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this is what happens when you listen to realismfags
realismfags would want it to either have chicken walker legs or just the lower half being a tank. Also the handheld weaponry would be gone in favor of built in/attached weapons
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This is what happens when you listen to realismfags.
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You can make something look realistic while keeping in line with the original design. The Gouf custom, for instance, looked decent to me
This joke was funny when actually funny people made it five hours ago.
If the idea was to reinforce the armor, how are tank treads stapled to the chest and a net over the shoulder supposed to help protect them from EX's beam saber?
it's real bro
They should listen to realismfags more.
And that's why it was funny. You restating it for deliberate attention isn't.
Did they put a cope cage on the visor?
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>multiple people looked at this design and approved of it
Looks like a mega bloks kit
>what if we did a zaku ez8 except made it look like shit
I don't like the double fins on the head. Also what's the weird tank tread greeble on the chest? Some sort of tank armor or something?
I don't mind the colors but they should've pick 1 color for the shoudler accessories imo. It looks like a fucking flag with green and red on the sides.
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what did they do to this poor zaku ii???
The red netting on the red shoulder is weird, but I like what I assume is explosive reaction armor on the chest. It's certainly one way to survive cannon and MG fire, maybe even disrupt a beam saber. A beam spray shot would probably go right through anyway.
Why is the Zaku suffering from vitiligo? Why are modern "designers" like this?
It's tank tread armor
Presumably it's salvaged from their support vehicle or the Guntank to add a bit of extra protection in the final battle
Field repairs using whatever salvaged parts they could pull from fallen Zaku units.
That's why there are sections of the armor that are exposed
I do not understand it. There is a big gaping opening on the leg and arm so no tread armor on that? A red net? Something overlaid on the "viser" of the Zaku that does not actually do anything? For what purpose?

Her entire squad is going to die one by one, and they'll create the FINAL ZAKU TM that is a combination of all the various parts of their fallen comrades.

Chuck in some Newtype ghosts for good measure.
It feels like "Zaku with some random field repairs" is one of those concepts that shouldn't be too hard to pull off, but somehow managed to screw that up.
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>Bandai chose this instead of a Zeta, Ex-S, F91 or V2 Gundam Universe toy
What the fuck would those treads even protect against? Anything that can fuck up a mobile suit will completely ignore that bullshit. It's like hanging metal dinner plates over a plate carrier to help defend against someone shooting at you with a .50 caliber machine gun.
>chicken walker legs
The most unrealistic leg configuration. So unrealistic that real life chickens don't have it. Chickens and other birds have actual knees and the "reverse knee joint" in battlemechs are their heels.
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tell that to fucking everybody
that's the final battle version where they had to kitbash parts from each other's zakus because they got owned in the previous episode. jesus I made this shit up on conjecture and it's praoably going to happen.
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Pretty much. Realismfagging is a facade. It's when you make things grimy and have lots of little doodads and they go "yeah I think I saw that on the side of a humvee once" and it tricks their minds in thinking it's realistic. you could mazinger z olive green and stick a cage on it's head and people would start talking about how gritty and realistic it was.

As for the design, I'm pretty disgusted that they didn't take any inspiration from the existing wealth of fanmade and official "gritty" gundam stuff. Like if you want a big muddy gundam for your netflix show, there's lots of stuff that did that without looking like some dogshit AI art.
I'm pretty sure they did tell that to everyone, they did tests during the era and it usually offers minimal added protection and a bunch of extra weight. It just feels better to have it.
It's not far off from Kondo's designs. They just used tracks instead of zimmerit
Hell no, Kondo is like mecha BBW and massive skirts or something. This is like a regular zaku but some retard put 150% star wars greeble on it
Gundam EX has grown on me quite a bit since it's reveal but this Zaku is still one of the ugliest mobile suits I've ever seen.
Holy kino
>It's not far off from Kondo's designs
McFucking kill yourself.
They did, but it was primarily psychological rather than any actual tangible benefit. Anything that could cut through the tank's armor would go right through the treads just the same. Like >>22746879 said, it just made the crew feel better, which I guess helps them focus since they feel more assured of their safety, even if it realistically didn't really help much.

Speaking of 0083, some dood in the thread that was here last week about the dvd with original audio asked about finding a particular song.
I dont know if you are still lurking but here is the one you were looking for.

Every fucking design in this is fucking hideous
Hope he finds it, anon.
That's a lot of greebles
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This is what happens when you listen to realismfags.
Isn't that one on yt
Good. Late UC is shit and Sentinel is overdesigned trash that only appeals to Americans.
i'm canadian
Anon, you do realize you just sold me on this.
Compared to the overdesigned trash that only appeals to Americans in the OP?
I like it. Not a realismfag.
The Geordi LaForge visor is an odd choice.
How else are you going to see variations in the phase inversion of the Minovsky flow converter?
It's a cope cage.
The zACKu
40k brainrot
this, along with le ebin coperino cages work and worked well enough on edge cases where an almost whiffed shot that would have penetrated and killed everyone didn't because of the little added material. Sometimes rounds aren't loaded with the exact amount of propellant they should and the tracks are just enough to make sure it doesn't penetrate. It was worth it to the crews to have that extra crap on there and I guarantee every fucking dork on the internet who wants to feel so fucking smart from their armchair would pick the tracked up/caged up tank/MS going into combat because at the end of the day no fucking nerd is gonna convince me or you not to protect your life more

that being said this design sucks and is super ugly. At least add some extra weapons or smoke pods or something to make it look well used. Making it look like a piece of shit doesn't work
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Tests during the era actually proved that, in certain circumstances, it's worse than nothing. The relatively soft steel of tank treads is not only completely ineffective as armor, but when it's placed on slanted armor, it actually softens the trajectory of a shell into the armor, reducing the likelihood that the shell will bounce off or shatter and reducing the effective slant of the armor in the same way that the soft steel caps used on APC/BC shells at the time did.
This didn't stop anyone from putting them on anyways, though. But their commanders hated it.

LOL you don't get it. It's all American slop. Even your precious 0079. Even Gigantor. Even Godzilla. It all leads back to America. Japan is a mistake and needs to be nuked along with stupid America! I HATE AMERICA! I HATE IT!
But a tank is low to the ground. We are talking about a giant robot where realismfaggotry just makes everything go from cool to even dumber then the initial premise.
Ground clearance isn't the biggest problem with using treads as armor, the main real reason it's a fucking stupid idea here is because they're being used as add-on armor while also
>having INCREDIBLY shitty distribution and volume
>making extremely little sense as armor as the pieces are all fucking tiny
>not actually covering several holes in the default armor anyway
I like it, the shoulder detail is weird. Just learn to drybrush, painting is supposed to be fun
I like it though. Reminds me of tanks in ww2 and Gundam is one long ww2 reference.
It also overloaded the tranny making the vehicle slower and prone to overheating during the summer months.
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>just the lower half being a tank
we get that too

because it's untouched aside from the shoulder spikes having some minor changes.


there's zimmerit on at least one Zaku
This was the most "we're begging you, please fucking watch this shit" moment of the trailer.
you babies cry all the time. Wait for it to be in motion.
Truer words have never been said desu
we're crying because it's a $40 action figure that has noticeable budgetary cuts like the net on the shoulder lacking paint so it looks like random texturing instead.
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What the hell happened? The original looked pretty decent bar the weird antenna
How would you paint the net while keeping the shoulder red? Some kind of wash?
>Gouf Custom looks good
>Zaku I looks almost perfect
>do this warcrime against a poor Desert Zaku II
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Woku. Wo-ke Zeon!! Wo-ke zeon!!
How does a design like this come to fruition?
Did some paste-eater at Netflix demand this?
Untapped egoism of show writers/creators

"I could make something BETTER than this giant beloved franchise, if I WAS at the helm of it, here let ME do it for you idiots!!!"

>Proceeds to draw in wax crayons
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They are the same types of people who don't "get" the power rangers appeal way back when and the same types who thought turning the game Overstrike into Fuse was a good idea.
The cartoony silliness is a core part of mecha and any attempt to inject "realism" into it never works.
my first thought was that it looked like an abomination but nevermind in context it's kino
40kfags are in charge
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Aren't the 40kfags some of the most vocal about overdetailed, overdesigned units and asking for a return to simpler times?
drybrush it like a warhammer mini

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