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Damn Haman looks like THAT?
That ain’t haman
>pig ring
I can't watch netflix garbage of any kind without getting this horrible feeling of unease. I tried watching that awful Fall of the House of Usher show and it felt like my soul had nausea. To a lesser extent, I had the same gut reaction to that awful Pacific Rim show.
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Can't spell Haman without ham.
I would like to start by apologizing to the members of this Assembly and all Federation citizens. We mean no disrespect to you by taking control of this session.
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She looks like a character that would be used in anti-Zeek propaganda. Like how in propaganda from WW2, countries painted their enemies as disgusting barbarians or over the top caricatures. Meth Haman here looks right at home on a poster trying to get dumb young kids to try the war effort
>Guys hear me out... What if Zeon was.... Misunderstood and fighting for freedom?
Crucify every single Netflix writer. Oh sorry I mean Rooster Teeth, since the guy that wrote Gen:Lock wrote this.
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Hot Topic Harley Quinn Haman Karn isn't real she cant hurt you.
Side 3 anti space radiation protection was as good as federation promised
what is this from
Latest Requiem for Vengeance trailer
New Netflix movie where Zeon is le good and the federation le bad.
I laughed. Good job on this anon, if you made it.
Suicide Squad UC 0087
I did yes, thank you
Average spacenoid """ woman" ""
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This was such a fucking genius idea I had to give it a try myself. Anon, you did damn good by the Federation today.
Stop because the female equlivent of this would be Char and Garma vs Hayato and Ryu Jose. It just doesnt work if you reverse it and do it with boys. All the ugly ladies are going into space to try and get attention from cute twinks I guess?
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You're never going to get to the finish line with that kind of attitude.
>A show with ugly women
How the hell would a good writer, let alone a Netflix writer, manage to whitewash Operation British?
Damn bro this absolutely shits over my attempt. I gotta brush up on my photoshop skills
Nah man, you had the idea. Give yourself credit where it's due.
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Nach Nagalas, Zeon de Ash, Doom adu'Zmer'glars. (Zeon dialect- It's over, Zeon has fallen, billions must die)

I thought Zeon as conservative and brave space samurai like Ral, Norris, Misha, Gato, but when did Zeon turned into diverse and inclusive goons, instead of stoic and brave space samurais?
Korshala Deikun...(Zeon dialect: until we meet with Deikun..)
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No way that Zeon is that woke. I thought Zeon as conservative space samurai like Ral, Norris, Misha, Gato...
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We've been over this already faggot
kill yourself bikini schizo
Why do people do that?
Yes, but does she go with Rye?
Solari looks like anti zeon propaganda stereotype if buckteeth is added.
what is this from?
That isn't Haman Karn that's Haman Ketamine
Look, there wasn't any fucking thing else to do on Axis, might as well get fucked up.
This guy is so hilariously stupid I hope he stays posting his weird shit.
Or man.
Good lord, no wonder Judau didn't fuck her.
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>and the west wondered why they are going so broke that they had to fire sale one of their legendary companies, USS, that made them who they are
You really are living proof that all SEA monkeys should be banned.
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nah, she looks like this
>SEA monkeys
He's korean.

Do one with Bianca and whaetver zeek girl is since they're both pink/red haired tatoo'd bitches
Tomino was right.
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But Zeon is alien so they would have different language from Earthlings. En taro Deikun. Na adan Zeon!!
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that Japanese anime will be doomed due to working condition and China will take over, but ironically, Video game got hit by this first for not only working condition(since AAA industries have same issue) but for DEI,SBI and LGBT. While Korea and China takes over for Korea and China has 5000 years of history and have robust belief so that they never kneel to wokism and SBI, and love freedom.
FF7RB flopping due to SBI while Stellar blade outselling this is the proof that Tomino's concern hit Video game before anime. Since 2023, Kishida has banned bikinis from Japanese anime and console game.

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