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Moderoid thread, we can even start a general.
>we can even start a general.
no. Stop being like this.
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personal experiences so far:
the three Gravions
Flute no Yamikazuchi
Big O
Hyper Red Jack Armor
Queen Cideron (shame it's not really in scale with my old Megahouse Squasher)

>pretty alright but too small
(You) Brain

>shows its age

>what the fuck happened here?!
Is there any rhyme or reason behind them omitting the instructions on some of the kits on their site?
The only Moderoids I've built are Dann of Thursday and Combined Rayearth, but both were really fun and Rayearth is one of the most gorgeous out-of-box kits I've ever seen. Looking forward to getting Nirvash.
Crazy how he’s still the undefeated king of all their kits
Shit, forgot the Rayearth Rune Gods and Godannar under "great".
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So I've never bought any Moderoids and I was thinking of getting the Black Sarena up for order. Just wondering about the general quality. What I've gathered so far is basically "they're like Bandai HGs except for the price of MGs". Would you guys say that's accurate, or an outdated assessment of them?
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They're more akin to Bandai's SMPs to the point where I wouldn't be surprised if they use the same factories in China.

But to be honest, there isn't really anything standardized about them.
Most of their Real Robot kits are generally early/mid 2000s HG tier, their Super Robots often feel more like DIY action figures and then you get stuff like the TAC-COM from Megaforce that's more akin to actual model kits, with paint and cement being required.
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>complete with Himeko and Chikane making out on the box
feels like the artist went above and beyond for this one
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The whole kit is honestly a cut above the rest, with some pretty impressive articulation like 180° knees and elbows and fully working not-Meioh functions in the forearms.
It made the rather plain Iczer Robo I built at the same time all the more baffling.
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