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How did it bomb that hard?
Because it was unbelievably boring and the cast/story was dogshit
I dropped it because of chibi companions. It ruined the show for me. The tone they were giving was drastically different from my expectation from anime.
Mechs were alright, but i cant watch it with high pitch animal screaming in my ear
It was a normie filter.
Noboru Kimura as the writer
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it was just meh
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It’s a shame because the kits themselves are solid and look great. Get them while you can if you like the designs because these are never going to be reprinted again. I got my FM Kenbu for 36 bucks last month.
> I got my FM Kenbu for 36 bucks last month.
You got scammed anon
Brad was pretty based though. Only character I actually remember
It retails for 65 dollars.
Wait, those are man hands
I got mine for 5 USD
The kits are around the 30s at my hobby stores.
this is kind of a dumb take. i don't see how that's inherently bad, expand your horizons.
my two cents are that it wasn't so much horrible as it was just mediocre and forgettable. legitimately can't remember a single thing other than that it was serviceable.
Not for nothing anon but if the only thing you can remember about the show is that it functioned, it was animated and it had a start, middle and end, then I’d wager it failed its job

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