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File: GTPgSLmaYAM-RDZ.jpg (1.93 MB, 1920x1080)
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1.93 MB JPG
Yami_Q_ray now has 7 members
Erotic sheryl
Sheryl look scary AF.
Didn't they all get deleted?
Heard they got Sheryl in there, who else is there? Just a reminder, doubling down on the idol focus rather than a good balance of that and mecha killed Macross after Delta. We are never getting any new series after the last Delta movie.
The other one in the back looks like evil Ranka.
Figures. Say, are there still people going for OT3s among Macross triangles here besides me, who likes to close the Frontier triangle all the time?
Oh god evil AI Ranka and Sheryl are hot as fuck.

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