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Mecha Break thread?
Anyone gonna be playing in the next limited test next week? Anyone play the last closed beta a few months back? Are we finally getting a fun mech pvp game with interesting mech designs/weapons?
Is it soul? Or is it slop?
there's only one support and they play like zenyata from overwatch which is kinda lame
I played last beta but quit when they disabled the 3v3 and 6v6 modes after trying the battle royale game mode it sucked
Played the Alpha and the last Beta, got my code for the next one. The devs are incredibly receptive to feedback which is good because sometimes they are stupid. The Battle Royale mode? Dog shit. I hope they feel bad about that one. The thing that worries me though is that they might listen to the community about balance changes and half the feedback I saw on the last test was full retard shit, bronzelet takes at best. With it being Chinese people are going to be looking for a reason to call it p2w, and no game with MTX has ever beaten those allegations, even shit like Fortnite. How it handles that situation will be a big deal. A lot of really promising games have had their future snatched away based on (wrong) first impressions. I've seen games let you preload before servers were live, then get review bombed because the people who downloaded thought it couldn't connect to servers because of some technical issue. Videogame players are that retarded. So far some mechs have much more soul than others, you can't just make a blanket-statement assessment, but I'm optimistic about the direction
What are your favorite looking mech designs? Personally I love the Alysnes, the halberd is such a great weapon idea, I just wish you could rearmor more than once. I also love the panther but I was too shit to use it.
Hard agree about hoping they feel bad about the battle royale mode, that shit was ass, just focus on the 3v3 and 6v6 objective game modes those were fun.
Personally I wish they'd add more mobile strikers, they're adding another turret toggle and the pinaka which looks really cool and similar to the LFRITH from the gwitch prequel
I like this design, its like if they designed the unicorn in the style of the byarlant custom
I'll keep an eye out for it.

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