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Have you seen his show yet?
Obari's magnum opus? Of course I have.
looks kinda gay
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
fotm fujoshit. This trash is somehow worse than Obari sissyfying the IWGP belt
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I have. It was ga-ga-pi
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Bowling ga-pi!!
you spelled SRWOGIN wrong
I don't really think that's a word.
Super Robot Wars Original Generation The Inspector
lurk more, newfag
Technically that's still not a word.
Also it's usually got a space or colon or something in there.
Watched his show a few months ago.
I've been away for a while, has there been any major updates since like, late may?
For mecha in general, Grendizer U's premiere last month.
Dude. Did we watch the same show? Shit was bara as fuck. NO sissy husbando shit there man. Just pure man on man Van Darkholme shit.
update for what?
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Last big thing was the matsuri event and went extremely well even if people were on edge until the very end.
Everyone hoped for something big, but they announced the Round 1 collab (the bowling here >>22764681), the OST release and a comic anthology handled by Kadokawa.
This morning was announced a Bravern x Donki collab with the female cast
>Coolest non-preachy LGBT+ show we had in decades
>Overshadowed by coomer slop like the "dude what if magical girls had gay sex??" show
I'm still upset.
>faggots trying to not be insufferable
>challenge level: impossible
Both things can coexist anon but the comparison is not fair when they come from two different genres and source.
original mecha/super robot show are niche if they don't belong to a big household name, like gundam (and even there doesn't translate to instant success) while the other is an adaptation of a ecchi yuri published on a seinen magazine.
But as a matter of fact Bravern wasn't overshadowed. On niconico viewers rating Bravern was always on top when it was broadcasting, except for two episodes (8 and 11).
Several times.

>OST release
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on the event stream they quickly showed the tracklist and the new illustration of the cover
on cygames store (purchase bonus is a bromide)
and ppl already found the amazon jp page (the bonus is a mega jacket (24cm x 24cm))
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Kind of related, Obari finally shared what he gonna release as doujinshi since he's attending at summer comiket.
It's a compilation of his work, not just Bravern but what he had done in the last years.
Wrong thread anon >>22766487
Next time tell them not to release a sequel novel which somehow manages to piss off pretty much all the fans of the different configurations of the main couple.
We don't know if it's a legit sequel (more a bridge for the sequel) or non-canon material since the novel ending imply some ambiguity.
Anyway the problem was the writing, handled by someone who doesn't write novels but scripts, not shipping. It was a very sad fumble, but no one is perfect.
People are still not that cool with it, but after the two dramas that showed more about the big issue in the novel, i think in retrospective many are kind of understanding what he wanted to write.
What's the problem with the novel?
I dropped gayvern
The novel is fine. The poor reaction happened because of its staggered rollout and because fans don’t know how to read. For a few days everyone was playing telephone with a small group of loud shippers who made up events that would’ve been bad, if they’d been in the novel. Once most people got their copy and read it for themselves, they realized that nothing those shippers claimed actually happened, and have calmed down for the most part.
Wait, I do agree that a lot of people overreacted but the problem with the writing still stands. Why muddle something so straightforward like the ep 9 twist when all the material we got, like the Lulu spin-off, confirms it.
>who made up events that would’ve been bad, if they’d been in the novel
Uh, explain.
I don’t think it was muddled at all. I think it treats Bravern=Smith as fact, and expects the readers to do the same, since it’s so clear cut in the show and in the Lulu spinoff. When Smith “talks” with Bravern, it’s not that they’re two separate entities, it’s just two parts of him coming together to make a decision what to do next. Sure, the medium affected what that “looks” like, but I think that a lot of the initial readers didn’t actually think about what they’d read when they started talking about it online, and ended up spreading false info that freaked everyone else out.

>Uh, explain.
What I saw was people claiming that the ATF being happy when Bravern showed up meant they didn’t care about Smith, that Smith lost his identity and was reduced to a vessel for a parasitic Bravern, that Isami was confirmed to only like Bravern and not Smith. Some more stuff I’m forgetting, probably. Stuff that I agree would’ve been bad, but didn’t happen.
Honestly I agree with you that a lot of people, even the ones who strongly believe that Bravern is Smith got effected more by fandom reaction, especially /that/ side of the fandom, than the actual material.
But I still think that the writing, especially in the second part was not the best which is why a lot of critiques were about that.
but really a lot of comments were very little about shipping and more about the characters alone
Then we can talk about how everyone expected more character introspection since the premise of the first part was implying that. It didn't deliver much aside a little bit on Isami's pov but even there wasn't much.
>Smith lost his identity and was reduced to a vessel for a parasitic Bravern
I'm 50/50 because I kind of understand were this comes from since aside that small part, that was also the second part preview, we don't get to see Smith's pov which imo was a mistake if the previous part you hint with that letter that there is something going on between him and Bravern.
When I mean muddled is having for example Isami have doubts about Bravern when 10sec after Smith/Bravern talked to him in episode 12 he was "oh ok, Smith was Bravern all-along. cool" amd at the end of the novel you have Lulu being "Now that you fuse you can't go back as you were" which read as very ambiguous even for native speakers and doesn't even help the ending with the "Really?" at the end.

Koyanagi can do his work and don't think what he did was 100% bad but clearly since he has no experience as novel writer the work is not the best. Probably whatever idea he had in mind didn't translate well in the novel format but if was turned into a audio drama, like the one he wrote for the bravern matsuri, probably it wouldn't end up like that.
I think we just might have to agree to disagree on this one. I see where you’re coming from, since a lot of this can be vague in isolation, but I think it makes sense in context. Lulu’s line, for example: “they can’t go back” is ambiguous, but less so after reading about Isami trying to “go back” to life as it was before Bravern. He’s considering riding his Rekka, contemplating how lonely his quiet room feels, so when he fuses with Bravern he’s accepting that he can never “go back.”

I do agree that Smith POV likely would’ve given more insight. I wonder how much of that is limited by what Koyanagi, Obari, and the rest can say about Smith and how much they have to resort to the 3-shop system. It seems like they’re going to continue using Bravern to show Smith’s feelings towards Isami as long as they keep writing with these characters, whether that is what fans want or not

I agree that it would’ve been better received as an audio drama too. The matsuri dramas were well-liked and Koyanagi’s didn’t read too different from the novel to me, and I think the seiyuu contribution made the tone of the whole thing more definitive.
In context is not so ambiguous because I understand is meant as "they can't go back to a normal life" since outing Bravern like that means that he exist in the real world. Hal King was trying to keep it hidden for Smith and Isami's sake.

Smith (Bravern) is the character with the most insight, you can assume a lot of things just watching the main show without extra content, I don't personally dislike the approach a lot of iconic characters don't have an extensively tl;dr on their thoughts and goals But don't think they are limiting themselves, after all was the Producer who proposed the idea of Smith being Bravern, so I think that they liked the concept enough to build the most important part of the plot around it.
But like I said before, we wouldn't have certain discussion (and a lot of distress) if a part of people wasn't so fixated not wanting Bravern to be born from a human and have said human "alive" inside of him and is the actualization of Smith and Isami's union (it's a little detail that is often ignored, i wonder why).

He wrote the dream one, funny he decided to write something absolutely inside but the only instance in which you see Bravern/Smith weakness and his fucked up perception of himself.
*insane lol
> was the Producer who proposed the idea of Smith being Bravern
Do you have a source? I must’ve missed where this came from.

I completely agree though, it seems like the existence of the “Bravern who isn’t Smith” crowd provokes a lot of defensiveness when it comes to people who like the text of the show as-is.

Yeah the dream was crazy, it was cool to see both sides of Smith/Bravern’s self-perception play out like that. I’m hoping they’ll expand on that thread a little more if there is more content; I find it really interesting.
I remember reading ona fusetter that was talking about Great Mechanics G or Hobby Japan where there was a roundtable between the staff, i can't link you a specific tweet or fusetter because i didn't save it
It’s cool, that narrows it down. Thanks!
Is this an underwear line?
Nah, classic merch based on original illustration thing. I think the theme was girls sleepover.
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saw a lot of posts of girls getting their copy of this, scalpers already put this on mercari kek
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And one got her own burn blade signed by bari
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>The planned number of copies of 大張魂 has been sold out
>Thank you to everyone who came to our circle!
>I hope to see you again in the winter.
>didn't make smut to fund season 2
Don't think they need that, but if you are talking about the doujinshi, it's autoproduced and an author never gain any money back, it's an losing investment.
Anyway, Bravern merch is selling pretty well, a day ago they announced they gonna resell the Matsuri merch (except for the keychains).
also looking at the cygame store, the OST is ranking 3rd after Uma Musume
Atm fans are asking for the Matsuri to be released as DVD/BD so people could rewatch it.
I know, it's just a joke like that myth from Godannar.
Joke or not, deep inside I wish he released more of his human art. Why he gave up on that, does he think his style doesn't suit the modern otaku taste or else?
The sample he posted of the Bravern OP looks good, even if they are just sketches.
>still no sequel announcement
How many people ITT are gay or female?
Why you want to rush things?
Does it need one?
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this show was such a let down in the 2nd half
I'm just curious because some of the posts here sound like they were written by gays or women. It would give me some insight on the demographics of the /m/ Bravern fandom.
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Obari said that he didn't write with any demographic in mind, it's the work he wanted to do for himself, I remember he answered very dryly when was asked if his work was taking inspiration from x or y work he worked or other mecha works (was one of the first talk shows iirc).
In jpn the ratio between male/female fans leans more to the female but no side is more relevant than another, of course the fact that there are a lot of fanart/fic aimed to a certain demographic is not strange and make it feels there are more women than men.
Ok, but are you gay or a woman?
Stay in reddit.
the things I'd do to superbia
It's understandable. Not a robofucker, but I get it.
t. homosexuals.
You are the one cruising in a basket weaving forum kek.
seething waifucuck
Obari will never pander to your ilk again. Stay mad.
At least you're not denying your sexuality now.
kys already, tourist.
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Stupid fucking show, catering to all my needs. I still miss you. Thank you Obari.
if anyone is interested, cygames store is reselling for a limited time the matsuri merch
Obari always delivers, never doubt Obari.
who's done the best subs?
There is a fansub for this show?
afaik no? cr picked it up a week late while aniplus asia picked it from the start, you can look at the archive and ppl got the first episode subs from aniplus
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Yes. The fallout where people were trying to justify that Isami and Smith weren't actually gay was some good mental gymnastics. Well played, show.
i just want to avoid crunchyroll
Go back to twitter dramafag.
SEA subs are usually way, way worse. Because SEAfags have no standards and only pretend to know English.
the only crime cr did do was messing up a important dialogue in episode 8 but the rest is average also not using the official romanization names for few characters
I think is one of the few instances that no one complained about that. a bunch of retards calling the show queerbait or other shit doesn't really count
Stop abusing spoiler text.
What are you waiting for?
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With the news of Atsuko Tanaka's death, Obari wrote a short message
>It was a great honor for me to work with you last year after a long time.

>I really wanted to ask you to do it...
>I really enjoyed our discussion about the role.
>I was very moved by your performance, which exceeded my imagination.

>I sincerely pray for Atsuko Tanaka's soul rest in peace.
>Thank you very much.

afaik i think it was one of her last /m/ roles, it's sad that such talented woman died so suddenly and young
>Atsuko Tanaka's death
Her son made an official statement and posted it on twitter
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9MH7a-UoWI :(
Man, that sucks.
I remember that Obari stated, not sure if was related to Bravern specifically or his more recent works, that he had to do now what he really wants to do as creative since a lot of people close to him are passed away due to age.
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Episode 4 of Senshi Mirai Lulu
Episode 5 will be released tomorrow on Hobby Japan issue.
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New info about the Round 1 Collab
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the new chibi art is very cute
lulu playing football is adorable, can't tell what isami is holding in his hands (smith has a rudgby ball, superbia a tennis racket and bravenr a microphone).
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Another good news, they releasing Bravern setting materials book
>This is a must-have setting material collection for fans, with a massive 144-page volume that includes not only the charming characters that appear in the anime "Yuki Bakuhatsu Burn Braeburn," such as Isami and Smith, but also Braeburn, Death Drives, TS aircraft, cockpits, and art backgrounds!
>release date: scheduled for release around October 18, 2024
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chugai mail order for the merch of the Round 1 collab
>[Reservation period]
Friday, September 13, 2024, 10:00 to Sunday, December 8, 2024, 23:59
Scheduled to be shipped sequentially from around March 2025
was announced month ago on Great Mechanics G, that futabasha would release a mookbook on Bravern , here the details
you can already pre-order it from rakuten
if you look at futabasha they published in the past other mecha mookbooks, like the one for hathaway's flash
Where are my Burn Dragon preorders at Goodsmile.
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It's still wip

Blast Rhinos that appears in the Mirai Senshi Lulu spin-off
It really has that holo in the background lol.
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Superbia falls in an acceptable zone on the attached chart.
its not just the design, because my fave would be cunus and cupy, but sugita's voice acting gave him a lot of charm
Deadline for THE合体 DX Braeburn is tomorrow 28th August
Any pachinko news?
There's chinko news.
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You can pre-order the OST on Cygames store
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Nice cover.
Happy birthday to captain Alaka’i and Isami
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Anisama stage went smoothly
as both Isami and Smith's VAs started to undress the audience cheered and from the people who went there seems like not just women were impressed but also men
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Is there any chance to see their performance ourselves? Like will someone upload this online?
BD/DVD release of the event, but i read that last year anisama was broadcasted on jpn tv at the end of the year. anyway im pretty sure that someone will upload it on bilibili
Cool, well good to know we’ll be able to see it in due time. It’s going to be hard waiting months.
This is what Obari wanted to see, I hope he's happy.
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Based, americans could never.
Is Suzumura's hiatus over?
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Yes, he officially came back for the Matsuri event.
I think it was his first activity after his hiatus, but i could be wrong
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They looked good with their outfit and the sleeveless shirt. They both said that they worked out hard to get in shape (i guess it was less harder for Isami's VA since he was doing that already lol).
Anyway, they released the preview of chapter 5 on HJ site
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I read a bunch of comments and seems that Superbia is supposed to be white, not black? But didn't read the preview
Animelo has always had a TV cut near the end of the year and a physical release in February to March.
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The Animelo account posted they gonna broadcast on BS11 channel.
He is, he posted
>As the director of this film, I am deeply moved that we have been able to get to this point.
>As the sound director who cast Suzumura-san, Suzuki-san, and Azagami-san, I am overwhelmed with emotion...
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And nothing happened yesterday.
Smith is American though.
It was great but it would have been better if it had hand drawn robots and Obari's girl designs
The Anthology they announced last month updated their page on Rakuten adding more details
>196 pages
>Up-and-coming creators unite with courage! Bang Bravern A!! Isami! Smith! Lulu! Laughter and tears, and what happens after the final episode? The cover illustration is an original drawing by character designer Kamo Kamen!! Participating creators are Kozo Omori, Hiyon Katsuragi, Yutaka Akatsu, PINAKES, Mizuki Sakura, Futarou, domco, and Yuki Sakuraba

Seems like it's more than just one volume seeing the number in the title.
196 pages and 8 artists, 24 pages for each one. Not bad.
I read people are fearing an After Story 2.0 but IDK don't think they gonna expand the canon in a similar way, since it's an anthology with different artists.
I remember seeing a Spark Kaiser art as one of the previews they showed when they announced the project.
those are more artists than were in the original announcement, the new ones mentioned are non-mech artists.

people getting worried over nothing when it's probably just going to be a cute SOL thing.
>twitter drama
It's funny to call it in that way when it's about people who support the show, especially with their money, since day one
I agree about them being too defensive but honestly I understand where they come from since the BD didn't cost like 10 bucks. The anthology is not that expensive, and probably will be just fluff material that doesn't influence the actual show.
>those are more artists than were in the original announcement, the new ones mentioned are non-mech artists
this is what was showed during the stream when they announced it
So like, how much of it was Smith being gay and how much of it was being merged with the Lust Deathdrive
Smith isn't gay, he is Isamisexual.
She died the moment they merged, it was all Smith. The only things he inherited from her body were the time/space powers. Keep in mind the reason she was attracted to him out every other person on Earth were the hidden feelings he couldn’t tell anyone, as opposed to Bravern who openly expressed those feelings.
Yeah, there are definitely women and homos posting in this thread.
Your male lover? Of course you're a bottom.
He did not merge, she died. Kunus only cared about Smith not about Isami kek
finally, FINALLY watched the first episode; and what a riot! I'll devour the whole series in pretty short order, I think.
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Glad you liked it. Enjoy and may the Getter Rays be with you.
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I feel like I am good just skipping the kit and doing with the DX.
Unless Burn Bravern moderoid has a bit more interesting proportions to it.
Kill yourself.
Lead by example, o captain my captain!
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at the end of the month part of the staff
>Nobuhiro Takenaka (Executive Producer)
>Keigo Koyanagi (series composition)
>Watanabe Takashi (music producer? idk it's 劇伴制作)
>Mizuki Sakura (Mechanical Design)
>Yusuke Katada (Producer)
is going to hold in osaka a staff talk show
they are selling tickets for the venue, there is a form on the site to submit questions/topic to talk during the talk show but no streaming
I'm jealous.
The worst Obari thing? No, I haven't and I'm not going to. Also, CG mecha is garbage mecha and I'm not fucking watching it.
It's all downhill from there.
This show fucking reeks and I hate when shows like this are made because the most insufferable people on the planet turn up to give it grade-a cunnilingus when it's mediocre at best just because they catered to their fetish or they're brain rotted out of their minds and clap because "muh representation" fuck off with this shit we had a big titty mechanic and she barely showed a millimetre of cleavage the fuck happened to you Obari?
Wrong thread >>22827696
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I wanted to because of the girls until I saw what was going on in it. Then I saw Cygames as the makers, and suddenly it all made sense.
What's the deal with white Superbia?
NTA but if you mean lulu's spin-off in the bravern&isami dead timeline, it's related to the fact that for some reason copies of DDs spawned, but i can't tell you from where because didn't understand that, but they showed Vanitas, Cunus (which is calling for Smith's soul inside Bravern's core) and Bellator (i think they call it like that??) aka white Superbia
if you meant something else, please explain
That is what I meant. I had no idea Lulu’s story was getting so crazy.
I wish I could understand more about it, there is no proper translation so a lot of what i know it's mtl and fans summaries of each chapters.
so far the interesting part is giving more highlight to the rest of the cast, like the other pilots like hibiki or satake, still is unknown what kind of creature are these clones
the interesting detail is what i mentioned about smith's soul inside bravern core, even before this lulu recognized what was left of bravern, the torso with the core like we see in episode 11, what's left of smith
What we know it's just that earth is at peace in the timeline they show us, lulu growing up and all so I'm curious how things will develop with these new details.
worded the spoiler part horribly in the last part, she refer to bravern's core as smith
So the new DDs, though I guess they were just reprinted, have memories of what happened in the series?
They are copies/clones, so not new but it's too early to say anything about them. Seems like they have some kind will but it's unclear,
>have memories
the cunus' copy was calling for smith so maybe??
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Seems like another anthology popped up, but it's not clear it's the sequel of the one published by Kadokawa or another work under a different publisher, Gakken
>A comic anthology of the original TV anime "Courage Explosion Burn Brave Burn". It features the best comics by 18 manga artists. The cover is by character designer Koichi Motomura, and the frontispiece is by character designer Kamo Kamen and animation director Ryuta Ura. At the end of the volume, there is a special roundtable discussion between director Masami Ohbari, series composer Keigo Koyanagi, Koichi Motomura, and Kamo Kamen
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>"Yamane Masahiro Art Collection Re:Hero to Masahiro" Book Cover Revealed
>This is the first art book by animator/mechanic designer Yamane Masahiro , who is responsible for mecha design and drawing in various robot anime including "Yuuki Bakuhatsu Bang Bravern"!
Includes many of his copyrighted illustrations and design drawings!
>[Wednesday, October 2nd] Scheduled for release!
more details on the content
Scans never.
Masahiro Yamane worked on different gundams shows and Brave serie so who knows
I liked it. It was a great homage to the Brave series, and Obari certainly delivered on the quality. Superbia being a Lian reference was kinda disappointing, but it’s nice to see more weapon Mecha.

I gotta be honest, though. Burn Bravern is a bit….iffy. I get it’s a reference to Gravion and every leading Brave robot, but the arms missing some of the blue really bugs me. Like Obari gave up halfway through.

There’s also the weird time travel mechanic that should’ve been more fleshed out, but I guess side material can cover that.

Bravern is handsome, though.
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>I get it’s a reference to Gravion and every leading Brave robot
I wish /m/fags will stop to say this show was an homage to the Brave serie (or a parody, even worse imo) when nothing in the plot or characters dynamic play in that way, especially when the author himself never mentioned Brave or his previous works as reference or homage (and Japanese authors are not shy to declare such thing).
It's just bad PR that only exist in the english speaking side of the internet for some reason. I'd prefer people to call it Super Robot Madoka (or Ryuki)

ANYWAY, new line stickers
It's more a parody of western action movies than being a mecha parody. And this is was actually talked about since the scriptwriter mentioned being a fan of western movies and Obari wanting to mix real robot, using as inspiration Hollywood action movies, and super robot
The only big reference to another japanese show is in the last episode and it's ultraman.
Damn, Godannar got two mecha as its reps on the cover.
Dann of Thursday from GunxSword.
Have fun with GunxSword then, anon-kun.
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>Package art revealed
>"M2 Exceed Rhinos" by Yukishiro Chifuyu (@c000vetr) The plastic model package that appeared in the original episode 8 is now available as a real product! Please wait a little longer until it is released!
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Episode 5 free to read on HJ site and seems like the final episode will be published on tomorrow HJ issue.
If someone wants to get Futabasha Mook Book
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New merch
First time Satake appearing in the line-up.
It's unexpected how they included mecha in a collaboration like this, the pattern design of the tea cup&saucer and the handkerchief are very nice
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Gakken Anthology cover was released before the Cygames x Kadokawa comic anthology
You can pre-order it here
but afaik can be bought digitally
Smith and Bravern are so handsome
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The staff talk show ended, there are reports going around, i'll try post a translated summary (or link a jpn one)
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anyway they said that the OST is gonna release on streaming platforms
In the second part of the talk they showed preliminary sketches of the main cast, before the official designs were finalized. of course there are no pictures and seems like they don't appear in the setting material collection book, the one released by cygames

>17 years old, gives the vibes of a main protagonist
>his haircut was similar to captain satake
>they showed 6 different headshot with different hairstyles: long hair, ponytail, lulu-like hairstyle, and hairstyle made by lulu (with multiple buns)
they say six but these are the only one they mention
>he almost look the same but younger to match isami's age
>middle parting haircut
>the face looks slightly longer the sideburns are different
>in the army, not marines
>good looking (they use the term 顔が良い its otaku slang)
>nothing different in her face except she looks more serious
>a lot of different hairstyles that were also showed in the anime in episode 4
leaving the last two points untranslated because i don't get the context
>miyu looks the same, they saw a drawing of her up in a scrunchie, there was also a three-dimensional drawing of her wearing her uniform
>hibiki is the same of miyu, her design didn't change much but her original name was akane (read in the file name)

>Full-body uniforms of Isami, Hibiki, and Smith
Isami and Hibiki are wearing the new uniforms of the JGSDF, and Smith is wearing the Army uniform, not the Marines.
source https://x.com/nikutabetai502/status/1839984670949212329
They made the right choice aging them up.
Whenever Hawaii became a key part of the setting is when I guess Smith was changed from Army to Marines, as the former doesn't really participate in Pacific exercises, to my knowledge. Was it when Obari was vacationing there a couple years ago?
I remember more than once is mentioned that Obari really loves Hawaii, so probably writing down the script with Koyanagi (who is also a military adviser, at least for his previous works for ultraman was also listed as such) they came up with the idea of setting it around the time of RIMPAC. At least I assume, I don't remember in the past they mentioned anything specific.

Anyway, some people are already drawing by memory the early draft sketches they saw at the event
At some point they mentioned the content of the Kadokawa Anthology, which explain why was teased this scene >>22825014
>In the comics, since the existence of Bravern has been kept secret after the main story (just like after story, it seems that the setting is that Smith and Isami are performing in a two-seater on the Ortos as a propaganda piece to make it seem as though they saved the world.
>I thought the exchange of "Let's go, Isami!" and "Yes!" was just an otaku hallucination, but I was wrong...
They also showed the cover of the anthology, with Isami and Smith doing a heart with their arms and Lulu on the front. Isami is wearing a white t-shirt, Smith red and Lulu blue.
Original doomed timeline OVA when.
I want that, I want Future Warrior Lulu animated, I want the epilogue animated, I'll take anything. I'd watch a compilation movie so they can touch up the ending.
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a detail that i completely missed, didn't clarify, is that smith was supposed to be older, 24 year old.

Anyway, about the talk show, they talked about interesting stuff, they are very colloquial, people who went there felt like a bar chat so I feel it's bit hard to translate
I'll post summaries that the aunties who went there compiled
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You can pre-order the book on Amazon jp link on the link, there are bunch of preview pics and list of content

About the Kadokawa x Cygames Anthology, it sold out on Rakuten but you can still pre-order it on other bookstores.
Personally I'm waiting to see the preview of the cover before booking it
Fellas, is it homosexual activity to get inside a robot and jerk its joystick?
How else is he supposed to control it, his dick? Now that would be gay.
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Futabasha mookbook cover and table of content on the rakuten page
Release: October 9th
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found pic of the table of content with better image quality
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Bros, did you get your own sexy Bravern daki?
Are these all new interviews? I’m thinking of those tweets where people wonder if there will a collection of the random bits of info that Obari has revealed over the months.
Is this official?
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yes, was sold on cygames shop.
I collected almost all the interviews (except for the ones on HJ) on paper so I can easily check if there are dupes, but the list is pretty long and features a lot of designers, so who knows.
Is it normal for a show to get this much attention from the staff? Could more animated content be in production/planning?
depends, since it's an original production obari was the director who handled the project (with the producer) and hired friends and colleagues i guess you have different kind of mood going on.
about the future, no one knows but since bravern i doing better than expected we might hope for something.
Were there not vague statements of "interest" in adapting one of the side works? I think I recall Obari wanting to animate a flashback of Isami's dead brother specifically. Was there also a tweet where he said they have planned Smith's henshin poses?
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>flashback of Isami's dead brother specifically
Isami's dead brother is a mistranslation.
When asked what kind of childhood Smith and Isami had Obari said that to him Isami seems he was a crybaby and imagined that probably he might had a big brother figure and probably it passed away. But it's not canon, he just gave his how headcanon lol in fact Isami's brother is something that was mentioned once but in other interviews/talks he only stated his desire to make a prequel showing Isami's life before Bravern.

Bravern tea started the orders hours ago and in less than 20min both Isami and Smith's teas went sold out along with the handkerchief and later Satake's tea.
The teacup saucer set was restocked once and still available, on twitter was announced that they plan to do a second sale in early November.

>Collaboration with Hotel New Otani (Tokyo) has been decided!
>Detailed information will be posted on this account on Thursday, October 10th.
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>he just gave his own headcanon

>"DX Burn Dragon"
>Tomorrow 10/4 from 12 noon
>グッスマ公式ショップ Pre-orders now available for a limited time!
>The full details of the courageous fusion with Braeburn will finally be revealed!
>hotel collab

so this is why they made the dakimakura
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>THE合体 Burn Dragon" pre-orders now open!
>Special website
>Total length approximately 240mm. Pre-painted finished product.
>Equipped with a combination mechanism with "THE Combined DX Bravern" (sold separately), recreate the courageous combination into Burn Bravern!
>When combined with Burn Bravern: Total height approx. 225mm.
>The landing gear can be deployed, and the nose
can be selected to use the proportion-priority parts when in Burn Dragon mode or to recreate the Burn Bravern combination. (*The landing gear on the nose is stored in the proportion-priority parts.)
>The cannon has a built-in telescopic gimmick.
>Burn Twin Lancer is included as a weapon part. The effect is detachable, and the Lancer can be recreated in both connected and separated states.
>Release Date: June 2025

>Reservation acceptance period
>From 12:00 on Friday, October 4, 2024 to 23:59 on Wednesday, October 30, 2024

>Bravern 16,800 yen
>Burn Dragon 12,000 yen
I finally decided to watch this series, and I liked it but at the same time it made me sad. Bravern has all the characteristics of being a good series but it exaggerates in the use of tropes of the mecha genre and prefers the use of deus ex machina and nonsense when in reality it doesn't need them since it has basic ideas that if they had been developed with more seriousness and coherence would have resulted in an enjoyable and entertaining series.
>this wasn't enjoyable or entertaining because it wasn't serious
Why are you even in this board.
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respect your opinion dude, but i'd just say that a mecha, and in this case a super robot, that land on earth to save the day because human military can't fight against an alien invasion as a starting point of the story already acknowledgement the fact that super robots are a deus ex machina in the context of a real robot world. the only thing that defeat a super robot is not another robot but the fact that the feelings between the pilot and robot are not mutual (which is why episode 11 exist).
but i think the plot twist in episode 9 kind of defeat the concept of "bravern is a deus ex machina" and re-contextualize the story and show themes.

about the "use of nonsense"? idk i'd call it a humor that doesn't involve character being funny just to force you a laugh but bravern saying things that are outlandish as robot and humans reacting to them. there are some funny situations, especially in the early episodes and episode 10 and 11 goes back to that humor to loosen the tension that built up from episode 6 to 9.
i think its just a matter of taste so can't judge anyone, this is just my impression.
i hope i explained myself well.
Glad this looks great since I preordered it a while ago. However, what we really need is similarly scaled Isami figure as well. Gonna be weird having only Bravern.
obari didn't know they would release the naked isami, he thought he would get a figma or plamatea lol even if i think that a lulu figure and isami and smith nendos are on the list before than that (i remember them saying while showing bravern nendo prototype that isami and smith were wip)
Animage upcoming issue feature a B2 Bravern poster
Waiting for a better quality but on AGF site was posted the new illustration and merch exclusive to the event
Look at that fucking snowman, I’m gonna lose it
official post
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Futabasha mook is out
On Amazon jp is sold out, I checked and it's available on other jpn store if you use a proxy or a forwarder.
It's still available on CDJapan
The fans who got it already are not posting pictures but as usual summaries/comments on the content. One of them said that
>I only read the last interview with the director in the magazine. It was a summary of what had been mentioned in various media outlets so far, plus some new information.
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On the cover of the magazine didn't say that there was a feature but surprisingly
>special feature features the outfits worn by Isami and Smith in the film. Perhaps you can learn something new about their personalities and sense of fashion through their clothing? The newly drawn Isami and Smith are enjoying Halloween to the fullest, and they also appear in the Appendix B2 poster!
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>Detailed information on the collaborative accommodation plan has been released! Held from December 1st to February 28th!
>You will be welcomed with original voice recordings exclusive to guests!
>Reservations will start from 12:00 on Sunday, October 13th!
Obari posted one of those hashtag trends the other day, “Words you really want to say.” He went with “Season 2 production confirmed!” They need to get on that so these two losers can finally lose their virginity.
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>separate beds

wholesome and not lewd
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the official site encourage to stack the clear cards, they don't even want to ignore the fact that were drew like that on purpose kek
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this is going to happen
and i guess for the person who will book a one room with one bed is going to sleep on the floor
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Rekka Moderoid pre-orders starts October 18th.
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For >>22875140 who wanted a isami in scale.
They made the 3D figure upon Obari's request
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Hell yeah, if we got a proper mini I would purchase it in a heartbeat.
So so far was shown/announced
>Moderoid Titanostride M2 Exceed Rhino
>Moderoid 24-shiki Kidou Hokou Sentou-sha Rekka Hanyou-gata
>Moderoid Bravern
>The Gattai DX Bravern
>The Gattai Burn Dragon
>The Gattai (EX) DX Superbia
>ToyRise Bravern (and from today images also Burn Dragon, I guess?)
>Nendoroid Bravern
>Relax Time Bravern (https://myfigurecollection.net/item/2441599)
>Pop Up Parade Swacchao! Isami
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More close up pictures of Moderoid Rekka
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contender for the widest shoulders prize
Yeah, you'd think that a more compact design is handier.
Not really.
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OST is out
Also people asked to GAKKEN, the publishing company who is going to release the second anthology >>22860064 , about the bonus postcards. They also added
>once all the bonus information from each company are available, we will start announcing it on X, etc.
Finally the cover of cygames x kadokawa is out, it was showed at the osaka live talk
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on digital platforms
>Youtube Music
>Apple Music
>no mummy bravern
These song titles are so funny.
vampires are undead
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Ah, it's real. Rich fujoshi are going to start pilgrimaging here.
looks like an average bar
Yes, but it's at this average bar that Smith shot his shot with Isami in the first episode.
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All the rooms reserved for the hotel collaboration, from December to late February, were booked in 15 minutes and the room prices are not cheap (ranges from ¥49,000 to ¥84,000 not counting that prices changes between seasons). Won't be surprised if in the future they manage to do an actual collaboration in Hawaii.
Anyway in these months I saw few people going there, and it's a bar in the Sheraton Waikiki.

official tweet about the OST release (i wish to see the rest of the booklet asap)
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M2 Exceed Rhinos Moderoid is out.
Also funny comment by Obari, when asked why Smith has a Rekka figure in his room when he called it "旧式の木偶の坊" he said
>he bought it immediately at the toy store in Ala Moana Center right after seeing Isami's machine in action
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bonus postcard drew was kamokamen
at this point only missed the isami+smith+satake one drew by the animation director.
so i guess the illustrations drew for the cover and frontispiece are turned in bonus postcards and they are not new illustrations.
They’re so cute. Isamole’s little butt too.
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Ordering on goodsmile us, wonder if I will forget about it being ordered when it finally ships this time next year.
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Bravern setting materials collection is out.
I saw this morning that OST was ranking 1 on amazon jp
Went to check out again and is still up there, so congrats to BBB
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And tomorrow you can pre-order this boy here
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> Reservation period: October 18, 2024 to November 27, 2024
>Scheduled for delivery in June 2025
HobbyLink Japan
GoodSmile US
GoodSmile EU
CD Japan
comments between obari and the animation director (plus kenji teraoka)
there is a hope we might get in scale figures
also i don't think i saw before this storyboard posted on obari's twitter account (he posted it on his bluesky account)
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third illustration
What a pitslut.
Fag detected
>he doesn't like giant robots
And you call me a fag?
Has anyone identified their drinks?
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looks similar but the colors are different
i saw someone else say it was kona mai time light
found a decent pic
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apparently this is from the mook book. it's sparkling wine but the design seems to be based on the kona cans.
I do like giant robots, I'm just not sexually attracted to males like you are.
Smith is Bravern, and Bravern is a giant robot, you are the only homo here.
some nips sees how it was inspired by this
>https://mitsuifoods.co.jp/mfp/import/wines/0030052000130.html since it's made in hawaii
since the tag has a similar feeling and is a wine (not sparkling) made by fruit.
since im an eurofag im used to drink and see wine made by grapes and fruit wine feels something closer to japanese tastes (https://my-best.com/16335)
at first, just looking at the can i would had imaged it was some kind of chuhai since nips love drinking them, since they are mixed drinks (w/ different flavors, mostly fruits) with low alcohol % over the years i imported different chuhai and i do understand how nips love getting wasted drinking them

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