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What are some series that contain truly gigantic robots that pose a threat to innocent lives due to their size alone?
I liked that aspect of Bokurano the most, but I don't think it was utilized enough after they started having most of their battles in the ocean.
your mom
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Ideon's mecha are fuckhuge but it often goes unnoticed since they usually don't interact with civilization too often. You do however occasionally get a sense of it in the show, like the scene where Cosmo is travelling the length of the Ideon to complain to the engineers and has to use a platform to get around
Pic related, the Adigo is the very smallest of the Heavy Mobile mecha.
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Ideon vs. Zigg Mack, which is of comparable scale to the Ideon itself. Betrayal on Ajian features these assholes traipsing around in a city and wreaking havoc because of their size alone.
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Meant to say "Adigo", bleh
Pretty much any work with robots of any size
Scopedogs might be relatively small but you'd still probably die if you got run over by one
Even tiny robots that are smaller than humans like the stuff in Danball Senki could probably cause significant to internal organs with the crazy special moves they're capable of
>Pretty much any work with robots of any size
Piloting Zearth or Macross almost always guarantees killing civilians due to their size. Meanwhile, TTGL completely ignores the terrifying reality of its size. So it really depends whether the show wants to focus on that aspect or not.
Ideon probably also fits the bill of what I'm talking about.
>Meanwhile, TTGL completely ignores the terrifying reality of its size
Considering they fight in mostly barren places no it doesn't, and during the moon arc they just have engineered spiral energy to have their mechs ignore gravity and other shit.
I don't think a Macross ever killed a civilian except for people getting crushed because they didn't know how the transformation works. Nothing "guarantees" civilian casualties in the same way that you haven't been killed by all the thousands of cars on the highway nearby you even though there's massive potential for that happening
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fuck buff clan. they're mechs look stupid too.
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I really like the looks of the Buff Clan mecha but yeah, they're huge fucking assholes. It's a part of why I find Ideon so compelling, there's really not a lot like it.

Speaking of collateral, Ideon is full of civilian carnage so there's that. Here's a really great example from one of the later episodes where the Buff Clan attacks Earth
Forgot my WebM like an asshole
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*Screams in Dwemeris*
Zearth was awesome
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Is Motherwill the largest mecha that has no "super robot" traits?
Mechonis, maybe? Or Wiseman from votoms if you count the planet as his body. Unicron but that's probably going into super territory.
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The Mechonis is cool and all but it's literally moved by magic. And yeah, I know Kojima might as well be as magic as ether but you get what I mean.
My bad, obviously meant for >>22775871
It was piloted by Egil and had a soul inside it not unlike the Evas or Ideon's. Or Getter.
Yes, AKA it's explicitely magic. It's got a soul and is fueled by the same magic juice that fuels both the technology and magic of that world. The Motherwill is moved by Kojima technology which, while entirely fake, tries to somewhat emulate real life phenomena in lore. Also if we want to go by that anon's question alone, he did ask about "super robot traits" and the Mechonis has a huge ass sword it can use to cleave another towering kaiju in half. That sounds very super to me.
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Does the Valzacard count? It's around 200m tall iirc.
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Bigger Zam
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I should give this a watch again, somehow I forgot about this scene.
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Not the best shot and the mech itself is actually smaller and shorter than it looks, but damn don't you have boner at the sight of a war machine shadowing a mountain and a castle?
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>When an entire building gets up to personally kill you
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The STRIDER is about twice as big. The Great Wall is even bigger, but it's just a giant train and not really a mecha.
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Imperator-class titans from 40k are definitely in the larger tier of mechs, I think.
hubba hubba
The Strider was a pile of shit honestly. Incredible how little firepower it has for being the size of fucking Manhattan.
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More GUN than DAM.
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There's a Valzacard kit/??????
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Zegapain reference I'm assuming.
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ideon is so fucking underrated holy shit
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Ultimate Iron Man Six
Orca is 200 tons and thus on the heaviest bracket of the battletech universe
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Omega is 150 tons

they'd probably be short-ish, like 25-30m tops, if they were modelled in any new media
I often think about the mecha size comparison video on youtube with the gurren lagann music playing in the background.
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>Ideon is a sixth of the height of the Motherwill >>22775104
>pic rel: over 150m height
>weight: 8700 tons
>crew: uh, just three people lol
They used to just pick any random numbers huh?
In defense of the Strider it was never intended as a war machine, only hastily retrofitted.
Love this Eva.
Low crew numbers aren't unusual for Buff Clan mecha, Ganga Lubu is the same, the Zigg Mack is the same, and the Adigo is a one-man deal.
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Funny how the largest mech in Battletech would get crushed under the foot of Metal Gear REX, despite being over a thousand years apart
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They were throwing galaxies like shuriken at the anti-spirals at the end. Pretty sure there was some collateral damage there.
That was a made up pocket universe space thing.
Made up or massive genocide in another dimension?

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