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Here's my current shelf. If you remember my OG posts let me know! Feel free to post your mechs and stuff too!
Stop ban evading.
Are you dissociating again? Either way, stop ruining perfectly fine threads.

I like your shelf OP, I don't have any gunpla but if I did I'd pose them around with other stuff like you did in the bottom shelf.
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Hey thanks ! Heres a older pic of my 78 watching the tube. Hope everything is alright, not sure what the fellas above us are talking bout.
is he watching the olympics?
Ah ha seems like someone’s excited for the opening ceremony
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Very nice collection, I really like the little battlefield diorama you have set up on the lower shelf. Have a pic of my current shelf.
I like both
is that perhaps some kind of omolon rifle on the wall
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Good eye anon, its the hung jury.

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