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Aside from the literal death god thing, this wasnt bad at all. And though probably not the case, i hope RFV has similar action scenes/ emphasis on military aspect, and not just "unstoppable protagonist zaku is our only hope hurr" (it probably will be). Anyways, what scenes or details did you guys like/dislike? Also any other /m/edia thats similar?
I don’t get why people are against the death god since it’s a clear reference to the death god of previous work
I enjoyed the hell out of MS Igloo, Elmer's Zaku is my favorite in the whole franchise.
The first Igloo didn't have anything like it. Ghosts up and talking to characters in Gundam isn't anything new but the Death God was more of a looming, overwhelming presence and was not based on anyone who'd previously been alive, making her even weirder among Gundam's ghostly cohort,
Look im not completely against it, it was just executed a lil too corny at times and felt a bit put of place in quite a few scenes.
I liked how they portrayed the effect of the 155mm guns on the tanks, and the final dual sabot shot was awesome
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where's my HG Assault Guntank, Bandai? Hidolfr and Oggo got kits but not this thing?

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