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--------------***READ THE OP***--------------


Previous Thread:

B.B. Studio is bought by Namco Bandai Studios, will continue to work on SRW games:
Gundam ZZ - Judau Ashta (with Roux Louka Support)
Seravee Gundam - TRANS-AM Continuous Attack
New Layzner - V-MAX (MAP)
X-Omega and DD's wikis will be taken down at the end of July
A Portable Plus - rebalance hack v1.1 update:

For discussion on SRC (SRW fangame program), please join the dedicated Discord

If you need help with any game try checking Akurasu for help (links for other resources also here):
(add ?action=purge to the end of the url in case of a blank page)

SRW Japanese Wiki


Game Availability in English:

Music Pastebin:

Bring Stabity's Quick Guide to Katakana:

Game Modification Pastebin:

Translated Plot Pastebin:

Art Pastebin:

SRC Pastebin V2:

Make your own SRW character Pastebin:

If you wish to help with the SRW fan game they are always in need of more musicians and artists
Please contact the following e-mail: suparoboeternity@gmail.com
Another Axis Delta thread. God Sigma just got its US release, it should have been the OP.
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Discuss this pilot and his mecha.
Which ZZ OP do you prefer?
What's the best party makeup for OG1?
File deleted.
Clamp fan detected.
What does Clamp have to do with Judau?
He's fine. His mech is fine. Are his friends coming along? I hope not.
Do not respond to avatarfags
Roux can come along.
Roux's fine. I don't care for the others. Though, I wonder if the Purus will appear. Aside from D and I think SC1, they've appeared in every game with ZZ.
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Started playing SRW A on GBA and am on the space route.
This was my battle formation and Gato just blew himself up to nuke my entire party what the fuck dude.
I can probably just focus on shooting him down this turn and recover any HP with Love but still, the MAP Weapons hit like a bitch in this game unlike the other titles where they miss or merely scratch your units.
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Purus will appear for sure.
I had asked about ranking the pilots from Og1 last night and I feel bad now since I feel as if I should have asked maybe for like who your top guys are and why, like who are you absolutes for sorties and what things makes you like them, like skills,stats or some sort of compatibility with some other mech? The last time I remember playing this game i remember struggling at a couple of parts and just kinda want to understand how others play it too to an extent yknow.
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Winkysoft damage formula and the game uses Mobility instead of a fixed accuracy modifier for hitrates.
We really don't need tripfag OPs.
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Miss her?
Silent Voice is better battle music in SRW, but I like Anime ja nai as a song more. Both are bangers.
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Why didn't Judau put a baby in Haman?
Violent Soice
He prefers Blueberry over strawberry. Also, she died.
You should leave some mooks around, bosses won't shoot their own allies
For Ryusei route, it's Irm and Masaki. Grungust and Cybuster simply steamrolls everything the whole game, enough said. Leona, Rai and Latune are the best swappable pilots.
For the second half, you want to use the protagonist team (R1-R2-R3 and Alt-Weiss) because they're the only ones with combo attack and highest damage potential.
It was probably Axis who posted that.
What's the power level of tech in Macross Delta? I assume they've gotten stronger since Frontier?
>if i keep saying duelrager maybe he will be real
NTA i didnt call you the pedo or said o want attention but good job projecting i guess
What's your favorite OG grunt suit?
The problem is that I know most of them by appearance, half their names are literal gibberish I swear to god.
Is Ninja Hattori really that popular in Japan?
Irm is the only one that matters
His name is not Duel OR Duelrager. It's Euzeth Gozzo. You know, "Sore mo watashi da." That kind of asshole who has multiple computers just to ruin every thread. Toku threads, Code Geass threads, anything of that sort that would want to throw bullshit all over the board.
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What enemy force is the most dangerous in the franchise? Both original and from regular series. The angels and festum seem pretty strong.
OG-wise, the Ruina have been shilled hard on the latest games, even Euzeth wasn't sure on how he would be dealing with them if the Steels Dragons didn't managed.
OG1 doesn't really have much discussion with team comps since you're going to deploy most of the cast anyway. Its just a matter of whether or not its going to be Ryusei or Kyosuke heavy due to all of the additional PP they'd get from pre merge.

Triple Zero is probably the most dangerous, even if you don't get that impression in 30 due to how few stages it has
Triple Zero on paper should be an absolute nightmare, but in 30 has the sheer misfortune of being in a universe where not just GGG and the Bettermen are opposing it, but Getter Rays, Mazin energy, magical gods from different realms, and the letter T.
It's really more of a question of suit and pilot synergy over anything else.
Stuff like putting Katina in the Gigan, or which suits are you outfitting the Tatsuku Leona Pair with. That and I guess which 4 to 5 trash babies are you cutting and even then, you have Ryoto and Gaido who basically everyone cuts, with the other cuts being picked from a list of like, Rustle, Kusuha, Bullet, Irm, and Sanger, with everyone else having a distinct enough Utility that they'll just be deployed regardless.
Jimmy Russel
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Stop ban evading fag
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>Resorting to samefagging
This is really sad
They still do in A even when their whole army would be wiped out.
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>spammer is low IQ
There is no spammer here.
I like the Gespenst alot, I like the R-Eins as well
What about the Anti-Spiral?
Well then just move out of the way or have everyone cast alert/invincible, it's not like bosses ever shoot map twice
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>the Anti-Spiral?
>Action Toys still displaying that Mini Action Godam
>still just a grey prototype
Christ, it's been how long since that one was announced? Four years?
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Chapter 3: Part 14 is out. Also, Elpeo Ple and Ple Two are alive.
Gowappachads are eternally doomed to suffer. Fig still stuck in prototype form, anime only has first ep subbed and it’s by fucking ARR of all people, raws all suck ass. It truly is over
Black Selena.
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Huckebein M is neat

Barrelions can go to hell
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Of course they are.0
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sweet Jesus...
What is this RyuKoOh? As in what brand is this?
Soul of Chogokin
>Ryoto who everyone cuts
Ryoto is better than a lot of the characters people drop him for due to TK9, Soul and a damage multiplier ace. His will gains arent a problem because Garnet and eventually Elzam exist to trivially add +5-20 Will to everyone at the start of the map on Turn 1 due to Rally. And if that wasnt enough, no one really wants Medal or the other item due to OG1 being less strict on will reqs outside of Gigan who cant afford it, so there's that too.
Tasuku isnt even all that good compared to his girlfriend so he's not an auto lock.
Would you deploy Ryoto and Rio together? Rio might be stuck in the AM Gunner, but it won't be too bad of an idea to give Rio the Huckebein Mk-III R once you get it back from Ratsel.
AM Gunner's not in OG1, which is the specific game being talked about there.
So what you're saying is...We have a chance of getting Swimsuit Ple as an SSR supporter?
Huckebein 009 w/Graviton Launcher + R Gun. Leona can sit in whatever she wants because she's that good and Lat tends to transition into more of a supportive role/Enable user due to expensive Valors.
Oh hey, guess the next SSR banner is going to be EVA Combination and a new ZZ attack.
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DD when
>Simon talking about everyone who died and yet lives in the TTGL finale but it shows every single ally and rival who perished
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Good to hear Red is still alive and well
>Nadesico franchise has been in roughly 9 games
>none of them have adapted the game
I'm surprised they brought it back. These three haven't had a combo attack since L.
We only care about PoD.
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speaking of diecast action figures...
Are there good Srw reviews on youtube?
Eh, he's got a niche but it isn't a needed or noticed one, technically having the highest raw damage multiplier isn't something you ever really feel like needing in OGs, and while is final kit is just ok he's got a problem getting there in the first place, and yeah Tatsuku is someone people probably do cut due to his terrible performance in the Gigan, but I think he's a top 5 character on the Kyosuke route and a top 10 on the Ryusei, between Lucky basically giving him a built in Open Get tier after images system that also just happens to give him a built in 20% fix crit rate boost, his spirit list being one of the best in the game with him being the only character with both Accel and Wall so he can get in faster than most everyone else and handle an entire wave on his own due to wall. His biggest flaw is unironically the fact his default unit is the Gigan and he is terrible in it.
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Reports saying Tessho Genda isn't feeling well and and that a substitute will take over his role as narrator for the program he is in charge of (The World Unknown To Matsuko)
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Whats he good in in your opinion?
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Ryoto has inherent TK and Gunfight which gives him a leg over many pilots due to superior evasion and better inherent damage. Soul is a very rare and valuable twin, reducing investment needing for kills. Even more value on NUR.
Tasuku may be the only character with Accel + Wall but you also have a host of characters with Accel + Focus who dont have issues with EP or you have Zeal who can just move twice (albeit expensively) and just get into position and do what they have to do. S Ranks are fairly common for evade tanks.
Lucky is just 3% for the first 22 or so maps unless you baby him to ace. It caps out at 9% (19%) at Level 42 but you're not realistically seeing that until late in the game. At that point, regulars all have high levels of -fight, attacker, stat dumps, etc.
Cute Roux.
And since we're talking OGs specifically by mentioning Soul, innate Gunfight also means he can take extra levels of it without using up a skill slot.
In GBA, there was just barely enough PP for most of the cast to get Attacker + SP Regen by the end so inherent Gunfight was even more valuable. Also, Lucky never went above 10% since Ace was just +5 on deployment.
He's your standard melee focused TK pilot, Grungust Type 2 is his best unit and basically removes every one of his few weaknesses.
Outside of that he makes good use of the other melee mechs like the Grungust Type 1 or the Armor Lion, if those are all taken, he can use the Wildschwein or Guarlion but don't expect him to be an exceptional pilot in those are your putting him in a second string mech at that point.
Since he has Earn you want to basically make sure he's in the killing pair for as many bosses as possible since he doubles the PP the other pilot gets by casting it him and Rio both end up just having gluts of extra PP due to you wanting to have one of the 2 in everyone boss kill casting Earn.
I'm not calling him unviable or anything just he's an easy drop due to how he projects himself, he's got a worse version of Amuro's spirit list on OG1, a character that people aren't using for his spirit list but for his exceptional stats something Ryoto doesn't really have compared to other OG characters, his actually useful tools only come online after heavy investment too in the form of a 40 Zeal and his ace bonus since Soul while rare isn't good in OGs it is never needed in OG1 and is only wanted in the early game of OG2 before Ryoto even shows up in that one, otherwise it's just a significantly less economic version of valor. Also its not babying Tatsuku for him to get a large number of kills pre-route combine that's just normal play he's one of the 3 pilots on the Kyosuke route with Accel he just gets to the fight faster than 3/4 of your army.
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Ryoto is dropped because he's "uncool". He gets a 40 SP Zeal at Level 34 which is ridiculous when everyone else has it for much higher cost and 34 is reasonably attainable in the late game. He would have preferred Sense over Strike but fortunately OG1 is good enough to him that you can drag hit rates down and there's two easily swappable units with Bunshin in addition to a Hyper Jammer.
Gain in OG1 is valuable since Kyosuke/Ryusei tend to hoard kills/exp and in the midgame, everyone is scrambling for kills. Even 32-33 for Ingram can be considered tight relative to his cutoff.
By way, saying that "Soul" is

Yes, Tasuku has Accel but he's a bad choice for four out of the 5 long term investment units in the early game. I mean who is going to take Kyosuke/Excellen out of the Alt/Weiss and his range stat is going to let him down for MkII/R Gun. He just has Gigan and Katina works that better since she has Accel + Assail. Short Tempered also lets her generate more morale per kill.
Saying that Soul is bad is absurd.
I had him in Huckie Boxer in GBA part 2, was one of the few mechs that felt like it could take a hit between Tasuku and the Boxer's ridiculous armor at FUB. OGs' 2 is a bit more lenient thankfully.

If you mean part 1 specifically then yeah the Grungust Type 2 is prolly it.
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Dude didn't say Souls was bad, just not good and mostly unneeded.

And he's right, shit was super expensive for what you got out of it and really only helped for oneshotting bosses that fled at 30-50% HP. In OGs being able to squad up and have 4 people hitting the same target in the same attack (2 + 2 supports) already solved most of that issue.

Now if Soul was available in the GBA versions then I'd buy its entire stock, options for hammering fleeing bosses were fewer and farther between.
Not that anon but I drop him when I run out of slots and units with Earn are my top priority.
By the time I could get him to a decent build, Tasuku, Rio and the heavy hitters that accompany them are already at a full set of skills.
I don't think he's uncool but he's not doing much for me unless I'm playing a NUR.
The strongest enemy in SRW is Wufei because we keep teaching him this lesson and he keeps coming back for more.
I'm not saying that Tasuku is bad, dont get me wrong. I'm just saying that he's overrating him by calling him top 5/10. OGs trivialized resource management since you get 150% PP per kill thanks to twins, increased enemy amounts per map, increased damage output per engagement, free PP per SR Point, reduced skill costs etc. Its pretty much impossible to not have a fully decked out skill set for anyone that you're actively deploying. One time in the OGs2 part of OGs, I had already aced Kusuha and bought Attacker + SP Regen by the time she joined for real without trying.
And the thing with Tasuku/Rio/Ibis/etc and Earn is, is it that the character themselves are legitimately good or is it that they're strong because you're feeding them all of the boosted boss kills which produces a positive feedback loop?

As for Soul, its existence reduces the amount of setup needed for retreating bosses which is valuable in NURs and just simply going fast. Why go through the hassle of setting up 2x2 when Katina/Ryoto/Kai and their partner can just kill the target outright?
A positive feedback loop is an important reason on why they're good yes, but importantly this positive feedback loop is something they can share with the stronger characters in your army causing them to snowball harder and faster too the earn pilot themselves just happens to get boosted in the crossfire of funneling extra strength into your strongest units, additionally this faster snowballing makes it so tools like Soul set up become less needed as your strongest pilots just hit harder anyway due to the extra PP, if you're arguing in a no mech upgrades/no pilot upgrades format then I'll agree with you Tasuku isn't especially stand out in such a situation but that's to be expected you have someone who's strengths include access to earn and a cheap luck, if you say those 2 factors don't count he will naturally be worse. When I talk about unit viability, I assume a normal run and not a challenge run, or an extra hard mode new game plus loop, Ryoto likewise is more important in such challenge runs because when you actually need to scrape for damage every bonus available could potentially matter the problem is such bonuses don't matter in normal play.
But Wufei is always right
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The thing about it is that you end up tethering your already strong characters to work around the weaker one's flaws or you have to spend additional time doing setup that you wouldnt have to do otherwise.
For example, people like Lat, Irm, Masaki, Kyosuke and Leona pretty much just work and any additional assistance they might need is few and far between. Or you can be Garnet who literally just exists and is a contributing force.

By the way, Tasuku's Luck isn't that cheap before he's aced. People like Radha/Garnet have a 30 SP Bless and he uses a 25 SP Luck. If anything Masaki's 40 SP Luck is overcosted because he's paying standard handheld prices.
Incomprehensible image
That's fair, but I think the additional boosting on your heaviest hitters is still relevant especially in the case of Leona since Tasuku is also feeding her a 6% damage boost by being paired with her. And yeah, Luck prices in OGs are just weird across the board, I will never understand why Raul has 10 cost luck in OG2 just naturally, part of me wonders if he was intended to have another spirit there and it just got flipped to luck accidentally during development.
Side note Irm on your list of heavy hitters? Honestly, I'm curious about your logic on that one, he always felt very middle of the road, like yeah, I'm going to deploy him obviously but the fact he basically doesn't have an ace bonus always held him back for me, like yeah a 45 Love is cool and all, but Concentrate already could put it down to 48.
Why wouldnt I rate Irm highly? High availabilty, early valor, early yell, inherent infight, good stats across the board, naturally slides into easily the best boss killer you have access to for the hardest part of the game, etc. The 45 SP Love is.
a who cares bonus because he doesnt really need it. 290 SP is all Irm really needs to get everything he wants in OG1 (Attacker, SP Regen and extra Infight levels to naturally reach 9. If you just want Infight 7, then he only needs 205.
Btw, Tasuku/Leona have the Kyosuke/Excellen and Arado/Seolla problem in OG1. Their liked units dont pair well with each other.
Well said, Satan.
I mean, I don't have a synergy problem between the two, usually I end with Tatsuku in The Type 2 and Leona with the Graviton Cannon and a Slash Ripper since that's before it was nerfed into the ground.
I wish SRW30 had as much gameplay depth as OGs
Or any gameplay depth at all
>ywn see any of this in OG
why even live
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Type 2 is one of the more hotly competed units in OG1 to be honest.
It has depth but there's no need to care about it outside of challenge runs.
Latooni what?
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I haven't tried it but 30's gameplay is so linear that even doing a NUR on the hardest difficulty it just seems like you'd end up with a clear distinction between mostly interchangeable viable units and unviable crap
Ph'nglui Ginguiser wgah'nagl fthagn!
Isn't there also going to be a SOC Exkaiser? Why can't there be one line of good quality Braves in a standardized scale?
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Tamashii said back in Shizuoka Hobby that they're giving this thing a brush-up after the bad timing made in T-SPARK's general reveal, of which it introduced Toyrise. In other words, all their hard work in two years was thrown out of the window and redone from scratch.
I don't like the look of >>22748815 , looks too "off". Hopefully SOC Exkaiser will be better. I wonder will The Gattai have a Exkaiser?
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Toyrise's Genesic as well.
Why is it so much smaller than Exkaiser?
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I'm sure you guys get asked this all the time, but given the choice between
Which is the best for a first timer to Super Robot Wars? My favorite mech anime of all time is Gurren Lagann but I also love Getter Robo and Mazinger, along with much of the Gundam series.
The gallows. You made the wrong choices there, buddy.
I say V is the better game in this case, but going for X is not a bad choice either. 30 can be a bit overwhelming since it has a different mission structure, V and X is how a 'typical' SRW goes usually.
would you rather be guarded by ryusei or edge against a horde of mecha
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It could be worse. The next SRW could have a self-insert cardboard husk of an MC that retards would ship female characters with.
the FGO anime turns him into an actual character unlike shitty Harem LN self-insert leads:
Pick whichever one of V or X that has the cast that appeals to you more.
Guda is honestly more of a character than people give him credit for but it just depends on who they let write that particular arc. There's a reason why the anime adaptations pick fan favorites like Camelot, Babylonia, etc. Besides, as much as I love SRW, many of the OG characters aren't exactly paragons of writing either.
I liked T's OG main characters being money-focused office workers, that was a fun dynamic for a change.
Now, I want an Avalon le Fae anime.
3rd OG for the 35th anniversary for sure.
Avalon could work, but the level of disgust/annoyance you'd have for Beryl wouldn't carry over for anime onlies since they wouldn't know about what happened in Olympus. Besides, given Japan's taste, we'd end up getting a Shimousa anime first.
It was pretty amusing to have a department where all of the bad eggs of the office wound up as a hero team.
In all honesty, using the female protagonist on Lostbelt anime stories would be a good idea to separate further from using male MC for Timeless Temple.
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How does OGs1 handle clear bonuses? I generally don't play NG+ but I'm curious.
You need to beat both stories to start carrying over money.
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I think he means the PS2 version, it's the same beat the game once to unlock EX-Hard and beat that to unlock special mode
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And after that, there's a 15-upgrade mode but you have to complete Normal/Ex-Hard/10-Upgrade Special and the entire scenario chart for OG1 and 2. From what I've read in JP wikis, OG2.5 isn't a requirement.
You can use Ryoto to shoot down R-Gun Rivale in its debut stage in OGs to give Soul to the SRX (you still need a decent support attack)
You get the same amount of money for it you get for beating him for real later
We all love her!
it's as scary as it should be
Its easier on Kyosuke since you can do Soul'd R Formation supported by Rampage Ghost + Cosmo Nova.

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