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>*gassed the spacenoid colony and then dropped the colony to australia*
Also why they called it Operation "British"?
They're doing a genocide and fucking over Australia at the same time, British was the only thing it could be.
Don't act like you wouldn't fuck over Australia with the slightest opportunity.
Yeah but the Zeeks went out and MADE an opportunity to fuck the Aussies over, they didn't wait for one. That's full British right there.
Side 2 sided with earth from the get go instead of remaining neutral, it's their own fault. As for Australia who gaf about earthnoids.
>sided with Earth from the get go
well shit, sorry they didn't change sides (ha) in the 3 seconds between war being declared and their lungs being filled with nerve gas
>n the 3 seconds between war being declared and their lungs being filled with nerve gas
It's honestly incredible that Side 3 still exists after the OYW.
But weren't they aiming for Jaburo all the fuck way over in Brazil, it missed, and just BY SHEER COINCIDENCE landed on Sydney?
>bitches about being poor and opressed like every other space colony
>still sides with earth that provides literally nothing at this point
Womp womp
>Gundam, Gunbuster, Fafner, Aldnoah Zero, Muv-Luv, many others...
Wtf does Japan have against Eastern Australia?
I think it speaks volumes about just how much Zeon sucks that so many fellow spacenoids still chose the Earth Federation government over them.
>still sides with earth that provides literally nothing at this point
I would take literally nothing over nerve gas, thanks
They know what they did
Have you been to Sydney? It's a ghastly shithole.
It's a shame that the colony didn't dropped to this place instead
>Hurr durr le epik commifornia maymay
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wtf noooo you can't just kill traitors to the cause!
You'll get the nerve gas and like it
No, but in the novel, it was NY that had the bad day.
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>kill all traitors!!
>nukes every side within reach except side 6
>openly threatens side 6 with destruction multiple times

I always get a little laugh when I see this sort of think coming from Zeonfags. Apparently every spacenoid who isn't from Side 3 is a traitor to the cause of spacenoid independence.
Zeon attacked Sides 1, 2, and 4 and invaded Granada within seconds of declaring war, hence the "three second warning".
>Apparently every spacenoid who isn't from Side 3 is a traitor to the cause of spacenoid independence.
>Also why they called it Operation "British"?

>Fuck over their own populace trying to fuck over the 'enemy' only for the personal gain and expansion of private power-base of a select few in the upper echelons of the magistry.
Because they predicted Brexit.
Australia was a misfire though.
>Apparently every spacenoid who isn't from Side 3 is a traitor to the cause of spacenoid independence.
if you're not supporting total earthnoid death you're a traitor just that simple.
>Also why they called it Operation "British"?
Because they were dropping a colony on Australia.
Because of Mad max which made Australia depicted as post apocalyptic hell
It's just very convenient place for dropping a colony / WMD in stories. It's a popular tourist destination for many Japanese, so many might have some experiences about the place. It is also located on the same side of the globe. It's a relatively recluse island/continent, with the population of about 26 million people. However, destroying Sydney will not affect the world directly. Because most people live on other continents and on the northern hemisphere, it doesn't cause irreparable damage to rest of the world. Destroying Australia offers shock value. It shows the audience that the "enemy" is morally reprehensible enough to kill innocent people and destroy entire continents - without destroying actually important areas / regions.
It's also done in reference to Gundam at this point.
Fill zeek lungs with nerve gas

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