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I’d like to a thread for this franchise. Mostly the Revenge of Cronos anime.
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I haven't watched it yet, but I like the theme song.
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I love how every time Baikanfu is drawn, its SO wildly different.
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Baikanfu and Kenryu have some beefy-looking upper arms.
And how every time it appears it uses a different technique
And how every time someone translates its name there's a different romanization

it's probably the most inconsistently portrayed robot of all time. Even its SRW animations are wildly different in every appearance
Battle Hackers continues this.
Sometimes R.Jetan looks like as if he belongs onto a toy shelf, sometimes like someone is going to yell CROSS FIGHT.
battle hackers had like no budget
I think Obari might have mentioned it was one of those shows that was an animator's playground.
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Every Ashi robot show in the 80s was. Even in Transformers, they drew Optimus like 40 different ways.
I often wonder what would've happened if Revenge of Chronos was imported back in the 80's to the US. Too late to compete with TF in it's prime, but maybe that'd have opened up the playing field for it. They would've had to dump all the Go-bots lore, or maybe try and shove it in as a story after the two sides made peace to fight a greater enemy. At any rate, it would've probably made people think of Gobots less as cheap Transformers and maybe more of a cult hit
Apparently the French dub /did/ attempt fusing the two shows.
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