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Why does Dijeh have a pair of big back fins? They seem really useless.
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Not an answer.
They don't look cool though.
(You) don't look cool bitch!
I think it's to make it look like a fish
Some mecha in Zeta have design motifs of some sea creatures like the Hambrabi
Supposed to make it look like. Seahorse but ends up looking like a faggot fairy. I never took those off the runners when I built mine and it looks way better.
Radiator fins, also communication antennas at the top
Dijeh so cool ..
They're supposed to look like flags or hussar wings I guess
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Chaika > Dijeh
Ok Haman
Why did it have a Gelgoog style beam saber? Did they just happen to have one at the Kennedy space center in the museum or was it just a stylistic choice?
at least some of the engineers working on it were previously involved in designing the Gelgoog so it has a lot of similar styling
What I would give for a one-shot comic about the Dijeh being developed and those guys finding out they were building or built a unit for Amuro.
Amuro was personally involved in the design process so that'd be extra funny. In particular, the weapon rack on left shoulder was his idea - basically saying he needs space for another rifle or bazooka or two because he'll shoot through the rest of his guns and still be able to keep going.
It stuck around for units besides the first too, funnily enough.
>Amuro: "I'm so sure of my skills I need extra firepower and a place to dock it on the unit."
The fucking balls on this guy.
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bclub dijeh is EPIC!!!

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