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and then he cheated on her with Haman's sister.
This retcon confused me alot. Isn't she a student at Zeon academy and like 16 years old? Dozle looks like he's in his 40s here.

Why did they change her backstory to this weird story? In the original she was a bit older.
big guy discovered his raging hardon for being in weaker positions and/or duress
>Imagine the brutal mating press
Too much man for 1 woman to handle
All Gundam characters past 20 looks like they are at least 40 years old.
It has actually been recorded that among people doing SM play, people usually in a position of power prefer to be M, while people lower on the hierarchy like being S.
Dozle was only 28 in 0079.
And so was Ramba Ral
Do you think his schlong was also huge or was it more like a gorilla where it's proportionally tiny
They named the Big Zam after his dong.
>Written shit
Not canon. Banrise said so.Dozle is pure family man.
To be fair, you can't really call this a retcon when the Origin continuity is its own thing.
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Dozle was too good for his world
>tfw big and ugly like Dozle
I hope I can find a woman like he did
Be a man to the men you lead, inspire in them love, loyalty, and respect, and you might yet find one. Also being part of a ruling family helps.
It is a real shame he wasn't around to see what a nice young lady his daughter grew up to be.
Wasn't she only like 16 years old? Dozle is bare minimum in his 30s or 40s
In 0079 Gihren was 35, Dozle was 28, Kycillia was 24, and Garma was 20.
And had Puru.
>Cares about his subordinates
>Willing to use violence often, but will refrain from using it at times
Even if you take away the money and turn Dozle into a regular construction foreman he'd probably get himself a wife.

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