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New trailer, release on October 7
kill zeeks on sight
zeeks are not human
zeeks are lower than cockroaches
this is going to do more harm than good for gundam in the west isn't it
That poster looks like it smells
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which audience was pic related made for besides blackrock investors?
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>heres your mid season upgrade bro
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It's like they had a "make the ugliest mech possible" contest with this show wtf.
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https://www.gundam.info/news/video-music/01_15143.html fortnite gamemode using assets of it
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>Hasty repairs including slapdash armor plates because they're throwing everything they have left at the Gundam
What's the problem here exactly?
it looks fucking awful
the idea is good, the execution is horrendous
The miscolored arms, yeah I can see that, but why is it covered in tank tread strips? Why is there a net on the shoulder? What purpose do either of those serve?
You're watching a franchise about humanoid mechs which is only accepted because people think it looks cool. Just because it's "realistic" doesn't mean it works.
Greeblebrains are the worst thing that can happen to any mech design.
It’s directed by a German fan of modern warhammer 40k and written by an American (with the character artist being former blizzard ) so it checks out

(Notice how meanwhile the French production with Silver Phantom doesn’t have this issue)
improvised armor from tank threads is not unheard of, but no idea about the net
It breaks the lore but IGLOO CHADS THEY REMEMBERED
I guess the net might be inspired from camo nets or something, but the design in general screams to me "I googled 'tank' and applied a bunch of shit I saw onto a Zaku rather than stop to think about what any of those things actually do".
>It breaks the lore
It really doesn't since Requiem is clearly outside of cannon much like Origin or TB
They clearly just used GBO2 as references with how dark it looks, as the original IGLOO one was much brighter (and also produced with 3 units)

As much I like this unit I’m not a big fan as it seems they clearly did not did their work about the events. It be like if suddenly Zeon had 100 Zudah
Howaito Piggu should never be allowed near Gundam, their awful taste ruins everything
What if Haman had STDs?
>GM and Gouf look cooler than the main MS
Can we have kits of those instead?
I don't mind the Gundam EX too much since it reminds me a bit of the Ez08, but I gotta agree the Zaku looks fucking stupid.
Throw Zeeks into active volcanos
The people somehow look worse than the mobile suits. They look so fucking stiff and uncanny, it's like that 20 year old final fantasy movie.
The frogs did better things. But frogs respect Japan more
I’m a bit worried about Jordan’s movie
(i still have a soft spot for G-saviour)
At least with IGLOO and Evolve (depending on the short) it was more understandable as it was 20 years ago.
This look like an American game AAA… which isn’t far from it
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i mean if its gonna run on fortnite, it really is just that.
The character/mech designs look a bit better but honestly all these CGI projects in general look like dogshit. Everything looks really stiff and unnatural.

I'll probably catch shit for saying this, but I think I'd take the Studio Mir look over these even though I think their art style looks terrible.
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>Why is there a net on the shoulder?
Get with the time gramps
Who is this woman (male)?
cute hand
It's Gaikotsu's hand model he usually hire for his videos.
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You can easily do that witout it looking like literal walking shit.
funny how this isn’t getting a Japanese dub despite it being the latest big push by Bandai yet the niche VR game with a far smaller audience gets a full Japanese recording with fucking Sakakibara in it
Why do they all sound like fallout 4 NPC barks ?
frogs love japan
Requiem has international dubs beside japan, it's weird
realistic GM...Ugly...
Why do they always hire some third string nobodies on shoestring budgets to do these American projects and then sit around wondering why they come out looking terrible?
Since it's not the Zaku's original left arm, the net might just be a slapdash effort to have the armor stay on. They didn't have time to weld the shoulder in place, so they just wrapped it in a net so it can at least take one hit and not fall apart from just walking.
Not even once
As a grunt fag, go fuck yourself don't lump me in with the tards that made this shit.
25 years of ‘08th MS Team is gritty and realistic’ posting has lead to this moment
>why is it covered in tank tread strips?
Make-shift Chobham armor.
>another Gundam running around during the OYW that no one has heard of
are there any more secret prototype gundams i need to know about?
Japan didn't like it when a celebrated American designer (Syd Mead) did designs, so I don't know why they thought hiring some unknown American designers would somehow go better.
Yes there are about 100 more but bandai has not shown them yet, wait a few decades.
>zeon good, feddy bad
its all so tiresome
Kimitoshi Yamane is the credited designer.
Thanks to moral relativist cultural marxists running media we can enjoy all our stories being turned into "good and evil don't actually exist and everyone sucks equally" slop.
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>Red shoulder is on the left arm
>first Gundam entry in franchise history specifically made for Western audiences
>DEI slop
I'm so fucking tired, man. I guess the one positive is that there wasn't BMWF in the first seconds of the trailer but you know it's in there somewhere.
this character is just Joker Haman and you'll never convince me otherwise
the irony is that these designs would have fit Call of Duty more than 78-2 and Aerial. instead fortnite gets them
Why does GM have a mono eye?
IGLOO at least shits on pretty much everyone. This actually seem like a zeek fantasy
Silver phantom is releasing and you forgot Gsaviour
Also this was asked by Netflix themselves as confirmed in interviews so I don’t see why you are surprised
Specifically a zeon persecution fantasy, the funniest kind
>a team death match game where you can enjoy the world view of "Requiem for Vengeance" within the online game "Fortnite"
what? how does that even work?
To be the devil advocate, some GM do have mono eyes, like the GM command
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So even putting aside the mixed bag of the mecha designs, can we talk about how fucking awful the dialogue and voice acting is? Every line is written with meta-knowledge about Gundam that no real person would actually say if their entire goal was to do muhrealism wanking, and it sounds like the voice actors had almost no context to any of the lines they were reading. Like imagine if in 08th MS Shiro's team was constantly talking about how the Apsalus might change the tide of the war and that it was specially designed for that "newtype thing" they keep hearing about from Zeon propaganda.

Why does this project look and sound so awful on almost every level?
i guess you haven't played fortnite because there are multiple ways of doing it. Either via custom game modes/ maps or just outright playing the episode on a giant tv like they did with dragonball that one time
Fortnite released an editor for custom game modes and maps using Fortnite’s core gameplay as a base, which is a simplified UE5. Since Requiem is done with UE5 too, it must have being really easy to port assets. I hope someone will extract the models

Can’t wait to see Optimus prime piloting a Gundam though
Yeah the voice acting seems really bland. I feel zero emotions. At least G-saviour was campy. This is like seeing robots talking. I’ve heard AI voices with more emotions (as terrible as this sound)
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The dialogue for this sounds incredibly stilted
I sincerely hope nobody has high hopes for this.

As >>22745759 mentions some GMs do indeed have monoeyes, usually those designed by Izubuchi, but in this case if I had to guess it's just the Americans doing whatever they like
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Here's the press e-mail.
I literally just posted about that but yeah the dialogue is terrible. It sounds like a cheapass dub. Again just hazarding a guess but maybe it's the director/writing team trying to overcompensate for being gaijins allowed a hand at the property. They think that to prove to the fans they care they have to spell shit out for them, and for people who aren't Gundam fans (that's likely be most Netflix watchers) they have to spell out a pile of Gundam concepts really fast. Rather than just letting the work sit as it is and invite viewers into the world by being compelling, they're trying to explain everything ASAP.
>Why does this project look and sound so awful on almost every level?
Because US Netflix
I used to work as Epic Games customer service from 2017 to 2019. I was forced to play that shitty game for "product knowledge" and haven't touched it since.
That makes sense. I might reinstall it just to see the models.
Ohhhhh I hate this.
Even the Jegans and Jestas have it iirc, pretty much every mid-UC GM derivate has it
War in the pocket is probably the best OVA to introduce Gundam to non fans without a big show. But it’s clearly not an inspiration by the Requiem team

Jordan’s movie is apparently inspired by it so who knows how it will go
It's what happens when you get fans to write and direct something instead of actual writers and directors.
And by fans I mean people who either aren't actually that passionate about gundam, are actually fans of adjacent material like battle tech/ warhammer, or only know about fundamentally from some limited perspective like hazy memories from toonami or contextless AMVs and fight scenes.
NTA but I think they're doing something fucky with it overall, the Guntanks here aren't quite "true" Assault Guntanks. They sport the flamethrower but lack the frontal tread unit. I guess we'll have to see.
I'll clap whenever a zeon character dies
Yeah, that's just straight up Assault guntank top on classic guntank bottom
If Fat womyn here is not Zeon alien.
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Yeah. Where did Space Samurai vibe on Zeon gone for? I only see woke activist, not space Samurai. En taro Deikun!!!! Issha'tu, Terran!! (Zeon dialect: for Deikun, beware, Earthlings!!)
Fans are the best and worst thing to happen to franchises like this. Creators need to always walk that tightrope of respecting the material, but also not being so in love with it or eager to please the fanbase that you write a bunch of self-referential shit into the work.
Bikini schizo entered his gay arc
I looked up the writer, is Gen:Lock even any good? I only remember it because of the "unlike other mecha this one is about the characters"
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anon wtf are you talking about
S1 is alright, S2 is pure shit
Don't talk to him please.
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Maybe I judged Thunderbolt too harshly.....
Misha is literal one of space samurai in zeon as we can see from Kaempfrer scene.
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how do we save mecha and gundam from the west
Case in point: Unicorn
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lol, lmao even
>Maybe I judged Thunderbolt too harshly.....
no TB is still TRASH
Why does that fella have titties?
Beam spray gun is way too small but I guess Warhammer dudes all have pistols
>making amuro literally satan
picked up
Just give me an edit of the all the scenes of the gundam killing the poor misunderstood Zeeks to the sound of "tobe gundam" when this is over
is it really vengeance when zeon dropped a colony and killed dozens of people first
I'll fap whenever a zeon character dies
This whole thing has the same vibe as Paramount's Halo where at a glance it looks kind of right, but when you actually see it in motion, you can cleanly feel the utter contempt for both the property and its audience.
I hope pink hair face tat's death is gruesome
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The ones that bother me more are the Gundam Heads, which they explicitly say are just GMs with special heads and not at all Gundams. Like why even make the distinction anymore, especially if these are meant to be variants of the Ground Type.
Maybe the Gundam is the vengeance
Psychological warfare? Wasn’t that the reason they crammed a Gundam head on the Ground GM?
I hope the gundam pilot is either a psychotic birthday manages to somehow be more attractive than the Xeon shores in this show or a generic jock character I can root for
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It can be extremely effective
imagine if you saw a toilet running at you. Not scary, right? but imagine if it had a head poking out the top? absolute terror field.
now replace head with gundam head and you'll see what i mean
Is this…
I just hope you can hear gundam pilot counting as he slaughters zeeks if they're trying to amplify the white devil angle
bold of you to assume the gundam pilot is a he
Gundam pilot is Meth Haman’s brother, this one has blue hair and a bunch of other embarrassing tattoos. ‘FED OR DIE’, ‘BORN TO BALL’, ‘1/3 NEVER FORGET’, stuff like that
>newtype abilities aren't magic
Even 90's grunge kids wouldn't like it, WTF is this?
I like the MS design. But my goodness this character design might be worse than some SBI games.
Why is it so hard for westerns to make good looking characters.
Even in the West, Gundam still has a massive problem with color theory.
Also the extra armor makes it look like lego.
What are some typical 40k animator things to watch out for?
>shots of soldiers walking in absolutely perfect formation due to them all using the same walk cycle
>Way too muddy and dark, camera shakes absurdly during action scenes making it impossible to follow
>focusing on low resolution textures constantly, especially combined with dramatic zooms
tb part 1 is cool
meh tb designs were fun, and part 1 was good.
I decided to watch a clip from IGLOO just to remind myself how that looked and it really feels like the character animation has barely improved since then. Mecha look a bit better and that beam saber effect was cool so I'll give them that.

They really should've just gone with traditional animation for the humans.
Cause Bandai is cheap?
The GM had a sensor suite, with two eye-like cameras beneath the visor. Other GMs and GM-likes may have been monos, but the original GM was not.

Then again this is some fucky weird GM so who knows.
>Abandoned in Space


>DEI slop
Just say the N-Word you pussy
>space Samurai we seen in 0080,0083

That never happened, not in 0079, not in Zeta, ZZ, or CCA, not in 0080 or 08th MS Team. Only ONE CHARACTER, Gato was a Bushido muh emperor tier retard

>Uses Term DEI(incorrectly too)
>Is a retard

Every time
Fuala Griffon already exists.
is that the new cope now? he's clearly into being a feminine goth bad boy now
So what's the Silver Bullet's excuse for stapling a Gundam head on an Axis MS?
Mashmer is similar to this tho, when he shouts Haman banzai.
He's less like a Samurai and more like a crazed Italian/Latin simp (Even more latin in the second half when he's a super simp with cut-offs)
>zeon exaggerating history
seems lore correct to me
I hate my country
Silver Bullet's are seized Axis units given to Anaheim to reverse engineer and play around with. So they're modded up to be not-Axis units. They were never meant to ever see the field or be prototypes of units that would ever be produced.
IGLOO had soul
Westerners made it, Bamco allowed it.
It most definitely did not, and I think people have some distorted memories if they think Igloo looked better than this
igloo had some fun bits
until death god death god death god
Nah, MS IGLOO really did look better than this.
American written, animated in japan
all western country are different,its stupid to say that
IGLOO 1 was made in2004, CGI was different
If that's the case, then that's just worse than what I posted.
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Nach Nagalas, Zeon de Ash, Dum adu'Zmer'glars. (Zeon dialect- It's over, Zeon has fallen, billions must die)

I thought Zeon as conservative and brave space samurai like Ral, Norris, Misha, Gato...
I agree that on a technical level it would be dumb to say this doesn't look better than IGLOO, but aside from the fact that it feels like the human animation has barely improved since then (IGLOO is 20 years old), I doubt this show will have any designs even half as memorable as the Zudah or Big Rang. At least, not for any good reasons.
Was Zeon that diverse and inclusive?
Ral, Norris, Misha seems like space samurai for being chad guy who dares even suicidal mission for nation. Misha shouted "Glory for fallen" before his suicidal mission with Kaempfer.
For me it's... this is the best they can do? It shouldn't just be better than Igloo, it should *stomp* on Igloo quality wise.
I dunno if it's because it's Unreal Engine, but I feel like that's not an excuse, that thing is ubiquitous and not exactly some kind of immature tech

It's like it's the reverse of when anime studios do work-for-hire jobs for Western companies and they have that feel of having no real heart in it.
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Oh, damn, he's a writer for S2.
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>Jordan’s movie is apparently inspired by it so who knows how it will go
Is that thing still happening? Last I heard it was supposed to be Netflix movie but then we got Requiem. A teaser image from some years ago showed a shadowy Gundam design that looks very similar to the Requiem Gundam too. I think that thing might've been repurposed into this thing we're looking at right now.
wuz there black zeek?
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Not really.
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looks like a camouf but for sure isn't
Well the lips actually moved for one
No one was thinking about that, cuck
So could we have Transgender cyber newtype from Zeon too?
Thanks, I hate it.
>Oct 7th
Oy vey…
Oh fuck... If this trailer wasn't enough to convince you that guy outright confirms this will be total garbage
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> DEI coded characters
> Space Nazis focus
The absolute state of Netflix.
As a leftist I could only shook my head in disappointment.
>DEI coded
>As a leftist

No LARPing on this board please
Zeon aren't Nazis. It's the bigotted Federation who are the real Nazis
Not going to lie I'm pretty okay with some Newtype in a Zaku cleaving a tank round in two. I'm simple like that.
It's like it really is Igloo!
> Larping
straight D tickets every single time. But DEI are a mistake.
i wonder if he's still this riped and goth
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>they hired a guy who worked on the absolute worst western mecha project
I don't fucking get it. Genlock wasn't just shit, it was dripping with spite for mecha media. There's an entire episode about how mecha is stupid and sexist and the west needs to teach them better values, and then the only japanese cast member gets buttfucked by a transexual in cyberspace and then immediately killed of. Every single member of that production should be barred from writing anything with machines more complicated than a fucking toaster.
>and then the only japanese cast member gets buttfucked by a transexual in cyberspace and then immediately killed of.
People accuse Western writers of being woke but I don't even know what reality this could be interpreted as "progressive". Also thought everyone universally hated Genlock S2 including the original fans of the show
By the sounds of it they were trying to go for a message of sex being fluid and muh men can be feminine too but it just came off like they were actively spiting the sole Japanese member of the cast and showing pure contempt for the genre as a whole
I'm kinda digging this look, they actually look kinda scary there.
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Sad that we cannot see these cute girls anymore squealing omanko by Omanko spirits due to Niconico being broken like Kachou kowareru.
And Zeon is diverse woke goons instead of space samurais like Ral, Norris, Misha and Gato.
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>the writer, is Gen:Lock.
None of those characters are in any way like Samurai you fucking moron
Even with close combat/assault MS and fighting in suicidal mission bravely to death?
Zeon is unashamedly neo-Bushido, just like Imperial Japan. Samurai were more old school Bushido. There's huge difference despite the similarities.
Been avoiding big studio pop culture products for like 6 years. Grimaced and took a look since this is rarely attempted with Gundam.

Pre-video ad for Funko Pop bobbleheads. Refresh to skip faster.

Browns, neck tats, OnlyFans eWhore pilot with a septum piercing

Followed by an ad for Borderlands Live-Action, 3x badass women gunslingers mowing down pale masked hordes, funny plucky black man hooting & hollering in a chase scene twice

What a wasteland
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>Not having an ad blocker in the year of our lord 2000+24
>is Gen:Lock even any good?
That's not Amuro. Amuro is around Solomon by the time this show happens I think. Also Amuro would have just killed them all
>Newtype ability isn't magic
This was written by someone who's soul is weighed down by gravity.
well said...
I want to say realistically in an interplanetary war involving millions of lives it's not that unbelievable that a couple dozen other prototype projects trying to dick with the Project V data would crop up, but narratively this shit gets boring after you do it for like the sixth time.

It does get kind of funny when you think of it from a larger perspective and go back and watch the original series or whatever, that apparently the White Base and Amuro just doing their thing has apparently created this battlefield legend that makes Zeek grunts shit their pants in fear that the Gundam might show up on their front.
This seems like a mistake.

Series like Gundam Wing, Gundam Seed, or G Gundam seem like better choices.

UC Gundam will NEVER be popular in the West to same level like it is in Asia. Bandai needs to stop pushing it here. Westerners do not care about muh Zeon or muh White Devil RX-78
I kind of agree. Just look at the threads on /m/, it looks like the west is pretty firmly Feddie territory and does everything they can to make Zeon out to be worse than it is, but Japan fucking loves Zeon. It's just a key perspective on the series the west doesn't have
Leave it to the west to create the worst Gundam of all time
Gen:Lock is one of the worst products of all time
08th MS Team is popular enough so it's not so much that UC can't be popular in the West, but that they can't market it the same way they do in Japan. They can't just endlessly circlejerk the OYW and muhzeon and expect people to care by default. People liked 08th MS because it has a simple narrative, likable characters and great animation/action. It ain't that complicated.
I’m tired of the jokes. All zeeks MUST die
[Blows up your Australia]
>Zeon-sympathizing show
>directed by a German
What did they mean by this?
RoosterTeeth is insanely conservative and only understands progressivism through the lens of marketing. They're also the idiots who thought suicide was awesome three times in a row.
Don't people hate 08th MS nowadays? If it's not for how sucky the supporting cast is, it's because they hate the romance in the second half of the show.
If you're some contrarian faggot I could see hating 08th MS Team
But no it's still great
>awful CGI
I think I should rewatch IGLOO. I was pretty drunk the first time I saw it and don't remember much beyond someone biting it because they redlined a Zudah and the tank guy wrecking shit.
>DEI slop AND zeonwank at the same time
I'd take another season of G-bitch over this
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Miss me yet, /m/?
I wonder what a GRITTY REALISTIC MILITARISTIC MODERN Darth Vader would be like
It’s still happening and has nothing to do with Requiem. Jordan has posted pictures with Tomino last year and also a pic teasing the Gundam model kit without showing it

Though I suspect the director of Requiem was picked due to Jordan. Jordan is a big fan of metal gear and the guy directing Requiem did metal gear fan animations
Apparently Japanese fan seem to like it kek
Of course they do it's Zeonwank
Will the Zaku get a cameo being BTFO like G-saviour in the next Buiid show ?
I wonder if they will still do a JP dub even if not marketed. They can’t just have the English dub in Gundam Versus
A westaboo character that only kitbashes Igloo or Netflix MS would be sick
The idea is sound, but it felt like whoever designed this didn't know when to stop. I get the whole "slapdash field repair with limited resources" angle, but it's just too much superfluous shit. Like just losing the tank tread armor and netting on the shoulder would vastly improve it.
But these woke goons don't suit such Yamato vibe unlike other UC gundams' zeon.
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Will Requiem be the same vibe as G-Savior?
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Yep no, its over before it even started.
>People accuse Western writers of being woke but I don't even know what reality this could be interpreted as "progressive"
That's what it is. Take a bad writer full of piss and vinegar, and give them free reign to shit on that thing they don't like as much as they want, and you make that allowance possible through the disguise of a political conscience. That's how you get extremely bad "woke" writing that delivers nothing good to anyone.
Don't be shocked if it appears here as well, it's got all the warning signs.
>don't even know what reality this could be interpreted as "progressive".
If you ever feels that the writing or messaging feel shallow, that's woke writing.
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Funny some of you are bringing up 08th MS as one of the entries Americans like or whatever, because the director for this straight up said he was influenced mostly by 08th MS and Thunderbolt for this. The muhrealism thing isn't just a joke.

And obviously the EX is heavily inspired by the Ez8. Well, it's the same designer so wouldn't be surprised if they straight up just asked for him to make a similar design.
The animation reminds me of the adventures of Tintin movie. The Dialogue seems like it's trying to explain a lot about the series, like newtypes which don't show up until the end of 079. Probably going to be very mixed in quality but better than the last western gundam live action movie.
What's baffled is that the same guy who made Ez8 somehow made it even worst

I'm surprised we haven't gotten announcements of a Japanese dub cast yet.
This has a lot of howaito piggu hands in it, but the animation is done in-house by Bandai as far as I can tell, so they get the credit for the hilariously bad human animations. Though the director isn't doing it any favors by doing these straight-on shots of every human that doesn't hide the bad animation well at all.

Also don't get all the people saying this looks like a AAA game or whatever. This thing wishes it looked as good as a typical AAA game nowadays. I mean most of them are shit yeah, but bad graphics isn't what I associate with most of them.
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Well, That's why Tomino's concern hit AAA game industry first, since AAA industry has working condition issue too. that Japanese anime will be doomed due to working condition and China will take over,
but ironically, Video game got hit by this first for not only working condition(since AAA industries have same issue) but for DEI,SBI and LGBT. While Korea and China takes over for Korea and China has 5000 years of history and have robust belief so that they never kneel to wokism and SBI, and love freedom.
FF7RB flopping due to SBI while Stellar blade outselling this is the proof that Tomino's concern hit Video game before anime. Since July 2022, Kishida has banned bikinis from Japanese anime and console game.
Dibs on that medic being a spy and the Gundam pilot
It’s not done by Bandai but another studio, safehouse, which the German director works in (though it’s set in Japan )
As a game developer I think people are genuinely acting like schizophrenic about that whole DEI thing because I never heard anyone in any production I worked on talking about that. It’s some useless shit for shareholders at worse from what I have heard from others.
The main issue with the vidya industry right now is studios doing mass layoff of people but also refusing to recruit new staff, especially for juniors who are expected completely impossible requirements. Instead studio want to keep veterans but pay them low and use shit to make things cheaper (like gen AIs) while also rising the cost and time of productions.

This is why AA games are much less numerous.
The tank treads are just peak midwit bullshit.
God, it fucking pisses me off how stupid and ugly it is and how anyone involved with the production of this thing is allowed to have a job.
Netting is usually ostensibly added to things like vehicles and helmets so that you can jam sticks and leaves and shit in it, for camouflage. Even though it's painted red.
Oh my god.
G-Saviour wasn't THAT horrible. And who can forget this masterpiece?
it had good designs for once
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>we're probably going to get a bunch of kits for the EX, the slightly altered Gouf and GM variants as well as that abomination of a Zaku
>there will never be kits for the I-Saviour, Freedom or Bugu
If you watch G-Savioir in japanese its kinda passable at least.
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I mean considering this is from Zeon's point of view making the feddie suits look a touch villainous seems like a good idea
What's in the water in space colonies?
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Forgot pic
Sure you did
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Yeah anon its a conspiracy I didn't post the picture because I just wanted to post twice in a row. Pic related its you.
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>only person wearing sunglasses on the entire train
I wanna puke at these designs

It's like they got someone to describe a Kobayashi design they saw once
I will pay money if the red wolves are all wiped out by the Gundam. Shortly after karen-cut's zaku explodes we finally see the gundam pilot and they look directly into the camera and say

>now that's what i call a requiem. for vengeance.
>*roll credits*
Intimidation. if the Gundam scares normal zeon mooks, then a red zaku should scare feddies because Char
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Whitebased quints
Don't bother answering to him, he's the bikini-schizo, he always posts the same shit everyday. He's also the guy that spams about buttholes and aliens.
I have some more

>Constant use of helmets even in downtime to hide facial animations
>Ear blaringly loud gun noises becasue its lore accurate
>Long drawn out battle scenes and action porn little to no care for story
So can we thank /tg/ and 40k faggots for giving us such an amazing animation
I am Nostradamus, and I bring a glimpse into a dark future.
>Zeon will defeat the Gundam through a combination of teamwork, superior tactics, and the ability to capitalize on the sheer villainous arrogance of the Gundam pilot
>They'll be cheered as heroes by the local populace, as the Gundam cared not for collateral damage and killed as many earthnoids as it did zeeks
>It'll end with sequel bait
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We should make a bingo card out of this sort of shit
Where are these 40k accusations come from?
Why do they waste time with dogshit like this when they could animate stuff like Sentinel, Blue Destiny or A.o.Z and be guarantied that it will do at least a little better then what ever the fuck this is?
The director is a german 40k nerd
The director got his big break by making a Warhammer 40k fan animation called Lord Inquisitor. This was also 10 years ago almost and before the trend of GW suing or taking down fan animators as im sure others have heard. You see he actually released the short but was given a bunch of negative critics of

>Rigid human animation
>Bad voice acting
>Bad facial animations

The short took nearly 3 years to make so all the negative comments he got made him cancel the project entirely. He then became the kind of youtube slop head who makes

Guy got a name for himself making a 40k animation and now is bringing his taste of grimdark coated crap to gundam
Sentinel will never happen due to the rights issues, blue destiny's plot is too much like a videogame. (yes, i know.)
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or this
why is this Zaku covered in Tank treads?
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Not so hard to imagine
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The Zaku is designed like how Games Workshops Forge world would design space marines. Where they wear different armor due to repair or lack of resources.
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Feels like an awful version of Code Fairy

in fact i expect the uppity zeon's to mock the federation for 'stealing their mobile suit idea' here too. Something tells me this show won't allow the feds to be shown in a sympathetic or even understanable light though. Gundam EX's face is literally jason vorhees-like hockey/skull mask. This is the problem with Zeon centric stories, everything is the federations fault. whine whine whine. no introspection whatsoever.
What the fuck is going on with that manga?
>applying historical shit to mobile suit designs like camonets or using tank treads as armor like WW2 modifications
>Zeon wankery

This is the ultimate youtube comment fanboy gundam
Good shit, recommend
Boone had a hard life
>forgot Gsaviour
so does 99% of the fanbase
Boone just has a very overactive imagination
He dove too deep
Have you ever sifted through Japanese ultra-nationalist / empireboo comments and writing? That is them.
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I thought the Zaku was cool from the first PV, but what the FUCK is that?
It made me laugh really much when he made a soulless MGS3 animation but then started talking shit about MGSdelta as it looked better than what he did
but what do the tank threads add? it is not like it provides any more armour that the Zaku's own chassis armour couldn't have done, maybe if there had wrapped around threads around the wrist joints which seem rather bare
Its mostly toonamibabies that watched it back then. Besides, they deluded themselves into thinking its vietnam gundam gruntwank. Actually, OPs looks like someone's idea of what 8th MS team is.
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It's an imitation of a desperation tactic used by tank crews. When you want to uparmor a vehicle but don't have the real means to do it tank crews will slap whatever's to hand onto their vehicle to try and help survivability. This would usually be stuff like sandbags, wood, or spare tracks. Most of the time it doesn't work but it helps the crew feel better. In the case of this Zaku however it feels like a pale imitation of reality which >>22745592 kindly summarizes.
IGLOO (and it’s sequel on the feddies side too) very much criticized Zeon and their officers too. It shows some fuck up in the federation but also good guys too. The message was more «the few good people are wasted by the bad ones», just like how prototypes are discarded always like trash.
every zaku has an axe that heats up hot enough to weld steel. but let's not think about that, or what you could do with it, for more than 3 seconds. let's just copy some shit i saw in a war movie.
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Its another 40kism where its something that was used in history but applied to a far future scifi. Broken Tank treads were used as extra armor on Sherman tanks They just apply it here since

>woah its like realistic was was used in ww2 bro
man at those tanks actually look cool at least thanks to that
doesn't work on zaku tho, fukken retards
Yep the tank treads and camo net haphazardly applied just screams tryhard 40k kid designing his own 40k army.
it helps that a Sherman unlike a Zaku has some use for Tank Treads outside of pointless aesthetics
It's not just a Sherman thing, it's a pretty common tactic
The halfassed smattering of treads that barely covers any of the surface area of the zaku is the worst part. If they went balls to the wall and just completely fucking covered every inch of the thing, if they made some ungodly suit of tank tread chainmail to drape over the thing, that would honestly be more respectable But it's so fucking low effort.
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>Exposed cabling
>Haphazard battlefield repairs to show how GRIMDARK it is
>Different color parts to show resource scrounging
>Gribble for the sake of it
They could've worked on zaku if they used them as treads, aka around curved or such place like sherman above
but they glued them on top in perfectly flat surface not covering much
scale is also issue I suppose
At least those HH space marine models are meant to be details to be painted by the hobbyist so the gribble detail can't be to small
im a Warhammer fan so im not hating but im mostly pointing out as how utterly bad they applied the idea of it to the zaku here
The cage around the eye actually looks good. I still don't know what it's actually supposed to do, but it is the only part of it that looks good.
Seconding this
Using tank treads as extra armor for a Mobile Suit would be fine, it could even be justified given all the theoretical useless Magella Bases lying around after their tops get popped but the distribution, density, and scale of the treads is awful.
Its applying 40k tier designs into gundam with a poor idea of it. Battle Repair mobile suits could look good but the guy added shit randomly
No, I don't even think it's fine. I think it's fucking stupid no matter what, but at least do the fucking stupid thing right instead of halfassing it.
This is the good idea. Badly welding on extra armor plating with a heat hawk. Leaving gash marks and shit on the frame in the process from where they fucked up. Making the jerry rigs the same as from a fucking hundred years ago is just retarded. Not to derail, but have you seen the kinds of fucked up tank mods they're making in today's war?
>No, I don't even think it's fine. I think it's fucking stupid no matter what, but at least do the fucking stupid thing right instead of halfassing it.
t-shirt made out of tank treads would be fun desu
terrible looking probably, but fun
Voice acting and dialogue feels really bad
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I don't think Zeon has enough Zaku Is or Crabmen or suchlike to start building cope barns.
>our weapons aren't strong enough to scratch it but it can kill us easily
ok so shows over right ? realistically they all die in the first encounter.
Animated sentinel hnngh
it's a shame they revealed the GM in that trailer because just imagine they finally downed the Gundam and started cheering only for a squad of 4-5 GM to crest the hill and start raping them fresh again.
What are the odds of the Japanese dub making this bearable?
No Kontakt ERA.
I would imagine they finally defeat the Gundam EX and GM EX only to find out those aren't even the real mobile suits and just jank field modified protoypes
Going to guess that the Gundam EX is piloted by either a kid or by a true newtype (and none of the Zeon team are newtypes)
The only moments of the trailer that brought me joy were the gundam cutting zakus apart like they were styrofoam, The fact that we were probably supposed to feel sorry for the Zeon soldiers makes it more entertaining.
Amuro going berserk in the desert still has the greatest storytelling potential of any MSG fight but they always just want to show him and char playing tag
Can’t wait for the «Federation edit» cut showing the entire movie but only the pov of the Gundam
Zeonic Front already did an horror mission like that where you have to survive Amuro, you hear all the soldiers with you being panicked and dying. The only thing you hear of Amuro is him counting everyone he kills. (You cannot kill Amuro)
Gihren Greed also had an animated section where you see some Zaku being taken by the Gundam like it’s a jumpscare
>not the Fedit
Rumor has it that it’s only getting jap subs and won’t have a full dub. Probably not true but honestly it’s that’s the case I’ve got even less reason to watch this now
>UC 0079
>The with a capital T Gundam is a brand new, state of the art, one of a kind prototype mobile suit the likes of which no one has ever seen before
>except there was also that one over there at the same time that apparently no one knew about
>and this one here that no one knew about
>and this one
>and that one
>and actually there were five or six different RX-78 units aside from the RX-78-2 all active during and sometimes even before the war in different places
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The Gundam is like the worst parts of the Atlas awkwardly married with the Ez8. I guess they were trying to make it look pristine and highly advanced to contrast with the more roughed up and primitive looking Zaku, but it tries way too hard.
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I just noticed these
god why
The problem with the whole "repaired/reactive armoured Zaku" thing, is that really, there's almost no sensible reason for it

In UC Zaku's are mostly pitted against Fed suits with beam weaponry, by time Gundams come about. Beam weapons cause Mobile suits to almost always explode destroying nearly the entire body. There's very little reason a suit would come back as battered and repaired as many times as this, especially within the space of one year, you'd be lucky to reclaim a Zaku type more than once maximum

Beams also wouldn't be bothered by some slap dash armour plating, Titanium alloy is going to be a helluva lot tougher than whatever treads are going to be made out of. It's like putting wood planks on your tank body. In fact, most of the body work is MORE exposed than ever, which is borderline retarded

It may be more "realistic" in our setting, but it's clearly impractical in UC
Aren't only units 4 and 5 actual legit gundams active at the time of OYW and the rest are just souped up GMs with fancy heads or straight up what-ifs
This is Netflix mind-poisoning trash so I won’t watch it but I really don’t think this is that bad. I actually like it and the color scheme. I prefer when Gundam goes “real robot”, suck it fags. It isn’t the best design in the world but it isn’t bad and far from the worst.
I like this too. Going for all-white novel Gundam. If I have any criticism, I don’t like the legs and think they are more later UC than 0079 but they aren’t egregious or anything. Double Vulcan cannons are neat too and give it a mean look.
I think people are being way too harsh on the mechanical designs, what they should be harsh on is the inevitable gay story and characters it’s going to have.
lol yup. Everything that came after the original 0079 anime overwrites its most impactful world building and narrative elements so it’s best to enjoy everything outside the original anime as its own thing and not really connected.
>I prefer when Gundam goes “real robot
What's real about that design? They just stapled a bunch of useless shit on a timeless design.
I have long stopped feeling. Now I can only laugh.
Obviously to stabilize its center of gravity on land. Are you rarted?
Which has always been kind of lame honestly. It gives Feddies an overwhelming advantage and discounts kinetic weaponry completely as obsolete even though its continued to be used in UC. Gundam from the beginning has constantly rewritten the physics and features of its own world so this is a moot point.
Is it that much different than a regular Zaku? How many times have they attached 20 boosters to a Zaku and painted it gay colors? This design is fully in line with 08th MS Team.
You guys are ridiculous sometimes. It’s a earth toned Zaku with some greebles, it looks great.
No it fucking sucks dick.
Surely the details are unimportant, so they should be glossed over entirely.
So this movie is going to gaslight the audience that Zeon are the good guys?

Kek, feels like Zeon propaganda. Unless there is a twist in which shows Zeon also commits warcrimes as well.
>Is it that much different than a regular Zaku
No, that's my point.
>it looks great
Fuck off shill.
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Looks like a patched up classic Zaku… I really don’t see how you can hate it this much. They obviously used real world influence here. It’s literally the Zaku everyone loves with some bandaids on.
Why would you want one of the greatest designs in mecha history to not resemble its classic incarnation as much as possible? You think this is a knock against it?
I dissuade everyone and anyone to not support Netflix and reject this trash which will have obvious jew meddling, but as far as the mechanical designs go…they are fine, good even.
Gundam and early UC has done much, MUCH worse than this.
Feddie weaponry WILL explode you in one shot and you WILL die no matter how many tank treads you glued to your fucking hull. Even if they weren't stupid treads and instead actual ERA, Zeon isn't retarded, they would know it does nothing!
Literally nothing in Gundam has made sense and since the beginning it never followed its own rules, let alone 45 years of constantly rewriting its in-universe rules. You have to be trolling.
>This design is fully in line with 08th MS Team.
Not really. The two modified suits in 08th are the TH head and Ez-8, and despite the latter being named after a custom Sherman Tank the modifications to both of them for in with the setting of the one year war and feel like what mobile suit engineers would do when they had to make do.
This new Zaku is a slap dash of random real life tank modifications, I'm almost surprised it doesn't have a cope cage too
It does have cope cage on the visor. Looks cool.
If you don’t think it’s plausible that ragtag Zeon engineers would patch holes with what they have on hand in the middle of a war as fast as they can…then I don’t know what to tell you. There is a precedence for this in real life stretching back over a hundred years of tank warfare so why wouldn’t it be in Gundam?

I seriously can’t tell if you guys are trolling or are this autistic.

If there was a strip of these tank tread bandaids in 08th MS Team patching a hole you wouldn’t bat an eye.
It's The Zaku Everyone Loves™
>extra panel lining (ugly and unnecessary)
>extra bodywork (unseemly and unnecessary)
>extra double antennae (lamer looking than typical commander's horn)
>dull colorscheme (boring in and of itself, done before on the meta level)
>tank add-ons (poorly distributed and utilized, e.g. what's the point of the shoulder net?)
>exposed parts (not covered by add-on armor)

This is cope
If you want to make a donut steel Zaku, fine, but you have to make it look cool. This has evidently not passed the local sniff test and personally I am inclined to agree with that assessment. It's not pretty or sensible, and where it isn't sensible it fails to be cool.
forgot proportions being screwed around
That's not a cope cage but slat armor THOUGH
Yeah there are no tank treads bandaids in 08th me team, because all of the material used to repair mobile suits come from other mobile suits, like spare heads and Zaku shields. I suppose the uncreative approach of just copying the "improvised vehicle armor" Wikipedia article verbatim is less mentally taxing. When's the last time a helicopter had tank armour welded to it?
>Looks cool
Whatever you say, lol
Netting in war is typically used to hide vehicles, trucks and artillery from military surveillance. They are throwing it on a cherry red chunk of metal but what do you want, it’s Gundam. IIRC netting has been used in Gundam before.

This series is obviously going for “gritty war” aesthetic so why wouldn’t it have a dull color scheme? Everything in Gundam has been done before, what point are you even trying to make?

The double antenna is obviously some field repair. Idk how much of the story is known, but I would count on this being a ragtag group of zeeks with extremely limited supplies and engineers.

You have to be trolling but then again, /m/ brings out the most egregious autism I’ve ever seen.
Did you consider the fact that maybe they don’t have access to other mobile suit parts, or are working under a time constraint that necessitates more jerry-rigged solutions?

Are you kidding me?

One series sets an example therefore it’s impossible for you to conceive of a MS being patched up like this?
>Zeonic Front already did an horror mission like that where you have to survive Amuro, you hear all the soldiers with you being panicked and dying. The only thing you hear of Amuro is him counting everyone he kills
god I hope they put that part in this
>Double Vulcan cannons are neat too and give it a mean look
It looks like it's wearing a tard helmet
how incredibly ugly it is is just a matter of taste, which you are lacking, so nevermind that. as for how real robot it is, it feels less like it's trying to impart a sense of realism and more like it's trying to signal that this show is Le Serious.
the gundam does look fine though.
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Not trolling. Here's my rationale.
When netting has been used in Gundam (e.g. 08th MS, Unicorn) it was used as a component entirely separate from a given machine of any kind and used entirely for concealment, regardless of MS color (e.g. hiding the Apsalus while it is landed, hiding EF MS in a defensive ambush). On armored vehicles, netting is not only occasionally used for mounting camouflage but carrying goods. Regarding this Zaku, it is serving neither purpose nor can it: it's too small and there's too little of it to perform either task.

Dull colorscheme as a complaint isn't about 'realism.' The problem here is that it simply does not look good. It's 100% possible to make Gundam look gritty without making it look like shit, see >>22745953. This is also being listed as a downside for being derivative. Pic related is 'gritty' but also doesn't look completely washed out.
Field repair is not an excuse for not looking cool. Zakus which have done such a gimmick in the past have tended to be obscure MSV or still gone with the middle of the head for the double antennae, e.g. "Bunny Ears" Zaku Cannon

Can I respectfully ask you why you think this is trolling? You are, indeed, in an autism zone.
Now you can paint yours to match.
It’s the closest to “real robot” we’ve seen since 08th MS Team. Aesthetically, it’s borrowing from real life warfare rather than trying to make 70s super robots into mass produced war machines and calling them “real robot”. That is all is said and it’s objectively true. It’s insane to me people hate it this much. Gundam has done way fucking worse than this. You’re such a snotty little faggot, I’m going to beat your disappointed parents to death with a hammer in front of you while you play with your plastic toys.
Because this new Zaku is in no way out of step with what you just posted. You’re covering your ears and screaming in a McDonald’s because it has some patchwork done to repair it (you’re too afraid to ask for ketchup).
Shitting your pants and tugging at your handlers pants because you’re this apeshit over a patch up job is peak autism.
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'Tism board anon. If I had to be self-depercating about 'tism I would actually more say this is pointing out how and where exactly my burger was done wrong and differently, and thus not to my tastes, and in turn those tastes seem to be shared by more than I. I've pointed out to you exactly:
>a Gundam use case of an item which was more sensible than the Requiem apparent use
>an aesthetic qualm over a principle (doing something =/= doing said thing well)
>A subjective opinion and repeat of item one (doing XYZ =/= it looking good)

If you could explain to me how the Red Wolf Zaku is supposed to satisfy my 'tism given what I have mentioned I would unironically be obliged. Otherwise I genuinely don't get why you'd waste your time with us here in the short bus.
You’re pooping your pants because it isn’t all the same color? What’s the difference between the Zaku IIs in your image compared to the Netflix one?
It’s the tank tread repairs. That’s really it. That is what has you this assmad and it’s hilarious.
This show is 3D animated…do you know what that means you can do? Show greebles that are difficult to portray when illustrating machines two dimensionally on model compared to 3D modeling. It’s a good way to take advantage of the medium while doing something different.

It’s a Zaku II that was obviously repaired through jerry-rigging. We don’t know the conditions they are fighting under or why the repair was made this way, but something tells me it will be a plot point and this Zeon group are underdogs using any parts they can scrape up.
The Netflix Zaku is totally, absolutely in step with what you keep posting.
You know this, but you’ve already gone this far arguing with me so you won’t reel it back now.
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I quoted a guy earlier with the reason back in >>22748564, complete with an image showing multicolored, camo patterned MS that don't look awful. A multicolored Zaku is hardly a problem. The problem is that the colors in and of themselves look bad. It is entirely possible to give Mobile Suits muted or gritty colors while also not making them look like vomit. The Zeon MS in all of the images I have posted are, so far as I can tell from this board and my opinion, considered pleasing to the eye. The Red Wolf Zaku fails to do this.

Other anons have already gone into detail about why the tread armor job looks bad, so I will repeat them. It is lacking in density and sensible placement while also oddly failing to actually cover legitimate and obvious holes in the Zaku's paneling. By themselves, the treads seem like an afterthought given their general thinness both physically and in placement, and so manage the impressive feat of making a giant robot look ridiculous.
Taking advantage of a medium is great, but as I said earlier doing XYZ =/= looking good. More panel lines and panels will satisfy people who like them. I am personally not a fan, nor are many others apparently. In general they add nothing to the Zaku's appearance.

I don't really understand why you are bringing up things which are obvious from the trailer alone nor why you act as if I'd backpedal when I have been consistent with my arguments this whole time, right down to actively posting examples of work I feel is done better. I have never once said this Zaku is "out of step" with Gundam trends: what I am saying is that it fails to look good doing it. You bring up justifications for the machine being as it is in-setting, but they are not justifications towards this work being done poorly to the opinions of myself, and apparently other denizens of the shortbus.
I’m not reading all this shit.
You’re getting mad for the most petty, superfluous reasons. They put a few greebles on a 3D Zaku to ground it in the medium and you’re mad it doesn’t look like promotional art for golden age Gundam.
I’m not watching Netflix trash, but I don’t hate the MS. If you want to hate them, fine, but UC has done way worse than this before.
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You asked if I was trolling and I wasn't, never have been. You haven't understood me, evidently, so I explained things for you. I've been dead honest and as direct as possible. If you don't want to sample my asshurt don't ride the shortbus.

TL;DR I think that this machine, and the machines in general in this Netflix abomination, are done poorly. Psuedorealism has been done before and will be again in Gundam, and I think it can and has been done better. I don't exactly get why you bring up UC doing worse as if that makes this opinion any less prevalent. I'm not exactly over here drooling over Code Fairy or the Southern Cross Team Zakus or what have you. If you don't hate it, that's no problem.
>08th MS Team is popular enough
No it isn't. 08th was way more popular in Japan.

If you actually want to get technical then Gundam Wing and G Gundam were more popular in the West. Gundam Seed to a lesser degree later on.
And there it is, the typical fake fan reaction of tearing down the franchise that they allegedly like to prop up some dogshit new entry into it. Kill yourself.
I’ve been watching Gundam since Wing premiered on Toonami and wrote a letter to Cartoon Network asking why they stopped airing 0079 because I taped them every week. I’ve liked Gundam longer than you have been alive and UC contradicts itself from the beginning as far as how its fictional physics and in-universe rules work. That’s not even criticizing the franchise, that’s being honest. It’s up to the viewer to pick and choose what makes sense because if you take the entire “canon” timeline of UC at face value you end up with worse continuity and power scaling than DragonBall. Tomino, just like Lucas, also retcons and rewrites the technicals of his own creation. Go fuck yourself.

All of this because they put metal bandaids on a bog standard Zaku…have sex you fucking unloveable faggot.
This is true. The “normie” side of Cartoon Network watchers loved Wing and G-Gundam and mostly ignored 0079 because it was too nuanced and “old” for them. That sucked too because 0079 was my favorite and they fucking cancelled it before it finished.
Probably because the shock of going from relatively 'recent' animation that was only several years old at the time to stuff from the 70's/early 80's was jarring.
It’s exactly what it was. 0079 was basically like watching speed racer or thundercats for them. I was mostly alone in my love for 0079 back then but all my friends would go apeshit for G-Gundam which was an easily digestible shonen like DragonBall Z which they obviously also loved. It was a mecha litmus test.
First we get a 40kfag making a dissapointing looking animation and now along to go with it we get the stock 40kfag defensive argument of "Well it was always bad so it's fine that it's bad now"
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I have never liked 40k and always thought it was ugly. You people need help.
>What’s the difference between the Zaku IIs in your image compared to the Netflix one?
I hope you aren't allowed to drive a car with those eyes. You should honestly gouge out whatever is left of them, you'd probably be better off blind than seeing whatever false images of the world you're seeing.
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Field repair/Frankenstein mobile suits
>Gold tier
Zaku tank
Gundam X divider
Byarlant custom
Kapool (Corrin custom)
>Silver tier
GM head
Kshatriya repair
Dynames repair (season 1 finale)
>Bronze tier
Dynames repair (movie)
>Wildcard tier
Zeta Zaku
>Honorable mention
Perfect strike
Lightning Buster
Duel blitz
>Shit tier
This Zaku's ww2 tank cosplay
Besides the tank tread bandaids what is the difference?
I’ll wait.
>In UC Zaku's are mostly pitted against Fed suits with beam weaponry,
at this point most of what Zakus would be facing is early MS like guntanks or ground typpes or tanks which tend to either have MG or cannons, prettty sure they make point that the gundam is using beams and that's why prior they seem to just be fighting tanks and weird RTX variants
Keep in mind that the tank treads is likely because of mechs vs tanks memes. So the designers bought into that and is mimicking tank stuff even though UC has actual tanks and armored vehicles.
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good zeonwank, that's what

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