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Does anyone ever get the feeling that a disproportionate number of these very low quality threads are just one retard spamming the board?
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>Movie about her relationship with Kira
>She acts like a whore with the emotional maturity of a child
>Thinks cooking is the only thing a lover needs
>Tries to save her rapist
>Walks around a country she believes could be using the Destiny Plan with no bodyguard at night

Stop pretending to like this garbage please.
Still 100x better than G-bitch.
Like that's hard to do.
SEED has more sales than UC
You do realise that I love SEED? It doesn't mean I will accept the garbage that is this movie, you should actually think when you watch something.

Haven't seen it.
>Walks around a country she believes could be using the Destiny Plan with no bodyguard at night
Whatever happened to her assistant?
She literally disappeared after they got captured and nobody seemed to remember she existed
She's fine, Fukuda said so in a fan event I believe. He couldn't even get shit right about characters that hardly spoke or appeared.
Also you made me remember how hard I laughed at the scene where Ingrid is drawing her sword to protect Aura while Lacus has nobody to protect her. I can't believe how bad Lacus was portrayed in her own movie.
Okay, so she didn’t get blown up after everybody in the movie forgot about her?
I feel better now.
>Also you made me remember how hard I laughed at the scene where Ingrid is drawing her sword to protect Aura while Lacus has nobody to protect her. I can't believe how bad Lacus was portrayed in her own movie.
At a certain point you just have to laugh how badly the story and the characters were written.
I did enjoy the beginning battle with Freedom being played in the background and the bridge battle scenes though.
Iforgot how much I enjoy people yelling out random shit on the bridge. I have to thank this movie for that.
It's a movie that makes you laugh because of how dumb it is and not because how fun it is. I've seen a lot of people on socials saying "the plot is shit, characters are shit but it's soo seed! 10/10", that to me means not only you don't understand what SEED is, you also are just pretending to like it and know it's worthless garbage.

Kira and Lacus got their own characters and relationship assassinated when you actually analyse their actions (which nobody does or cares enough to do in Japan apparently), Athrun is a Gary Stu, Shinn is an infant, Agnes and the Accords are irrelevant and completely unlikeable except by contrarians.

The theme according to Fukuda is some bullshit about needing qualifications to be loved and you know just because Kira outright says it in his final fight.
And Cagalli?
Does nothing, really
Yeah, I didn't write about her because she literally does nothing. I can't believe fans of her and Athrun are happy because they got ONE scene of them interacting from afar and not even speaking to each other.
Still the most intimate they've been since they were stranded on the island!
To be fair, Athrun kissed her a lot.
They just didn't communicate, which could have been an actual interesting thing to develop in the movie since Destiny had Athrun too busy being the most retarded character ever.

Instead, Fukuda and Morosawa kept forcing the "no it's actually Kira and Lacus who don't communicate" angle in interviews when it's shown that they are the only couple in the series who actually do communicate, all this lead to this garbage movie.
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>Kira reverts to his pre-Aegis self destruct hitch personality
>Shinn had some wierd infantilization happen and is now just Kira's lapdog
>Athrun is a blend between the drama CD version of him where everyone jerks him off for being the guy that defeated muh fred of the knife and the worsts parts of his Destiny Era self
>Mwu blocking cannons is pretty much a gag now
What a weird film. Somehow Yzak is the only character where the writing doesn't feel like a joke
Let's be frank. Neither couple has anything close to something that resembles chemistry. They basically just stuck pretty people next to each other. In fact I don't think anyone in the cosmic era has even had something you can genuinely call a real conversation.
>the worsts parts of his Destiny Era self
His utter idiocy and hypocrisy?
Sort of, I mean him acting like an absolute meat head that lashes out at everyone constantly that the audience is expected to believe is actually the guy who is correct about everything
You can't call Athrun browbeating Shinn hypocrisy. Athrun knows Kira is doing the right thing, and he has to tell a lie to get Shinn in line. That's common in the military and something many people do with small children.
I fully believe majority of people think making mistakes and acting like a retard means "getting development" and "being a good character". People on twitter rave about Athrun in Destiny like he's not the same guy that blames his girlfriend for not doing anything while he knows she has no power in Orb despite her rank, acts like a retard when it comes to dealing with Shinn, keeps fighting with ZAFT when he knows Durandal is using a fake Lacus after trying to kill her and blames Kira for "creating confusion on the battlefield" like it's a fucking videogame.

Lacus basically had the same retard arc as Athrun in Destiny and now people love her but they won't actually argument and say why they love her.

It's true that there's not many actual conversations but I disagree when it comes to Kira-Lacus and Mu-Murrue not having chemistry, Athrun-Cagalli I kinda get your point, it just feels like lust on Athrun's part, Shinn-Luna or Shinn-Stella... Now those are some retarded pairings.
>SEED hate thread
>in 2024
LMAO. IT isn't even the meta anymore.
>You can't call Athrun browbeating Shinn hypocrisy
I call it treason.
The problem with so many of the issues in Seed and Destiny is that everything orbits a MC-centric sense of morality. And yeah, the MC in most stories typically is the moral one but it boils down to a matter of execution and how the ideals of the protagonist and villain collide. Put simply; Kira and Lacus don't really have any ideas.
You only liked SEED for Rau. Stop pretending you're one of the genuine CE fans.
They don't have an answer because there isn't one. It's the same for us, we don't know how to end hate, racism, disparity or wars. It's easier to say "let's just kill everyone because everyone is terrible" like Rau or "if everyone is controlled nobody will do anything wrong" like Durandal.
The oldfag boomers on /m/ won't stand a chance against us fr
Hey you don't have to have a complex villain for the hero to argue with. It can be enough to just have some basic platitude of "Humanity having great compassion despite it's great faults" or some such. And we don't even get that. We get Kira looking at a sunset while he and Lacus so the word "future."
I mean, Kira, the person with the best genes, argued with Rau that him being the ultimate coordinator means nothing because what makes him himself is his personality as well, but the community memed that line.

>It can be enough to just have some basic platitude of "Humanity having great compassion despite it's great faults" or some such. And we don't even get that.

Isn't this basically what Kira says to Durandal? Even if the world and the people in it are terrible, there's still value in fighting and struggling through life precisely because there are people who understand compassion.
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>Cagalli's command station thing is there
>But not the Akatsuki
Can she laugh at me while sitting on my face
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"My boyfriend is depressed because he is forced to keep fighting... seeing me waltz with another man right in front of him should cheer him up"

Is she retarded?
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She's having the opposite expression.
Well I neither want her to cry at me nor do I want to sit on her face
>You ain't seen nothing yet
>Gold joints
>Fairy dust
Impressive, very nice. Let's see UCfag's gundam.
How do you feel about Athrun and every other girl in his life?
What do you mean exactly?
This with Rau laughing at me and sitting on my face.
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Like do you think either Meer, Meyrin, or any other girl would have made a better love interest to Athrun than Cagalli?
All just as bad if not worse than Cagalli.
I'll start off by saying that while I do like Athrun and Cagalli in SEED, I don't really care for their relationship, I'm not saying it's bad but I'm not really interested. They had a great scene right after his battle with Kira but other than that I'm not huge on them.

Having said that, with the way Athrun is, I only see him with Cagalli, even though if I were Cagalli I'd never stay with him after how he acted in Destiny.

The only potential love interest that could be is Meer.
What why
Unrelatedly do you happen to be a crow fanatic
The better question is, why not? He's perfect daddy material.
I'd object, but I'm deeply into mommyshit, and he had that thing with Flay, so fair enough
Who do you want to sit on your face?
Mommy Lacus!
Thank SEED Freedom for that.
Honestly, all of them were better than Cagalli just for one reason: she's the type of character that is fully committed to her duty (like Gundam 00 Setsuna and Marina, Unicorn Mineva, Wing Wufei and many others mecha and non mecha characters), so there's no really room for romance, or if there is, it has to be a romance without drama, similar to Mu and Murrue's. It was stupid to build a shoujo type of romance around Cagalli because it doesn't fit her, she doesn't need it and it adds nothing to her development as character or character arc. If they wanted a shoujo romance with Athrun, Meer, Meyrin and Lunamaria were better material. Or even a semi-love triangle between him, Kira and Lacus would have been more interesting than his relationship with Cagalli.
>shedevil wears devil space suit
I know it's supposed to be an angel but fuck if it doesn't look like it.
And why does her pilot suit have a womb tattoo?
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>you should actually think when you watch something
>claims to like the show that retcons character deaths and where a pop idol is the most important political figure in the world

Did she really have to T-Pose and make it seem like she's the one creating the energy field? She even designed that spacesuit like lmao.
I can't imagine why they would. Most of these relationships seem to run on a logic who looks the best standing next to each other rather than anything remotely romantic. I'd be willing to say Meyrin is probably worse though because that whole sequence of events was completely retarded. Luna MIGHT have worked as she can be more assertive but she got no screen time or dialogue after a point.
Would it be really bad to get her model kit, on the one hand it's a Lacus you get to hold and pose forever with her smiling on your desk, on the other hand you have bought a girl where it's normally a robot
Kira and Lacus make for quite the battle couple while in a cockpit.

Still amused that SEED mode Lacus' first order of business was venting by blowing shit up.
The film decided to make Kira imperfect and vulnerable again while also doubling down on Lacus being an almighty space goddess, quite bizzare
Lacus's stinky fart
i can't watch this cgi filth.
>>Movie about her relationship with Kira
>>She acts like a whore with the emotional maturity of a child
>>Thinks cooking is the only thing a lover needs
>character doesn't whore
>acts like a whore

this fucked me up a lot
I see mecha and booba, I like.

Simple as.
How do you think she acted in Foundation outside of the mindcontrol scenes? She's a total retard as a lover.
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So which is it, is she a retarded lover or a whorish lover?

I mean.. are you saying she gives it up or she doesn't...
Did you seriously send this reply thinking those two statements contradict themselves?
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>looks like a slut from the constant alluring images posted of her
>she's actually pure and lovely as hell in Seed
.apparently she's arguably whorish in the movie
I sure hope Seed Destiny is something to look forward to, at least
All the copy-pasted elements reminds me of homemade anime wallpapers on DevArt circa 2000
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She's that way in Destiny as well, she just becomes an immense retard in Freedom because the movie was mostly written by Fukuda.
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Can't comment on Seed Freedom, but Advertising Lacus and Show Lacus may as well be separate characters with the big gap in how she's presented.
What do you mean by advertising exactly? You know those pictures in the thread are fanarts, right?
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>it's indeed something to look forward to
Sasuga Lacus-sama, permit me to be your slave
>can just choose to accept or ignore Seed Freedom after watching it
Surely it's not going to be worse than Seed Destiny
>can worst-case just reject Seed Destiny as well
>hated her at the start
>felt bad for her at the end
>felt an intense amount of need for her during the middle
Crazies are too powerful
>action pose
>action pose
>just z'gok
I know. Its funny they aren't putting more effort in
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A reminder of what Kira and Orphee fought over.
Just watched the movie, I can only remember lacus fat ass
No Z'Gok need an action pose to look cool
That's because SEED was never good from a writing standpoint. It was just pretty. Destiny failed to even be that because of all their production and animation problems but Freedom was able to avoid those so people liked it again.

All it really proved is that if Destiny's plot and story was exactly the same but it had better animation because they weren't constantly behind, nobody would have had a problem with it beyond the people that have been reeing about the bad writing since Seed began.

Athrun really got hit more than anyone with the miscommunication stick of not being allowed to actually say something that had a point because the story won't go in the direction Morosawa wanted if he did, so instead he just says something nonsensical because if he actually said something with a point to Shinn then Shinn would possibly change his mind and he needs to be the bad guy for Kira and Athrun to fight.

Hence him saying Kira never tried to kill anyone, which is an obviously ridiculous statement as opposed to something actually logical, ie: Kira wasn't trying to kill Shinn specifically there, Kira just saved all their asses in Berlin, and Shinn basically just murdered an minimally resisting man to avenge a girl that had just genocided Berlin which really should call Shinn's loyalites into effect.

Same with when Shinn goes after him in Destiny. Instead of telling him the actual truth, ie that Durandal and Rey set him up, Durandal is going back on their previous deal to allow Athrun free reign and to speak his mind, Rey ran in guns blazing with full intent to kill him immediately and ask questions never, and they want Athrun gone because he knows info they don't want to get out (That Meer isn't Lacus and the real one was attack by a Zaft squad). Saying that might have at least gotten Shinn's attention, but instead Athrun says Durandal wants to destroy the world which he can't possibly know at this point, as he doesn't know about the Destiny Plan or Requeim.
I do wonder how the tail end of Destiny could've gone if Athrun didn't act like a schizo and actually instilled real doubts into Shinn's mind.
I honestly like Destiny Athrun the most of all of his versions just because I love seeing his schizo rambling
Destiny Athrun was not in any state to mentor anyone. Guy was too conflicted and just a disaster until he defected when he finally had an idea what his convictions were.
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Freedom Athrun would've been the best mentor for Shinn. He'd teach Shinn how to get pussy.
So did Athrun ever tap Meyrin?
>Dude, just stab her sister. It'll totally work, trust me bro.
>Help Athrun! I stabbed her sister with my dick! She's angry now!
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>literally handwaves the problem away
She's more of a watcher
No, the movie literally pretends Meyrin was never into Athrun because it's the last SEED project and they had to fix all the couples.
>literal money printer
>last project
Meant last relevant project, there will be garbage that will bomb like the Freedom OVA but they don't have the 20 years wait of hype and the movie already tied up the character relationships which is the only reason the 30 years old housewives went to watch it.
>pussy wings
Does anyone in the SeeDverse actually age. The movie literally has a 35 year old loli.
It's about a year after Destiny so only 3 years has passed since Seed.
Will they add a sex scene between Kira and Lacus in the BD release?
Just to fix that stuff of sleeping on separated beds we had in Seed Destiny.
Silly anon, plenty of people sleep in separate beds or even rooms and still have wild sex.
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>I just like to watch.
Reminder that creating nicknames for things you possess intense dislike for is unironically a sign of schizophrenia.
kek you just know the separate beds meme bothered Fukuda
What if Shura was a girl, would she join the Athrun harem considering she was sucking his dick hard before the Cagalli jumpscare?
This >>22781152
FREEDOM will be the last SEED project that continues the story in a straight time line, because Fukuda has no idea of what to do next. Morosawa was the one wrote the story settings, conflicts and characters in general, meanwhile Fukuda only gave his opinions and, of course, his approval as the director. He had to work together with the guy who wrote the novels of SEED DESTINY to finish the movie. So, if there's going to be more Seed projects, they'll be flashbacks or side stories.
Meyrin looks badass there, cute AND badass.
Is SEED the horniest Gundam universe? The amount of porn it generates is insane.
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>call it Gundam Seed
>fans spill their seed to it to this day
I don't know anon, you tell me
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Only official art I got is the Halloween one.
She's just being playful? How is that not Lacus?

The Seed movie exposes Fukuda lack of talent at writing. The movie was middling at best.Something that should have been released soon after Destiny ended, not 20 years later. There's no way Fukuda can carry on the series in any significant, narrative way. Watch Freedom and now imagine Fukuda trying to do a 25 or 50 episode sequel series. Can't be done without the show quickly turning into Destiny-tier trash. If Bandai wants to continue the series in any significant fashion, a near whole new creative team will be needed. Fukuda can stay on as a creative consultant, but all the heavy lifting writing-wise and conceptualization-wise must be done by new people.
>The amount of porn it generates is insane.
Not really. Until AI popped up, Seed didn't have much porn outside of the boon when it was on TV. Even with AI it wasn't getting much. Build Fighters and Try had tons by comparison. Seed is just experiencing an boon because of Freedom and AI coming around the same time.
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This is anti-woke agenda for destiny plan is literally DEI as the name sounds similar with oppressing human's very instinct, free will. And forcing by violence. And Orphee and Black knights are like feminists. Fukuda is anti woke netouyo.
I did say the next works would flop, but I'm scared that the public will eat up whatever garbage he comes up with, Japanese fans seem too forgiving. Look at the garbage Freedom was and how badly it treated Kira, Lacus, their relationship, Shinn and Cagalli, but nobody cares.
the truth is recent entries like BF and even WfM have all generated more porn than SEED but this is not a discussion SNEEDfags are ready to have
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>Build Fighters and Try had tons by comparison.
How much of it isn't just Rinko?
Yeah but its been like this for 3 years or more now so I just gave up. Necrodumper runs /m/ now. 4chan is dead. I clicked this board by accident.
When I checked last spring, Fumina had more art than Rinko by like 1000 pics. Lacus wasn't even top 5. Meer had more art than her. Freedom coming out has more than doubled Lacus's fanart pushing her into 3rd but she still is nowhere near Suletta and Miorine. All of the Seed girls have gotten boosts though.
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unironically a very realistic woman moment.
So, what trends did Freedom break?
>A Houko Kuwashima character survives
>No character voiced by TM Revolution that gets killed the minute they appear
>No villains voiced by Toshihiko Seki
Assrun don't betray now. Spite he is Alien who turned to Earth side.
It is DESTROYED and ANNIHILLATED Gundam UC sale record
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This is why Blue Cosmos is depraved. Coordinators are named so because they're to guide humanity, not replace them. Their sterility was intentional. They are hardwired to be unable to go a few generations without Natural cock. The plan was to have Coordinators breed with Naturals until by some point, everyone's functionally a Coordinator. A Coordinator's very purpose in life is to contribute their DNA to Naturals.

Just imagine how utterly bitter and envious someone has to be over Coordinators. They take a look at pic and decide to fill it with bullets instead of their cum. To use their peashooter instead of their pee-shooter. Imagine this hot ass, intelligent and athletic girl comes begging for your babies because those Coordinators can't make fertile offspring with her. What insane butthurt drives a man to deny this Coordinator girl whose vagina is genetically sculpted to be a perfect fit for his dick?
>Me so jelly this girl beat me in sports/grades/etc that even though she's spreading her legs for me, me run away with my virginity intact
I can't even call it gay, there's Coordinator men too. The recently deceased Shinzo Abe would strangle all of Blue Cosmos for not dropping their guns and dropping their pants. Unbelievable.
Sorry why am I peeing inside a girl?
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Real thugs know that Shinn x Cagalli is the true peak CE ship. The hate sex would be out of control
Do they hate each other still? I don't even think Cagalli really hated Shinn but was just annoyed by him insulting her and her father.
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I'm buying to make UC boomers SEETHING
That's the only reason why someone would buy it, nobody actually likes the movie.
>him acting like an absolute meat head that lashes out at everyone constantly
That didn't happen in Freedom. Kira in Freedom needed a reality check the same way Athrun needed a reality check in Destiny. Just replace freedom trashing the saviour with Athrun punching Kira and it's a perfect role reversal.
>nobody actually likes the movie.
Everybody who hates this movie is a redditor discord cuck salty that it isn't their blue cosmos wank
What? Reddit loves this movie. It's perfect for them, they can just regurgitate the same memes for a few years and not actually talk about what the characters do or what the setting is about.
Your idea of talking about characters and setting is to say it's shit and pretend you're some big shot internet film critic.
Close, I'd actually say why they are shit. SEED is my favourite anime, it doesn't mean I'll accept garbage like Freedom and "turn my brain off" to enjoy it, you should do the same.
>Being one of those elitists who only thinks the "First episode of first season is good"
You sound like a boring and very unhappy person.
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How can you enjoy seed with your brain on? Are you a retard?
Are you a child?
Who's the cuck mod that deleted my Meer > Lacus comment.
How pathetic are you sack of shit
SEED (I'm talking about Destiny + Freedom here) does make sense precisely if you think about it. Freedom wasn't some big character assassination; real people can change in 2 years and make mistakes, just like the cast in Freedom. And Shinn wasn't done dirty in Destiny; he was an annoying teenager who refused to see past his grudges and hatred for Orb -- in other words, the very manifestation of the attitude that causes all the war in the Cosmic Era.
>he was an annoying teenager who refused to see past his grudges and hatred for Orb
Didn't Orb join the EA and attack ZAFT shortly after Cagalli tried to talk up Orb's neutrality? Admittedly there's a lot of other factors that went into that (Seirans being Seirans, Cagalli getting abducted, etc), but from Shinn's perspective it legitimises his opinion that Orb and its ruling family are full of shit.
The issue is more than Shinn's response to the Seirans fucking everyone over is "Fuck Orb then I want to burn the place to the ground" despite the fact that Shinn more than anyone should have had sympathy to the people of Orb being put in danger by their leader's bad calls because he used to be one them in that exact situation.
Say something nice about him.
Not that it justifies Shinn wanting to nuke the place, but how transparent/opaque were Orb on their leadership situation during Destiny? I vaguely remember that they covered up Cagalli's kidnapping, although the military knew the truth but didn't say or do anything out of an extremely misguided loyalty to the stability of the country over not getting drawn into the EA's bullshit.
>And Shinn wasn't done dirty in Destiny

There's nothing wrong with Shinn going through a villain arc or even losing at the end although it is highly unconventional it could be a good thing if written well. The problem is that it is not written well. It is blatantly inspired by the star wars prequels an actually suffers from some of the same problems the Obi Wan Annakin arc does in that Athrun and Shinn have no chemistry to begin with so seeing them drift apart has no impact whatsoever.
Gyanko had a fair amount from fatfags.
I think Shinn's deteriorating mental state during the tail end of Destiny, unintentionally egged on by Rey's manipulations, is actually written decently. But the problem is that there's nothing satisfying about it because, like you said, everything else is written so poorly. It's just a convenient side effect of Shinn being turned into the cardboard cutout antagonist for Team Lacus to beat up for a few episodes before the finale.
Fair enough, but it also doesn't help that his screen time was greatly reduced in the later part of Destiny. In the end he is like if the first half of original SEED was highly focused on Yzak up until Kira gets the freedom and then the show stops focusing on him.
I blame the writer
Athrun always cool ....see ya anon
>creating nicknames for things you possess intense dislike for is unironically a sign of schizophrenia.
citation? ngl this is pretty funny and I want a paper I can point at to call people out when they do it.
I might've misread the dialogue in the subs, but you think Erica could've mentioned they had nuclear powered suits in the basement a little earlier during that conversation.
but then it wouldn't be a dramatic reveal
This is one of the cringiest frames I've ever seen
Knew they couldn't have Strike Freedom do the Wing Zero pose so it just stands there T-Posing while Lacus randomly does the pose.
>I blame the writer
Ironic considering Morosawa had Athrun as one of her favorite Seed characters.
And then instead of actually taking ANY responsibility for that, he just murders the innocent people he directly shoved into Durandal's hands until Morosawa realized what the fuck she just did, and Shinn and Luna got an extremely hasty saving in the final version.
That's what your mom said on picture day
Does Athrun even think that what became of Shinn was his fault just as much as it was Durandal and Rey's?
How old are you?
Maybe deep down he does, but at that point the writing had gone hardcore into '(re) joining Team Jesus absolves you of all sins (praise be thy name)', so it would never be addressed.
>slop is consoomed
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Why would they place Shinn next to Kira and not Lacus?
Mobile Tits Gundam
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Hilda has rubbed off on Luna a little too much, and Luna insisted that Shinn and Lacus swap places. Notice that she's surrounded by Agnes and her own sister too.
Because Shinn provides more support to Kira
And I guess he might also think it doesn't matter anymore now that all of them are on the same side.
I almost thought you were going to suggest Luna wants Lacus to join them for a threesome.
They wanted the 3 main pilots together.
That guy only had eyes for Kira
But Kira's taken, so Athrun has to settle for his sister.
I really wonder if Lacus would be a good pilot since she was secretly an Accord this whole time
I don't know how, but it felt like DWG2 wrote the Seed Destiny characters better than Seed Destiny itself.
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It's not a high bar to pass.
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this movie fucking SUCKED

I cannot wait for MAHQ to review it and destroy it

don't let me down Chris
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>to review it and destroy it
Did you sleep through this films overwhelming success? One faggots review isn't going to change anything
>I can't wait for notoriously anti-SEED website writing a predictably negative review.

Are you retarded?
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>Cagalli was inside Athrun
Yeah that sounds about right. He always seemed like a bottom.
By prostate fingering or strap on?
Not really. It doesn't really come up until right after Kira is out of his funk and ready to actually do something about the situation. When Kira was having a breakdown and ready to give up on everything because he though Lacus betrayed them would be a pretty poor time to mention "btw I have Strike Freedom all tuned up and ready to go in the next hanger even though you clearly are in no mood to do anything with it right now"
Maybe to an extent but really Athrun can only try so hard, and trying to talk Shinn out of Durandal's hands was an act of near impossibility without godlike negotiation ability, which Athrun NEVER has even on his good days because he was trying to talk Shinn in going against the two people that always went out of their way to butter Shinn up and tell him exactly the things he wants to hear to join up with the country Shinn hates lead by people he has personal grudges and vendetta's against. Really what COULD Athrun really say to convince Shinn that he could throw in his lot with Kira and Orb that doesn't involve having Shinn give a massive amount of blind faith in people that as far as Shinn is concerned are massive assholes as far as he can see. Athrun knows that Kira is a good person and potentially has a point because of the previous war's experiences they both shared. Shinn does not and pretty much cannot be convinced to believe that on second hand knowledge alone which is what Athrun would have to do.
After Berlin, Shinn is too far gone to reasonably listen, but I'd argue Athrun would have far better odds if he didn't screw up things prior to that. Then again, this would also require Athrun himself to have a clear idea of which side he should be on far earlier in the story, at which point he's probably not even with ZAFT to begin with unless he joined with the sole and specific purpose of being an inside man.
is the weeb metal sword just for milking the astray series more ?
No. It's literally because Femto armor cannot be penetrated by beam weapons.
When I started reading doujinshi back when I was younger, the vast majority of Gundam porn was SEED. It was getting stuff consistently until maybe 2009-ish.
Did you read any of the Gold Rush Kira the anal guy stuff too?
Strap on cast in the shape of Kira's schlong
Save alongside Lacus in Blu-ray edition
Beam sabers or point blank attacks seem to work just fine (see how Athrun and Shinn defeat their opponents) so the katana might be kind of unnecessary after all.
I think so, I read a lot of it on Doujin-Moe back then.
MG Cgue when?
MG Guaiz when?
MG Dinn when?
ZAFT had the coolest grunts in sneed
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Finally watched the movie.
>Kuwashima's character doesn't die even though she deserved it way more than the others
Frustrating. Overall the movie was stupid but fun and felt like a big nostalgia trip.
I want to see all these new machines in games now.
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I am this crow fanatic.
>And I guess he might also think it doesn't matter anymore now that all of them are on the same side.
That is so freakishly self-serving and oblivious to basic human emotion that it really is the only possible thing Athrun could be thinking.
Onore Crow.
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>point blank attacks seem to work just fine (see how Athrun and Shinn defeat their opponents)

Nope. Rewatch the movie. Shinn has to slice open the Femto Armor of the Black Knight first with a beam boomerang. THEN he shoves his beam cannon into the damaged hole and fires. No "point blank" beam attacks work against the Black Knight's armor normally.

(BTW If you read that nonsense on English Gundam Wikia, then ignore it. Their articles are full of errors, they don't properly read Japanese info, and the mods refuse to let others change it.)

The Japanese databooks make it clear that normal beam weapons are negated by the FT armor. Only beam sabers and VERY strong physical attacks (railguns or Anti-ship swords) work against FT armor.
>No "point blank" beam attacks work against the Black Knight's armor normally.

Destiny's palm cannon does
>English Gundam Wikia
I gave up on them years ago when they kept trying to undo my edits. I also told them that copy pasting from Mahq is lazy

Not that anon you are reply to but Destiny's palm weapon has never been shown on screen to be firing any beams. It's a close range beam burst weapon
NTA, but isn't it supposed to be long range weapon, but Shinn just uses it close range?
I think we both know that palm blast is special. Its one step below a beam saber.
Depends what databook you quote. One of the books says the Palma Fiocina weapon was built to have small "narrow range" and meant to be used at point blank combat. That all the power of the weapon was concentrated at a single point for maximum destructive power.

(My question is if that's the case, then how come Destiny Gundam's hands don't melt when it's using the Palma Fiocina?)

But Director Fukuda does whatever he wants. He's said in the past that Gundam Seed is a character drama first and a Gundam show second. He doesn't want to be limited.

He fires it long range once in Destiny to take out a Murasame.
En taro Lacus. (Zaft dialect Translation: for lacus!!)
Fuck off poop fag
Basically every crossover thing with SEED wrote SEED characters better than SEED did. SEED.
How was Freedom a character drama instead of a Gundam show? Fukuda is retarded?
Not really.
Crossovers always make the characters feel so OOC it's disgusting.
SEED and SEED Destiny still treated the characters the best (Freedom is fanfiction and can be ignored).
Does it count as being OOC when the character has no character in the first place
>He fires it long range once in Destiny to take out a Murasame.
I don't remember this like at all. Is this a Remastered HD version thing? Do we actually see Shinn fire beams from Destiny's hand?
They have plenty of character.
>Freedom is fanfiction and can be ignored

Then why are you posting in a freedom thread?
Ignore it, dumbass.
Zaft people are aliens like protoss in starcraft and eldar in warhammer. Aren't zaft space elves?
this is a general SEED thread not just Freedom
The fact that you still cling to this stupid headcanon, despite everyone telling you it's not true shows that you're either a troll or a retard. Maybe both.
You never actually see Destiny fire it, just one of the Murasame's being hit by a beam colored like the palm cannon's beams. But it is the right color, Destiny has it's sword out in the before and after shots with it's rifle stowed, and the blast completely vaporizes the Murasame instantly which beam rifles usually don't do. So anon could be right.
How do you know what color Destiny's palm beam is if we never see it fire a beam?
Because it glows bright blue even when we can't see the beam coming from the palm nozzle. It sure as fuck isn't green like 99% of the other beams out there.
Knowing Seed, it's probably a production error and mis-color. It would not be the first time.
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I don't understand how you fucks can debate something but never once post the thing you guys are talking about, considering 1/3rd of you guys are forgetful, another 1/3rd of you guys have faulty/revisionist memory, and the last 1/3rd are probably talking out of your asses, like what does

>and the [blue] blast completely vaporizes the Murasame instantly which beam rifles usually don't do

even mean?
The lack of the IP counter has made me entirely paranoid and now I just think this whole board is bots and like two guys.
I don't think she's whorish. But she's oblivious to the point of it being retarded, and you kind of have to hope the mind control was putting in more work than initially implied or her actions just seem braindead.
She was being herself outside of the resonance scenes, Lacus from the movie is just that retarded and unfaithful, Fukuda didn't even realise that.
Oh yeah sure. Let's just ignore Destiny's magically disappearing beam rifle.
Why didn't Shinn got punished for betraying his bretheren Earthlings and working as the vanguard, akhundelar("tip of the spear" in Zaft dialect) for alien invasion of Alien leader Durandal?
Nigga, what part of the post even claims there was a beam rifle?

It's more likely the animators just painted the wrong color.

Probably meant to be green.

How tf do you assume it's Destiny's palm with all the production errors in the anime?

Even the HD remaster still missed things and they didn't have the budget or time to fix everything.
Yeah Destiny has never fired beams ever from its hand. Old databooks say that it can't either. That the palm attack is for direct melee attacks only. If Fukuda wanted Destiny to fire long range beams from the hands then he would have made it clear in the anime. He also had a second chance in the Freedom movie but chose not to do so either.
I didn't really think Lacus was hot until this movie.
They changed her body shape for the movie.
It does fire beams though, just only at point blank ranges. You can straight up see the beam come out the back of whatever it was using it against in many shots including the one in the movie. It's not like Shining Finger where it just grabs and does damage from the grab it's a point blank cannon shot
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>just only at point blank ranges.
You agreeing with the person you are replying to. The Murasame was hit at long range. Not point blank.
Came here just to talk about the movie because I finally got around to watching it. What a disappointment, characters were so retarded. Especially Kira. The antagonists were ass as well, the blonde guy was made just to force some drama and cuck Kira. I was pretty hyped for this but it was shit.

At least my boy Shinn got to be cool for once
She looks more slutty now. Honestly I think it's a downgrade
It's the most popular Gundam since the original trilogy, of course it would have more. And unlike the original series, these characters actually look good
Tbf I'm pretty sure they wanted to release it way quicker but wouldn't because of the Morosawa situation
Anon said it was a melee weapon and not a cannon which is wrong. It is a cannon just one that is almost always fired point blank
Melee is a measurement of the range of the weapon.

Cannon is type of weapon.

You are confused.
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best couple
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Destiny's palm blast feels more like a HEAT tank round where a high intensity jet is injected into the enemy armor to crack apart the enemy unit.
It makes sense since the area explodes. It's not like a beam that punches clean through like other normal beams. .
Was Seed gay series as well?
SEED was always gay.
>breaks up with Dearka offscreen, it's never explained why
>goes and becomes a freelance photographer and rejoins Kira out of necessity
>never interacts with Dearka again
>remains in the army for some reason, doesn't have a single line in Freedom
What were they doing with this character? Also didn't Sai quit the army in Destiny? Why is he back in there?
Whole movie existed as a nostalgia trip, so they went all in. Surprised they didn't work in Kuzzy somehow.
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>a bunch of tragic dead people get shown in flashbacks
>no Sting
He deserved better
Kuzzey has a cameo.
>watched the dub
man I wish I was rich enough to get the old dub cast back together to reprise their roles. Chantal Strand Lacus or give me death. Everyone else was just too perfect. Murrue, Mu, Kira, and Athrun. It could just be nostalgia, but I felt the OG cast just fit the characters really well.
Why did hiromoot do it bros? Removing it only made things worse.
Funny thing is they actually got Trevor Devall back to voice Mu in the movie. Though, I guess the fact that he does work in LA now probably helped.
Had to go back and rewatch it again. Damn I didn't notice it was him.
Combination of it being so many years and Mu not really having alot of lines.
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The druggies coming back as cyborgs and just fucking everyone up would have been better tbqh
This is probably the next step in Gundam Seed.

The EA will unleash Cyborg clones of the druggies. They will claim that the machine parts make the druggies easier to control. The druggies won't go crazy like previous versions, and the machine parts will keep them in check at all times.

Controlling will be HUGE factor because they don't want to run into issues of Coordinators and Accords trying to take over the world due to "superior genes".

If Fukuda is brave enough, I can totally see this working for a Season 3 of a Seed TV show.
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Now the 50 billion dollar question is will it fly?
They absolutely could make it fly. The real question is "Will it land in one piece?"
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I feel like those shoulder cannons need to be more powerful than just firing ordinary green beams.
Can't upstage Jesus, even if his new Freedom is battery powered and should barely be able to manage the full burst.
Those feel like some fucking Mack Cannons or something tbdesu.
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Yeah, which is why the newer Baleenas also fired green beams instead of the multicolored shots
sexo with kagalli > lacus = kira > athrun
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Any spoilers for the new epilogue or whatever? It's retarded to not include them in the BDs, the hell are they thinking lol
You're asking a lot of Fukuda, mate.
>It's retarded to not include them in the BDs, the hell are they thinking lol

They're thinking they can milk this for multiple releases
Maybe, they will combine 2 epilogues (with some new footages) into "after phase ep" later.
Those are the plans for sure, not a single trace of shame from them since the movie was released in Jan this year.
Anyway, it looked epic on the Theater.

Hope so
For what I read in Twitter, the epilogue is a three minute scene between Kira and Lacus.
If anyone got the epilogue leaks please share here
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There were four hetero couples in the main cast.
Is MAHQ is a Borg Cube or are unpopular opinions allowed there now since the board is very dead?
Ironic that your picture comes from an anime that's softcore BDSM lesbian porn.
Stopped caring about that website years ago. After they revamped the look of the site it's just not the same.
Also much less intuitive. Requiring several more clicks and scrolling just to reach the same pages.

No thanks.
And their BVLL?

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