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Previous thread >>22619910
-Check out nyaa/anidex, KRDL and the pastebin before posting requests.
-If only posting an image, pop the name/title/source/whatever in the filename or post.
-If you find yourself asking "Is it /otg/?", it probably is.

>Metal Hero, Garo and Misc toku DDL
>Rare Tokusatsu Blog
>Stuff archived from Hi no Tori Subs (See the paste for Mitsurugi and Andro Melos, KRDL for Wecker and Bereke Scrubs for remastered Tekkouki Mikazuki)
>Big tokusatsu google document
>Other links of interest
Thanks for making the new thread op, usually I kept making new ones because no one else has so this is a nice change
Any time. Damn shame we don't have a good janitor.
so why is dogengers so niche? nearing the end of 2nd season and this show is much better than whole sentai and reiwa kamen rider
Given the format, the producer's main goal beyond the production of the show itself is selling stuff to local people (including tickets to hero shows) and therefore he has no interest in making it easier for international fans to watch (the first season was region locked to nico nico for example), on the other hand, no groups have enough interest in the show to rip the raws and subtitle the show weekly.

Also, keep in mind that Dogengers might be popular now, but local heroes are considered nerdy and obscure even by regular toku fans, the only reason anyone even tuned to the 1st season was because several members had gone viral and had done A LOT of work to promote themselves.
Part of it is the region locking, part of it is that unless you have some knowledge of the various heroes/villains you are going to be playing a LOT of catch-up. That and after 3 series it's kind of hit the same problem Ibaliger has where there's so god damn many of them that a lot feel superfluous.
>you have some knowledge of the various heroes/villains you are going to be playing a LOT of catch-up.
I actually think it's better to go into the first season blind because some characters like El Brave have little to no resemblance to their pre-Dogengers selves.
Watching Jisariz. The subtitles are "dodgy" to say the least.
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Wonder if they get the actor's voice.
When's the last time a new non-ongoing show has been subbed? Because it feels like the fansubbing scene's become stagnant the past couple years, I'd love to be wrong though.
The latest Garo season? It's not really an on-going. But the thing with /otg/ is that it's all the niche toku.
MBE released something on April Fool's Day, but aside from that, it's slowed a lot since Metal Heroes. Metal Heroes was already really niche, so everything else is even more obscure, and less likely to have people working on it.
I think toku getting official subs and the Toei lawyers going after TV-N, has really put a damper on the toku fan sub communities. Same shit happened when anime started getting subbed through Crunchy.
Even with official subs appearing, I wish they still got a rip because not everyone live in the US and can buy those.
Like the MillCreek's Ultraman releases still went into torrents or even Youtube, why not Shout's Sentai & Rider releases too?
>local heroes are considered nerdy and obscure even by regular toku fans
wow the community is cringe, the cheesiness while still being sincere and genuine is what makes it better than most actors. decade's actor is a good proof of that
>you are going to be playing a LOT of catch-up
I feel like the show does a good job of introducing characters, it's also a kids show after all so you don't need to know absolutely everything about a character to enjoy it like in some other nerd series
Honestly, the scene is depressingly dead these days. Most subbers have moved on to other things, and even the threads move noticably slower than they used to. There's not too much to talk about most of the time.

For one, Toei's the biggest in the business. Most of their famous properties and even the more obscure ones have finished subs, so there are fewer shows left to pick up. They were always anal about copyright, even going after IA recently, so distributing them has become more difficult, which is discouraging for both established groups and newcomers. I believe TADA quit over this. From the people I've talked to, the quality of their current shows has also led to increased disinterest among veteran fans. Though years ago I also wouldn't have thought anyone would ever sub stuff like Mighty Lady or other indie toku.

Toei is the Disney of Japan (really, they're among the country's top corporations. A few gaijin "illegally" streaming or downloading some old ass shows has ZERO impact). But they've always been retarded about international distribution. Brazil and France have huge established fanbases, yet only a handful of official releases. And it's not due to lack of interest, but because the rights are ridiculously expensive. Winspector is super popular among 90s kids in Germany, but when a German DVD label was interested in releasing it officially, they dropped out because Toei was charging too much and was too difficult to work with. Part of the reason their shows got popular in Europe and Latin America is that the licenses were initially cheaper than American cartoons, but they got drunk on power with the 90s anime boom. Tsuburaya has a different policy and is eager to work with international distributors.
>why not Shout's Sentai & Rider releases too?
They do? I'm not sure about Geats, because I don't care much about Rewia, but the rest of Shout's Rider subs have been ripped.
The original show has been ripped, and then used on the 4k rips.
The few Sentai shows that I watched, were from the official dvds being ripped.
Are you sure you even checked?
don't sweat it, the retard who shit up the last thread samefaggng got banned for shitting up other threads samefagging
It's not about the level of cheesiness, it's that until recently it was almost impossible to be a casual fan because enjoying local heroes involved traveling to their hometown and going to their stage shows and other activities.
so over for us foreignersisters
It's so rare for foreigners to be invested fans that I highly suspect staff for a couple of them saves a spot for me for events that use a lottery system because I never fail to get tickets.
There's also the fact that some of those official subs are just dogshit, I.E. Gridman & Ultraman Joneus, which unless I'm wrong & do let me know if I am, are just Tsuburaya's default English scripts that Mill Creek used with no touch-up whatsoever, because said touch-up would require committing the cardinal sin of paying people. & I find it unlikely fans will scrub those subs because that would imply there are any fansubbers left interested in doing anything remotely productive.
It's a shame that Bereke won't touch things with an official release, because his group would be perfect to tackle those subs.
I understand that fan groups generally don't touch what's officially available, that's the code of honor as it were, & has been since time immemorial.
But I don't think it's unreasonable to make an exception for cases like those, where third party intervention is objectively NECESSARY.
The Brazilian comic version of Dr. Gori's got some vague racial caricature energy going on.
Do any DDLs exist of Garo Hagane wo Tsugu Mono?
I have it as part of my giant toku backup archive, give me a bit and I'll get it uploaded for you.
The mods are letting him and the bikini guy turn this board into their litterbox.
Of all the spam/shitposting has, none of those are even in the top t0, let alone the top five of the problems around here.
Who are the more egregious offenders in your opinion then?
Top 5 in no particular:
Meta threads
Off topic Threads and posts
Ghost bumper
Necro Bumper
Talking about politics instead of mecha. (I swear to god if you faggots do this year what you've done in the past... Biden is not mecha, Trump is not mecha, Obama isn't fucking mecha)

And that's just the top 5, and doesn't even cover any the spammers that have been spamming /m/ for years, and are still doing it now.
Trump gave us Space Force, that's the first step to mecha.
Can we please behave ourselves & not derail this thread?
Ah Dogengers...I loved Season 1.

The other seasons, not so much.
The stageshows were better.
>The other seasons, not so much.
serious question, why?
I thought s2 was on a similar level to s1, I can understand not liking s3 though
forgot to add I just started s4 so I can't say how it is
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In all seriousness, I personally find Dogengers to be pretty lousy beyond the first season. Having been a fan of the original AHK and Local Hero shows, I was excited to see them get their own show. My favorite character was Maid Butler (naturally) and I really adored the writing of the shows. What you see in Dogengers btw is completely inaccurate to how all of the characters actually acted like in the stageshows, but I didn't mind it so much at first.

Come Season 2 which heavily flanderizing the cast, makes some ugly ass redesigns that look very toyetic (yet ironically they have no toyline), cringey humor that just seems to also get worse each season, pretty thin plotline...

Pretty much the only thing I liked about Season 2 was Great Z, and even then I'm willing to admit his plotline was thinner than I-Doll's.

I watched it when it first came out and I'm STILL pissed off about it, especially for what they did to Yabai Kamen and Maid Butler. Dear lord, what have they done to you two?

All in all, I'll just stick to the stageshows.
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I maintain that the B-Fighters are among the best toku suits ever made.
Unironically a bop
A lot of the Metal Heroes designs aged well.
>serious question, why?

The sponsors are easily the worst part of the show and imo it all started getting aggravating with S2. I also can't stand the way the show makes the heroes look retarded by having them forgive and befriend villains even after they commit straight up murder, which again, started with S2.
>pretty thin plotline...
I found the plotline to be pretty thin from the start, after starting to see dogengers as a comedy with some serious events I find it good
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You probably took over from me; I used to do most of the OP admin (RIP Pastebin) for a good while. I even found time to sub Metal Kaiser back when I was bedridden for two weeks. Life kinda happened since then, but it makes me happy to see that Good Ship /OTG/ still sails.
Glad you’ve gotten better, guess that’s why a few threads died earlier after archival
>subbed Metal Kaiser
So if it's OK for me to ask, A, are you a translator? B, do you know any available translators? C, can you or do you know anyone who can at least turn shitty Tsuburaya subs (I.E. Gridman, Ultraman Joneus, Jumborg Ace) into coherent English?
I thought TADA quit because one of their staff was a furry sperg and basically brought the group down with them. Sucks that nobody thought to archive their releases though. I expect it from the toku community though, because le dub bad.
I downloaded some of TADA's stuff, was there something you were looking for, I *might* have it.
Actually I think all their stuff's on Telegram.

But who the actual fuck uses Telegram?
iirc the last two great other toku franchises that need subbing (or at least up to date ones) are the ChoSeiShin and the Tomica Hero stuff. Either way regardless of all the shit like Toei going after stuff and people moving on so much has been accomplished. Like ten-fifteen years ago if you had told me Metal Heroes would be fully subbed, let alone with legal blu ray releases here in burgerland I'd think you were crazy.
> But who the actual fuck uses Telegram?
> Actually I think all their stuff's on Telegram.
That much I certainly won't deny, but it really feels that all that forward momentum gradually slowed down, & by now has come to a complete halt.

I always think this suit looks heavy to wear. Does anyone know how heavy this one was?
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We eating real good, new kikider release and winspector, also V3
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Glad to know this is out of Hasbro jail. Metalder hopefully soon given Kikaider. Spielban would be cool too.
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With Toei it's really just a couple of old suits high up enough in the food chain who REALLY fucking hate Americans and have to be forced to giving any toku content overseas
Greedy, but indifferent is more what I'd call them.
Goddamn that Discotek panel was hype. The best piece of news might be that the VR Troopers shows aren't forever locked up in licensing hell. Chances that it's the same for both B-Fighter series?

I really hope Metalder happens sooner rather than later.
So do I finally take the Metal Heroes plung, now that the trilogy is completed? I remember spending a few months trying to download all the shows I could, but they were still in the process of being translated, so I eventually gave up on the entire series.
Scanned another one of Daiji Kazumine's original heroes, I'll translate it in the far off distant future of 20wheneverIgetaroundtoit.
>Chances that it's the same for both B-Fighter series?
Anything is possible at this point
Very likely B-Fighter is on the table at this point. If the shakeups between hasbro and the power rangers ip are to go by anything it’s very clear the other shows formerly licensed by saban are no longer bound by them
It's a manga about a boy in a tweed suit controlling a blue robot.
I can't help but find that premise oddly familiar for whatever reason.
What did you just link? This is some strange stuff but that zeta gundam reference got me laughing
Can't help but think there was probably a reason Daiji Kazumine was stuck in the tokusatsu manga adaptation mines.
Hey even if he wasn't as famous (especially in the west) as many of his contemporaries & most of his best known works were adaptions, Kazumine was still a prolific & beloved artist, not to mention highly respected both by his contemporaries & by subsequent generations of manga artists!
Interesting note: Does anyone want an SMP Alternative Destiny Super Kabuterios? Ordinary Kabuterios and the Neo Beet Machines from B-Fighter Kabuto could work standalone, but all four combining like it's Legend King-Ohger is something only SMP AD can pull off, considering the idea is entirely post-series and unplanned until long after the series went off the air. Kuwaga Titan could be a bonus to go style itself like Gungenocider.
Absolutely. I think the first B-Fighter was one of the GOATs of Toku designs. The heroes, the big bad, the generals, the MOTWs, everything hit right.
I also think once Black Beet shows up it’s consistently one of the best 90s Toku shows.
Who knows? It can be any multitude of things.
Can’t blow their load just yet, i guess it’s by steps to see how winspector does before going for the other rescue hero trilogy. Not sure how blue swat will sell once they get to that, it wasn’t particularly my favorite
GIGA's newest SFW project, has some really impressive set design and costumes.
Am I the only one who finds it odd that the Dogengers website doesn't credit Naoto Takahata at all as the first voice of Maid Butler despite obviously voicing them back in Season 1?
Same reason they did Juspion as their first Metal Hero series. Sometimes that's just how it works out. They might also be alternating, i.e. their next two will be Spielban and Solbrain.
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Because it's Toei's call.
Trilogies are probably safer to invest in, rather than all the singles. That way they know that there's a base of people that will buy the next one.
It's also pretty sad seeing the original AHK site being so dead now
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I wish this guy was in a better movie
0/10 taste.
Discotek's licensed all of Knack's most (in)famous anime, except the Gekko Kamen anime, which I'd personally love to see.
It's also not impossible that they could license Battle Hawk, their only live-action production, & another collab with Dynamic Pro!
Youtube link.
Pre-order and extras.
They made battlehawk?
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This guy goes into a deep dive for these type of shows so might as well explain through this video https://youtube.com/watch?v=wk1a6jPMV6U
Basically the creator behind getter robo was largely involved
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Thanks Moose.
There's some manga I've been wanting to rip for a long time now, manga that I am not UNable to access, but rather have been explicitly DENIED the ability to access it for no good reason! I.E. it's exclusively available on a site with really really really really really really really really really really tight region locking. So the notion of my getting it is absolutely, positively, thoroughly, unquestionably & unrelentingly impossible.

Unless a Japanese person is willing to let me use their Yahoo Japan account but that's completely unrealistic so yeah it's impossible.
Well, there's the Fushigi Comedy Series. But I don't know subbers have their nerve to complete / do some of those shows since it's perceived as "weird" and shoujo (for better or worse).
I'm not Moose, but you're welcome
Chances are that if you did get somebody to help you, they'd suspend the account anyway for suspicious activity. They've done that shit even to people who live in Japan.
I know it's a different company and all, but the things I will do for an S.H.F of Ryukendo
I've heard really good things about Mirrorman but what do y'all think?
Also what about the subs, if I remember correctly Mirrorman's got those wonky subs, right?
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Really can't be stressed enough how stacked 1971 was for all-time classic toku.
This was the beginning of the henshin hero boom after all
New chapter of Kazumine's original hero, Denjin Arrow.
This is nostalgia talking, but Shaider is too popular in the Philippines. Not when it comes to making a Philippine adaptation and butchering set titles. Keep Laser Blade and Makuu Space for the longest time, as I am not gonna sit down about many of the bad localization changes.
Say, next year is Winspector's 35th anniversary. Does anyone want a special episode that focuses on the next Fire? It's been like four years since he was teased at the end of Kyuranger VS Space Squad.
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>Shin Dogengers e5 is being advertised as Upcoming on YouTube
>only 3 episodes uploaded to nyaa
>only 1 episode translated
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I don’t come on m/ as often as I should but was this particular book ever scanned?
>>only 1 episode translated
that's because the people doing it are terminally online twitter users that waste time on other things
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>love feudal Japan movies
>love old school toku
>find this gem on toei youtube channel
I'm in love bros,please tell me someone picked this up
Wait for that King-Ohger In Space special will turn out to be a Space Squad continuation.
I'd crack a joke about Joel being twitter-brained but honest to God man I just want him to finish Kyodyne.
kyodyne and kaiju club ep 4 are my hopes and prayers atm.
It really does feel like it’s gonna be another installment of space squad which would make me psyched
I only know him from the dogengers work which is pretty good but man I think all he does is be on twitter and either take part in leftist politics or look at toku stuff
ig it makes sense for the fansubbers to be weirdos but man
I find it bizarre that he's into dogengers given that season 4 is outright copaganda, you would think that someone with his politics would find police literally using a show to advertise off-putting.
That's kind of the default for fansubbers. They're all queer, lefty, or lefty-queers.
But I notice a lot of their beliefs go to the backseat if the character is cute or quirky.
I mean, how many ACAB types were fawning over Pat#1 from LupinVsPat?
Copaganda is bad unless the cop is hot ig.
It's unsubbed but there's still the manga!

& if you want jidaigeki toku in general there's Lion-Maru,
which has its first 14 episodes subbed as well as its own manga.
That's just the annoying tradeoff with fansubbing, there's a very limited pool of active people who can do it, so if they don't wanna do or continue a show, then there's not a whole lot you can really do.

In general the fansubbing scene's forward momentum came to a screeching halt once all the Metal Heroes got subbed for the simple reason that now there's nothing left that anybody in the scene actually WANTS to do.
Does anyone remember what the toku was with a red helmet/suit not Kaiketsu Zubat? Still quite sleek like Zubat.
>kaiju club ep 4
One day. Until then, we at least got this:
First lefties have no principles, so they only care about anti-cop, because the cops "oppress" minorities(even though we have Harvard economist research that goes against big chucks of this narrative). Anti-cop is a luxury belief, that goes right out the door, when it comes to keeping their parts of cities safe though. Ironically, the minorities generally want the cops to protect their communities, and it's just a small portion that ruin it for the rest.
Second, they have no hatred towards Japanese police(even though it would make more sense to have problems with their police, due to how they treat people who get arrested and foreigners), because Glorious Nippon can do no wrong.
Third, because they don't actually know Japanese or much about Japanese culture, they don't follow Japanese news, so they don't actually care about Japan beyond the spandex and rubber suits.
All the shows that can bring in attention to them have been completed. All that's left is passion projects of shows that won't bring much attention.
I haven't paid much attention to what's left of Ultraman, but when I had asked last, it was basically completed then. So it's probably completed by now.
Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Ultraman, Metal Heroes, and Garo are all subbed, outside of little odds and ends. Which doesn't leave much for people to sub, that can give them attention.
There's still really cool toku shows to sub, but no one cares about them.
Let's try not to derail this thread.

>I haven't paid much attention to what's left of Ultraman, but when I had asked last, it was basically completed then. So it's probably completed by now.
OFFICIALLY yes BUT, Ultraman Joneus & Gridman (& I think a couple others too?) are stuck with borderline crabsticks that no one seems to want to scrub.
Dinosaur Corps Koseidon
Yes, that's exactly what it was. Thanks.
I'm assuming that no one ever fixed up the MTL subs that we got from that Russian on nyaa.
We talked about Gridman previously in this thread. Until that license expires, not many fansubbers will touch it, unfortunately. I assume the same people did Joneus?
Not that the license is going to expire anytime soon, but I'd imagine that someone will pick those up, if it ever happens.
Unless I'm mistaken, I think every single mainstream hero toku from 1980 onwards has been subbed!
& I specify hero toku because beyond that there's still stuff like the Fushigi Comedies.
Really depends on what you count as mainstream, discord user. If you want to get technical, there's still Kamen Norider and the Japanese dub of Dragon Knight.
I really hope my asking this isn't going to open a thread-derailing can of worms but, why "discord user"?
How you type.
Not that anon but using exclamation mark considered as discord user now?
No. I said how anon typed.
wait I looked on twitter for info and it seems like joel is actually translating it(?) but the problem is that either the gagagascrubs woman is having another meltdown or for some reason they don't want to upload it
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>the gagagascrubs woman is having another meltdown
Someone call Rita.
But in all seriousness, I wonder what's going on that there's delays.
list of toku with remastered blu ray releases?
Hopefully. I mean, an entirely new planet as the stage for 95% of the entire show, and it felt isolated enough not to be considered Super Sentai until they met other Sentai to get the title. This has to be another piece of Space Squad right there. But I still want a Winspector 35th, to continue off on hope that the Crash Tector gets passed down.

Henshin Ninja Arashi, huh... This is a rare gem among Ishinomori Heroes. Speaking of which, I recall the original plan of Space Squad was to reassemble reimaginings of various Ishinomori Heroes (like Poitrine, Inazuman, Kyodain, Daitetsujin 17, etc.), but the colossal failure of the Kikaider reboot canned the project and switched to focusing on Metal Heroes. Then again, we already have an "Ishinomori Avengers" in the form of a Dreamcast game, Super Hero Retsuden. The opening theme is so catchy, I wish this theme were to be used for Shin Japan Heroes Universe.

Finally, I have a curious thought in regards to Blue SWAT: If Gold Platinum was the original user of the Drum Gunner, shouldn't he have the ability to combine it with his Gravion just like Hyper Sho doing the same with the Dictator? Instead of being called the Drum Gun Fire, Gold Platinum's version with his gravity blaster could have been called the Gravi Drum Gunner.
Grain of salt but I recall reading somewhere that, according to its artist, apparently the reason the Brazilian Spectreman comic has a completely different color scheme is because they thought blue superheroes sold better.
That’s game had pretty much everyone in it except for the akumizer three which shocks me
Is Exceedraft a sequel to the other Rescue Police shows or is standalone? I remember hearing a character from one of the past shows returns. Mostly asking this because Exceedraft's OP has been stuck in my head for over a year
Somewhat standalone, but still part of the Rescue Police umbrella. Think of it with a similar situation to Kyuranger and King-Ohger where most of the story is isolated from the rest of the franchise but given a crossover to barely connect them. The story of the second half led to Draft Redder being its sole representative among the entire Rescue Police trilogy in the Space Squad (taking on extraterrestrials and demonic entities, which was never the case with the previous two), until Winspector Fire got dragged into this mess.
Are Moonlight Mask and Messenger of Allah still lost?
Apparently it’s standalone Up until the last 2 episodes where the boss of the previous two rescue teams appears
Messenger Of Allah is all but completely lost, but you seem to have the wrong idea about Moonlight Mask, the only part of it that's lost are a few episodes in the first arc. And it's worth mentioning that the first arc's 72 episodes are all only 7 minutes, whereas the rest of the show's arcs all have full half hour episodes.
I'm sure at least a couple of you have watched Silver Kamen raw,
& if any of them are here, could you answer the following questions?

>I'm sure we've all heard how the series', at least its first half, is allegedly super dark & mature for its time,
>given it's really easy for dubious hearsay to spread about untranslated shows, is that really the case?

>does the series tone actually change that much when it becomes a kyodai hero show?
>either way, how would you describe the series style & tone?

>Were there any episodes you considered standouts?

>Overall do you think it lives up to all the hype of it being a "holy grail" of untranslated showa toku?
The better comparison is how Shaider is set in the same world as Gavan and Sharivan but didn't make them crossover until the recap special.
A shake-up on the formula because of Sharivan's dip in the ratings. Could be why we got Annie, a JAG stuntwoman, be a secondary fighter while Hiroshi Tsuburaya acts as the "face" to make it stand out on its own. Yes, it stood out, but it backfired horribly that they had to bring back Gavan and Sharivan for the finale, though only as mere cameos. All they did together was transform and pose, which is not what everyone wants from a crossover.
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Another, if a little sloppier, recolor of the Brazilian Spectreman.
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The reason why the aliens attack one after another in the Silver Kamen is told by the aliens in the second episode.
"Earthlings are trying to steal the universe. Nothing the Earthlings say can be trusted."
The immature and barbaric earthlings are the enemies of peace in the universe, and the aliens are the righteous warriors who prevent the evil earthlings from entering the universe.
There is no path to peace there.
However, as a result of a disastrous loss in viewer ratings to the back-up show "Mirror Man," these settings were drastically changed and the show became a giant hero show fighting invaders and monsters.
I like the theme song better than each episode.
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Will Ninja Captor subs be continued?
Guy who's doing them said at the beginning of the year said all the translating's done & they're all going through multiple phases of editing & QC & whatnot. So clearly they're gonna be done eventually. Only thing is who knows how long that eventually will actually be.
Times are changing, and we want a shake-up. With how Figuarts is implementing armor changing as a new gimmick to take Armor Plus's place, it's high time I say my piece on what I want: a Figuarts DraftRedder and SyncRedder Set. Real ambitious, because it will go straight to P-Bandai because only the die-hard Metal Hero fan would get it. It's one full figure with two sets of helmets, chest pieces, upper arm and upper leg armors, and will come with all of his necessities (Revolback G-3, TryShaft in Shaft Mode and Collapsed Mode to combine with the gun, Access Lock-S with opening cover, Hydrander, movable Guardler, transforming Heavy Cyclone and a collapsible E.M. Blade to fit on either the Guardler or Heavy Cyclone. If they are gutsy enough, they could add Hayato's unhelmeted head.
Metal Hero characters might be getting those Kit-Make Pose, which are basically Figuarts as model kit, starting from Blue & Black Beet of B-Fighter.
There's a comparison with the Figuarts version where the KMP are about the same scale but have better sculpt.
I had to realize that the SyncRedder Battle Jacket kept the arms and legs of the powered-up Try Jackets (complete with the white lines of the upper arms and upper legs), and with Figuarts dipping into full armor change even further because of Shinkocchou Gaim and Ultraman Arc (the former have made Pine and Ichigo Arms already, planned for shipping near the end of the year), it won't be long until they take another jab at Metal Heroes to do a similar gimmick. And only Figuarts can pull off unhelmeted toku characters (they did that with IXA and Shin Kamen Rider, and even made untransformed Riders AND Retsu Ichijouji) even if their tech leaves a lot to be desired sometimes.
Translated another arc of Kazuo Umezu's Ultraman!
Gotta really love the nonchalant deaths in older toku. Even the (fun) goofy stuff.
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I'm sure most of you know that in 1969, well before the Mirrorman TV series, there was a manga with a sort of prototype version of the character in Shogakukan's elementary school magazines.
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Some of you might also know that around the same time in those same magazines, there was a character named Jumbo X, obviously a prototype of Jumborg Ace.
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But I wonder if anyone you knew that there was ANOTHER prototype version of Jumborg in 1970, much closer to the eventual TV version, but still noticeably different.
Post-WW2 Showa era was a wild time for toku. Very little safety standards, not giving a fuck about what kids saw.
Could any Japanese company get away with doing that today? Even a small indie company?
Mirror Knight in Ultraman Zero Movie seem taking inspirations from this version.
Knew about proto-mirrorman, even mirror knight was designed after this one. Supposedly tsuburaya himself came up with this character despite the fact that he was moving on from the age of monsters, wonder towards the end of his life did he change his mind, well never truly know
Heard of jumbo X when it was called jumbo ace, never saw images until now although I did see fan art of this particular incarnation so that’s one mystery solved
Now this is incredibly interesting, this comes from 1970, 2 years before Mazinger Z as a piloted mecha. Really makes you wonder how far tsupro had these shows planned out. What I can clearly see in this prototype version was that it was a simple Kaiju of the week like the ultra series before the gross aliens were made as an foe
Work on Inazuman Flash has started. We're on track to have a series batch out sometime Q1 2025.
Not the safety standards.
When he crawls up Tokyo Tower(?), the stunt guy is doing so without any safety equipment. *If* they were allowed to climb it today, they'd have to CGI away the harness/etc.
But the violence, gore, and killing restrictions are on tv, due to parents complaining and advertisers. You can get around that buy doing an online/theatrical/physical release. Gaia is a production company doing porn toku, where they put the first 4 episodes on youtube, that are porn-free, and then sell the last episode with the porn in it.
You'll never see a tv show do a scene like this from Kamen Rider Kuuga ever again. When Kamen Rider Ghost doing the CGI floating around in the Kamen Rider Drive final episodes, was complained about by parents for being too scary.
Reminder: Kuuga took the same time slot that Robotack had the week before.
But online? It's still a free-for-all.
>Reminder: Kuuga took the same time slot that Robotack had the week before.
Kuuga (2000) replaced Robocon (1999), not Robotack (1998)
Close enough. Kuuga replaced a really silly toku show.
You mean Giga and, somewhat ironically, all of their shows suck as much dick as their porn.
Robotack however, whilst it's no Kuuga in terms of quality (but neither are most Kamen Rider shows), is a pretty great show afaic.
I only watched the Akio Jissouji-directed ep1-2, so I can't speak for the tone of the rest. He definitely elevated the medium in his usual style and made for a very strong opening to the series.
Enjoyed this, thank you, anon. Also enjoyed Red King being Red King in the background.
Can someone please seed these Kyodain raws? I'm literally missing only part of episode 38 and there are no fucking seeders left and I was planning on subbing these.

>and I was planning on subbing these
I doubt you'd be starting at ep38, so just leave it running.
I'll try to give it a go in a week or so
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The morally bankrupt mentally ill blonde protagonist, the urban fantasy aesthetics, the fast-talking introduction explaining the scenario, the casual and personal-sounding dialogue, and the obviously felid hero...
Welcome back, Lion Maru G!
Thank you, kind anon.
Another Metal Hero opinion: Which DX vehicle do you want to see a modern reissue or remaster of? My personal pick is definitely Exceedraft's DX Various 7, with 6/7 of its gimmicks kept (no matter how hard I wish for it, they won't make the Grenade Shooter a BB gun again, so that gimmick will be removed, but the way to activate it will be kept).
1. Dark Jeycar
2. Winsquad
3. Reson (with the LED tech from those fancy Rider belts)
What happened to KRDL?
Is there a full list of tokusatsu based on Takara/Tomy toys? So far I'm aware of:
>Tsuburaya Dinosaur Trilogy
>Gridman the Hyper Agent
>Kawaii Jenny
>Tomica Hero
Not enough money for server bills
Is kill
Is it gone for good?
Cybercop is also a Toho-Takara joint for the toy production.
Have any Japanese made a new retro indie toku shot on film?
Digital costs so much less. They're never going back.
10/26 complete
Based on the trailer, it looks like a show based on the way we used to play with toys, but with a real budget.
Giant Robo
I… need… more… shin dogengers…
dogengers scratches an itch so specific that only the live shows can scratch too but my nihongo isn't jyouzu enough
Finished watching Jisariz' current episodes. The season 1 finale felt "weird and convoluted".
anyone know if Pro-Wrestling Star Aztekaiser has subs after ep 6? seems interesting but I don't want to watch a show that only has 6 episodes out of 26 translated
>Azteckaiser (1976) – Episode 06
>Posted on August 11, 2018 by Nanto
>I do plan on subtitling more episodes of this show eventually, although like many of my projects it may take years for the next one to be ready for release.
so my japanese skills will be good enough to understand it myself before it happens
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AI will be good enough to mtl subs for us, before it happens.

Looks like he enjoyed the new Jiraya Brazilian comic.
Bump again.

Hideaki Anno's Studio Khara now owns P-Production properties (Lionmaru, Zaborgar, Specterman, etc)
How many people did he fuck over to do this?
shin lion maru g when
Not many. P Productions was owned by Shiro Sagisu (who routinely works with Anno as a composer and he would've given Anno the licenses on a whim anyway) and they basically did nothing but hold IPs and stocks for nearly 20 years now. Frankly this is the best move to get any sort of new shit from them.
Well that’s kinda a surprise, knew the composer for the Eva series was in fact the founders son responsible for these shows, knowing anno and his team of live action producers I am adamant they’re gonna make a new spectreman
>he thinks this is a good thing
Either you haven't watched Anno's latest round of movies, or you're low IQ enough to actually like them.
>he would've given Anno the licenses on a whim anyway
Low IQ it is.
>Kimdotcom getting extradited to the USA
Everyone better get ready for Mega to become FBI property like MegaUpload did. Get your files off of Mega, it's no longer perma-storage.
Do correct me if I'm mistaken, but aren't Dotcom & Mega totally unaffiliated now?
They did about almost a decade ago
Therefore Kimdotcom getting extradited shouldn't have any bearing on Mega, right?
public new zealand records say that 99.83% of the company is owned by a hong kong company and that the current CEO is some shane phillips guy

I don't listen to brown people, bother someone else.
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I've begun the long & arduous process of scanning the Hyou-Man manga, not the Jiro Kuwata one, that's already digitized & ripped, the other one by Kenji Nanba, serialized in Shounen Magazine.

The Japanese wikipedia page credits the pilot not becoming a series to either a change in leadership at Fuji TV &/or toku boom dying down, but a blurb in this reprint of the manga lists another culprit, that being that most kids' show sponsors at the time were candy/snack makers, who thought a bestial hero like Hyou-Man wouldn't be a good fit for candy wrappers. Boy would they be eating their words once Tiger Mask got huge.
Well they certainly ate their words even more so after P-productions made lion maru
watched the 10 subbed episodes of Akumaizer 3 that are out there, hope the rest gets subbed someday. Any other good obscure toku shows I can watch in the meantime?
>Bandai Namco and Toho acquiring each shares worth approximately 2.5 billion yen
>The acquisition will be made through off-floor trading on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (ToSTNeT-1), with Bandai Namco Holdings acquiring 460,000 shares, or 0.25% of Toho's total issued shares, and Toho acquiring 830,000 shares, or 0.13% of Bandai Namco Holdings' total issued shares.
So they're solidifying their futures of making toys for Toho?
Didn't Bandai already make Godzilla toys for a long time?
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Yeah, they do the SH MonsterArts line through their Tamashii Nations brand. This is likely a more permanent integration, as Toho's always shopped around with all sorts of toymakers. They did a bunch with Takara as well (Particularly Cybercop and nearly Gridman when it was gonna be a Cybercop sequel).
So which metal hero should I see next?

I’ve seen Metalder and Spielban.
Honestly if you’re still tackling 80s stuff, I highly suggest juspion or jiban
Which toku shows are most like the Brave series? I'm watching Tomica Hero, and from what I've seen of Carranger and ToQger, I really like how they fight in their vehicles. Gridman failed to scratch that itch since there were no cool vehicles, unfortunately.
I can't say for sure until I eventually translate them in the distant future year of 20wheneverIgetaroundtoit, but from what I've gleamed, both versions of the Hyou-Man manga seem to deviate pretty significantly from the pilot(s), mainly in that while in the pilots Hyou-Man/Jaguar-Man had a giant form (at least in the first version) & fights kaiju from the Mantle Clan, (said kaiju being reused in Spectreman & the concept of the Mantle Clan themselves getting repurposed for Fuun Lion-Maru) whereas the manga(s) have their own villains/storylines & with no kaiju or kyodai heroics.
A box of freshly baked surprise goods from Japan arrived. I've yet to digitize them, but among them is the first generation of VHS tapes released. The oldest movie release found yet from '83, a 00s comedy drama about a schizo couple & a 90s indie toku with a sexy catgirl heroine from the Line the Barbarian crew.
There's a claim that VHS only got popular due to porn, which is true to the max. Almost no regular movies were released until ~mid, late 80s. Pretty much anything before was (very softcore) porn. I'll include examples of this early fapfuel for company bosses ~ sale prices wildly beyond the $100 range for fully blurred bodies...
>a 00s comedy drama about a schizo couple
Japan made a movie about 2ch?
Thanks as always Raretoku.
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So we're getting a Dogengers stageshow event focused on both Maid Butlers now. Interestingly enough, they seemed to have adapted the fan nicknames for them (that being "Red Rose Maid Butler" for the original and "Blue Rose Maid Butler" for the new one.)
Behind the scenes on 特撮ラボ ゆるふわん. I don't remember the English name.
Did anyone actually get around to watching Janus no Kagami or am I reporting back after?
>Garo's mega torrent
>almost a year old
>expect it to be dead
>still going strong
I guess it's time to finally pick through the torrent for the shows I haven't seen yet.
ya know watching koseidon raws im genuinely surprised he has a color timer (his belt btw)

like i get the kyodais having one but id assume a human sized hero would be less invincible
He does? Damn that’s unusual for henshin heroes with very rare exceptions like zubat
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Oh hey, KRDL is back. Glad it's not kill even if I've already hoarded my faves.
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Just watched the first two episode last night and I'm enjoying it. Took me an embarrassingly long time to realize the theme is a Japanese version of a song from Streets of Fire.
I'll try if I can make subs for at least some. The trailers on this are insane. The guys from Line really dig their military stuff. Or they at least watched lots of Schwarzenegger and Stallone films back in the day.

I hope subbing Line itself is also a possibility.
It's not impossible, but frustrating. Line's main issue is the abysmal sound quality throughout the first half when they shot on VHS and often didn't bother with an external microphone.
It's bad to the point that native Japanese people struggle with it. They overdubbed parts of those episodes at least twice, and it still sucked.
And native speakers can kinda fill in blanks like (example) word(s) would probably make sense in context, but you'd need the script to actually know. And I'm nowhere near that level.
~Episode 7 is when they actually get a proper audio mixer.
There was this toku/mech show where there were teams of 3 people and each pilot had a mech, can't remember what it was called.
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Masakazu Katsura's manga Wingman is getting a live action adaptation to celebrate its 40th anniversary.
>After 40 years it is now toku
I don't think it's that one. Does someone's mech in that get wrecked badly, and one of the enemies eat food with humans?
Y'Know, I actually DM'd the studio on Twitter a few months ago asking if the could do English subs, or barring that do Japanese subs so I or someone else could at least work from there.

They said "we'll talk to the directors", & that's all she wrote.
Title: [GLRemux] Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (2003) (60fps)
>Video Source: Bunny Hat Raw
>Subtitle Source: Miss Dream
Note: [GLRemux] doesn't have
>[Miss Dream] Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon - Act Zero - Birth of Tuxedo Mask_v2.mkv (80.4 MiB)
>[Miss Dream] Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon - Act Zero - Hina Afterward_v2.mkv (79.1 MiB)
If you're planning on downloading it. Pretty hyped to see how it looks in 60fps. I enjoyed PGSM.
That's funny, because I was wondering if this show got a bluray release.
What's the status on the Anime and Manga being translated? Wingman always looked cool and this new show is giving me the push to finally check it out.
I'm actually genuinely surprised it didn't get a toku earlier. Though I did hear rumors that they tried way back when but nothing obviously happened.
Depends on if Toei even has the license anymore. I could see it happening eventually, if they do. I'm guessing that it was shot with the same cameras as early Heisei Kamen Rider, which had good transfers to HD(except Blade, which won't even be good. RIP).
>(except Blade, which won't even be good. RIP).
Ore no karada wa boroboro da
I meant to say "which won't ever be good" but I failed at typing.
Kamen Rider Blade is so fucking good.
I just checked and the final Sailor Moon Crystal movie released last sumer. So I would assume that Toei would still have the rights to rerelease PGSM on BluRay.
I'm pretty sure it's in the vault indefintely. Discotek said they couldn't get the rights. If Toei were ever going to rerelease it they would have done it last year for the 20th anniversary.
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I have vague memories of somebody saying Takeuchi didn't like the show, but I have no idea if that's actually true.
Manga scanlations haven't been updated in a year. The guy subbing the anime releases an episode every few months. If we're lucky the entire show will be done by the end of the decade.
it seems like there's a ton of conficting info about the show because I remember hearing she was super involved with the show, even more than the anime
I'm on episode 37 of Janperson. First, I'm loving it, and it's on the fast track to being one of my favorite Toku shows.

Second, I actually noticed something I found very interesting about Tatewaki/Billgoldy compared to the other two groups: His MO seems to be corruption/manipulation. He claims to strive to be the ultimate evil, and I think he fits the bill.
The Neo Guild makes their own robots and the Super Science Network makes their own experiments (for the most part). But like JRR Tolkien famously said, evil can only corrupt, not create. That's Tatewaki. His greatest achievements always tend to be forcing good people/bots into doing his bidding, or taking powerful forces for good and corrupting them into a force of evil (trying to make Janperson's car, convincing a powerful alien to kill Janperson, the bioborg project, etc). And despite not having the resources or genius of the other two villain factions, he's now easily the largest threat of the three.
He just comes off as a very classic and different breed of evil compared to the other two big bads. I can see why he's the most known villain.
Nah she disliked the original anime, due to it changing a lot of stuff. In contrast she was more involved with PGSM and prefers it as a result.
Apparently that's just due to Toei never intending it to release outside Japan for whatever reason. So it could just be a weird contract thing or just Toei being their usual selves about a western release.
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>she disliked the original anime, due to it changing a lot of stuff
She probably loved Crystal then. Also OG Sailor Moon anime is better than everything else, including the Manga.
The Makai Tree/Doom Tree arc was a filler arc for Sailor Moon R, and it's unironically the best part of the entire 5 seasons.
>Toei never intending it to release outside Japan for whatever reason
How big is the western fanbase for Sailor Moon these days? I know they got all 4 Crystal movies, so it has to exist. They worried that PGSM wouldn't sell?
I'd think that between the Sailor Moon fanbase and the toku fanbase, that it should be able to be worth licensing.
I wish I could ask whoever worked on creating Godzilla's roars how they made this one. It sounds so scary. It ties the whole ending of this movie together.
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Koichi Sakamoto very likely directing this judging from some of the shots.
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> release a recording of the show
> audio is taken by recording the mics along with the ambiance sounds instead of recording via the mics themselves, so the resulting audio is shit.

Literally why release anything at that point, the production is like 4 dudes on a stage at a time so the audio is half the play.
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Episode 01 of Line now available with halfway decent English subs (altho definitely still some mistakes)

>This was already worked on eons ago and I completely forgot about it until some people reminded me.
/otg/anons being super based.
I hope more is a possibility!
It's "vacuous flicker" (ヴァキャウスフリッカー), not "vacuum flicker".

Also worth mentioning, Line has been George Lucas'd a few times, & while this episode, "Self Control", is the first on all modern releases of the show, it wasn't when originally released, it was preceded by the episodes "Burning Heart" & "Survivor", the latter now being considered an "Episode 0".

OK lemme elaborate on all that.

So here's the original episodes 1 & 2, Burning Heart & Survivor.

Here's an alternate cut of Survivor.

Survivor again, now listed as episode 0.

& the original version of episode 3, Self Control, now episode 1 in the remastered version.
I think "it's my town" is supposed to be "it's my turn".
Work was mostly done for the first 3 episodes. Though it'd be easier if someone could check the TL prior, it also works if people add in suggestions in the thread and I put them in afterwards. Subbing helps improve my Japanese, but I do it rarely, so you can't expect the same quality of translation as someone who's been at it for years yet.

Noted and thanks a lot for the correction. Episode 0 is like a prototype for a film festival and not considered canon, so Self Control is supposed to be the first in terms of a continuous story. Main difference compared to the VHS is that the explanation for Line's powers is different. I went with the 2003 because that's the standardized version (and it gets confusing if you have to look at all the re-edits they made... there's too many).
>you can't expect the same quality of translation as someone who's been at it for years yet.
People only talk big online, they have no actual standards. We read MTL. The fact that you're fixing things is all that we can hope for.
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so the most interesting toku play is unwatchable huh
more jisariz is coming?
Inoue did say something about season 2 sometime ago
Alright, I've got both versions of the Hyou-Man manga scanned/ripped now!

Next I'm gonna scan the Rainbowman manga!
Well just watched my first tokusatsu movies in awhile after going through oldschool ova’s and movies, these both being keita amamiya original’s, mirai ninja and zeiram(gonna watch the anime next for this), really great stuff
>zeiram(gonna watch the anime next for this)
The anime is a prequel to the first movie, released between the two movies, but I'd suggest watching it after Zeiram 2.
It's not going to spoil anything, regardless of when you watch it, but the two live action movies share the same cast, while the anime doesn't. The anime is still good, it has a different feel, but it's not an R-Rated anime.
I knew that actually, with your suggestion i’ll check out the second movie before the anime version
I only watched for the first few minutes.
This production really feels like toku, anybody knows who are the staffs?
Is the main actress supposed to be a streamer in real life or something?
Do uh, the Japanese movies about like, Ringu, Ju-On, Kuchisake-Onna and other spooky ghosts women consider Tokusatsu?

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