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Previous Thread: >>22742556

How to get into KR and where to start?

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>RideChemy Card Database

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This is Gavv's civilian self, Shouma Stomach. Say anything about him.
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He’s back again
You serious?
>go to a buffet
>get a new powerup form
>job is a mukbang streamer
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I can say the same about you with Rinne.
Funny they gave up giving him a wig to wear
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Gochizo Encyclopedia site is up
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A donut Gochizo wasn't in the listing descriptions. I guess there's more Q1 forms for Gavv than the 5 we currently know about.
shouma = soma = stomach
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More Gavv stuff dropping in 10~ hours
>Show Mah Stomach
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You can't because I'm not the schizo. Take your meds faggot
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Smapho couldn’t see the movie…
Ichinose and Taiya.
Do you have the screenshot with the Ivi post? with the drawing alone there is distrust
There's actually a cute No More Movie Thief short with Smapho at the start, so that's probably what the artist based it on
Cry harder, schizo.
I'm enjoying the character of Mitchy and his bromance with Kouta so far, it sure is nice that Gaim and Ryugen can rely on each other so much.
Catching up with everything. Now it doesn't sound far-fetched that Spanner will get paired with Lachesis and Legend with Decade in their supposed V-cinemas.
Didn't the Shinji guy do this?
Oh anon...
Short message from Masahiro Inoue
>When Kamen Rider Legend, a successor to Kamen Rider Decade, was created, fans were worried about me for some reason. "Masahiro Inoue must have mixed feelings" (laughs). That's not the case at all, and I'm actually happy about that. Speaking of which, it was because of the project called Decade that Legend was born. I am also familiar with Nagata, who plays Kaguya. Although Decade and Legend, Tsukasa and Kaguya have similar abilities, they are completely different in other ways. Furthermore, the world of Kamen Rider has expanded, which I think is great.

>This time, Tsukasa said that Kaguya is a "bouzu" (young man) and said, "You are far from me." Just from this, you can feel the sense of "story". Although it is not described in detail, if the story around Tsukasa and Kaguya is well described, it can be made into a movie (laughs). For other past rider, if a new work is released on the anniversary, the first thing they will think about is "How are they now?" I think it is necessary to consider this point. In the case of Decade, every time a new Kamen Rider is born, the world of Decade will expand in a sense. Because it has a grand background like the universe, I only appeared in one moment this time. As long as the Kamen Rider series continues, the world of Decade will expand and will not close.

>...However, I only noticed this recently (laughs). 15 years ago, producer Shirakura came up with such a mechanism, he is really amazing. After 15 years, my understanding has finally caught up. (laughs)
That movie summary is fake.
He doesn't know...
>In the same way, I recently learned how amazing Toei's production capabilities are. I tried planning and producing a tokusatsu work myself, and I deeply felt that it was a very scary level that new works could be broadcast every week with such quality, and they have been broadcast continuously for decades (laughs). When I went to the site this time, I felt the rise of a new generation of staff. The producers and on-site staff have changed a lot, but the warmth that greeted me has not changed. Among them, Director Tasaki Ryuta and cameraman Mr. Kurata, who took care of me 15 years ago, I am very grateful that I can often have the opportunity to return to my original intention. From the young staff, I felt their passion to create interesting things in the future.

>This time, I don't even transform into Decade (lol), and as Tsukasa, he only said a few words to Kaguya. However, even if he didn't transform, his appearance was still a pleasure. Although the scene was short, you can imagine the relationship between Tsukasa and Kaguya, so please pay attention to this.

>Before I knew it, I was in my mid-30s, I began to think more seriously than ever about how I should live. In this era, people who stand in front of others can be easily seen through if they lack substance. I would be grateful if you could keep an eye on Masahiro Inoue in the future. If you need me, I can stop by at any time.
The ValenBuster comes with Chocodon and Doomaru Gochizos. Now I get it Doomaru = “Round Donut”.
NTA but it's legit from lemon guy
It was actually, but I don't think anyone caught it including myself. Domaru comes with the Valen Buster and Chocodon and originally people said it was Mamador based but this makes more sense.

Matt Cunt hinted at donut too but instead of clarifying what it meant, he just said #3 hint like the autist that he is.
Sha ba do bi touch henshin
Also, gonna started posting hints from lemon guy. First one is this
>Although it appears in the play, it is still difficult to collect.
I'm glad Valen got at least one alt form. I wonder if he'll get a Chocodan form too or if it'll just be an Assist.
>This theater version seems to contain a lot of information
Real Spoiler this time (out of order)
Kyoka and Minato are together and holding hands
Daybreak finally became a legend
In the end, the Dark King was beaten away and returned to the past.
Daybreak told Houtaro to leave it to us, so Daybreak went back to the past to defeat the Dark King.
Then he turned into a book and was drawn in the fairy tale book...
Daybreak takes care of Dark King in this story.
Gavv saves Spanner and gets swarmed because of the crowd
Decade saves Legend and helps upgrade to mr's card
Kyoka-sensei and Minato-sensei are together
The dawn alchemist is confirmed to be the future Houtaro who defeated Grilion
The Dark King was defeated and ran to the past, the future Houtaro was there to go after him
The sun lodges Rinne's soul, Rinne died when Grilion summoned the Dark King, and everyone else was killed in battle before then
Decade came from Aurora curtain, ATTACK RIDE to the rescue!
Kaguya was beaten by a group of dread, he detransformed, and card was cut.
Aurora Curtain + unleashes BLAST to save the day, passes Kaguya over, and takes a picture of Kaguya, which turns into a new card
Black holes and meteors are the boss's AOE
Wonder how the upgrades are going to work. Belt arbitrarily spits up a stronger gochizo from Shouma trying a new snack? Higher quality snack=more power? Shouma shoveling down so much that the belt condenses the would-be wave of gochizo into one?
His driver basically being a protruding stomach is a little offputting. Surprised he ended up being a biotech rider who might not even be human.
Gavv is... disgavvsting
He started posting fullbottle image and on the replies saying
>The actual situation shall prevail
I don't know what he meant with this
Caking Gochizou sketch
You anons are scaring me
Love the Den-O and Build gochizos
>skipping revice
The reason why the eldest sister and the second sister betrayed Grilion was that Grilion abandoned them 20 years ago.
When Grilion was about to sacrifice the three sisters, the third sister stepped forward to block the attack.
The death of the third sister also made the second sister disheartened.
Clotho is determined to part ways with Grilion...
In addition, the second sister in the future line seems to care about Houtaro.
Why does Revice live rent free in your head?
Color was asking about the fullbottle and the replies was guessing it's gonna be Premium DX release
>Although it appears in the play, it is still difficult to collect.
So Donut is a campaign item like Tycoon ID and the Zangetsu Faceplate. Takebe sure likes doing that.
it's the "in" thing. if you don't hate Revice, you can't post here
Takabe doesn't control over the toyline you fucking idiot
With the alchemist being called the "Alchemist of Daybreak" and having a grasshopper, I figured it was always going to be Daybreak in some capacity. Honestly really cool foreshadowing and set up.
And yet the two times it happens she's the produicer.
>it's the "in" thing
The only "in" thing here is your schizophrenia. take your meds
>So Donut is a campaign item like Tycoon ID
Domaru literally comes with the Valen Buster dipshit
>he doesn't know he's one of us
lack of self awareness is cute sometimes
No, see >>22746245 >>22746248
>Strawberry(?) topping nose
Interesting. Didn't the last Caking sketch have it as a hat?
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Ah yes, just like how the Tycoon ID came with the Twin Command Buckle
The Golden Rabbit and Silver Dragon Fullbottles were campaign items. Campaigns items can be difficult to collect, P-Bandai stuff is fairly easy to pre-order.
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Color this is less a ATV and more of a tank
Fucking hell. I prefer the fake spoilers. I hope this anon is the one lying.
What's the point of going out of the way to act like a retard?
thank you so much
>CG bike
stop ittttttt
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Vrocan Buggy
[spoiler[I don't know the spelling[/spoiler]
The leaks specifically say that Domaru is included with the ValenBuster. The Tycoon ID Core didn't come packaged with the Raising Sword, it was a separate item they gave to buyers of the latter.
Anon, Domaru has been listed as a retail release as part of the Valen Buster and Valen roleplay set with Chocodon.
There is no "us" it's just you and the voices in your head.
now take your meds
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Box office ranking
>Number 2
>Beats DPW
We're so back
As I expected, the Buggy is CGI. There's no way the fancy candy wheels on GuruCan would work in real life.
Anon, these are literally just small tidbits repeated a few times. They're not even offensive nor change much in comparison to the fake spoilers. What the fuck are you disappointed by?
Wonder how Valen gets his stuff.

Or there’s another organization that gets hold of similar thing to Gavv and produce Gochizos from it as well?
I feel bad for Lachesisfags. They got baited hard by fake spoilers
Hoping that MCU falling off means Toei will stop trying to be like that franchise so much
Have we had a fully CG rider machine before?
That's pretty fucking good, beating Deadpool & Wolverine and it had no chance against Despicable Me 4 anyway so that's pretty decent.
The MCU isn't any better than Modern Rider
>Although it is not described in detail, if the story around Tsukasa and Kaguya is well described, it can be made into a movie (laughs).
>This time, I don't even transform into Decade (lol), and as Tsukasa, he only said a few words to Kaguya. However, even if he didn't transform, his appearance was still a pleasure. Although the scene was short, you can imagine the relationship between Tsukasa and Kaguya, so please pay attention to this.
>Before I knew it, I was in my mid-30s, I began to think more seriously than ever about how I should live. In this era, people who stand in front of others can be easily seen through if they lack substance. I would be grateful if you could keep an eye on Masahiro Inoue in the future. If you need me, I can stop by at any time.
Oh yeah, he's coming back
Capeshit lives rent free in the minds of this general
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Chocodan really gets the short end of the stick.

They wanna wait for Valen for sure.
And water is wet, anon. What's your point?

>mention the particular topic
>r-r-rent free
Anon, how do you function in society?
>In addition, the second sister in the future line seems to care about Houtaro
The ship from We Are Class 3G made it to the main canon.
I guess he's upset Minato and Kyoko are together.
These spoilers barely mention Greyon and his Kamen Rider form so they don't really paint a full picture.
Imagine if this guy was injected with Amazon cells and made gochizos after eating people
Gavv and Decade cameos catch japanese viewers eyes more than old Fox characters nobody cares about.
stop moving the goalpost faggot.
you fags always seethe over capeshit
What? I was just commenting about how beating D&P was an accomplishment considering how popular Deadpool be in Japan. Nothing about the movie being bad. What the hell is your problem?
The three death masks were made from their corpses, and the dark ether was made from the despair of a bunch of newly captured parents and children.
Rinne cried in anger because she saw the jailer (Minato) arresting the parent and child to make her desperate and mocking them to her face
Rinne fought with the jailer and the jailer's acting in the movie was crazy and born of passion.
The basic Daybreak transformation sound effect remains unchanged, but the Daybreak Belt has an exclusive recognition with a new sound effect if you change to Shining
Yeah I don't understand how anyone can be upset about those spoilers at all.
Superhero fatigue isn't real. Your favorite MCU just sucks
>The three death masks were made from their corpses, and the dark ether was made from the despair of a bunch of newly captured parents and children.
Damn that's fucked up
Comparing the movie's performance to Deadpool 3's is actually a good way of gauging how well it's doing since the Nips love Marvel movies.
>That movie summary is fake.
Oh, please. Don't be a moron, newfag. It's going to take days to confirm which spoilers are fake. Only way anyone here can confirm what happens in the movie is to watch it. We need to wait for illegal uploads or a reliable Asian source to post spoilers.
Rumors says he's alien. Either way, it would cool to have another rider summoning the belt from their tummy again like the Showa Riders/Kuuga/Agito.
The V-Cinema trilogy didn't come from the movie's summary, it's from the usual leaker and he said it weeks ago.
NTA but the fact that the spoiler didn't mention Decade at all and we know that he's appearing kinda lean to it being fake
>It's going to take days to confirm which spoilers are fake
Anyone with the pamphlet has seen the movie.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he thought Tsukasa was a Legend summon
>the leaker forgot about Decade but mentioned Spanner and Lachesis' kid twice
You don't need to be a genius to think it's not fake
Yeah, updating spoilers according to pics available to anyone now.
Yeah, that's why I said the MOVIE SUMMARY was fake, not anything else.
What a mess you are making. Better wait while everything calms down.
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Im just reposting from color.
Don't trust him?
be my guest
The sad thing is Chocodan might not even be used for a form change for Valen and possibly just an assist
Honestly, I don't buy the rumors. Judging by the last couple shows, I feel like we're probably only getting one v-cinema (presumably Valvarad-centric considering how cucked he is when it comes to upgrades) and a bunch of webisodes (Decade/Legend will probably be one of those, maybe writer-kun might actually get his wish of doing another Girls Remix.)
What did he say
>Decade saves Legend and helps upgrade to mr's card
>Decade came from Aurora curtain, ATTACK RIDE to the rescue!
>Aurora Curtain + unleashes BLAST to save the day
Didn't Masahiro say he didn't transform and only appeared to say a few words to Kaguya? Give us the source of this summary.
It's not even a rumor, it's a leak
He use BLAST and AURORA curtain in person. The Attack Ride part I also dont get it
I mean the released pictures of him have him wearing the Decadriver, so he either transforms or detransforms.
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Who the fuck are you talking to?
The V-Cinema "rumors" come from the trusted Chinese leakers. Rinne's actress has already been seen with a new ring.
oh wait the driver shout ATTACK RIDE first then BLAST
now I remember...
Ooooh these are proper leaks?? That's interesting they go to Trilogy despite doing one-off V-Cinemas for the past four years.
Hope it beats 4 Aces' numbers so we can transition quicker from the rampant Geatshilling to the Gotchardshilling era.
We should be seeing Valen pretty soon, it's kinda weird how his sofubi comes out in August and that's the only toy we haven't seen yet pre-November.
Friend's comment: the fight scene is not as great as the 01 theater version, but the overall script and emotional mobilization of the force, the script and performance is the biggest strong point of this theater version.
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Wider image.
I wonder if the V-Cinemas will also have Hasegawa fully taking over the reigns since the Daybreak movie seems very well-received.
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Confirmed Daybreak in the final ep
The Vcinemas are already finished filming before the summer movie. They will tease a trailer for it when the finale ep came.
Yup, each V-Cinema comes with an upgrade item for Majade, Valvarad, and Legend respectively so it also confirms who the focuses are for each one. The pairings being Wind, Lachesis, and Decade are obviously just speculation but it's the likeliest thing.

I imagine what determines the V-Cinemas is pretty much just what the writers want to do and resources. I imagine Hasegawa and/or Uchida really wanted to do three stories. Valvarad, Lachesis, and Legend are popular enough to warrant it too.
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actual dialogue
Kaguya: there's so much I want to say to you
Tsukasa: nice gesture but you have partners waiting for you
>I wonder if the V-Cinemas will also have Hasegawa fully taking over the reigns
Nope, Uchida and Akiko are also involved. Seems like each writer was given a V-Cinema to work on.
I wonder how this is going to work. Is Future Hotaro coming back with Daigo doing another VA role or is Present Hotaro somehow going to get Daybreak Powers?
It sounds like the VCinema trilogy "leak" is made up and you're just lying
Tsukasa bringing some Heisei Homosexuality to the way too heterosexual Gotchard.
not again
The V-Cinemas is a trilogy? First time I heard that
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it a teamup
That would make sense. I'm gonna take an educated guess and say Hasegawa handles Valvarad, Akiko handles Majade, and Uchida handles Legend.
With this being done by three different writers, it sounds like they're going to be episodic and standalone.

I wonder which writer is doing which.
Thank you for adding gay to Gotchard, Tsukasa-san.
Yeah according to this guy.
Trusted Chinese Leakers have leaked that there'll be a Valvarad movie, a Legend Decade movie, and a Majade Wind movie
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Anon, Daybreak was already revealed to return for the final arc in the magazine scans.

Okay seriously, what's going on with all this retardation in this general?
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Where have you been? A trilogy of V-Cinemas focusing on pairs were leaked by baidu leakers along with Nijigon, Tenliner, and Gotchalibur remolds for upgrades that confirm Majade, Valvarad, and Legend being the stars for the respective V-Cinemas.
My retardation is just me being out of the loop for the last few months and coming back to check out Gotchard movie spoilers (and can't assed to lurkmoar.)
Shut the fuck up and stop bitching
why does the silly Pokemon ripoff season have an edgy as fuck movie
Fair enough
because you're a fucking idiot shut the fuck up already
My guess is that Hasegawa usually does more serious stuff and when they gave him the reigns to the movie he just did more serious stuff.
Who leaked it though?
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Have you seen Pokémon's movies, anon?
Why are you responding to bait? Gotchard in show has several serious edgy moments
Upgraded cards
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And each v-cinema protag will get paired with someone else, kinda like Ex-Aid's. Legend possibly with Decade, and Spanner most likely with Lachesis. Majade is the one we are still not sure who is she getting paired with. Probably, Wind but it's just speculation. Oh, and according to the leaker, all three will be directed by Sakamoto.
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>5 boxes minimum to get all the marvelous cards if no duplicates
>Gavv card is preorder bonus
The overall show is mostly lighthearted and fun outside a couple of "shit gets real" moments though
Those aren't even the Marvelous Rare ones. They have different backgrounds and no Chemy on sight
I love Sakamoto but maaan am I tired of him for V Cinemas. He did the ones for Revice and Geats too.
Bandai-sama says give me money
I think I can say with the utmost confidence that Fourze driver is the ugliest piece of shit out of all of these.

The best ones are faiz (obviously) and OOOs.
>Majade is the one we are still not sure who is she getting paired with
Majade's is the one whose partner was the most obvious from the get go. Her upgrade item is a black and gold Nijigon recolor.
No, Tycoon is just like the Zangetsu Indicator, exclusive to a campaign. Just gonna be lucky that the Chinese gave us a Tycoon ID Core in their KR Store with the Bujin Sword Buckle in the first place. Still, I hope they just release a 4-pack set of all the Final Form Buckles (Boost Mk-IX, Bujin Sword, Fantasy, Plosion Rage, which I'm sure will happen because the one we just got feels incomplete), and include their signature ID Cores again because people might not be bothered buying the original DX ever again if there are all sorts of pieces that will turn the belt into a CSM. Yes, Gya-Go included because there will be no other chance afterwards.
How well did the Geats movie do in comparison?
>Father-Daughter story potentially written by Toshiki Inoue's daughter.
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Official reveal
Figured as much. Though this could very well be Daybreak's final fight as he will disappear should Trismegistus, the final boss, gets defeated in the end. Could this connect to Houtaro and Rinne's eventual child in Gavv's Winter movie being the Gotchard carrying a new Hopper101 and the yet-unseen Tokkyuliner?
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glowing review
The enemy is called “Granute/ Granewt”
>He didn't know the First Pokémon movie
Aren't you a little too young to be here, baby boy
I ran the numbers. It's six boxes minimum, and dupes can't be avoided if you can live with 3 dupes. Otherwise, just trade your dupes with your friends.
The main character, Shoma, transforms into Masked Rider Gav, a "candy masked rider," and fights against Granute, an enemy that attacks humans. Chinen, who plays Shoma, is a 19-year-old Okinawan who was one of the finalists selected from 15,918 applications in the 2nd "Star Audition" held by Stardust Promotion in 2021.
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Bigger image.
Different timelines can be a thing. Daybreak's future is saved and can live in peace, and Gotchard never has to live that pain in his timeline.
What's the pun this time?
Girls will love this soft alien boi
Take your meds.
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I want girls to love me :'(
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It's literally just granite with the i replaced by u
>1st place is supposed to be a minions movie

theres one right now? and Gru is considered a phantom thief in japan?
I wish my stomach could give me a rider suit
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Seems like Gotchard Daybreak's timeline is going to branch off and not be overwritten.
already cuter than Houtaro
any guesses on his personality based on the cameo
The Minions from those Despicable Me movies are fucking HUGE in Japan. All Japanese kids love them.
And yes the 4th movie just released like a week ago.
Despicable Me 1 was about Gru stealing the moon iirc.
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>Granite colors
>Look inside
>Half of them aren't granite
Whale-kun we need you back.
Waiting a whole day for sub is painful...
He actually looks like he's made for television unlike Hotarou's actor.
What is the best series that has Rider vs Rider shit as the big focus?
Depending on who you ask, Ryuki or Gaim.
You act like people actually cannot wait to watch Gotchard
Legend already had better and more powerful rider cards than Decade's, while the original DCD designs for the cards are clean and nice, given what Legend can do, its hard to call them 'upgrades'.

i mean yeah, but Gru is supposed to be a criminal mastermind, the kind that has pools with sharks with friggin' laser beams attached to their heads. not just a thief, much less a phantom one. i guess is just a japan thing.
Probably Ryuki or Gaim.
Haven't watched gaim yet, ryuki will be hard to top though. Lots of different personalities and motivations in ryuki and the conflicts they have when they clash are all very well done. One of the best shows except for Odin who is a nothing burger
>Shouma Stomach
>Show my stomach
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Not surprising considering he's part of a boyband group
>His name isn't even Stomach
I can't believe you all lied to me
That's hardly the focus of Kabuto.
>One of the best shows except for Odin who is a nothing burger
I saw Ryuki when I was a literal child and thought that Odin WAS Shiro Kanzaki and not just some rando Shiro was using. I think I still childhood headcanon over what the actual show did.
>Lots of different personalities and motivations in ryuki
Half of the Riders were just crazy psychos.
his name is literally Shouma, as in Shouma stomach.

the leakers got it right.
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Daybreak File, comes with all 100 daybreak cards
Why would he ever come back for current /krg/'s sake
Gotchardriver Daybreak ver. Same functionality as the base driver, new sounds for Shining Daybreak. Comes with Hopper1, Steamliner and their shining variants, plus 2 mystery cards that will “be important in Gotchard’s finale”
ok, when is the press conference?
So no Nijigon or Shining...
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Zi-O bros, why is he still doing these J-drama roles instead of coming back to Rider…
Why can’t he be free like Decade…
Fuck, Kill, Marry. Let's go
Ace with us
>plus 2 mystery cards that will “be important in Gotchard’s finale”
I assume Gotchard's getting a final episode form of sorts.
Wouldn’t be surprised if present Houtaro ends up using the daybreak belt
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It really has some kuuga vibes
Be happy for his success, it's not like Zi-O has any important stories left to tell
>Ace sucks
I don't see a last name in that article
inb4 they're reskinned Hopper1 and Steamliner cards and the form is just Super Steamhopper or something
Untrue. Watch it again.
I'm not gay
Naah, it'll just be Gotchard Driver with the new cards so they can release the Memorial immediately
I don't care for any of them outside of Touma (but just from Trio of Deep Sin)
So the villains are his own people? Wonder if he'll get a monster form
They're getting twinkier by the year.
arakawa (kuuga writer) was the teacher of komura...
It's true. Scissors, Gai, Ouja and Tiger were all crazy psychos.
Zyuohger and Zenkaiger also feature non-human main characters adapting to human society as a key theme. It's totally Komura.
They are all different flavors of psycho and they all had different motivations. Tiger had his twisted idea of heroism, ouja wanted to have a good time, gai treated every thingietc.ke a game. they are still unique individuals
Sick poster
He looks cute
Stop being gay!
First Okinawan Rider?
Anon, you don't expect Toei to reveal all the info right away when the show and presscon hasn't even started.
"Light hearted Kuuga" sounds like a breath of fresh air compared to Gotchard
Just because the villains are part of a "tribe" doesn't mean this show will be like Kuuga.
bio belt is also very kuuga
If we're using such surface-level similarities as an argument then Gotchard was "lighthearted Blade".
It is so funny to me that this is probably the least Twinky Fumiya Takahashi has ever looked, the guy looks like he joined a boyband after Zero-One wrapped.
I think it's overall statistics. It's too damn strange Minions: The Rise of Gru is STILL there despite being really old.
Shun Nishime is one too
Could be a re release to cash in the Minion fever
None of this sounds like Kuuga.

The belts aren't even the same. The Arcle is still a man (Linto) made object that materializes while Gavv is a literal organ that juts out.
>101 Cards
I wonder what the 101st card is since Nijigon is really two cards and he doesn't have Nijigon.
Have you all been living under a rock? That isn't Minions: The Rise of Gru, that is Despicable Me 4, the one that just fucking came out this month.
The depowered version of The Sun we see in the last trailer.
>Minions: The Rise of Gru is STILL there
The fuck are you idiots on about
Ah makes sense, I'm really glad they're releasing all of the cards at once for Daybreak

>Lazer is an Asukafag
I thought anon was saying that Rise of Gru was also being screened right now. Anon's stupid spread onto me
Shining comes with the belt
>Gluttony rider
>Villains are Granude
>Shouma is a Granude
>Gavv belt is one of his organs
Are the villains going to have their own belt mouths?
>Last week's "male and female butlers" description of the executives
There's going to be so much fetish art.
Daybreak never got Nijigon
It would be really cool if they had their own "belts" to turn into their kaijin forms. I have a feeling Gavv and the Gochizos seem to be pretty unique though since they're born from whatever Shouma eats.
I feel like they're going to have a generic belt like the Undead. I am curious about the other Riders though, are they all going to be aliens?
What should Shouma eat for his final form?
a parfait
Ambrosia, the food of the gods.
Pure sugar. Give him clock up speed from a sugar rush
They weren't the lead though
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Let him have a taste of Heaven.
>back to the original Decadriver

I kind of liked the pink one
>Shouma ate Heat Heaven
>It spit out Human Gochizo
That sound terrifying...
Speaking of other Riders. With Gavv, Valen, and the Q2 Rider, we've got gummies, chips, marshmallows, candy, chocolate, donuts, cake, pudding, and ice cream. What other sweets could they introduce?
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All snacks combined.
The biggest one they haven't done yet are cookies which I imagine might be saved for another Rider if not form. There's also Japanese sweets that haven't been touched yet like mochi, dango, manju etc.
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>organ on the outside of his body
>has to crank it all the time
>midriff baring male and female villains
This thread is going to be disgusting
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Interesting that the belt is part of his body while having mechanical details like a bike handle and suspension. Maybe he's a cyborg in addition to being whatever granude are
>Alisa/Lachesis already pre-ordered hers
Spanner got NTRed.
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So the Gochizo are his children? First asexual reproducing rider?
Glad to see some more body horror stuff.
His last supper. After he eats it, he dies and then comes back to life with his final form in 3 days. It will use two Gochizo: one is his "body" and the other is his "blood".
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>body horror
>from a boring wizard writer
Lol lmao even
That was kiwami arms
>Wizard writer
> Rider's based on eating.

Beast guest spot please. I miss Mayonnaise man so much.
Feels nice to have a biotech rider again like Kuuga.
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Preorder started!
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Can play with the memorial raise buckle unlike the china ver
it's not really biotech you dumbfuck
No way the makers of zero three didn't used to shitpost about it on 2ch back in 2020.
I see screws and mechanical bits in the driver and the driver is also his stomach. He's biotech, get over it gaylord.
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Preorders for these started eons ago though. These are just the blogposts talking about their functionality
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the cam leaks ís coming...
Man that actually works since it's jelly candy.
Wake me up when someone's recording of Shouma's debut is put on bilibili.
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The jap has spoken
zaku zaku chip jingle
The circus music is really the only thing I don't like that much
Well now that Masahiro's already gone back on "I'm not appearing as Decade anymore" after only 4 years how long until Shu Watanabe does the same and Eiji is back?
Hair cake.
ugh I think I'm about to puke my pants
Yeah but Eiji is dead
There’s not a lot of competition
Better sound quality
So was Tsukasa and Takumi.
>He choose to forget ZiO vs Decade but not OOO 10
Odd but okay
>animals and bugs (real, fictional or extinct) 5 years in a row
>suddenly candy
Hope we break that trend
>kangaroo (a type of bear)
Gavv's a gummy bear, Anon.
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>kangaroo (a type of bear)
You wanna run that by me again cunt?
My boy always open to come back as Decade. Fucking Toei needs to use him more and give us a shit ton of awesome Decade specials.
>selling organs to kids
What are they thinking?
Tsukasa got a brand new awful form and instantly jobbed to death, I'm sure they can bullshit up a reason for Eiji to come back
Bears aren't marsupials anon
Considering every appearance Eiji had post show acted like it was the first time he'd returned since the end of the show even though he came back constantly, they don't even need to bullshit anything, just do their usual pattern of him stumbling in underwear bindle in hand no medals and acting like he's never transformed since the end of the show.
Did he maybe mean his cameo on the specials and not the movie?
Gavv isn't a kangaroo, he's a monster.
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>not monsters
I think Tsukasa just doesn't transform or detransform on screen, just shows up as Decade via the card summon and then walks in untransformed after the fight is over. Mashiro either means he personally didn't transform on screen, or he just didn't know there was any Decade suited action because he wasn't on set for that and didn't do any VO for it.
No, he's talking about his scene in the movie. The special hasn't been officially unveiled yet, he wouldn't be allowed to talk about it.
>third show with Jesus allegory
So if the Gavv belt is Shouma's stomach, what is the sword supposed to be?
The tongue removed...?
Blade 20th movie doko...
Just hope for a home video release of the 20th anniversary stageshow.
There still 1 stage show left on mid August...
huh, they're not done?
Gavv is an anteater actually
In a better world he would be the final boss
So uhh Daybreak went back in time to the past thousand years so he became the legend from storybook but what happened to him then? Hotaro's life is basically a time loop?
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He found paradise
Oh. Forgot. He also went to teach everyone about Alchemy and partly becomes Rinne's inspiration for becoming an alchemist. It all starts with Houtaro
Truly the most average of average high school boys
Well, main timeline Hotarou is. Daybreak is the master of alchemy since he has the years and experience on his belt.
So wait, is Shouma straight up part of the alien bad guy race but he's a good guy instead? How very Kamen Rider of him.
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The Ouroboros of Kamen Rider
The Greatest Alchemist that Ever Lived.
All praise Houtarou-sama the greatest Kamen Rider and alchemist ever born
>Who should get an upgrade in the film?
>Valvarad? Nah
>Majade? Of course not
>Gotchard? Give him two
>Legend? Hell yeah, and have Tsukasa hand it to him because why not.
I mean for Legend it was basically the next most important moment of his life besides Tsukasa originally saving him as a child.

DAIGO talking like he's on drug all the time lol
My god that stomach growl sounds like something from Silent Hill/Siren
Shouma is hungry please feed him
If you feed him a human what would happen?
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He would look like a human being.
Mister Stomach, did you eat Kamen Rider?
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You WILL kneel before Houtarou-sama
Clotho won the Hotarobowl...
>No more geevs deets
I sleep
>i heard you were talking shit about me bro
japan giving hope to the chinese
Giff looking ass
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60 hours till the next announcement
I'm still thinking it's probably the conference date
I just blew $150 on Gavv and some Gochizos.
onions green!
>4chins filter soi lent
this website sometimes
>poops outs gochizos then shoves them back into his anus
No. I want my chocolate gun.
You gotta learn how to actually reply to people, autist-kun
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Big dick energy
I wish my stomach could give me a rider suit
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>rinne banging hotaro in the credits
Because in the show she's suppose to be a typical high school girl. While everything she does outside it paints her as a bit of a cutesy fashion girl that likes makeup and shit.
I like her again after seeing this
Alright that's enough Kyle, stop wasting your allotted PC time on Vietnamese Basket Weaving Sites.
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Praying Hasgawa wrote the 2 finale eps
>implying he'll ever have unsupervised internet access ever again
We’re not doing this again.
I wonder what organ Valen uses to transform with?
it's for spanner
Just report the fag.
that would be emu
Guess we'll see if Valen is also a Granute like Shouma is.
ayy lmao
He seems to be the “artificial” one to Gavv’s “organic” one.

“Henshin Gun ValenBuster”, not “Henshin Gun Valen”. And I don’t think a digestive organ can grow on your hand.
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shit taste saber nigger
So Daybreak is officially the coolest character in Gotchard now, right?
always has been
>So shit is officially the coolest character in fart now, right?
Fucking retard
Sorry, I just really like the idea of the main character being their own origin story. Kabuto was my favorite rider for the longest time.
Is Houtarou the best Reiwa MC?
So let me get this straight, his anus is on the front?
I have come into procession of rough plot drafts for Gotchard’s V-Cinema’s. I won’t be able to give any super specific details but ask me anything general and I’ll be able to answer. Screen cap this for the official reveal
The belt is is stomach organ
I wonder if they are gonna cgi the belt or use practical effects
Does it feature sex scene of Lachesis and Spanner?
Seconding this shit. The writer is going to be my make or break for this show.
Pure autism
Waiiitt... Kamen rider.... Gabbu.. More like

Kamen rider.
..TORiKO!!??? :O
>W A to Z
>Surprise Future
>Be the One
>Over Quartzer
>not sure if RealxTime counts
you know what you're right
didn't think most summer movies were that bad
>Be the One
Even Be the One was kind of average. Mostly felt like an elongated Build episode as opposed to its own special thing like the rest on that list
>why is she prettier here than the show?
women use filters to cheat a lot on instagram and tiktok
if you watch gotchard, then you know she doesn't look Like that IRL
Kys incel
I bet the villains eat people and cough them up as kaijin
I can't believe it's already been 15 years since Decade ended.
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He is going to replace Hongo Takeshi's position in the movies in the future.
Shut up bitch
>Kys incel
Fuck off. One can like Izu, Beroba, and the Dark Sisters but not Rinne or Sakura.
way to out yourself rinnepedo..yes we know it's you
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gavv henshin sequence and fight
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Nope. Missed again, crybaby. I'm one of the other 15 real Chesisfags.
Pretty solid debut fight
>henshin sequence
Don't you mean transformation sequence?
Yeah, I guess turning a crank on your organ would hurt
I think he means change sequence
>Valvarad jobbing again
Oh, for fuck's sake. They are just waiting for a V-cinema to make him competent again. Anyway, I still don't like Gavv's aesthetic. The gimmick is fine but his suit and belt design could be better. So far, I feel that this new entry is going to suck but I hope to be proven wrong.

Cannot be worse than Saber, Gotchard, and Revice... right?
>that brief eye flash shot

makes me wonder what kind of tone gavv's whole show is gonna be
Honestly he reminds me of Jackie Chan face wise
Stop samefagging
>offers Spanner gummies
I love him already
Already his acting is better than Houtarou's
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Literal schizo.
>makes me wonder what kind of tone gavv's whole show is gonna be
Yeah, the writing and tone will either save this show or make sure it's bad. People are saying that it will be written by the same person in charge of many Wizard episodes... so not a good sign for me. I did like Wizard's summer movie though.

>he reminds me of Jackie Chan face wise
Agito is the Rider who gives me the most Jackie Chan vibes.
Solid! Hopefully the gummy armour stays consistent in the show itself. But let's face it Hotarou barely did any alchemy like in Four Aces. Also thank god it doesn't seem like he just got summoned by Legend or some shit.
His finisher reminds me of the Hyper Muteki attack rush
if it's Komura her shows are usually pretty light
>But let's face it Hotarou barely did any alchemy like in Four Aces
he pretty much did that level of alchemy during Rainbow's debut though
We're so fucking back
It's okay I guess.
Very good debut. He seems like a good guy as well.
Interesting how transforming into Gavv seemingly kinda hurts him or is at least uncomfortable. Also the whole deal with the Henshin Belt Gavv literally being his stomach that he hides behind a zip in his jacket. Can't wait for the conference.
with gavv being his actual stomach (or a 2nd one not sure)...how does it produce those carnival music??
Hopefully soccer moms are not going to complain about it being like pudding
I don't want to see the cool Ghost action being cancelled again
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An MC who can act again
We're so back bros
It's like an alien bagpipe
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>An MC who can act again
Spanner in theory is one of the three Gotchard MCs and he can act. The problem is that he rarely received focus. Just one two-parter across the entire series.

But when it comes to Gavv, at least it's looking like we will not be constantly bitching about the MCs' bad acting. A welcome change for sure.
It really does feel like total fresh air after having Houtarou all year.
>he pretty much did that level of alchemy during Rainbow's debut though
It still took 30+ Episodes to do what he did in a movie from practically a year prior.
I like how acrobatic he is and how strong he is outside of his stomach suit. Sasuga power of an alien race.
everything about Gavv is so fucking gross
>Seemingly hurts to transform
>Or atleast puts strain on the kid
>immediately hungry following the fight
Oh, I'm thinking Kino's back.
Shit's cool though. I love how bio and weird it is.
Eat the fucking gummy or else I'm pulling out my henshin organ
The way he transforms into Gavv kinda reminds me of the liquid-y look of when Aruto transformed into Hellrising Hopper, along with it kinda hurting and putting him in almost a pain trance until he gets over it.
Shouldn't really judge from an early bird cameo, but Shouma does seem a bit more charismatic than Houtarou for just that bit. I really like he's able to hold his own in his civilian form too and acrobatic at that.
Shouma's actor already has tons more experience in the entertainment industry thanks to being in a boy band and also having some bit roles in TV shows. Houtarou's actor being as green as he was entertainment industry wise really was an anomaly.
>Houtarou's actor being as green as he was entertainment industry wise really was an anomaly.
aren't most modern toku leads models with no prior acting experience
Not as exciting as the previous cameos but still interested.
Combined with some of the worst suits and belt sounds in years, we are not back bros
New bread time?
Valvarad already got an upgrade.
Your turn to make it
>Out of suit stunt shit
I hope this is a sign we're gonna have a pretty active protag in the show proper. I'm really excited by this cameo.
Gavv is first non human mc since Kiva and main purple rider since Hibiki correct?
Depends on your classification for non human, and if you consider late series mutation one
No, Sento wasn't human either, he was an homosexual.
Depends on when you define "nonhuman." Like, starts out nonhuman? Haruka in Amazons is an artificial lifeform. Turns nonhuman? Besides lamely pointing out Touma and Ace's apotheoses where they're ultimately still just dudes, Takeru is a holographic mass of undead nanomachines from episode 1 onwards and then something else entirely come Mugen until he revives at the end. Before that, Kouta turns into an Inves (though it's closer to the Touma/Ace situation), and before that Eiji turns into a Greeed.
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