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This feels like it came the hell out of nowhere. When did Sentai even last release a Sunrise mecha show?
Holy shit this is awesome!
It's weird to see someone other than Discotek show interest in a more obscure old show
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Isn't it Jordy?
They do it occasionally, I'm pretty sure they are the ones that did the Ideon US Blu-Rays.
I think that was Maiden Japan. Either way, snap that shit up fast because knowing them it’s going to go out of print very fast and become obscenely expensive
Sentai used to do these kinds of releases more regularly. Feels like it only happens every blue moon now.

Sentai owns Maiden Japan, don’t they? So pretty much the same thing.
>snap that shit up fast because knowing them it’s going to go out of print very fast and become obscenely expensive
I think it'll be a bit tricky to say if this will be the next Ideon. Dunbine is plentiful.
Votoms was pretty easy to snag too. At least when I got it. I haven't actually checked any major anime store ever since rightstuf got swallowed by crunchy
> Dunbine is plentiful

I dunno, I was kinda worried when I got it for a massive discount.
Massive discounts mean surplus stock.
Discotek not having monopoly over old shit is just good in general. Just like Media Blasters and Shout doing Toku stuff.
Is this an actual upscale/remaster or is it SD-BD?
>Media Blasters
Crazy how they are still around. I'm annoyed that my copy of Divine Wars has a problem with the last disk and the last couple of episodes won't play. I figure they cheapened out on the cdrs they use.
Hey I'm all for it. Just surprising is all. Though I imagine a lot of old ADV staff are probably still there so maybe it's not that weird.
I was out of the game for a few years and I missed that release. Just looked it up on ebay and all I can say is... fuck. I wish re-licensing after a period was more common practice.
Even Discotek employees have talked about how there's room for another old shows-focused company in the industry. Too bad there just seems to be no one else interested/able to get off the ground.
Last I heard Sentai said that it was out of stock not out of print, but that was also 5 years ago. I just hope after their license runs out someone like Discotek gets it.
So, Sentai never owned Maiden Japan. Sentai, Maiden, Switchblade, Kraken, and the rest were all technically independent companies, using Section 23 Films as their distributor; the same guy, however, was the founder & top guy at Sentai and Section 23, which also made it convenient to use the Sentai site as the group's main webstore. Even though it wasn't announced as such, AMC seems to have grabbed all the Section 23 affiliated companies, when they acquired Sentai & Section 23; and after a quick search, looks like Maiden was officially dissolved this year, at least as a business operating from Texas. Also, maybe of some interest, Maiden Japan was only its operating name; the company's real name was Unio Mystica Holdings, LLC.
Was expecting Discotek to do it instead.
Let's go JoJo instead.
>Sentai, Maiden, Switchblade, Kraken, and the rest were all technically independent companies, using Section 23 Films as their distributor; the same guy, however, was the founder & top guy at Sentai and Section 23, which also made it convenient to use the Sentai site as the group's main webstore.
Oh yeah, I remember that. Everyone thought that all of them being separate companies on paper was some tax-dodging bullshit.

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