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What happened with this movie? The first half was actually pretty interesting, but it went absolutely insane in the second bit.
>Even more Ultimate Coordinators
>Let's do the Destiny Plan again
>Psychic NTR
>"I was made for you on a genetic level"
>More variants of the Freedom, Destiny and Justice
>Kira now has the power of Zeus
The colors for the Mobile Suits were weird, too. It's an odd complaint, but I feel that they all looked kind of washed-out and bland color-wise. I also don't understand why they imitated the old stock footage from the TV series (Most of Shinn's moves are entirely from the Destiny's stock footage.)
They imitated the stock footage for the sake of nostalgia, iirc.
I keep seeing this take that the first half of the movie was interesting and I don't get how that's possible, the events of the first half only happen because Lacus is turned into the dumbest person ever, and that's without the Accord powers bullshit.

With how bad the rest of the movie looks it feels like that statement is more of a cop out. That frame of Ingrid crying is one of the worst drawings I've ever seen.
I guess it's because the latter half of the movie is a very generic space punch-up.
The Accords aren't really Ultimate Coordinators, at least not the way Kira is. Kira has maximum human genetic potential, potential being the keyword. The Accords are Ultimate Coordinators in the sense that they're literally lab grown superhumans designed with the genetic destiny of standing at the top of humanity. That's why Orphee is so obsessed with mating with Lacus, he was created with that purpose. His fate is predetermined and he can't fathom straying from it.
Maybe, but "oh, yeah, I meant to do that" is one of the most classic deflections and this is not a setting known for competence.
Pulling up years old footage would suggest that it was deliberate. Especially in this day and age where you can just contract decent animators for pennies
What really confuses me is how technology is supposed to work in this setting. You have Orb and Compass with a technological advantage over everything that ever exists, but one faction (the PLANTs) are run entirely by superhumans, who probably have the edge in research.
I mean in UC you had the Newtype bottleneck, and anyway most stuff was produced by the same company (barring, say, the Unicorn which was funded by the Jewish conspiracy.)
But how is ZAFT (or whatever they call themselves now) and Foundation getting out-tech'd by a small nation the size of Singapore?
I thought Immortal Justice was sexy and disappointed it just got stomped on like that.
Wasn't it just a recolored Savior?
You might have a point if they deliberately used old stock footage as-is, but actually reanimating it in the new style is completely intentional.
You know in a weird way that makes Orphee slightly more sympathetic, since he literally has no choice.
I hate it when I notice the 3DCG mobile suits have their stomachs obviously stretching around, all flexible like.
He almost understood that there are other pussies to smash but he was up for execution for the crime of trying to bang Lacus.
>That's why Orphee is so obsessed with mating with Lacus, he was created with that purpose. His fate is predetermined and he can't fathom straying from it.
Imagine being literally created to be a cuck.
Well yeah, the whole movie is garbage. I just don't get the praise the first half gets.

It literally doesn't because the way the genetic attraction works and the Accords act shows that genes do not strip you of your will, you are still the maker of your own destiny, Accords included. It's not something only we viewers realise, it's painfully obvious in the anime as well.
Also, the Accords are beings with greater intellect that can read minds, boiling the whole thing down to "they are just following their abusive mother's ideology" doesn't work.
>Also, the Accords are beings with greater intellect that can read minds, boiling the whole thing down to "they are just following their abusive mother's ideology" doesn't work.
People with higher IQ are more likely to become antisocial. A lot of high IQ people in history were even unusual human beings who were famous because of their accomplishments, not because they were of good character.
Imagine being hyped up/gaslighted by your mom/creator that you're this ubermensch gigachad who has a girl who is literally built for your dick, but she would rather choose the pathetic beta virgin failure that your mom seethes about.
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This is anti-woke agenda by Fukuda for mocking DEI with destiny plan since both hates natural love and force their agenda by violence. And it has cute girls(aside from Meiryn being ruined to be uglier than Suletta) unlike G-woke with calart level ugly body type Bs. Since Fukuda is anti-DEI for being netouyo.
Wait, that was Meyrin? I thought she was new character entirely!
I guess everyone looked basically identical, Lunamaria, her pink-haired rival and Meyrin all looked the same.
She pilots Spec ops MA named Cavalier.
>My mom said I'm quite a catch!
That's shrek
She spends all her time carrying Athrun around? So is she the space wife while Cagalli is the Earth wife?
I mean they've been indoctrinated since they were "born" without a doubt. The novel makes it outright clear when it mentions why Shura goes back instead of going after the Strike Freedom despite really wanting to.

Their mother is no slouch in greater intellect, and she has a vast history of training humans to call on- the Accord's didn't stand a chance.

Armament wise? much worse and i dont buy the cant use canons in MS bullshit
>it went absolutely insane in the second bit

So exactly true to seed and seed destiny
At least seed had Rau.
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Why did Assrun, Son of Zaft chose Earthling instead of his brethren?
what frame of crying Ingird exactly? the film does have rough drawings all over the it, but so are there good ones. Hirai is credited as the sole supervisor iirc and a lot of cuts look corrected by him. many close-ups of Lacus and Agnes, etc. come to mind.
Cagalli is also a Coordinator anyway, isn't she? She's Kira's sister, so she's also enhanced. She even has SEED mode, which is Coordinator-only.

She wasn't modified before she came out of Via's uterus. It was Kira and Kira only that Ulen modified.
ouch. yeah, this was the most egregious instance of the ugly animation i had on mind as well. just forgot she was crying there. thought you meant the scene when Orphee slapped her

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