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Happy Birthday 4chan!

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A containment thread that focuses on synchtubes (go figure). We have the regulars like Dorkly's mog-rog on Fridays, my PTSF-THRS on Thursdays, Agguguy's MGRnR200X on the weekends on special occasions, and now Deacon's m-adras-tea-and-film taking mog-rog's original Tuesday slot. We also have the wideamari channel streaming ZotE: Dolores on Saturday mornings (Eastern).
Don't die
Yeah, at least not before Deacon post tonight's schedule if there is one.
Show tonight on m-adras-tea-and-film:
Knights and Magic 9
Arpeggio of Blue Steel 11
Grendizer U 5
Preshow begins at 7:45 PM EST. Be there!
Knights and Magic next!
Arpeggio next!
Movie next!
Grendizer U next!
Tonight on PTSF-THRS on CyTube at 8PM eastern!

Blue Comet SPT Layzner episode 8
The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne episode 1
Dororo (2019) episode 12
The Galaxy Railways season 1 episode 15
The Running Man

Our weekly Preshow at 7:30 (2 hours) will feature a video about the Thai Military draft and a review of Black Powder Red Earth. Hope to see you there!
53 minutes left!
27 minutes left!
10 minutes left!
Time to start the Preshow!
Time to start off the night with Layzner.
SAJV is up next!
Dororo (2019) is up next!
The Galaxy Railways is up next!
Our weekly movie. The Running Man, is up next!
Page 6 bump.
tonight on mog-rog at 8p Eastern (about an hour and change from now)
Thunderbolt Fantasy s3e6
Goseiger Movie double Feature
Ultraman Arc 6
Probably MiniForce
Automata (2014)
Thunderbolt Fantasy next!
Goseiger movies next!
Ultraman next!
Miniforce next!
Page 8 bump.
Fun times.
Page 7 bump
Show tonight on m-adras-tea-and-film:
Knights and Magic 10
Arpeggio of Blue Steel 12
Grendizer U 6
Preshow begins at 7:40 PM EST. Be there!
Preshow now!
Knights and Magic next!
Arpeggio next!
Movie next!
Grendizer U next!
Page 10 bump.
Tonight on PTSF-THRS on CyTube at 8PM eastern!

Blue Comet SPT Layzner episode 9
The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne episode 2
Dororo (2019) episode 13
The Galaxy Railways season 1 episode 16

Our weekly Preshow at 7:20 will feature a video by Wendigoon about the spread of kudzu. Hope to see you there!
This weekend on MGRnR200X I'll be streaming more Ultraman Nexus and Headmasters. Hope to see everyone there!
58 minutes left!
20 minutes left!
3 minutes left!
Time to start the Preshow!
Time to start the night off with Layzner
Note to future self, next week's Blue Comet SPT Layzner episode will be 11
Up next is Jules Verne!
Dororo (2019) is up next!
Deacon did you forget about Thursday DS-9 again?
Up next is The Galaxy Railways!
Up next is our weekly movie, Dredd!
Damn, I didn't even realized. RIP.
Tonight at 7pm Eastern on MGRnR200X
Ultraman Nexus episodes 13-19
Transformers: The Headmasters episode 3
Preshow starts around 6:45 with more shorts. Hope to see everyone there!
About half an hour until the preshow!
10 minutes!
The preshow starts now!
Nexus next!
Headmasters next!
Head On!
Apply directly to the robot train
Tonight at 7pm Eastern on MGRnR200X
Ultraman Nexus episodes 20-25
Transformers: The Headmasters episode 4
Preshow starts at around 6:34. Hope to see everyone there!
Preshow in 20 minutes!
10 minutes!
The preshow starts now!
Time for Nexus!
Show tonight on m-adras-tea-and-film:
Knights and Magic 11,12
Zipang 1,2
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: My Conquest is the Sea of Stars
Grendizer U 7
Preshow begins at 7:22 PM EST. Be there!
Oh shit, we're going classy. I'll bring my clever cravat.
Do I need to know anything about LotGH before watching this?
Preshow now!
Knights and Magic now!
Zipang next!
Movie next!
Grendizer next!
Tonight on PTSF-THRS on CyTube at 8PM eastern!

Blue Comet SPT Layzner episode 11
The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne episode 3
Dororo (2019) episode 14
The Galaxy Railways season 1 episode 17
Split Second (1992 film)

Our weekly Preshow at 7:11 will feature a video about some guy listing the odd of other fictional characters trying to survive in Arkham City.
One hour left!
About 30 minutes left!
5 minutes left!
Time to start the Preshow!
Time to start the night off with Layzner!
Jules Verne is up next!
Up next is Dororo (2019)!
Up next is The Galaxy Railways!
Page 6 bu/m/p.
tonight on mog-rog at 8p Eastern (about a half hour from now)
Thunderbolt Fantasy s3e7
The Rat Savior
Ultraman Arc 7
MiniForce 19, 20
Neon City
TBF next!
Rat Savior!
Mini Force!
Neon City!
Page 7 bu/m/p
Page 8 bumping.
Page 10 bump
Show tonight on m-adras-tea-and-film:
Knights and Magic 13
Legend of the Galactic Heroes 1
Zipang 3, 4
Kekexili: Mountain Patrol
Grendizer U 8
Preshow begins at 7:50 PM EST. Be there!
Preshow now!
Knights and Magic now!
Movie next!
Grendizer U next!
Tonight on PTSF-THRS on CyTube at 8PM eastern!

Blue Comet SPT Layzner episode 12
The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne episode 4
Dororo (2019) episode 15
The Galaxy Railways season 1 episode 18
The Abyss

Our weekly Preshow at 7:35 will feature a review on a show. Hope to see you there!
35 minutes left!
10 minutes left!
5 minutes left!
Time to start the Preshow!
Time to start the night off with Layzner!
Jules Verne action continues up next!
Hyakkimaru and Dororo fight on up next!
Up next is the Galaxy Railways!
Up next is our weekly movie, the Abyss!
tonight on mog-rog at 8p Easterm (top of the hour from now)
Thunderbolt Fantasy s3e8
The Creation Of The Humanoids
Ultraman Arc 8
Mini Force 21, 22
The Sea Serpent (1985)
Creation of the Humanoids!
Page 9 bump.
Page 9 post.
Show tonight on m-adras-tea-and-film:
Legend of the Galactic Heroes 3
Zipang 5
In order to end sooner, our preshow beginning at 7:40, will be episode 9 of Grendizer U. Be there!
Preshow now!
LOGH now!
Zipang now!
Movie now!
Bumping back up.
Kohai hasn't posted the schedule. IT'S OVER
>Kohai hasn't posted the schedule. IT'S OVER
Just like when Mikey the Horror kicks the burger.
It ain't over till the fat ass sings

Tonight on PTSF-THRS on CyTube at 8PM eastern!

Blue Comet SPT Layzner episode 13
The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne episode 5
Dororo (2019) episode 16
The Galaxy Railways season 1 episode 19
Riding Bean + Gunsmith Cats 1

Our weekly Preshow at 7:00 will feature a video on why gay people like horror flicks (good for possibly riffing). Hope to see you there!
(good for possibly riffing)
Kohai's Media Literacy.
7 minutes left!
Time to start the Preshow!

I said "possibly", it could be good for other reasons.
Deacon you're late
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77 KB
Tourist here how do I open this "zinc-tuba" and when are you airing the fnaf movie
Time to start the night off with Layzner
Jules Verne is up next!
Up next is Dororo (2019)!
Up next is The Galaxy Railways
Our weekly double feature, Riding Bean and Gunsmith Cats, is up next!
tonight on mog-rog at 8p (about a half hour from now)
Thunderbolt Fantasy s3e9
Space Precinct ep 4
Ultraman Arc 9
MiniForce 23, 24
Colossus of New York
Space Precinct next!
Colossus of NY next!
Bump revival.
Show tonight on m-adras-tea-and-film:
Legend of the Galactic Heroes 4,5
Zipang 6,7
1956, Central Travancore
Preshow, being episode 10 of Grendizer U, will begin at 7:40. Be there!
LoGH next!
Zipang next!
Sweet time.
Tonight on PTSF-THRS on CyTube at 8PM eastern!

Blue Comet SPT Layzner episode 14
The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne episode 6
Dororo (2019) episode 17
The Galaxy Railways season 1 episode 20
Gunsmith Cats 2 + 3

Our weekly Preshow at 7:27 will feature a video that I just randomly pulled from YouTube. Hope to see you there!
An hour left until the Preshow starts!
27 minutes left!
10 minutes left!
3 minutes left!
Time to start the Preshow!
Lets start the night with some Layzner!
Up next is Jules Verne!
Dororo (2019) is next!
Up next is the Galaxy Railways!
Our weekly movie, Gunsmith Cats, is up next!
Up next is more Gunsmith action!
mog-rog tonight!
TBF s3e10
The UFO Incident
Ultraman Arc 10
Miniforce 25, 26 (end of s1)
The Twilight Zone - To Serve Man
The UFO Incident next!
This weekend I'll be streaming the last batch of Ultraman Nexus. Hope to see everyone there!
Tonight at 7pm Eastern on MGRnR200X
Ultraman Nexus episodes 26-31
Transformers: The Headmasters episode 5
Preshow starts around 6:40 with a couple of sci-fi shorts. Hope to see everyone there!
About 40 minutes until the preshow!
10 minutes!
The preshow starts now!
Nexus next!
Headmasters and other Transformers content next!
Tonight at 7pm Eastern on MGRnR200X
Ultraman Nexus episodes 32-37 (end)
Transformers: The Headmasters episode 6
Preshow starts around 6:30 with more sci-fi shorts. Hope to see everyone there!
About half an hour until the preshow!
10 minutes!
The preshow starts now!
Nexus now!
Headmasters next!
bumping to escape my demons of page 7.
Page 7 post again.
Is there no stream tonight?
I guess so, I'm not the host for Tuesdays.
No there is not
Everything okay Deac?
He was out of town.
Tonight on PTSF-THRS on CyTube at 8PM eastern!

Blue Comet SPT Layzner episode 15
The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne episode 7
Dororo (2019) episode 18
The Galaxy Railways season 1 episode 21

Our weekly Preshow at 7:33 will feature a video about if certain action heros can survive xenomorphs. Hope to see you there!
10 minutes left!
Time to start the Preshow!
Time to kick off the night with Layzner!
Jules Verne is up next!
Up next is Dororo (2019)!
The Galaxy Railways is up next!
Up next is our weekly movie, Clerks!
tonight on mog-rog at 8p Eastern (imminent)
Thunderbolt Fantasy s3e11
Ultraman s3e11
MiniForce s2e1
Doorways (1992)
G-Saviour next!
Ultraman Arc 11 next!
Mini Force!
Bumping back.
Show tonight on m-adras-tea-and-film:
Legend of the Galactic Heroes 6,7
Zipang 8,9
Arpeggio of Blue Steel movie
Preshow, starting at 7:15, will catch us up with Grendizer U (Eps 11 and 12).
LOGH next!
Zipang next!
Movie next!
Remember the nine that is deep in space.
Tonight on PTSF-THRS on CyTube at 8PM eastern!

Blue Comet SPT Layzner episode 16
The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne episode 8
Dororo (2019) episode 19
The Galaxy Railways season 1 episode 22
Leviathan (1989 film)

Our weekly Preshow at 7:23 will be a video on the Government Cheese Tunnels & The "Got Milk?" Conspiracy.
Almost two months going.
sorry for leaving you with a cliffhanger dougram
5 minutes left!
Time to start the Preshow!
Let's start the night off with Layzner!
Up next is Jules Verne
Dororo now
Space Trains next (not to be confused with Robot Train, the best transformer)
Leviathan next!
tonight on mog-rog at 8p Eastern (about fifteen minutes from now)
Thunderbolt Fantasy s3e12
Murder In Space
Ultraman Arc 12
Mini Force s2e3,4
Tales From The Crypt (1972)
Here's the stuff that Echidna missed Thursday




Page 5 bump.
Page 6 post.
Show tonight on m-adras-tea-and-film:
Legend of the Galactic Heroes 8,9
Zipang 10,11
Mr. Vampire
Preshow, starting at 7:40, will catch us up with Grendizer U (Ep 13).
LOGH next!
Zipang next!
Movie next!
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113 KB PNG
Tonight on PTSF-THRS on CyTube at 8PM eastern!

Blue Comet SPT Layzner episode 17
The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne episode 9
Yamishibai S10E4
Dororo (2019) episode 20
The Galaxy Railways season 1 episode 23
Yonggary (1999)/Reptilian

Our weekly Preshow at 7:02 will be a video on stories on American ghosts and Yamishibai S2E8 & S3E1. Hope to see you there!
The Preshow will start in an 73 minutes!
12 minutes left!
Time to start the night off with Layzner!
Up next is Jules Verne!
Up next is Dororo (2019)!
The Galaxy Railways are up next!
Up next is our weekly movie, Yonggary (1999)/Reptilian!

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