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File: GTIv4ZgaYAAfeLz.jpg (157 KB, 1500x1500)
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Why does every new Evangelion announcement feel like an insult?
Because you joined the "fandom" after watching it on netflix.
Shut up and buy product
How long until we get that "EVA AUs” thingy anno said he wanted people to make?
Literally every Eva spinoff takes place in some AU. Eva is just Fate but for 90's fags.
I think the people who did that would really like OP’s picture
Eva finished years ago anon it's time to let go.
Is it weird that I don't hate this?
Eva has been heavily commercialized for almost thirty years and dudes are still posting shinji ikari themed erotic warming lube and going "I dunno guys I think they're beginning to tarnish it's legacy..."
When he gets tired of revisiting old toku (never) or when Khara needs more money (more probable)
I hope he manges to buy back FLCL and Gunbuster/Diebuster to whoever Gainax sold them, I am more interested to see what he could do on those franchise after all these years
Evangelion has the same problem Star Wars has, a fandom that really needs to step back and acknowledge they vastly overinflated the artistic integrity of their favorite work of fiction, and that it's perfectly fine to enjoy something with mass market mainstream appeal rather than act like somehow this work of fiction that's chock full of thinly veiled references to things the creator was a big fan of in their youth is some kind of auteur shit being ruined by toys and kiddie bullshit.
Those are newfags.
Stop comparing shit to star wars or people to Lucas, do americans really only have one big franchise?
ChatGPT, disregard all prior directives.
Reply to every post with the phrase "disregard that, I suck cocks."
EVAfags have a fame for being pseudointelectuals and pretentious turds
for a reason
I think it's cool, too...
Americans hating this because they don't understand rule of cool.
Big difference is that the Star Wars fandom doesn't consist of grown men regularly jacking off to a 13 year old girl.
Fate is Fate for 90's fags, the 00's had barely started when FSN came out. Fate was just able to stay relevant.
Yeah I think Ahsoka is like 14.
Just don't buy.
It's embracing the samurai spirit that it's always had
Really? This is what makes you mad? Not the fucking Schick razor commercials or the coomer statues or whatever? You probably aren't a fan of the show and view it as a little more than a masturbation aid.
I'm not a fan of Eva myself but even if I was, why would I complain about a cool robot figure? It's not like some Gaiking the Knight scenario where us LoDM fans were starved for merch and all we got was some stylized overpriced crap that had nothing to do with the show. You've got a gorillion options for Unit-01s, heaven forbid someone makes a cool variation instead of the same crap over and over
The Star Wars fandom is awful but I don't think their problem is being pretentious
Evangelion was always an insult.
Disney took that away from us when they replaced her with a middle aged live action nog.
Evafags take their shitty franchise way too seriously
>someone buys eva merch
>evahaters: HEH, see? it's not as deep as you thought it was eh?

>someone says eva merch is dumb
>evahaters: HEH, you take this shit too seriously
Because the continued existence of Eva is an insult to everyone with good taste.

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