent.
Mazinger chest plates are actually heat sinks.
That's bulls-
>Breast fire
Zaku tubing is a means to ventilate heat. Real basic but it's there.
>people hated on Nexus
I'm so glad I was never part of a "player base" and just enjoyed AC, Nexus was one of my favorites and I played them all on release.
>It's a big consideration with F91's design, due to their tech miniaturization resulting in more heat generation
The F91 is a special case because it only starts shedding its skin when it enters maximum operating mode. The reactor, thrusters, and other shit are pushed to their limits and the F91 becomes the strongest MS of its time, surpassing its near peers like the Neo Gundam and Cluster Gundam

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