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File: knights of sidonia.jpg (232 KB, 680x1000)
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Knights of Sidonia
Did the anime finish adapting the manga?
I recall watching the first season all the way back when it was one of the first netflix 'originals'
There was a movie last year.
Instead of another season, we have got a movie, but that's about it.
Yes, they finished it off with a movie. IT changed a couple things but pretty faithful overall
>nihei's worst work is the most popular
The power of harem shit is overwhelming
File: tsugumori_kibash.jpg (111 KB, 960x1280)
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Tsutomu Nihei built this in his apartment! With a pile of gunpla!
File: tsumugi.png (1.83 MB, 2090x3000)
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1.83 MB PNG
urethral catheter

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